15 resultados para Mobbing, Bullying, Militaries, Soldiers,
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Le mobbing est devenue une des plaintes les plus récurrentes de employés et de cet un problème de santé publique et de santé au travail. Les secteurs les plus touchés sont les secteurs de la santé, du social et de l'enseignement. L'article vise à montrer que ces agissements sont moins le fruit de mauvaises relations interpersonnelles que le signe d'une désagrégation sociale au travail. [Auteur]
RÉSUMÉ : Le bullying est un type de comportement agressif qu'un élève (ou plusieurs) fait subir à un autre et qui se manifeste par des agressions verbales, physiques et/ou psychologiques. Les caractéristiques du bullying sont la répétitivité d'actions négatives sur le long terme et une relation de pouvoir asymétrique. Pour la victime, ce type de comportement peut avoir des conséquences graves telles qu'échec scolaire, dépression, troubles alimentaires, ou idées suicidaires. De plus, les auteurs de bullying commettent plus de comportements déviants au sein de l'école ou à l'extérieur de cette dernière. La mise en place d'actions ciblées auprès des auteurs de bullying pourrait donc non seulement prévenir une victimisation, mais aussi réduire les actes de délinquance en général. Hormis quelques études locales ou cantonales, aucune recherche nationale auprès d'adolescents n'existait dans le domaine. Ce travail propose de combler cette lacune afin d'obtenir une compréhension suffisante du phénomène qui permet de donner des pistes pour définir des mesures de prévention appropriées. Afin d'appréhender la problématique du bullying dans les écoles secondaires suisses, deux sondages de délinquance juvénile autoreportée ont été effectués. Le premier a eu lieu entre 2003 et 2005 dans le canton de Vaud auprès de plus de 4500 écoliers. Le second a été administré en 2006 dans toute la Suisse et environ 3600 jeunes y ont participé. Les jeunes ont répondu au sondage soit en classe (questionnaire papier) soit en salle d'informatique (questionnaire en ligne). Les jeunes ayant répondu avoir sérieusement harcelé un autre élève est d'environ 7% dans le canton de Vaud et de 4% dans l'échantillon national. Les analyses statistiques ont permis tout d'abord de sélectionner les variables les plus fortement liées au bullying. Les résultats montrent que les jeunes avec un bas niveau d'autocontrôle et ayant une attitude positive envers la violence sont plus susceptibles de commettre des actes de bullying. L'importance des variables environnementales a aussi été démontrée: plus le jeune est supervisé et encadré par des adultes, plus les autorités (école, voisinage) jouent leur rôle de contrôle social en faisant respecter les règles et en intervenant de manière impartiale, moins le jeune risque de commettre des actes de bullying. De plus, l'utilisation d'analyses multiniveaux a permis de montrer l'existence d'effets de l'école sur le bullying. En particulier, le taux de bullying dans une école donnée augmente lorsque les avis des jeunes divergent par rapport à leur perception du climat scolaire. Un autre constat que l'on peut mettre en évidence est que la réaction des enseignants lors de bagarres a une influence différente sur le taux de bullying en fonction de l'établissement scolaire. ABSTRACT : Bullying is the intentional, repetitive or persistent hurting of one pupil by another (or several), where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying is a type of aggressive behaviour and the act can be verbal, physical and/or psychological. The consequences on the victims are serious: school failure, depressive symptomatology, eating disorders, or suicidal ideation. Moreover, the authors of bullying display more delinquent behaviour within or outside the school. Thus, preventive programmes targeting bullying could not only prevent victimisation, but also reduce delinquency in general. Very little data concerning bullying had been collected in Switzerland and, except some local or cantonal studies, no national research among teenagers existed in the field. This work intends to fill the gap in order to provide sufficient understanding of the phenomenon and to suggest some tracks for defining appropriate measures of prevention. In order to understand the problems of bullying in Swiss secondary schools better, two surveys of self-reported juvenile delinquency were carried out. The first one took place between 2003 and 2005 in the canton Vaud among more than 4500 pupils, the second in 2006 across Switzerland with about 3600 youths taking part. The pupils answered to the survey either in the classroom (paper questionnaire) or in the computer room (online questionnaire). The youths that answered having seriously bullied another pupil are about 7% in canton Vaud and 4% in the national sample. Statistical analyses have selected the variables most strongly related to bullying. The results show that the youths with a low level of self-control and adopting a positive attitude towards violence are more likely to bully others. The importance of the environmental variables was also shown: the more that youth is supervised and monitored by adults, and the more the authorities (school, neighbourhood) play their role of social control by making the rules be respected through intervening in an impartial way, the less the youth bully. Moreover, the use of multilevel analyses permitted to show the existence of effects of the school on bullying. In particular, the rate of bullying in a given school increases when there is a wide variation among students of the same school in their perception of their school climate. Another important aspect concerns teachers' reactions when pupils fight: this variable does not influence the bullying rate to the same extent, and depends on the school.