46 resultados para Mount Auburn Cemetery
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
In the context of the administration of spaces assigned by municipalities for the burial of the dead, this article provides a critical analysis of the techniques for the governance of political collectives of citizens implemented by public authorities. More broadly, this article shows how funerary practices (i.e. the social practices surrounding death-the rituals, the legislation, etc.) can be used to develop a critical reading of the social relations that structure the social production of space. To this end, the authors use the conceptual tools provided by critical legal geography to explore the controversy surrounding the development of a 'carré confessionnel' (denominational area) within the Bois-de-Vaux Cemetery in Lausanne, Switzerland. Here, a focus on the techniques that allow 'nomosphere' technicians to convene a subset of the citizens within the public space reveals the administration of cemeteries as a means of governance, a method for mobilising bodies and a paradoxical means of managing flux.
Mice with homologous disruption of the gene coding for either the p35 subunit or the p40 subunit of interleukin-12 (IL-12) and derived from a strain genetically resistant to infection with Leishmania major have been used to study further the role of this cytokine in resistance to infection and the differentiation of functional CD4+ T cell subsets in vivo. Wild-type 129/Sv/Ev mice are resistant to infection with L. major showing only small lesions which resolve spontaneously within a few weeks and develop a type 1 CD4+ T cell response. In contrast, mice lacking bioactive IL-12 (IL-12p35-/- and IL-12p40-/-) developed large, progressing lesions. Whereas resistant mice were able to mount a delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to Leishmania antigen, susceptible BALB/c mice as well as IL-12-deficient 129/Sv/Ev mice did not show any DTH reaction. To characterize the functional phenotype of CD4+ T cells triggered in infected wild-type mice and IL-12-deficient mice, the expression of mRNA for interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-4 (IL-4) in purified CD4+ lymph node cells was analyzed. Wild-type 129/Sv/Ev mice showed high levels of mRNA for IFN-gamma and low levels of mRNA for IL-4 which is indicative of a Th1 response. In contrast, IL-12- deficient mice and susceptible BALB/c mice developed a strong Th2 response with high levels of IL-4 mRNA and low levels of IFN-gamma mRNA in CD4+ T cells. Similarly, lymph node cells from infected wild-type 129 mice produced predominantly IFN-gamma in response to stimulation with Leishmania antigen in vitro whereas lymph node cells from IL-12-deficient mice and susceptible BALB/c mice produced preferentially IL-4. Taken together, these results confirm in vivo the importance of IL-12 in induction of Th1 responses and protective immunity against L. major.
For weeks after primary immunization with thymus-dependent antigens the responding lymph nodes contain effector CD4 T cells in T zones and germinal centers as well as recirculating memory T cells. Conversely, remote nodes, not exposed to antigen, only receive recirculating memory cells. We assessed whether lymph nodes with follicular effector CD4 T cells in addition to recirculating memory CD4 T cells mount a more rapid secondary response than nodes that only contain recirculating memory cells. Also, the extent to which T cell frequency governs accelerated CD4 T cell recall responses was tested. For this, secondary antibody responses to a superantigen, where the frequency of responding T cells is not increased at the time of challenge, were compared with those to conventional protein antigens. With both types of antigens similar accelerated responses were elicited in the node draining the site of primary immunization and in the contralateral node, not previously exposed to antigen. Thus recirculating memory cells are fully capable of mounting accelerated secondary responses, without the assistance of CD4 effector T cells, and accelerated memory responses are not solely dependent on higher T cell frequencies. Accelerated memory CD4 T cell responses were also seen in B cell-deficient mice.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) The book of Hebrews has often been the Cinderella of the New Testament, overlooked and marginalized; and yet it is one of the most interesting and theologically significant books in the New Testament. A Cloud of Witness examines the theology of the book in the light of its ancient historical context. There are chapters devoted to the structure of Hebrews, the person of Jesus Christ, Hebrews within the context of Second Temple Judaism and the Greco-Roman empire and the role of Hebrews in early Christian thought.
It has been shown previously that CD8beta in vitro increases the range and the sensitivity of antigen recognition and in vivo plays an important role in the thymic selection of CD8+ T cells. Consistent with this, we report here that CD8+ T cells from CD8beta knockout (KO) P14 TCR transgenic mice proliferate inefficiently in vitro. In contrast to these findings, we also show that CD8beta KO mice mount normal CD8 primary, secondary and memory responses to acute infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Tetramer staining and cytotoxic experiments revealed a predominance of CD8-independent CTL in CD8beta KO mice. The TCR repertoire, especially the one of the TCRalpha chain, was different in CD8beta KO mice as compared with B6 mice. Our results indicate that in the absence of CD8beta, CD8-independent TCRs are preferentially selected, which in vivo effectively compensates for the reduced co-receptor function of CD8alphaalpha.
