42 resultados para Microfibril angle
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
BACKGROUND: In addition to prosthetic rehabilitation, maxillary defects can also be surgically reconstructed. Soft-tissue reconstruction employs a radial forearm or latissimus dorsi muscle flap, while bony reconstruction can be achieved using a fibula, iliac crest, or scapular flap. Reconstruction using a scapular flap is further divided into two subgroups: the traditional scapular flap with the circumflex scapular artery as the donor vessel and the scapular angle flap with the angular artery originating from the thoracodorsal artery as the donor vessel. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We report on four patients who underwent successful reconstruction with a free scapular angle flap between 2009 and 2011, following maxillary resection due to malignancy. RESULTS: Vertical positioning of the scapular angle flap enables reconstruction of the facial contour, whereas its horizontal alignment and microvascular anastomosis makes a bony reconstruction of the hard palate possible. CONCLUSIONS: The versatility, low rate of donor site morbidity and shape of the scapular angle flap--which resembles that of the hard palate--render it ideal for plastic reconstruction. The suitability of bone quality for dental rehabilitation with implants is a topic of controversial discussion. The scapular angle flap represents an alternative to obturator prosthesis for the reconstruction of maxillary defects ≥ grade I according to Okay et al.
There are numerous variants of cutaneous tumors involving the eyelids. Tumors of a different nature may at times be observed simultaneously in the same area of the eyelid. A clinicopathologic case of a 36-year-old male patient with 2 different cutaneous tumors at the nasal part of the left eyelid is reported. One was a nodular tumor on the inner canthus with a pearly appearance; the other had a papillomatous pattern. After surgical removal, the histopathological study of the tumors disclosed a typical basal cell carcinoma and a squamous cell papilloma. Both tumors can be commonly observed on the eyelids and surgical excision cured the patient.
Gliomas are routinely graded according to histopathological criteria established by the World Health Organization. Although this classification can be used to understand some of the variance in the clinical outcome of patients, there is still substantial heterogeneity within and between lesions of the same grade. This study evaluated image-guided tissue samples acquired from a large cohort of patients presenting with either new or recurrent gliomas of grades II-IV using ex vivo proton high-resolution magic angle spinning spectroscopy. The quantification of metabolite levels revealed several discrete profiles associated with primary glioma subtypes, as well as secondary subtypes that had undergone transformation to a higher grade at the time of recurrence. Statistical modeling further demonstrated that these metabolomic profiles could be differentially classified with respect to pathological grading and inter-grade conversions. Importantly, the myo-inositol to total choline index allowed for a separation of recurrent low-grade gliomas on different pathological trajectories, the heightened ratio of phosphocholine to glycerophosphocholine uniformly characterized several forms of glioblastoma multiforme, and the onco-metabolite D-2-hydroxyglutarate was shown to help distinguish secondary from primary grade IV glioma, as well as grade II and III from grade IV glioma. These data provide evidence that metabolite levels are of interest in the assessment of both intra-grade and intra-lesional malignancy. Such information could be used to enhance the diagnostic specificity of in vivo spectroscopy and to aid in the selection of the most appropriate therapy for individual patients.
A solution of (18)F was standardised with a 4pibeta-4pigamma coincidence counting system in which the beta detector is a one-inch diameter cylindrical UPS89 plastic scintillator, positioned at the bottom of a well-type 5''x5'' NaI(Tl) gamma-ray detector. Almost full detection efficiency-which was varied downwards electronically-was achieved in the beta-channel. Aliquots of this (18)F solution were also measured using 4pigamma NaI(Tl) integral counting and Monte Carlo calculated efficiencies as well as the CIEMAT-NIST method. Secondary measurements of the same solution were also performed with an IG11 ionisation chamber whose equivalent activity is traceable to the Système International de Référence through the contribution IRA-METAS made to it in 2001; IRA's degree of equivalence was found to be close to the key comparison reference value (KCRV). The (18)F activity predicted by this coincidence system agrees closely with the ionisation chamber measurement and is compatible within one standard deviation of the other primary measurements. This work demonstrates that our new coincidence system can standardise short-lived radionuclides used in nuclear medicine.