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence and intensity of victimization from bullying, and the characteristics of the victims of bullying, comparing adolescents with and without chronic conditions. DESIGN: School survey. SETTING: Post-mandatory schools. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 7005 students (48% females) aged 16-20 years, distributed into adolescents with chronic conditions (728, 50% females) and controls (6277, 48% females). Chronic condition was defined as having a chronic disease and/or a physical disability.OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of bullying; intensity of bullying; and socio-demographic, bio-psychosocial, familial, school, and violence context characteristics of the victims of bullying. RESULTS: The prevalence of bullying in our sample was 13.85%. Adolescents with chronic conditions were more likely to be victims of bullying (Adjusted Odds Ratio [AOR] 1.53), and to be victims of two or three forms of bullying (AOR 1.92). Victims of bullying with chronic conditions were more likely than non-victims to be depressed (Relative Risk Ratio [RRR] 1.57), to have more physical symptoms (RRR 1.61), to have a poorer relationship with their parents (RRR 1.33), to have a poorer school climate (RRR 1.60), and to have been victims of sexual abuse (RRR 1.79) or other forms of violence (RRR 1.80). Although these characteristics apply to victims in general, in most cases they are less pronounced among victims without chronic conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic conditions seem to be a risk factor for victimization from bullying. Therefore, as adolescents with chronic conditions are increasingly mainstreamed, schools should be encouraged to undertake preventive measures to avoid victimization of such adolescents.
PURPOSE: This study explored factors associated with self-reported bullying among adolescents in a sub-Saharan country. METHODS: A cross-sectional sample of adolescents (n = 1,427) in the Seychelles was drawn from the Global School-based Student Health Survey. Bullied adolescents were compared with non-bullied adolescents with respect to several sociodemographic factors. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed. RESULTS: Within a 30 day period, 38.8% of adolescents reported being bullied. Bullied youths were more likely to be depressed (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.63; confidence intervals [CI] = 1.27-1.07) and socially deprived (aOR = 1.85; CI = 1.30-2.61). Being older (aOR = .83; CI = .77-.90) and having close friends (aOR = .53; CI = .31-.91) were protective factors. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of bullying in the Seychelles is high, and social correlates are similar to those in industrialized settings. More research is needed to examine bullying patterns outside the school environment.
We investigated the relationship between being bullied and measured body weight and perceived body weight among adolescents of a middle-income sub Saharan African country. Our data originated from the Global School-based Health Survey, which targets adolescents aged 13-15 years. Student weights and heights were measured before administrating the questionnaire which included questions about personal data, health behaviors and being bullied. Standard criteria were used to assess thinness, overweight and obesity. Among 1,006 participants who had complete data, 16.5% (95%CI 13.3-20.2) reported being bullied ≥ 3 days during the past 30 days; 13.4% were thin, 16.8% were overweight and 7.6% were obese. Categories of actual weight and of perceived weight correlated only moderately (Spearman correlation coefficient 0.37 for boys and 0.57 for girls; p < 0.001). In univariate analysis, both actual obesity (OR 1.76; p = 0.051) and perception of high weight (OR 1.63 for "slightly overweight"; OR 2.74 for "very overweight", both p < 0.05) were associated with being bullied. In multivariate analysis, ORs for categories of perceived overweight were virtually unchanged while ORs for actual overweight and obesity were substantially attenuated, suggesting a substantial role of perceived weight in the association with being bullied. Actual underweight and perceived thinness also tended to be associated with being bullied, although not significantly. Our findings suggest that more research attention be given to disentangling the significant association between body image, overweight and bullying among adolescents. Further studies in diverse populations are warranted.