Bright-field wholemount labeling techniques applied to the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) offer advantages over conventional methods based on sections since an immediate and three-dimensional view of the stained components is provided. It thereby becomes possible to survey and count large number of cells and fibers in their natural relationships. The ability of confocal laser scanning microscopy to visualize in one focal plane the fluorescence associated with multiple markers could be most valuable by the availability of reliable wholemount fluorescent techniques. Accordingly, based in our previously published bright-field wholemount protocols [Brain Res. Prot. 2 (1998) 165-173], we have devised an effective immmunofluorescence wholemount procedure. We show that reliable wholemount fluorescent staining can be obtained using isolated complete CNS aged up to rat embryonic day 17, with antibodies penetration in the millimeter range. Examples are shown of preparations in which colocalization can be observed in nerve cells of cytoskeletal and calcium-binding proteins.
Mice with homologous disruption of the gene coding for the ligand-binding chain of the interferon (IFN) gamma receptor and derived from a strain genetically resistant to infection with Leishmania major have been used to study further the role of this cytokine in the differentiation of functional CD4+ T cell subsets in vivo and resistance to infection. Wild-type 129/Sv/Ev mice are resistant to infection with this parasite, developing only small lesions, which resolve spontaneously within 6 wk. In contrast, mice lacking the IFN-gamma receptor develop large, progressing lesions. After infection, lymph nodes (LN) and spleens from both wild-type and knockout mice showed an expansion of CD4+ cells producing IFN-gamma as revealed by measuring IFN-gamma in supernatants of specifically stimulated CD4+ T cells, by enumerating IFN-gamma-producing T cells, and by Northern blot analysis of IFN-gamma transcripts. No biologically active interleukin (IL) 4 was detected in supernatants of in vitro-stimulated LN or spleen cells from infected wild-type or deficient mice. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis with primers specific for IL-4 showed similar IL-4 message levels in LN from both types of mice. The IL-4 message levels observed were comparable to those found in similarly infected C57BL/6 mice and significantly lower than the levels found in BALB/c mice. Anti-IFN-gamma treatment of both types of mice failed to alter the pattern of cytokines produced after infection. These data show that even in the absence of IFN-gamma receptors, T helper cell (Th) 1-type responses still develop in genetically resistant mice with no evidence for the expansion of Th2 cells.
Retroviral transfer of T cell antigen receptor (TCR) genes selected by circumventing tolerance to broad tumor- and leukemia-associated antigens in human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A*0201 (A2.1) transgenic (Tg) mice allows the therapeutic reprogramming of human T lymphocytes. Using a human CD8 x A2.1/Kb mouse derived TCR specific for natural peptide-A2.1 (pA2.1) complexes comprising residues 81-88 of the human homolog of the murine double-minute 2 oncoprotein, MDM2(81-88), we found that the heterodimeric CD8 alpha beta coreceptor, but not normally expressed homodimeric CD8 alpha alpha, is required for tetramer binding and functional redirection of TCR- transduced human T cells. CD8+T cells that received a humanized derivative of the MDM2 TCR bound pA2.1 tetramers only in the presence of an anti-human-CD8 anti-body and required more peptide than wild-type (WT) MDM2 TCR+T cells to mount equivalent cytotoxicity. They were, however, sufficiently effective in recognizing malignant targets including fresh leukemia cells. Most efficient expression of transduced TCR in human T lymphocytes was governed by mouse as compared to human constant (C) alphabeta domains, as demonstrated with partially humanized and murinized TCR of primary mouse and human origin, respectively. We further observed a reciprocal relationship between the level of Tg WT mouse relative to natural human TCR expression, resulting in T cells with decreased normal human cell surface TCR. In contrast, natural human TCR display remained unaffected after delivery of the humanized MDM2 TCR. These results provide important insights into the molecular basis of TCR gene therapy of malignant disease.
