33 resultados para National Planning Association.
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
BACKGROUND: Management of ischemic stroke in the presence of aneurysmal brain disease is controversial. Recent retrospective evidence suggests that in selected patients, intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) remains a safe approach for reperfusion. METHODS: We document a case of post-thrombolysis aneurysmal rupture. Supported by additional scientific literature we postulate that acute aneurysmal thrombosis leading to stroke in the culprit artery may be an ominous sign of rupture and should be considered separately from fortuitously discovered distant aneurysmal disease. RESULTS: A 71-year-old female presented with an acute right middle cerebral artery stroke syndrome. IVT allowed vessel reperfusion and revealed a previously concealed, juxtaposed non-giant M1 segment saccular aneurysm. Secondary aneurysmal rupture ensued. The aneurysm was secured by surgical clipping. Postoperative course was uneventful. CONCLUSIONS: This case shows that despite reports of thrombolysis safety in the presence of brain aneurysms, thrombolysis remains potentially hazardous and hints toward an increased risk when the stroke arises on the parent vessel itself.
BACKGROUND: Leptomeningeal collaterals improve outcome after stroke, including reduction of hemorrhagic complications after thrombolytic or endovascular therapy, smaller infarct size, and reduction in symptoms at follow-up evaluation. The purpose of this study was to determine the demographic and clinical variables that are associated with a greater degree of cerebral collaterals. METHODS: Clinical data of patients presenting with M1 occlusions of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and associated computed tomography angiography studies after admission from 3 separate institutions were retrospectively compiled (n = 82). Occluded hemispheres were evaluated against the intact hemisphere for degree of collateralization in the MCA territory. Regression analysis of variance was conducted between clinical variables and collateral score to determine which variables associate with greater collateral development. RESULTS: Smaller infarct size corresponded to greater collateral scores, whereas older age and statin use corresponded to lower collateral scores (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Cerebral collateralization is influenced by age and statin use and influences infarct size.
In patients suffering from sickle cell disease (SCD), bone is a preferred site of infection. We report the case of a five-year-and-eight-month-old black African boy with homozygous-SS disease who developed a cranial epidural abscess. This intracranial infectious complication originated from a Salmonella enteritidis osteitis of the frontal bone. Antibiotic treatment alone did not control the disease, so surgery was necessary to remove the necrotic bone and to evacuate the epidural pus. The numerous factors interfering with normal healing of a septic focus in sickle cell anemia, particularly in this previously undescribed intracranial complication, emphasize the need for a primary and early surgical treatment in similar situations.
BACKGROUND: Endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke patients was recently shown to improve recanalization rates and clinical outcome in a well-defined study population. Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) alone is insufficiently effective to recanalize in certain patients or of little value in others. Accordingly, we aimed at identifying predictors of recanalization in patients treated with or without IVT. METHODS: In the observational Acute Stroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne (ASTRAL) registry, we selected those stroke patients (1) with an arterial occlusion on computed tomography angiography (CTA) imaging, (2) who had an arterial patency assessment at 24 hours (CTA/magnetic resonance angiography/transcranial Doppler), and (3) who were treated with IVT or had no revascularization treatment. Based on 2 separate logistic regression analyses, predictors of spontaneous and post-thrombolytic recanalization were generated. RESULTS: Partial or complete recanalization was achieved in 121 of 210 (58%) thrombolyzed patients. Recanalization was associated with atrial fibrillation (odds ratio , 1.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.2-3.0) and absence of early ischemic changes on CT (1.1, 1.1-1.2) and inversely correlated with the presence of a significant extracranial (EC) stenosis or occlusion (.6, .3-.9). In nonthrombolyzed patients, partial or complete recanalization was significantly less frequent (37%, P < .01). The recanalization was independently associated with a history of hypercholesterolemia (2.6, 1.2-5.6) and the proximal site of the intracranial occlusion (2.5, 1.2-5.4), and inversely correlated with a decreased level of consciousness (.3, .1-.8), and EC (.3, .1-.6) and basilar artery pathology (.1, .0-.6). CONCLUSIONS: Various clinical findings, cardiovascular risk factors, and arterial pathology on acute CTA-based imaging are moderately associated with spontaneous and post-thrombolytic arterial recanalization at 24 hours. If confirmed in other studies, this information may influence patient selection toward the most appropriate revascularization strategy.
