em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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The production of object and action words can be dissociated in aphasics, yet their anatomical correlates have been difficult to distinguish in functional imaging studies. To investigate the extent to which the cortical neural networks underlying object- and action-naming processing overlap, we performed electrostimulation mapping (ESM), which is a neurosurgical mapping technique routinely used to examine language function during brain-tumor resections. Forty-one right-handed patients who had surgery for a brain tumor were asked to perform overt naming of object and action pictures under stimulation. Overall, 73 out of the 633 stimulated cortical sites (11.5%) were associated with stimulation-induced language interferences. These interference sites were very much localized (<1 cm(2) ), and showed substantial variability across individuals in their exact localization. Stimulation interfered with both object and action naming over 44 sites, whereas it specifically interfered with object naming over 19 sites and with action naming over 10 sites. Specific object-naming sites were mainly identified in Broca's area (Brodmann area 44/45) and the temporal cortex, whereas action-naming specific sites were mainly identified in the posterior midfrontal gyrus (Brodmann area 6/9) and Broca's area (P = 0.003 by the Fisher's exact test). The anatomical loci we emphasized are in line with a cortical distinction between objects and actions based on conceptual/semantic features, so the prefrontal/premotor cortex would preferentially support sensorimotor contingencies associated with actions, whereas the temporal cortex would preferentially underpin (functional) properties of objects. Hum Brain Mapp 35:429-443, 2014. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) is a recognized treatment for advanced and severe forms of Parkinson's Disease. The procedure improves motor signs and often allows a reduction of the medication. The impact of the procedure on cognitive and neuropsychiatric signs of the disease is more debated and there is an international consensus for the need of a multidisciplinary evaluation of patients undergoing such programs, including a neuropsychiatric assessment. We present a review of the literature as well as the experience at our centre focused on the short and long term outcome on mood following STN-DBS.


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The authors observed a high rate of suicide (6/140 patients, 4.3%) in a large cohort of patients with movement disorders treated with deep brain stimulation (DBS). Apparent risk factors included a previous history of severe depression and multiple successive DBS surgeries, whereas there was no relationship with the underlying condition, DBS target, electrical parameters, or modifications of treatment. Paradoxically, all patients experienced an excellent motor outcome following the procedure. The authors propose that patients at high risk for suicide should be excluded from DBS surgery.


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Object The purpose of this study was to investigate whether diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the corticospinal tract (CST) is a reliable surrogate for intraoperative macrostimulation through the deep brain stimulation (DBS) leads. The authors hypothesized that the distance on MRI from the DBS lead to the CST as determined by DTI would correlate with intraoperative motor thresholds from macrostimulations through the same DBS lead. Methods The authors retrospectively reviewed pre- and postoperative MRI studies and intraoperative macrostimulation recordings in 17 patients with Parkinson disease (PD) treated by DBS stimulation. Preoperative DTI tractography of the CST was coregistered with postoperative MRI studies showing the position of the DBS leads. The shortest distance and the angle from each contact of each DBS lead to the CST was automatically calculated using software-based analysis. The distance measurements calculated for each contact were evaluated with respect to the intraoperative voltage thresholds that elicited a motor response at each contact. Results There was a nonsignificant trend for voltage thresholds to increase when the distances between the DBS leads and the CST increased. There was a significant correlation between the angle and the voltage, but the correlation was weak (coefficient of correlation [R] = 0.36). Conclusions Caution needs to be exercised when using DTI tractography information to guide DBS lead placement in patients with PD. Further studies are needed to compare DTI tractography measurements with other approaches such as microelectrode recordings and conventional intraoperative MRI-guided placement of DBS leads.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency and the effects of changes in parameters of chronic amygdala-hippocampal deep brain stimulation (AH-DBS) in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Eight pharmacoresistant patients, not candidates for ablative surgery, received chronic AH-DBS (130 Hz, follow-up 12-24 months): two patients with hippocampal sclerosis (HS) and six patients with non-lesional mesial TLE (NLES). The effects of stepwise increases in intensity (0-Off to 2 V) and stimulation configuration (quadripolar and bipolar), on seizure frequency and neuropsychological performance were studied. The two HS patients obtained a significant decrease (65-75%) in seizure frequency with high voltage bipolar DBS (≥1 V) or with quadripolar stimulation. Two out of six NLES patients became seizure-free, one of them without stimulation, suggesting a microlesional effect. Two NLES patients experienced reductions of seizure frequency (65-70%), whereas the remaining two showed no significant seizure reduction. Neuropsychological evaluations showed reversible memory impairments in two patients under strong stimulation only. AH-DBS showed long-term efficiency in most of the TLE patients. It is a valuable treatment option for patients who suffer from drug resistant epilepsy and who are not candidates for resective surgery. The effects of changes in the stimulation parameters suggest that a large zone of stimulation would be required in HS patients, while a limited zone of stimulation or even a microlesional effect could be sufficient in NLES patients, for whom the importance of the proximity of the electrode to the epileptogenic zone remains to be studied. Further studies are required to ascertain these latter observations.