Résumé : Les relations entre un parasite et son hôte sont avant tout marquées par le coût pour l'hôte que représente la ponction de ressources au profit du parasite et ses conséquences sur les traits d'histoires de vie de l'hôte. Pour contenir la réduction de leur valeur reproductive, les hôtes ont acquis au cours de l'évolution des mécanismes soit de lutte contre les parasites, soit de réallocations des ressources. Curieusement les effets des ectoparasites sur la biologie de mammifères ont été peu étudiés. Dans une première expérience à long terme, nous avons examiné sous un angle intégratif si les puces Nosopsyllus fasciatus affectent certains paramètres physiologiques des campagnols des champs Microtus arvalis. Nous avons également testé si les puces peuvent réduire la longévité et si oui, si ce pourrait être dû à une accélération de la sénescence. Ensuite nous avons testé si la simple activation répétée du système immunitaire comme lors d'une infestation chronique pouvait aussi réduire la longévité. Dans une dernière expérience, nous avons d'abord testé si l'infestation par des puces de jeunes campagnols au stade néonatal (21 jours) pouvait modifier leur développement et leur phénotype adulte. Puis nous avons testé si la modification du phénotype adulte est une réponse prédite et potentiellement adaptative pour minimiser les effets des puces à l'âge adulte. Nos résultats montrent que l'infestation par des puces réduit la croissance subadulte, induit une forte anémie et une immunodépression, et augmente le métabolisme de repos. De plus les puces réduisent la longévité et la taille des testicules, réduisant fortement le succès reproducteur potentiel des individus parasités. La taille finale, c'est-à-dire le développement pré-adulte, détermine en grande part la longévité. La réduction de longévité ne devrait pas être due à l'investissement au profit du système immunitaire car l'activation chronique seule du système immunitaire ne réduit pas la longévité. L'infestation néonatale retarde légèrement le développement mais surtout modifie l'hématocrite et réduit les performances locomotrices des campagnols plus de 3 mois après l'infestation. Les effets immédiats du parasitisme sur la physiologie semblent bien supérieurs comparés aux effets à long terme. Nous n'avons pas d'éléments permettant d'affirmer que le parasitisme néonatal prépare les campagnols à faire face aux puces à l'âge adulte. Au contraire, le parasitisme néonatal interagit sur le parasitisme adulte pour augmenter le métabolisme de repos. Cette thèse offre une vision intégrative des mécanismes par lesquels les puces peuvent affecter la valeur reproductive de leurs hôtes. De façon générale, ces résultats 35 montrent l'importance des puces comme force de sélection chez les campagnols. Il est indispensable de prendre en compte les ectoparasites dans l'étude de l'écologie et des dynamiques de populations chez les mammifères. Summary : The relationship between a parasite and its host is fundamentally marked by the costs for host of the withdrawals of resources by parasite and the subsequent reduction in host life-history traits. Hosts have evolved a number of strategies to reduce these costs, either by fighting against the parasite directly or by reallocating resources to reduce costs on lifetime reproductive value. The effects of ectoparasites on burrowing mammals have been scarcely studied. In a first long-term experiment, we examined how fleas Nosopsyllus fasciatus affect physiological levels of the common vole, Microtus arvalis. We also examined whether fleas reduce longevity and if so, if it is due to an early senescence pattern. Then we tested if experimental activation of the immune system by repeated injections of an antigen could result in a shorter longevity. In the last experiment, we tested if short-lasting neonatal parasitism can have long-term effects on phenotype, and if these effects could induce a predictive response to reduce damages when parasitized at the adult stage. We found that parasitism by flea reduced subadult growth, induced anaemia and immunodepression, and increased energy consumption even when resting. Moreover fleas reduce longevity and testes size associated to splenomegaly, suggesting an overall reduction in fitness but we did not find any pattern of accelerated senescence explaining the early death of parasitized voles compared to non-parasitzed. The cost of mounting an immune response throughout life does not impair longevity, suggesting that it is the cost of parasitism that limits the longevity and not the immune investment. Neonatal infestation by fleas has long-term effects on physiology and reduces motor activity more than 3 months after infestation. The modification of physiology due to long-term effects seems weak compared to the immediate effects of adult infestation. We found no evidence that neonatal parasitism prepares voles to mount a predictive adaptive response in order to reduce effects of fleas on fitness components. On the contrary, neonatal parasitism seems to worsen the effect of adult parasitism. This thesis offers an integrative view of mechanisms by which fleas affect their host at the individual level. Overall, our results demonstrate the importance of fleas as a selective force in voles. These results highlight the importance of ectoparasitism in ecology of micromarnrnals and suggest a role in the dynamic of host populations.