BACKGROUND: The escalating prevalence of obesity might prompt obese subjects to consider themselves as normal, as this condition is gradually becoming as frequent as normal weight. In this study, we aimed to assess the trends in the associations between obesity and self-rated health in two countries. METHODS: Data from the Portuguese (years 1995-6, 1998-6 and 2005-6) and Swiss (1992-3, 1997, 2002 and 2007) National Health Surveys were used, corresponding to more than 130,000 adults (64,793 for Portugal and 65,829 for Switzerland). Body mass index and self-rated health were derived from self-reported data. RESULTS: Obesity levels were higher in Portugal (17.5% in 2005-6 vs. 8.9% in 2007 in Switzerland, p < 0.001) and increased in both countries. The prevalence of participants rating their health as "bad" or "very bad" was higher in Portugal than in Switzerland (21.8% in 2005-6 vs 3.9% in 2007, p < 0.001). In both countries, obese participants rated more frequently their health as "bad" or "very bad" than participants with regular weight. In Switzerland, the prevalence of "bad" or "very bad" rates among obese participants, increased from 6.5% in 1992-3 to 9.8% in 2007, while in Portugal it decreased from 41.3% to 32.3%. After multivariate adjustment, the odds ratio (OR) of stating one self's health as "bad" or "very bad" among obese relative to normal weight participants, almost doubled in Switzerland: from 1.38 (95% confidence interval, CI: 1.01-1.87) in 1992-3 to 2.64 (95% CI: 2.14-3.26) in 2007, and similar findings were obtained after sample weighting. Conversely, no such trend was found in Portugal: 1.35 (95% CI: 1.23-1.48) in 1995-6 and 1.52 (95% CI: 1.37-1.70) in 2005-6. CONCLUSION: Obesity is increasing in Switzerland and Portugal. Obesity is increasingly associated with poorer self-health ratings in Switzerland but not in Portugal.
BACKGROUND: Meticulous steps and procedures are proposed in planning guidelines for the development of comprehensive multiyear plans for national immunization programmes. However, we know very little about whether the real-life experience of those who adopt these guidelines involves following these procedures as expected. Are these steps and procedures followed in practice? We examined the adoption and usage of the guidelines in planning national immunization programmes and assessed whether the recommendations in these guidelines are applied as consistently as intended. METHODS: We gathered information from the national comprehensive multiyear plans developed by 77 low-income countries. For each of the 11 components, we examined how each country applied the four recommended steps of situation analysis, problem prioritization, selection of interventions, and selection of indicators. We then conducted an analysis to determine the patterns of alignment of the comprehensive multiyear plans with those four recommended planning steps. RESULTS: Within the first 3 years following publication of the guidelines, 66 (86%) countries used the tool to develop their comprehensive multiyear plans. The funding conditions attached to the use of these guidelines appeared to influence their rapid adoption and usage. Overall, only 33 (43%) countries fully applied all four recommended planning steps of the guidelines. CONCLUSIONS: Adoption and usage of the guidelines for the development of comprehensive multiyear plans for national immunization programmes were rapid. However, our findings show substantial variation between the proposed planning ideals set out in the guidelines and actual use in practice. A better understanding of factors that influence how recommendations in public health guidelines are applied in practice could contribute to improvements in guidelines design. It could also help adjust strategies used to introduce them into public health programmes, with the ultimate goal of a greater health impact.
Alcohol consumption is a moderately heritable trait, but the genetic basis in humans is largely unknown, despite its clinical and societal importance. We report a genome-wide association study meta-analysis of ∼2.5 million directly genotyped or imputed SNPs with alcohol consumption (gram per day per kilogram body weight) among 12 population-based samples of European ancestry, comprising 26,316 individuals, with replication genotyping in an additional 21,185 individuals. SNP rs6943555 in autism susceptibility candidate 2 gene (AUTS2) was associated with alcohol consumption at genome-wide significance (P = 4 × 10(-8) to P = 4 × 10(-9)). We found a genotype-specific expression of AUTS2 in 96 human prefrontal cortex samples (P = 0.026) and significant (P < 0.017) differences in expression of AUTS2 in whole-brain extracts of mice selected for differences in voluntary alcohol consumption. Down-regulation of an AUTS2 homolog caused reduced alcohol sensitivity in Drosophila (P < 0.001). Our finding of a regulator of alcohol consumption adds knowledge to our understanding of genetic mechanisms influencing alcohol drinking behavior.
