184 resultados para Muscle interposition

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Background: In 1989, we introduced a 1-stage procedure with orthotopic colonic transplants for esophageal stenosis. A pitfall of this procedure is frequent reflux and/or stasis in the transplants from the cologastric anastomosis. Since 1993, we have used a new antireflux wrap (ARW) using an anterior wrap technique similar to the Dor procedure but fixed to the right crus of the diaphragm.Purpose: The purpose of the study was to evaluate ARWs.Method: From 1993 to 2008, the records of 67 patients with an ARW were compared with 27 without ARW (either operated on before 1993 or ARW was not appropriate) after colonic transplant for caustic esophageal stenosis. Both groups otherwise underwent the same surgical procedure. Postoperative esophagograms done on postoperative day 10 were reviewed for the presence of gastrocolonic reflux and stasis in the transplant.Results: The reflux rate on the initial esophagogram was reduced from 48.1% to 7.5% using ARW. The incidence of reflux on later esophagograms was 40.0% with no ARW and 21.4% with ARW. The 25% long-term rate of stasis in the colonic transplant was not increased with ARW.Conclusions: A loose ARW in patients with colonic esophageal replacements reduces gastrocolic reflux without increasing the rate of stasis. In the long term, children adapt better to stasis than to reflux and are thus protected from occult inflammation.


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Mitochondrial (M) and lipid droplet (L) volume density (vd) are often used in exercise research. Vd is the volume of muscle occupied by M and L. The means of calculating these percents are accomplished by applying a grid to a 2D image taken with transmission electron microscopy; however, it is not known which grid best predicts these values. PURPOSE: To determine the grid with the least variability of Mvd and Lvd in human skeletal muscle. METHODS: Muscle biopsies were taken from vastus lateralis of 10 healthy adults, trained (N=6) and untrained (N=4). Samples of 5-10mg were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde and embedded in EPON. Longitudinal sections of 60 nm were cut and 20 images were taken at random at 33,000x magnification. Vd was calculated as the number of times M or L touched two intersecting grid lines (called a point) divided by the total number of points using 3 different sizes of grids with squares of 1000x1000nm sides (corresponding to 1µm2), 500x500nm (0.25µm2) and 250x250nm (0.0625µm2). Statistics included coefficient of variation (CV), 1 way-BS ANOVA and spearman correlations. RESULTS: Mean age was 67 ± 4 yo, mean VO2peak 2.29 ± 0.70 L/min and mean BMI 25.1 ± 3.7 kg/m2. Mean Mvd was 6.39% ± 0.71 for the 1000nm squares, 6.01% ± 0.70 for the 500nm and 6.37% ± 0.80 for the 250nm. Lvd was 1.28% ± 0.03 for the 1000nm, 1.41% ± 0.02 for the 500nm and 1.38% ± 0.02 for the 250nm. The mean CV of the three grids was 6.65% ±1.15 for Mvd with no significant differences between grids (P>0.05). Mean CV for Lvd was 13.83% ± 3.51, with a significant difference between the 1000nm squares and the two other grids (P<0.05). The 500nm squares grid showed the least variability between subjects. Mvd showed a positive correlation with VO2peak (r = 0.89, p < 0.05) but not with weight, height, or age. No correlations were found with Lvd. CONCLUSION: Different size grids have different variability in assessing skeletal muscle Mvd and Lvd. The grid size of 500x500nm (240 points) was more reliable than 1000x1000nm (56 points). 250x250nm (1023 points) did not show better reliability compared with the 500x500nm, but was more time consuming. Thus, choosing a grid with square size of 500x500nm seems the best option. This is particularly relevant as most grids used in the literature are either 100 points or 400 points without clear information on their square size.