Abstract: The increasingly high hygienic standards characterizing westernized societies correlate with an increasingly high prevalence of allergic disease. Initially based on these observations, the hygiene hypothesis postulates that reduced microbial stimulation during infancy impairs the immune system development and increases the risk of allergy. Moreover, there is increasing evidence that the crosstalk existing between the intestine and the resident microbiota is crucial for gut homeostasis. In particular, bacterial colonization of the gut affects the integrity of the gut barrier and stimulates the development of the gut associated immune tissue, both phenomena being essential for the immune system to mount a controlled response to food antigens. Therefore, alterations in the microbial colonization process, by compromising the barrier homeostasis, may increase the risk of food allergy. In this context, antibiotic treatment, frequently prescribed during infancy, affects gut colonization by bacteria. However, little is known about the impact of alterations in the colonization process on the maturation of the gut barrier and on the immunological response to oral antigens. The objective of this work was to determine the impact of a commercial antibiotic preparation employed in pediatric settings on the gut barrier status at the critical period of the suckling/weaning transition and to evaluate the physiological consequences of this treatment in terms of immune response to food antigens. We established an antibiotic-treated suckling rat model relevant to the pediatric population in terms of type, dose and route of administration of the antibiotic and of changes in the patterns of microbial colonization. Oral tolerance to a novel luminal antigen (ovalbumin) was impaired when the antigen was introduced during antibiotic treatment. These results paralleled to alterations in the intestinal permeability to macromolecules and reduced intestinal expression of genes coding for the major histocomptatibility complex II molecules, which suggest a reduced capacity of antigen handling and presentation in the intestine of the antibiotic-treated animals. In addition, low luminal IgA levels and reduced intestinal expression of genes coding for antimicrobial proteins suggest that protection against pathogens was reduced under antibiotic treatment. In conclusion, we observed in suckling rats that treatment with abroad-spectrum antibiotic commonly used in pediatric practices reduced the capacity of the immune system to develop tolerance. The impact of the antibiotic treatment on the immune response to the antigen-was likely mediated by the alterations of the gut microbiota, through impairment in the mechanisms of antigen handling and presentation. This work reinforces the body of data supporting a key role of the intestinal microbiota modulating the risk of allergy development and leads us to propose that the introduction of new food antigens should be avoided during antibiotic treatment in infants. Résumé: L'augmentation du niveau d'hygiène caractérisant les sociétés occidentales semble être fortement corrélée avec l'augmentation des cas d'allergie dans ces pays. De cette observation est née l'hypothèse qu'une diminution des stimuli microbiens pendant l'enfance modifie le développement du système immunitaire augmentant ainsi le risque d'allergie. En ce sens, un nombre croissant de données indiquent que les interactions existant entre l'intestin et les bactéries résidantes sont cruciales pour l'équilibre du système. En effet, la présence de bactéries dans l'intestin affecte l'intégrité de sa fonction de barrière et stimule le développement du système immunitaire intestinal. Ces deux paramètres étant essentiels à la mise en place d'une réponse contrôlée vis à vis d'un antigène reçu oralement, toute modification du processus naturel de colonisation compromettant l'équilibre intestinal pourrait augmenter le risque d'allergie. Les traitements aux antibiotiques, fréquemment prescrits en pédiatrie, modifient de façon conséquente le processus de colonisation bactérienne. Cependant peu de données existent concernant l'impact d'une altération du processus de colonisation sur la maturation de la barrière intestinale et de la réponse immunitaire dirigée contre un antigène. L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer l'impact d'un antibiotique commercial et employé en pédiatrie sur l'état de la barrière intestinale au moment critique du sevrage et d'évaluer les conséquences physiologiques d'un tel traitement sur la réponse immune à un antigène alimentaire. Nous avons mis en place un modèle de rats allaités, traités à l'antibiotique, le plus proche possible des pratiques pédiatriques, en terme de nature, dose et voie d'administration de l'antibiotique. Nous avons constaté que l'établissement de la tolérance orale à un nouvel antigène (l'ovalbumine) est altéré quand celui-ci est donné pour la première fois au cours du traitement antibiotique. Ces résultats coïncident avec une diminution de la perméabilité intestinale aux macromolécules, ainsi qu'avec une diminution de l'expression des gènes codant pour les molécules du complexe majeur d'histocomptatibilité de classe II, suggérant une modification de l'apprêtement et de la présentation de l'antigène au niveau intestinal chez les rats traités à l'antibiotique. De plus, un faible taux d'IgA et une diminution de l'expression des gènes codant pour des protéines antimicrobiennes, observés après l'administration d'antibiotique, laissent à penser que la protection contre un pathogène est diminuée lors d'un traitement antibiotique. En conclusion, nous avons observé qu'un traitement antibiotique à large spectre d'activité, couramment utilisé en pédiatrie, réduit la capacité d'induction de la tolérance orale chez le rat allaité. L'impact du traitement antibiotique sur la réponse immune semble induite par l'altération de la flore intestinale via son effet sur les mécanismes d'apprêtement et de présentation de l'antigène. Ce travail renforce l'ensemble des données existantes qui accorde à la flore intestinale un rôle clef dans la modulation du risque de développement d'allergie et nous amène à recommander d'éviter l'introduction d'un nouvel aliment lorsqu'un enfant est traité aux antibiotiques.