La question du harcèlement psychologique, ou mobbing, constitue aujourd'hui une préoccupation importante s'agissant de la santé au travail. Cet article veut engager une réflexion sur les conditions d'émergence du phénomène de mobbing et sur les interprétations qui lui sont données. Alors que des auteurs comme Hirigoyen et Leyman développent le point de vue selon lequel le mobbing est l'effet de personnalités perverses, cet article soutient un point de vue différent, selon lequel le mobbing est en réalité étroitement lié aux nouvelles modalités d'organisation et aux rapports de travail, indépendamment de la présence de personnalités déviantes. L'article décrit les formes d'organisation qui, tout en cassant les anciennes solidarités, poussent à un engagement individualisé dans le projet de l'entreprise. Ceci place les salariés dans des contradictions dont ils sortent en développant des stratégies de survie et d'évitement du conflit, dont le mobbing est l'une des expressions. [Auteurs]
RAPPORT DE SYNTHESE : Les deux articles présentés dans ce mémoire de thèse sont le résultat de recherches effectuées au sein du Groupe de Recherche sur la Santé des Adolescents, affilié à l'Unité Multidisciplinaire de Santé des Adolescents du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois. Les études qui constituent les présents articles ont pour thème commun la santé des adolescents atteints d'affections chroniques, à savoir d'une maladie chronique et/ou d'un handicap physique. Les données qui ont servi à ces deux études sant issues de l'enquête SMASH02 (Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health 2002), une étude transversale multicentrique, menée en 2002 dans les écoles post-obligatoires de la majorité des cantons suisses par l'intermédiaire de questionnaires anonymes. 7548 adolescents de 16 à 20 ans ont été recrutés dans cette enquête, qui porte sur de nombreux aspects de la santé et des modes de vie des adolescents. Les analyses des données ont été effectuées à l'aide du logiciel de statistiques STATA 9 et avec l'aide d'un statisticien de l'université de Lausanne. Le premier article, intitulé "Sport Practice Among Adolescents Witte Chrome Health Conditions", est publié en juin 2009 dans la revue Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Cette étude compare le niveau d'activité sportive entre les adolescents atteints d'affections chroniques et leurs pairs. L'hypothèse de recherche postule que les adolescents malades chroniques et/ou en situation de handicap pratiquent significativement moins de sport que les autres. Il ressort des analyses statistiques que cette hypothèse n'est vérifiée que si l'on considère les adolescents de sexe masculin. En effet, l'étude montre également que les filles de 16 à 20 ans en général pratiquent significativement moins de sport que leurs pairs masculins. Et le fait d'être atteint d'une affection chronique semble ne pas représenter chez elles un facteur,de risque supplémentaire de diminution de la pratique sportive. Dans ce même article, nous traitons également des éléments perçus par les adolescents comme des barrières à la pratique sportive. Il s'avère que les adolescents atteints d'affections chroniques ne perçoivent pas leur maladie ou leur situation de handicap comme la principale raison de leur faible activité sportive. Ils évoquent plus fréquemment un manque de temps libre ou une préférence pour d'autres activités, soit les mêmes barrières que celles évoquées par leurs pairs. Les conclusions de cette étude doivent rappeler aux professionnels de la santé l'importance d'encourager la pratique sportive chez leurs jeunes patients, particulièrement ceux atteints d'affections chroniques ainsi que les adolescentes en général. Dans le second article, intitulé "Are Adolescents With Chronic Conditions Particularly at Risk of Bullying?", il est question de violence entre adolescents. Plus précisément, nous étudions la prévalence de bullying chez les adolescents atteints d'affections chroniques et leurs pairs. Le terme de bullying, volontairement emprunté à l'Anglais, représente un phénomène complexe, que l'on peut approximer en Français comme une victimisation par les pairs en milieu scolaire. Il résulte de cette étude que le fait d'être atteint d'une affection chronique semble être un facteur de risque significatif de bullying chez les adolescents de 16 à 20 ans. Cette conclusion amène à considérer le problème du bullying dans l'intégration des élèves malades chroniques et en situation de handicap dans le système scolaire principal, notamment par la mise en place de mesures de prévention. Cet article est publié en ligne par la revue Archives of Disease in Childhood en mars 2009.
The differentiation of workers into morphological subcastes (e.g., soldiers) represents an important evolutionary transition and is thought to improve division of labor in social insects. Soldiers occur in many ant and termite species, where they make up a small proportion of the workforce. A common assumption of worker caste evolution is that soldiers are behavioral specialists. Here, we report the first test of the "rare specialist" hypothesis in a eusocial bee. Colonies of the stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula are defended by a small group of morphologically differentiated soldiers. Contrary to the rare specialist hypothesis, we found that soldiers worked more (+34%-41%) and performed a greater variety of tasks (+23%-34%) than other workers, particularly early in life. Our results suggest a "rare elite" function of soldiers in T. angustula, that is, that they perform a disproportionately large amount of the work. Division of labor was based on a combination of temporal and physical castes, but soldiers transitioned faster from one task to the next. We discuss why the rare specialist assumption might not hold in species with a moderate degree of worker differentiation.