BACKGROUND: Topiramate (Topamax(R)) is an anti-epileptic drug of the sulfamate group used secondarily for bipolar disease. HISTORY AND SIGNS: One week after initiation of topiramate treatment for a bipolar disorder, a 57-year-old man presented with blurred vision. Clinical examination revealed a bilateral conjunctivitis, areflexic mydriasis, severe anterior chamber shallowing, with a myopic shift and vitritis. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: A spinal tap revealed an increased protein content of 1581 mg/L on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis, being compatible with a rupture of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). UBM exposed bilateral ciliochoroidal effusions with secondary angle-closure. Topiramate was promptly discontinued, whereas visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), and anterior and posterior segments anatomy normalized within 1 week. One month later, bilateral iris atrophy was present. CONCLUSION: The presence of BBB disruption with increased protein content in CSF with simultaneous blood ocular barrier breakdown may suggest a common inflammatory mechanism.
The Plateforme Interdisciplinaire of the University of Lausanne is at the crossroad of soft and hard sciences. We question the place and the role of languages and scientific cultures in the construction and the transmission of knowledge. The examples - from the fields of law, health, mathematics, neurosciences and university education - exceed a conception of languages as transparent vehicles for ideas and discoveries. They enable to consider the diversity of languages and scientific cultures as a mean for a " thick standardization" of science, integrating and valuing the double need for conceptual depth and accessibility of scientific discourse.
Measurement of three-dimensional (3D) knee joint angle outside a laboratory is of benefit in clinical examination and therapeutic treatment comparison. Although several motion capture devices exist, there is a need for an ambulatory system that could be used in routine practice. Up-to-date, inertial measurement units (IMUs) have proven to be suitable for unconstrained measurement of knee joint differential orientation. Nevertheless, this differential orientation should be converted into three reliable and clinically interpretable angles. Thus, the aim of this study was to propose a new calibration procedure adapted for the joint coordinate system (JCS), which required only IMUs data. The repeatability of the calibration procedure, as well as the errors in the measurement of 3D knee angle during gait in comparison to a reference system were assessed on eight healthy subjects. The new procedure relying on active and passive movements reported a high repeatability of the mean values (offset<1 degrees) and angular patterns (SD<0.3 degrees and CMC>0.9). In comparison to the reference system, this functional procedure showed high precision (SD<2 degrees and CC>0.75) and moderate accuracy (between 4.0 degrees and 8.1 degrees) for the three knee angle. The combination of the inertial-based system with the functional calibration procedure proposed here resulted in a promising tool for the measurement of 3D knee joint angle. Moreover, this method could be adapted to measure other complex joint, such as ankle or elbow.
CONTEXT: Hamstrings strains are common and debilitating injuries in many sports. Most hamstrings exercises are performed at an inadequately low hip-flexion angle because this angle surpasses 70° at the end of the sprinting leg's swing phase, when most injuries occur. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of various hip-flexion angles on peak torques of knee flexors in isometric, concentric, and eccentric contractions and on the hamstrings-to-quadriceps ratio. DESIGN: Descriptive laboratory study. SETTING: Research laboratory. Patients and Other Participants: Ten national-level sprinters (5 men, 5 women; age = 21.2 ± 3.6 years, height = 175 ± 6 cm, mass = 63.8 ± 9.9 kg). Intervention(s): For each hip position (0°, 30°, 60°, and 90° of flexion), participants used the right leg to perform (1) 5 seconds of maximal isometric hamstrings contraction at 45° of knee flexion, (2) 5 maximal concentric knee flexion-extensions at 60° per second, (3) 5 maximal eccentric knee flexion-extensions at 60° per second, and (4) 5 maximal eccentric knee flexionextensions at 150° per second. Main Outcome Measure(s): Hamstrings and quadriceps peak torque, hamstrings-to-quadriceps ratio, lateral and medial hamstrings root mean square. RESULTS: We found no difference in quadriceps peak torque for any condition across all hip-flexion angles, whereas hamstrings peak torque was lower at 0° of hip flexion than at any other angle (P < .001) and greater at 90° of hip flexion than at 30° and 60° (P < .05), especially in eccentric conditions. As hip flexion increased, the hamstrings-to-quadriceps ratio increased. No difference in lateral or medial hamstrings root mean square was found for any condition across all hip-flexion angles (P > .05). CONCLUSIONS: Hip-flexion angle influenced hamstrings peak torque in all muscular contraction types; as hip flexion increased, hamstrings peak torque increased. Researchers should investigate further whether an eccentric resistance training program at sprint-specific hip-flexion angles (70° to 80°) could help prevent hamstrings injuries in sprinters. Moreover, hamstrings-to-quadriceps ratio assessment should be standardized at 80° of hip flexion.