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ABSTRACT High frequency electrical deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a worldwide recognized therapy for the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease in fluctuating patients who are progressively disabled despite medical treatment adjustments. However, such improvements emerge despite a lack of understanding of either the precise role of STN in human motor control or the mechanism(s) of action of DBS. Through the question "are we where we think we are", this thesis is first dedicated to the control of the position of the preoperatively defined target and of the implanted electrodes on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This anatomical approach will provide a way to identify more precisely the structure(s) involved by electrical stimulation. Then, a study of the correlation existing between the position of the preoperative target and the position of the electrode is performed. In this part, a unique opportunity is given to identify factors that may affect these correlation results. Finally, the whole work represents a « quality assessment » of the crucial steps of STN DBS: first, the target and the implanted electrode localisation procedures that have been developed in collaboration with the Radiological department; second the implantation procedure that has been performed nowadays on more than 50 parkinsonian patients in the Neurosurgical department of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois in collaboration with the Neurological department. This work is especially addressed to the multidisciplinary medical team involved in the surgical treatment of movement disorders, including also neurophysiologists, neuropsychologists and psychiatrists. RESUME La stimulation électrique à haute fréquence du noyau sous-thalamique est à ce jour mondialement reconnue pour le traitement des symptômes moteurs de la maladie de Parkinson chez des patients sévèrement atteints et chez qui la réponse fluctuante au traitement médicamenteux ne peut être améliorée de façon satisfaisante. Cependant, les résultats observés surviennent malgré une compréhension approximative et controversée du rôle réel du noyau sous-thalamique dans le contrôle du mouvement volontaire aussi bien que des mécanismes d'action de la stimulation cérébrale profonde. A travers la question « sommes-nous où nous pensons être », cette thèse est tout d'abord consacrée à l'étude du contrôle de la position de la cible définie avant l'intervention et de la position des électrodes implantées sur l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM). Cette approche anatomique permettra d'identifier plus précisément la (les) structure(s) influencées par la stimulation électrique. Ensuite, une étude de la corrélation existant entre la position de la cible préopératoire et la position des électrodes implantées est effectuée. Elle a pour but de mettre en évidence les facteurs influençant les résultats de cette corrélation. Enfin, le travail dans son ensemble est un « contrôle de qualité » des étapes cruciales de la stimulation du noyau sous-thalamique : premièrement, des méthodes de localisation de la cible et des électrodes implantées effectuées sur IRM, développées en collaboration avec le service de Radiologie ; deuxièmement, de la méthode d'implantation utilisée à ce jour chez plus de 50 patients dans le service de Neurochirurgie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois en collaboration avec le service de Neurologie. Ce travail s'adresse spécialement aux équipes médicales pluridisciplinaires impliquées dans le traitement chirurgical des mouvements anormaux, incluant également des neurophysiologistes, des neuropsychologues et des psychiatres.