OBJECTIVE: To examine whether a caregiver's attachment style is associated with patient cognitive trajectory after traumatic brain injury (TBI). SETTING: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. PARTICIPANTS: Forty Vietnam War veterans with TBI and their caregivers. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Cognitive performance, measured by the Armed Forces Qualification Test percentile score, completed at 2 time points: preinjury and 40 years postinjury. DESIGN: On the basis of caregivers' attachment style (secure, fearful, preoccupied, dismissing), participants with TBI were grouped into a high or low group. To examine the association between cognitive trajectory of participants with TBI and caregivers' attachment style, we ran four 2 × 2 analysis of covariance on cognitive performances. RESULTS: After controlling for other factors, cognitive decline was more pronounced in participants with TBI with a high fearful caregiver than among those with a low fearful caregiver. Other attachment styles were not associated with decline. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATION: Caregiver fearful attachment style is associated with a significant decline in cognitive status after TBI. We interpret this result in the context of the neural plasticity and cognitive reserve literatures. Finally, we discuss its impact on patient demand for healthcare services and potential interventions.
The aim of the study was to assess the basic indicators of health of adolescents in Georgia. A self-administered anonymous questionnaire was adapted from the Swiss Survey (SMASH2002), translated into Georgian and other languages mainly used in schools (Russian, Armenian and Azeri). It contained 87 questions. Two-stage cluster sampling was devised. Weight was adjusted. A total of 599 classes were selected. All questionnaires before being processed into the Epidata (www.epidata.dk) were edited. The final data were analysed by SPSS 11.0. General health status was considered as excellent and very good by 34.0+/-0.8% of respondents. 21.5% claimed to never miss the school due to the illness. The frequencies of physical disability and chronic diseases were 8.0% and 5.0% correspondingly. Among health-related problems the most frequent are problems with teeth, headache and acne. 5.9% of girls had some kind of gynecological problems quite often and very often. Performed survey is a first one done among adolescents in Georgia. It gave us basic information for planning and implementation of necessary measures in order to improve the health of adolescents and raise awareness of professionals involved in health care and prevention settings for adolescents. The data can be also used for monitoring of health status of adolescents in Georgia.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A is a membrane-associated multifunctional protein harboring serine protease and RNA helicase activities. It is an essential component of the HCV replication complex and a prime target for antiviral intervention. Here, we show that membrane association and structural organization of HCV NS3-4A are ensured in a cooperative manner by two membrane-binding determinants. We demonstrate that the N-terminal 21 amino acids of NS4A form a transmembrane alpha-helix that may be involved in intramembrane protein-protein interactions important for the assembly of a functional replication complex. In addition, we demonstrate that amphipathic helix alpha(0), formed by NS3 residues 12-23, serves as a second essential determinant for membrane association of NS3-4A, allowing proper positioning of the serine protease active site on the membrane. These results allowed us to propose a dynamic model for the membrane association, processing, and structural organization of NS3-4A on the membrane. This model has implications for the functional architecture of the HCV replication complex, proteolytic targeting of host factors, and drug design.
Host-cell factor 1 (HCF-1) is an unusual transcriptional regulator that undergoes a process of proteolytic maturation to generate N- (HCF-1(N)) and C- (HCF-1(C)) terminal subunits noncovalently associated via self-association sequence elements. Here, we present the crystal structure of the self-association sequence 1 (SAS1) including the adjacent C-terminal HCF-1 nuclear localization signal (NLS). SAS1 elements from each of the HCF-1(N) and HCF-1(C) subunits form an interdigitated fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) tandem repeat structure. We show that the C-terminal NLS recruited by the interdigitated SAS1 structure is required for effective formation of a transcriptional regulatory complex: the herpes simplex virus VP16-induced complex. Thus, HCF-1(N)-HCF-1(C) association via an integrated Fn3 structure permits an NLS to facilitate formation of a transcriptional regulatory complex.