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Aging is commonly associated with a loss of muscle mass and strength, resulting in falls, functional decline, and the subjective feeling of weakness. Exercise modulates the morbidities of muscle aging. Most studies, however, have examined muscle-loss changes in sedentary aging adults. This leaves the question of whether the changes that are commonly associated with muscle aging reflect the true physiology of muscle aging or whether they reflect disuse atrophy. This study evaluated whether high levels of chronic exercise prevents the loss of lean muscle mass and strength experienced in sedentary aging adults. A cross-section of 40 high-level recreational athletes ("masters athletes") who were aged 40 to 81 years and trained 4 to 5 times per week underwent tests of health/activity, body composition, quadriceps peak torque (PT), and magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral quadriceps. Mid-thigh muscle area, quadriceps area (QA), subcutaneous adipose tissue, and intramuscular adipose tissue were quantified in magnetic resonance imaging using medical image processing, analysis, and visualization software. One-way analysis of variance was used to examine age group differences. Relationships were evaluated using Spearman correlations. Mid-thigh muscle area (P = 0.31) and lean mass (P = 0.15) did not increase with age and were significantly related to retention of mid-thigh muscle area (P < 0.0001). This occurred despite an increase in total body fat percentage (P = 0.003) with age. Mid-thigh muscle area (P = 0.12), QA (P = 0.17), and quadriceps PT did not decline with age. Specific strength (strength per QA) did not decline significantly with age (P = 0.06). As muscle area increased, PT increased significantly (P = 0.008). There was not a significant relationship between intramuscular adipose tissue (P = 0.71) or lean mass (P = 0.4) and PT. This study contradicts the common observation that muscle mass and strength decline as a function of aging alone. Instead, these declines may signal the effect of chronic disuse rather than muscle aging. Evaluation of masters athletes removes disuse as a confounding variable in the study of lower-extremity function and loss of lean muscle mass. This maintenance of muscle mass and strength may decrease or eliminate the falls, functional decline, and loss of independence that are commonly seen in aging adults.