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OBJECT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of bilateral contemporaneous deep brain stimulation (DBS) in patients who have levodopa-responsive parkinsonism with untreatable motor fluctuations. Bilateral pallidotomy carries a high risk of corticobulbar and cognitive dysfunction. Deep brain stimulation offers new alternatives with major advantages such as reversibility of effects, minimal permanent lesions, and adaptability to individual needs, changes in medication, side effects, and evolution of the disease. METHODS: Patients in whom levodopa-responsive parkinsonism with untreatable severe motor fluctuations has been clinically diagnosed underwent bilateral pallidal magnetic resonance image-guided electrode implantation while receiving a local anesthetic. Pre- and postoperative evaluations at 3-month intervals included Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) scoring, Hoehn and Yahr staging, 24-hour self-assessments, and neuropsychological examinations. Six patients with a mean age of 55 years (mean 42-67 years), a mean duration of disease of 15.5 years (range 12-21 years), a mean "on/off' Hoehn and Yahr stage score of 3/4.2 (range 3-5), and a mean "off' time of 40% (range 20-50%) underwent bilateral contemporaneous pallidal DBS, with a minimum follow-up period lasting 24 months (range 24-30 months). The mean dose of levodopa in these patients could not be changed significantly after the procedure and pergolide was added after 12 months in five patients because of recurring fluctuations despite adjustments in stimulation parameters. All but two patients had no fluctuations until 9 months. Two of the patients reported barely perceptible fluctuations at 12 months and two at 15 months; however, two patients remain without fluctuations at 2 years. The mean improvements in the UPDRS motor score in the off time and the activities of daily living (ADL) score were more than 50%; the mean off time decreased from 40 to 10%, and the mean dyskinesia and complication of treatment scores were reduced to one-third until pergolide was introduced at 12 months. No significant improvement in "on" scores was observed. A slight worsening after 1 year was observed and three patients developed levodopa- and stimulation-resistant gait ignition failure and minimal fluctuations at 1 year. Side effects, which were controlled by modulation of stimulation, included dysarthria, dystonia, and confusion. CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral pallidal DBS is safe and efficient in patients who have levodopa-responsive parkinsonism with severe fluctuations. Major improvements in motor score, ADL score, and off time persisted beyond 2 years after the operation, but signs of decreased efficacy started to be seen after 12 months.


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In the last five years, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) has become the most popular and effective surgical technique for the treatent of Parkinson's disease (PD). The Subthalamic Nucleus (STN) is the usual target involved when applying DBS. Unfortunately, the STN is in general not visible in common medical imaging modalities. Therefore, atlas-based segmentation is commonly considered to locate it in the images. In this paper, we propose a scheme that allows both, to perform a comparison between different registration algorithms and to evaluate their ability to locate the STN automatically. Using this scheme we can evaluate the expert variability against the error of the algorithms and we demonstrate that automatic STN location is possible and as accurate as the methods currently used.


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In the last five years, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) has become the most popular and effective surgical technique for the treatent of Parkinson's disease (PD). The Subthalamic Nucleus (STN) is the usual target involved when applying DBS. Unfortunately, the STN is in general not visible in common medical imaging modalities. Therefore, atlas-based segmentation is commonly considered to locate it in the images. In this paper, we propose a scheme that allows both, to perform a comparison between different registration algorithms and to evaluate their ability to locate the STN automatically. Using this scheme we can evaluate the expert variability against the error of the algorithms and we demonstrate that automatic STN location is possible and as accurate as the methods currently used.


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Recent advances have allowed the development of new physical techniques in neurology and psychiatry, such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS), and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). These techniques are already recognized as therapeutic approaches in several late stage refractory neurological disorders (Parkinson's disease, tremor, epilepsy), and currently investigated in psychiatric conditions, refractory to medical treatment (obsessive-compulsive disorder, resistant major depression). In Paralell, these new techniques offer a new window to understand the neurobiology of human behavior.