Viral infections can be a major thread for the central nervous system (CNS), therefore, the immune system must be able to mount a highly proportionate immune response, not too weak, which would allow the virus to proliferate, but not too strong either, to avoid collateral damages. Here, we aim at reviewing the immunological mechanisms involved in the host defense in viral CNS infections. First, we review the specificities of the innate as well as the adaptive immune responses in the CNS, using several examples of various viral encephalitis. Then, we focus on three different modes of interactions between viruses and immune responses, namely human Herpes virus-1 encephalitis with the defect in innate immune response which favors this disease; JC virus-caused progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and the crucial role of adaptive immune response in this example; and finally, HIV infection with the accompanying low grade chronic inflammation in the CNS in some patients, which may be an explanation for the presence of cognitive disorders, even in some well-treated HIV-infected patients. We also emphasize that, although the immune response is generally associated with viral replication control and limited cellular death, an exaggerated inflammatory reaction can lead to tissue damage and can be detrimental for the host, a feature of the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). We will briefly address the indication of steroids in this situation.
Presenilin 1 (PS1) mutations are responsible for a majority of early onset familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) cases, in part by increasing the production of Abeta peptides. However, emerging evidence suggests other possible effects of PS1 on synaptic dysfunction where PS1 might contribute to the pathology independent of Abeta. We chose to study the L286V mutation, an aggressive FAD mutation which has never been analyzed at the electrophysiological and morphological levels. In addition, we analyzed for the first time the long term effects of wild-type human PS1 overexpression. We investigated the consequences of the overexpression of either wild-type human PS1 (hPS1) or the L286V mutated PS1 variant (mutPS1) on synaptic functions by analyzing synaptic plasticity and associated spine density changes from 3 to 15 months of age. We found that mutPS1 induces a transient increase observed only in 4- to 5-month-old mutPS1 animals in NMDA receptor (NMDA-R)-mediated responses and LTP compared with hPS1 mice and nontransgenic littermates. The increase in synaptic functions is concomitant with an increase in spine density. With increasing age, however, we found that the overexpression of human wild-type PS1 progressively decreased NMDA-R-mediated synaptic transmission and LTP, without neurodegeneration. These results identify for the first time a transient increase in synaptic function associated with L286V mutated PS1 variant in an age-dependent manner. In addition, they support the view that the PS1 overexpression promotes synaptic dysfunction in an Abeta-independent manner and underline the crucial role of PS1 during both normal and pathological aging.
Mice from most inbred strains are resistant to infection with Leishmania major whereas mice from BALB strains are highly susceptible. Resistance and susceptibility result from the development of Th1 or Th2 cells, respectively. In this report, we document an IL-2 mRNA burst, preceding the reported early IL-4 response, in draining lymph nodes of susceptible mice infected with L. major. Neutralization of IL-2 during the first days of infection redirected Th1 cell maturation and resistance to L. major, through interference with the rapid IL-4 transcription in Leishmania homolog of mammalian RACK1 (LACK)-reactive CD4(+) cells. A burst of IL-2 transcripts also occurred in infected C57BL/6 mice that do not mount an early IL-4 response. However, although the LACK protein induced IL-2 transcripts in susceptible mice, it failed to trigger this response in resistant C57BL/6 mice. Reconstitution experiments using C.B.-17 SCID mice and LACK-reactive CD4(+) T cells from IL-2(-/-) BALB/c mice showed that triggering of the early IL-4 response required autocrine IL-2. Thus, in C57BL/6 mice, the inability of LACK-reactive CD4(+) T cells to express early IL-4 mRNA transcription, important for disease progression, appears due to an incapacity of these cells to produce IL-2.