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Abstract : The term "muscle disuse" is often used to refer collectively to reductions in neuromuscular activity as observed with sedentary lifestyles, reduced weight bearing, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic heart failure, spinal cord injury, sarcopenia or exposure to microgravity (spaceflight). Muscle disuse atrophy, caused by accelerated proteolysis, is predominantly due to the activation of the ATP-dependent ubiquitin (Ub) proteasome pathway. The current advances in understanding the molecular factors contributing to the Ub-dependent proteolysis process have been made mostly in rodent models of human disease and denervation with few investigations performed directly in humans. Recently, in mice, the genes Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 have been designated as primary candidates in the control of muscle atrophy. Additionally, the decreased activity of the Akt/GSK-3ß and Akt/mTOR pathways has been associated with a reduction in protein synthesis and contributing to skeletal muscle atrophy. Therefore, it is now commonly accepted that skeletal muscle atrophy is the result of a decreased protein synthesis concomitant with an increase in protein degradation (Glass 2003). Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 are genes expressed exclusively in muscle. In mice, their expression has been shown to be directly correlated with the severity of atrophy. KO-mice experiments showed a major protection against atrophy when either of these genes were deleted. Skeletal muscle hypertrophy is an important function in normal postnatal development and in the adaptive response to exercise. It has been shown, in vitro, that the activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3K), by insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1), stimulates myotubes hypertrophy by activating the downstream pathways, Akt/GSK-3ß and Akt/mTOR. It has also been demonstrated in mice, in vivo, that activation of these signalling pathways causes muscle hypertrophy. Moreover, the latter were recently proposed to also reduce muscle atrophy by inhibiting the FKHR mediated transcription of several muscle atrophy genes; Atrogin-1 and MuRF1. Therefore, these targets present new avenues for developing further the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in both skeletal muscle atrophy and hypertrophy. The present study proposed to investigate the regulation of the Akt/GSK-3ß and Akt/mTOR signalling pathways, as well as the expression levels of the "atrogenes", Atrogin-1 and MuRF1, in four human models of skeletal muscle atrophy. In the first study, we measured the regulation of the Akt signalling pathway after 8 weeks of both hypertrophy stimulating resistance training and atrophy stimulation de-training. As expected following resistance training, muscle hypertrophy and an increase in the phosphorylation status of the different members of the Akt pathway was observed. This was paralleled by a concomitant decrease in FOXO1 nuclear protein content. Surprisingly, exercise training also induced an increase in the, expression of the atrophy genes and proteins involved in the ATP-dependant ubiquitin-proteasome system. On the opposite, following the de-training period a muscle atrophy, relative to the post-training muscle size, was measured. At the same time, the phosphorylation levels of Akt and GSK-3ß were reduced while the amount of FOXO1 in the nucleus increased. After the atrophy phase, there was also a reduction in Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 contents. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time in healthy human skeletal muscle, that the regulation of Akt and its downstream targets GSK-3ß, mTOR and FOXO1 are associated with both thé skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy processes. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by the loss of both upper and lower motor neurons, which leads to severe muscle weakness and atrophy. All measurements were performed in biopsies from 22 ALS patients and 16 healthy controls. ALS patients displayed an increase in Atrogin-1 mRNA and protein content which was associated with a decrease in Akt activity. However there was no difference in the mRNA and phospho-protein content of FOXO1, FOXO3a, p70S6K and GSK-3ß. The transcriptional regulation of human Atrogin-1 may be controlled by an Akt-mediated transcription factor other than FKHR or via an other signalling pathway. Chronic complete spinal cord injury (SCI) is associated with severe muscle atrophy which is linked to co-morbidity factors such as diabetes, obesity, lipid disorders and cardiovascular diseases. Molecular mechanisms associated with chronic complete SCI-related muscle atrophy are not well understood. The aim of the present study was to determine if there was an increase in catabolic signalling targets such as Atrogin-1, MuRF1, FOXO and myostatin, and decreases in anabolic signalling targets such as IGF, Akt, GSK-3ß, mTOR, 4E-BP1 and p-70S6K in chronic complete SCI patients. All measurements were performed in biopsies taken from 8 complete chronic SCI patients and 7 age matched healthy controls. In SCI patients when compared with controls, there was a significant reduction in mRNA levels of Atrogin1, MuRF1 and Myostatin. Protein levels for Atrogin-1, FOX01 and FOX03a were also reduced. IGF-1 and both phosphorylated GSK-3ß and 4E-BP1 were decreased; the latter two in an Akt and mTOR independent manner, respectively. Reductions in Atrogin-1, MuRF1, FOXO and myostatin suggest the existence of an internal mechanism aimed at reducing further loss of muscle proteins during chronic SCI. The downregulation of signalling proteins regulating anabolism such as IGF, GSK3ß and 4E-BP1 would reduce the ability to increase protein synthesis rates in this chronic state of muscle wasting. The molecular mechanisms controlling age-related skeletal muscle loss in humans are poorly understood. The present study aimed to investigate the regulation of several genes and proteins involved in the activation of key signalling pathways promoting muscle hypertrophy such as GH/STAT5/IGF, IGF/Akt/GSK-3ß/4E-BP1 and muscle atrophy such as TNFα/SOCS3 and Akt/FOXO/Atrogin-1 or MuRF1 in muscle biopsies from 13 young and 16 elderly men. In the older, as compared with the young subjects, TNFα and SOCS-3 were increased while growth hormone receptor protein (GHR) and IGF-1 mRNA were both decreased. Akt protein levels were increased however no change in phosphorylated Akt content was observed. GSK-3ß phosphorylation levels were increased while 4E-BP1 was not changed. Nuclear FKHR and FKHRL1 protein levels were decreased, with no changes in their atrophy target genes, Atrogin-1 and MuRF1. Myostatin mRNA and protein levels were significantly elevated. Human sarcopenia may be linked to a reduction in the activity or sensitivity of anabolic signalling proteins such as GHR, IGF and Akt. TNFα, SOCS-3 and myostatin are potential candidates influencing this anabolic perturbation. In conclusion our results support those obtained in rodent or ín vitro models, and demonstrate Akt plays a pivotal role in the control of muscle mass in humans. However, the Akt phosphorylation status was dependant upon the model of muscle atrophy as Akt phosphorylation was reduced in all atrophy models except for SCI. Additionally, the activity pattern of the downstream targets of Akt appears to be different upon the various human models. It seems that under particular conditions such as spinal cord injury or sarcopenia, .the regulation of GSK-3ß, 4eBP1 and p70S6K might be independent of Akt suggesting alternative signalling pathways in the control of these the anabolic response in human skeletal muscle. The regulation of Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 in some of our studies has been shown to be also independent of the well-described Akt/FOXO signalling pathway suggesting that other transcription factors may regulate human Atrogin-1 and MuRF1. These four different models of skeletal muscle atrophy and hypertrophy have brought a better understanding concerning the molecular mechanisms controlling skeletal muscle mass in humans.


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This study investigates in vitro growth of human urinary tract smooth muscle cells under static conditions and mechanical stimulation. The cells were cultured on collagen type I- and laminin-coated silicon membranes. Using a Flexcell device for mechanical stimulation, a cyclic strain of 0-20% was applied in a strain-stress-time model (stretch, 104 min relaxation, 15 s), imitating physiological bladder filling and voiding. Cell proliferation and alpha-actin, calponin, and caldesmon phenotype marker expression were analyzed. Nonstretched cells showed significant better growth on laminin during the first 8 days, thereafter becoming comparable to cells grown on collagen type I. Cyclic strain significantly reduced cell growth on both surfaces; however, better growth was observed on laminin. Neither the type of surface nor mechanical stimulation influenced the expression pattern of phenotype markers; alpha-actin was predominantly expressed. Coating with the extracellular matrix protein laminin improved in vitro growth of human urinary tract smooth muscle cells.