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Electrical deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an efficient method to treat movement disorders. Many models of DBS, based mostly on finite elements, have recently been proposed to better understand the interaction between the electrical stimulation and the brain tissues. In monopolar DBS, clinically widely used, the implanted pulse generator (IPG) is used as reference electrode (RE). In this paper, the influence of the RE model of monopolar DBS is investigated. For that purpose, a finite element model of the full electric loop including the head, the neck and the superior chest is used. Head, neck and superior chest are made of simple structures such as parallelepipeds and cylinders. The tissues surrounding the electrode are accurately modelled from data provided by the diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI). Three different configurations of RE are compared with a commonly used model of reduced size. The electrical impedance seen by the DBS system and the potential distribution are computed for each model. Moreover, axons are modelled to compute the area of tissue activated by stimulation. Results show that these indicators are influenced by the surface and position of the RE. The use of a RE model corresponding to the implanted device rather than the usually simplified model leads to an increase of the system impedance (+48%) and a reduction of the area of activated tissue (-15%).


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Résumé La levodopa (LD) est le traitement antiparkinsonien le plus efficace et le plus répandu. Son effet est composé d'une réponse de courte (quelques heures) et de longue durée (jours à semaines). La persistance de cette dernière dans les phases avancées de la maladie de Parkinson est controversée, et sa mesure directe n'a jamais été faite en raison des risques liés à un sevrage complet de LD. La stimulation du noyau sous-thalamique est un nouveau traitement neurochirurgical de la maladie de Parkinson, indiqué dans les formes avancées, qui permet l'arrêt complet du traitement médicamenteux chez certains patients. Nous avons étudié 30 patients qui ont bénéficié d'une telle stimulation, et les avons évalués avant l'intervention sans médicaments, et à 6 mois postopératoires, sans médicaments et sans stimulation. Chez 19 patients, la médication a pu être complètement arrêtée, alors qu'elle a dû être réintroduite chez les 11 patients restants. Au cours des 6 mois qui ont suivi l'intervention, le parkinsonisme s'est aggravé de façon significative dans le groupe sans LD, et non dans le groupe avec LD. Cette différence d'évolution s'explique par la perte de l'effet à long terme de la LD dans le groupe chez qui ce médicament a pu être arrêté. En comparant cette aggravation à la magnitude de l'effet à court terme, la réponse de longue durée correspond environ à 80 pourcent de la réponse de courte durée, et elle lui est inversement corrélée. Parmi les signes cardinaux de la maladie, la réponse de longue durée affecte surtout la bradycinésie et la rigidité, mais pas le tremblement ni la composante axiale. La comparaison du parkinsonisme avec traitement (stimulation et LD si applicable) ne montre aucune différence d'évolution entre les 2 groupes, suggérant que la stimulation compense tant la réponse de courte que de longue durée. Notre travail montre que la réponse de longue durée à la LD demeure significative chez les patients parkinsoniens après plus de 15 ans d'évolution, et suggère que la stimulation du noyau sous-thalamique compense les réponses de courte et de longue durée. Abstract Background: Long duration response to levodopa is supposed to decrease with Parkinson's disease (PD) progression, but direct observation of this response in advanced PD has never been performed. Objective: To study the long duration response to levodopa in advanced PD patients treated with subthalamic deep-brain stimulation. Design and settings: We studied 30 consecutive PD patients who underwent subthalamic deep-brain stimulation. One group had no antiparkinsonian treatment since surgery (no levodopa), while medical treatment had to be reinitiated in the other group (levodopa). Main outcome measures: motor Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). Results: In comparison with preoperative assessment, evaluation six months postoperatively with stimulation turned off for three hours found a worsening of the motor part of UPDRS in the no-levodopa group. This worsening being absent in the levodopa group, it most probably reflected the loss of the long duration response to levodopa in the no-levodopa group. Stimulation turned on, postoperative motor UPDRS in both groups were similar to preoperative on medication scores, suggesting that subthalamic deep-brain stimulation compensated for both the short and long duration responses to levodopa. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the long duration response to levodopa remains significant even in advanced PD, and that subthalamic deep-brain stimulation compensates for both the short and the long duration resposes to levodopa.