La trace matérielle est une information élémentaire sur une activité qui a lieu dans un environnement physique et social immédiat et qui relève principalement de la sécurité. Leur exploitation doit donc s'étendre au-delà du système judiciaire, vers le renseignement en général et l'étude de phénomènes. Des profils chimiques extraits à partir des saisies de stupéfiants, des montres contrefaites, des courriels non-sollicités, les restes d'incendies sont des exemples de traces qui résultent d'activités répétitives qu'il convient de mieux saisir. La science forensique et la criminologie se rencontrent alors pour étudier des problèmes de sécurité munis de nouveaux jeux d'information. La constitution de banques de données pertinentes est d'ailleurs une préoccupation majeure de la recherche en criminologie. Par des sondages toujours plus larges et des techniques modernes d'acquisition s'appuyant sur les technologies de l'information, la criminologie peut maintenant étendre les analyses comparatives et longitudinales de phénomènes liés à la délinquance des jeunes. Mais la validité et la pertinence de comparaisons doivent être discutées, notamment lorsque les analyses portent sur la violence envers les femmes dans des contextes différents.
This essay focuses on how Spielberg's film engages with and contributes to the myth of Lincoln as a super-natural figure, a saint more than a hero or great statesman, while anchoring his moral authority in the sentimental rhetoric of the domestic sphere. It is this use of the melodramatic mode, linking the familial space with the national through the trope of the victim-hero, which is the essay's main concern. With Tony Kushner, author of Angels in America, as scriptwriter, it is perhaps not surprising that melodrama is the operative mode in the film. One of the issues that emerge from this analysis is how the film updates melodrama for a contemporary audience in order to minimize what could be perceived as manipulative sentimental devices, observing for most of the film an aesthetic of relative sobriety and realism. In the last hour, and especially the final minutes of the film, melodramatic conventions are deployed in full force and infused with hagiographic iconography to produce a series of emotionally charged moments that create a perfect union of American Civil Religion and classical melodrama. The cornerstone of both cultural paradigms, as deployed in this film, is death: Lincoln's at the hands of an assassin, and the Civil War soldiers', poignantly depicted at key moments of the film. Finally, the essay shows how film melodrama as a genre weaves together the private and the public, the domestic with the national, the familial with the military, and links pathos to politics in a carefully choreographed narrative of sentimentalized mythopoesis.
This year we present three papers on recent advances in paediatrics from the fields of neonatology, adolescent medicine and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. 1. Recent studies question the application of pure oxygen for neonatal reanimation and suggest that lower concentrations or even air may be more adequate for the reanimation of most newborns. 2. Bullying is an aggressive, repetitive and intentionally blessing behaviour. It is observed mainly at school and the victims are usually children with a weak personality or children suffering from chronic diseases. The doctor's role is to detect this behaviour and to help protect the victims. 3. The respiratory surveillance of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the corner-stone of their management. An algorithm allows to time correctly the initiation of non-invasive ventilation and to insure as long as possible a good life quality.
The evolution of animal societies in which some individuals forego direct reproduction to help others to reproduce poses an evolutionary paradox. Societies where all individuals reproduce equally and societies where a single individual completely monopolizes reproduction represent the end points of a continuum of variance in the reproductive output among group members. This led Sherman et al. (1995) to propose that cooperative breeding and eusociality (a term originally applied only to insects) are not discrete phenomena. Rather they form a continuum whose main difference is the extent to which individuals forego their own reproductive opportunity to help other members of the group. Here we present a new index: the eusociality index. It quantifies the decrease in direct reproduction of group members as a resut of altruistic acts directed to other members of the group (i.e. a measure of the level of eusociality). The rationale for this index lies in the fundamental duality of the reproductive process, in which organisms supply two distinct elements: (i) genetic material (genes); and (ii) power (energy). In non-eusocial animals, all individuals transmit genes and power in the same ratio (notwithstanding individual variance in offspring size and parental investment). By contrast, amongst eusocial animals some individuals contribute proportionally more to gene transfer, and others more to energy, resulting in high interindividual variation in the ratio of gene to power transfer.
We report a case of an outbreak of inflammatory dermatophytoses caused by Arthroderma vanbreuseghemii (formally Trichophyton mentagrophytes pro parte) that involved an infected horse, the owner and at least 20 students, staff and stablemen at a veterinary school in Bern (Switzerland) that presented highly inflammatory dermatitis of the body and the face. Transmission from human to human was also recorded as one patient was the partner of an infected person. Both the phenotypic characteristics and ITS sequence of the dermatophytes isolated from the horse and patients were identical, consistent with the conclusion that the fungus originated from the horse. Three infected persons had not been in direct contact with the horse. Although direct transmission from human to human cannot be ruled out, fomites were most likely the source of infection for these three patients. Inspection of the literature at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century revealed that this dermatophyte was frequently transmitted from horses to humans in contact with horses (stablemen, coachmen, carters and artillery soldiers). The rarity of the present case report at the present time is likely related to the transformation of civilisation from the nineteenth century to nowadays in Europe with the change of horse husbandry. In addition, the inadequate immune response of the horse and the high number of people in contact with it at the equine clinic may explain the exceptional aspect of this case report.