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Improvement of nerve regeneration and functional recovery following nerve injury is a challenging problem in clinical research. We have already shown that following rat sciatic nerve transection, the local administration of triiodothyronine (T3) significantly increased the number and the myelination of regenerated axons. Functional recovery is a sum of the number of regenerated axons and reinnervation of denervated peripheral targets. In the present study, we investigated whether the increased number of regenerated axons by T3-treatment is linked to improved reinnervation of hind limb muscles. After transection of rat sciatic nerves, silicone or biodegradable nerve guides were implanted and filled with either T3 or phosphate buffer solution (PBS). Neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) were analyzed on gastrocnemius and plantar muscle sections stained with rhodamine alpha-bungarotoxin and neurofilament antibody. Four weeks after surgery, most end-plates (EPs) of operated limbs were still denervated and no effect of T3 on muscle reinnervation was detected at this stage of nerve repair. In contrast, after 14 weeks of nerve regeneration, T3 clearly enhanced the reinnervation of gastrocnemius and plantar EPs, demonstrated by significantly higher recovery of size and shape complexity of reinnervated EPs and also by increased acetylcholine receptor (AChRs) density on post synaptic membranes compared to PBS-treated EPs. The stimulating effect of T3 on EP reinnervation is confirmed by a higher index of compound muscle action potentials recorded in gastrocnemius muscles. In conclusion, our results provide for the first time strong evidence that T3 enhances the restoration of NMJ structure and improves synaptic transmission.


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Intermittent hypoxic exposure with exercise training is based on the assumption that brief exposure to hypoxia is sufficient to induce beneficial muscular adaptations mediated via hypoxia-inducible transcription factors (HIF). We previously demonstrated (Mounier et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc 38:1410-1417, 2006) that leukocytes respond to hypoxia with a marked inter-individual variability in HIF-1alpha mRNA. This study compared the effects of 3 weeks of intermittent hypoxic training on hif gene expression in both skeletal muscle and leukocytes. Male endurance athletes (n = 19) were divided into an Intermittent Hypoxic Exposure group (IHE) and a Normoxic Training group (NT) with each group following a similar 3-week exercise training program. After training, the amount of HIF-1alpha mRNA in muscle decreased only in IHE group (-24.7%, P < 0.05) whereas it remained unchanged in leukocytes in both groups. The levels of vEGF(121) and vEGF(165) mRNA in skeletal muscle increased significantly after training only in the NT group (+82.5%, P < 0.05 for vEGF(121); +41.2%, P < 0.05 for vEGF(165)). In leukocytes, only the IHE group showed a significant change in vEGF(165) (-28.2%, P < 0.05). The significant decrease in HIF-1alpha mRNA in skeletal muscle after hypoxic training suggests that transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulations of the hif-1alpha gene are different in muscle and leukocytes.


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AIM/HYPOTHESIS: Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, which is involved in the link between inflammation and insulin resistance, contributes to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. In this study, we assessed whether peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)β/δ prevented ER stress-associated inflammation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells. METHODS: Studies were conducted in mouse C2C12 myotubes, in the human myogenic cell line LHCN-M2 and in skeletal muscle from wild-type and PPARβ/δ-deficient mice and mice exposed to a high-fat diet. RESULTS: The PPARβ/δ agonist GW501516 prevented lipid-induced ER stress in mouse and human myotubes and in skeletal muscle of mice fed a high-fat diet. PPARβ/δ activation also prevented thapsigargin- and tunicamycin-induced ER stress in human and murine skeletal muscle cells. In agreement with this, PPARβ/δ activation prevented ER stress-associated inflammation and insulin resistance, and glucose-intolerant PPARβ/δ-deficient mice showed increased phosphorylated levels of inositol-requiring 1 transmembrane kinase/endonuclease-1α in skeletal muscle. Our findings demonstrate that PPARβ/δ activation prevents ER stress through the activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), and the subsequent inhibition of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2 due to the inhibitory crosstalk between AMPK and ERK1/2, since overexpression of a dominant negative AMPK construct (K45R) reversed the effects attained by PPARβ/δ activation. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Overall, these findings indicate that PPARβ/δ prevents ER stress, inflammation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells by activating AMPK.