Summary : The canonical Wnt signaling pathway plays key roles in the maintenance of self-renewing tissues, like the gut or the skin. In contrast, the role of this pathway in hematopoiesis remains poorly defined. Wnt ligands transmit signals through ß-catenin which activates gene transcription upon its association with Lymphoid Cell Enhancer/T Cell Factor (LEF/TCF). Currently, v-catenin is the only alternative factor known to transduce canonical Wnt signals. The ß-/γ-catenin bindiná domain in TCF-1 is required to partly rescue thymopoiesis and NK cell development in TCF-1-deficient mice. However, T cell development and hematopoiesis w-as normal in mice deficient of ß-catenin, or of γ-catenin. Surprisingly we found that hematopoiesis and thymopoiesis was also normal in the combined absence of ß- and γ-catenin. Reporter assays showed that double-deficient lymphocytes were still able to transduce canonical wnt signals. These data provided evidence that hematopoietic cells can transduce canonical Wnt signals in the combined absence of ß- and γ-catenin. There exist numerous TCF-1 isoforrns including those that harbor the N-terminal ß-/y-catenin binding domain or that contains a C-terminal CRARF domain whose role in vivo has not been previously tested. We found that the CRARF domain influences lymphocyte development in conjunction with the N-treminal ß-/γ-catenin binding. The presence of the two domains directs thymocytes to the CD8+ T cell lineage whereas NK cell development is abolished. Roles of the canonical Wnt/TCF-1 pathway for lymphocyte function have not been defined. We demonstrate that TCF-1 deficient CDBT T cells mount a normal primary response to viral infection but these T cells fail to expand upon restimulation. The failure of CD8+ T cells to respond to IL-2 during primary infection seems to account for this phenotype. Thus, TCF-1 is essential for programming functional CD8+ T cell memory. Collectively, these data provide significant new insights into the role of Wnt/TCF-1 pathway for lymphocyte development and function and suggest a novel mechanism of Wnt signal transuction in hematopoietic cells. Résumé : La voie de signalisation canonique Wnt joue un rôle prépondérant dans le renouvellement de tissus, comme l'intestin ou la peau. Son rôle dans l'hématopoïèse est quant à lui mal défini. Le ligand Wnt transmet le signal via la ß-catenin qui active la transcription de gènes cibles quand il est associé avec Lymphoid Cell Enhancer,~T Cell Factor (LEF/TCF). Actuellement, la γ-catenin est le seul autre facteur connu pouvant se substituer à la fonction de la ß-catenin. Un variant de TCF-1 contenant le domaine liant ß-/,~-catenin est capable de restaurer le développement des lymphocytes T et NK en l'absence de TCF-1. Cependant la thymopoïèse et l'hématopoïèse sont normales dans les souris déficientes pour la ß-catenin ou la γ-catenin. De façon surprenante, nous avons trouvé que l'hématopoïèse et le développement des lymphocytes sont normaux lors de l'absence combinée de ß-/γ-catenin. De plus, la transduction des signaux de la voie de signalisation Wnt est maintenue dans des lymphocytes déficients pour ß-/γ-catenin. Ces résultats démontrent que les cellules hématopoïétiques peuvent transmettre les signaux de la voie canonique Wnt lors de l'absence combinée de la ß et la γ -catenin. Il existe de nombreuses isofonnes de TCF-1, y compris certaines qui comprennent un domaine qui lie ß-/γ-catenin du côté N-terminus ou qui contiennent un domaine CRARF du côté C-terminus. Nous montrons ici que le domaine CRARF influence le développement des lymphocytes en conjonction avec le domaine liant ß-/γ-catenin. La présence des deux domaines dirige les thymocytes vers la lignée de cellules T CD8, alors que le développement des cellules NK est aboli. Au-delà de sa fonction sur le développement des lymphocytes, le rôle de la soie de signalisation canonique Wnt/TCF-1 lors d'une infection n'a pas été défini. Nous avons montré que les cellules T CD8, déficientes pour TCF-1, développent une réponse primaire normale à une infection virale, mais qu'elles ne s'accumulent pas après restimulation. L'incapacité des cellules TCD8 à répondre à l'IL-2 durant la réponse primaire peut expliquer ce phénotype. Ainsi; TCF-1 est essentiel pour la programmation de cellules T CD8 mémoires fonctionnelles. L'ensemble de ces résultats fournit de nouveaux aperçus du rôle de la voie de signalisation Wnt/TCF-1 pour le développement et la fonction des lymphocytes et suggèrent un nouveau mécanisme de transduction du signal Wnt dans les cellules hématopoïétiques.