PURPOSE: To report the use of argon laser iridoplasty in the management of uveitic acute angle-closure glaucoma. METHODS: Interventional case report. RESULTS: A 46-year-old man developed uveitic acute angle-closure glaucoma with an intraocular pressure (IOP) of 65 mmHg. After unsuccessful attempts with medical treatment and two laser peripheral iridotomies, iridoplasty allowed to break posterior synechiae, open the angle, and reduce the IOP within a few hours. CONCLUSIONS: Argon laser iridoplasty allowed rapid reduction of IOP and prevented the need for emergency surgery. Therefore, the authors stipulate that it is a viable management option in active uveitic acute angle-closure glaucoma.
INTRODUCTION : L'affection, et son contraire l'aversion, se manifestent à chaque instant de l'existence. Que ce soit au travers de notre relation avec les membres de notre entourage, les perceptions sonores, visuelles, olfactives qui nous saisissent à tout instant, il est constamment demandé à notre personnalité d'apprécier, de choisir, de rejeter en fonction de nos penchants, sans que ce choix soit nécessairement explicable ou justifiable par des arguments que chacun pourrait comprendre. L'affection, en tant qu'émanation de la personnalité, est-elle juridiquement protégée ? La question semble saugrenue mais il suffit de penser à la protection de la relation avec ses proches que la jurisprudence a bâtie sur la base de l'article 28 CC pour se rendre compte que l'affection est à l'évidence protégée en tant que composante de la personnalité. Mais où s'arrête-t-elle ? S'il est acquis qu'elle protège une relation entre deux êtres, peut-elle porter sur un objet ayant appartenu à un proche, par exemple une montre héritée d'un parent décédé ? Une réaction instinctive nous incite à répondre par l'affirmative; nous entendons cependant démontrer que cette protection trouve aussi des fondements juridiques, et qu'elle a des conséquences légales; ainsi en va-t-il si la montre est endommagée par un tiers : doit-on alors se limiter au remboursement de la valeur vénale, en compensant uniquement le dommage matériel, ou le titulaire du droit à l'affection peut-il réclamer, en sus de la valeur vénale, le dédommagement du tort moral ? Et si la montre est en main d'un tiers, comment aménager le rapport de deux personnes légitimées à invoquer un lien sur un objet, l'une en vertu de son droit de propriété, l'autre en vertu de son sentiment affectif ? La protection ne s'arrête certainement pas aux objets qui rappellent le souvenir d'un être proche. D'autres objets, tels un arbre planté à sa naissance, un objet qui matérialise un événement personnel important, sont aussi susceptibles d'être l'objet d'un lien affectif. Bien qu'ils n'aient pas, en raison de l'absence de lien préalable avec un être physique, de substrat duquel tirer la justification juridique de la protection, nous démontrerons que ce lien affectif est également protégé. Et, enfin, peut-on, à notre époque, parler d'affection sans évoquer les animaux ? Quelles sont les règles applicables au statut de l'animal depuis que le législateur a décidé qu'il n'est plus une chose ? Voilà une troisième catégorie de valeurs d'affection qui nous occupera et dont nous étudierons le régime particulier de protection depuis la récente modification du Code civil suisse. L'étude de la protection des valeurs d'affection a ceci de particulier qu'elle était au début du siècle souvent citée dans le catalogue des droits de la personnalité, notamment lorsque les auteurs commentaient ce nouvel article 28 CC que l'on disait si novateur. Cet ouvrage entend déterminer ce qu'il reste aujourd'hui de cette doctrine si prompte à voir dans l'article 28 CC ce qu'il n'est peut-être plus vraiment actuellement, c'est-à-dire un puissant vecteur du développement des conceptions juridiques et de l'évolution de la protection de la personnalité. L'on entend souvent que la tendance sociale est à l'individualisme, à la précarisation des rapports humains et à l'anonymisation de la société. Le renouveau du débat sur la protection des valeurs d'affection, notamment par la modification législative touchant le statut de l'animal, est la manifestation du besoin social de protéger les liens affectifs portant sur un objet, que ce soit une alliance, un arbre planté à sa naissance, ou un animal de compagnie. Après l'analyse des sources de la protection des valeurs d'affection, nous examinerons quelles peuvent être les conséquences légales de cette protection s'agissant de la réparation du tort moral, et au niveau de la résolution de conflits de droit qui peuvent surgir entre le titulaire du droit à la valeur d'affection et le tiers propriétaire. Il s'agira également de déterminer si la récente modification législative sur le statut de l'animal apporte des solutions nouvelles à ces questions.