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RYR1 mutations are the most common cause of structural congenital myopathies and may exhibit both dominant and recessive inheritance. Histopathological findings are variable and include central cores, multi-minicores, type 1 predominance/ uniformity, fibre type disproportion, increased internal nucleation and fatty and connective tissue. Until recently, diagnostic RYR1 sequencing was limited to mutational hotspots due to the large size of the gene. Since the introduction of full RYR1 sequencing in 2007 we have detected pathogenic mutations in 77 families: 39 had dominant inheritance and 38 recessive inheritance. In some cases with presumably recessive inheritance, only one heterozygous mutation inherited from an asymptomatic parent was identified. Of 28 dominant mutations, 6 were novel; 37 of the 59 recessive mutations were also novel. Dominant mutations were more frequently in recognized hotspot regions, while recessive mutations were distributed throughout the coding sequence. Dominant mutations were predominantly missense, whereas recessive mutations included many nonsense and splice mutations expected to result in reduced RyR1 protein. There was wide clinical variability in patients with both dominant and recessive inheritance. As a group, those with dominant mutations were generally more mildly affected than those with recessive inheritance, who had earlier onset and were weaker with more functional limitations. Extraocular muscle involvement was almost exclusively observed in the recessive group. Bulbar involvement was also more prominent in this group, resulting in a larger number requiring gastrostomy insertion. In conclusion, genomic sequencing of the entire RYR1 leads to the detection of many novel mutations, but may miss large genetic rearrangements in some cases. Assigning pathogenicity to novel mutations is often difficult and interpretation of genetic results in the context of clinical, histological and, increasingly, muscle MRI findings is essential.


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The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are involved in the regulation of most of the pathways linked to lipid metabolism. PPARalpha and PPARbeta isotypes are known to regulate muscle fatty acid oxidation and a reciprocal compensation of their function has been proposed. Herein, we investigated muscle contractile and metabolic phenotypes in PPARalpha-/-, PPARbeta-/-, and double PPARalpha-/- beta-/- mice. Heart and soleus muscle analyses show that the deletion of PPARalpha induces a decrease of the HAD activity (beta-oxidation) while soleus contractile phenotype remains unchanged. A PPARbeta deletion alone has no effect. However, these mild phenotypes are not due to a reciprocal compensation of PPARbeta and PPARalpha functions since double gene deletion PPARalpha-PPARbeta mostly reproduces the null PPARalpha-mediated reduced beta-oxidation, in addition to a shift from fast to slow fibers. In conclusion, PPARbeta is not required for maintaining skeletal muscle metabolic activity and does not compensate the lack of PPARalpha in PPARalpha null mice.


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A 5-year-old boy was referred to our neurology clinic for suspected myopathy. His parents reported normal upper extremity strength and no limitation in daily activities; however, he was unable to raise his arms above his head. On examination, both shoulders were down-slanting and anteriorly displaced, leading to a webbed neck appearance. Muscle MRI demonstrated isolated bilateral aplasia of the trapezius muscles. His father was found to have a unilateral partial trapezius hypoplasia with no functional consequences. Conclusion:  Congenital aplasia of the trapezius muscle is a rare condition; bilateral aplasia of the muscle, having been reported in only five cases, is most often associated with aplasia of the pectoralis major. This is the first report to our knowledge to demonstrate bilateral isolated trapezius aplasia by MRI.


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The aging process is associated with gradual and progressive loss of muscle mass along with lowered strength and physical endurance. This condition, sarcopenia, has been widely observed with aging in sedentary adults. Regular aerobic and resistance exercise programs have been shown to counteract most aspects of sarcopenia. In addition, good nutrition, especially adequate protein and energy intake, can help limit and treat age-related declines in muscle mass, strength, and functional abilities. Protein nutrition in combination with exercise is considered optimal for maintaining muscle function. With the goal of providing recommendations for health care professionals to help older adults sustain muscle strength and function into older age, the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) hosted a Workshop on Protein Requirements in the Elderly, held in Dubrovnik on November 24 and 25, 2013. Based on the evidence presented and discussed, the following recommendations are made (a) for healthy older people, the diet should provide at least 1.0-1.2 g protein/kg body weight/day, (b) for older people who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition because they have acute or chronic illness, the diet should provide 1.2-1.5 g protein/kg body weight/day, with even higher intake for individuals with severe illness or injury, and (c) daily physical activity or exercise (resistance training, aerobic exercise) should be undertaken by all older people, for as long as possible.