41 resultados para Michael, Robert
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Diese Studie untersucht die Poetik und Wirkungsästhetik von Robert Musils Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß (1906) und Die Vereinigungen (1911) anhand des Schlüsselbegriffs >Stimmung<. Wegen der Vagheit des Begriffs und seiner Relevanz in Psychologie, Philosophie und Ästhetik um 1900 wird das Wissen um >Stimmung< im ersten Teil der Studie diskursgeschichtlich beschrieben. Es kann dabei anhand von Robert Mayer, Gustav Theodor Fechner, Hermann von Helmholtz und Wilhelm Wundt gezeigt werden, dass >Stimmungen< als psychologische Zustände wie ästhetische Phänomene in einem engen Verhältnis mit der thermodynamischen Theorie und der Denkfigur des psychophysischen Parallelismus standen. >Stimmungen< galten zum Ende des 19. Jh. einerseits als gleichermaßen experimentell unzugängliche wie grundlegende psychologische Dispositionen, die Körper, Emotion und Intellekt umfassen können, und andererseits als energetisch konzipiertes Verhältnis des Einzelnen zur Außenwelt, das sich in Schwingungen und Strahlen äußert. Im zweiten und dritten Teil wurden die Wissensübertragungen und die genuin literarischen Ausdifferenzierungen von >Stimmungen< in einer dezidiert textnahen Lektüre von Musils Frühwerk entwickelt. Die Textanalyse zeigte, dass in Musils Frühwerk auf thematischer, metaphorologischer, poetologischer und wirkungsästhetischer Ebene von Stimmungen konstituiert wird. Von herausragender Bedeutung sind dabei immaterielle Phänomene. In Auseinandersetzung mit der Ästhetik des Fin de Siècle und dem >Psychophysischen< formuliert der Roman Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß eine Poetik des Duftes, mit der das dichtungstheoretische Ideal einer gleichsam emotional wie rational wirksamen Literatur umgesetzt werden soll. Die Novellen Die Vollendung der Liebe und Die Versuchung der stillen Veronika übertragen psychologisches Stimmungswissen in den literarischen Text und differenzieren es zu ästhetischen Strukturen aus. Zwei verschiedene Leitkonzepte konnten in Die Vereinigungen identifiziert werden: Während Die Versuchung der stillen Veronika eine Poetik bzw. eine Wirkungsästhetik der Wellen entwirft, formuliert Die Vollendung der Liebe eine literarische Anthropologie anhand musikalischen Metaphern und Texturen aus.
BACKGROUND: The value of adenovirus plasma DNA detection as an indicator for adenovirus disease is unknown in the context of T cell-replete hematopoietic cell transplantation, of which adenovirus disease is an uncommon but serious complication. METHODS: Three groups of 62 T cell-replete hematopoietic cell transplant recipients were selected and tested for adenovirus in plasma by polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Adenovirus was detected in 21 (87.5%) of 24 patients with proven adenovirus disease (group 1), in 4 (21%) of 19 patients who shed adenovirus (group 2), and in 1 (10.5%) of 19 uninfected control patients. The maximum viral load was significantly higher in group 1 (median maximum viral load, 6.3x10(6) copies/mL; range, 0 to 1.0x10(9) copies/mL) than in group 2 (median maximum viral load, 0 copies/mL; range, 0 to 1.7x10(8) copies/mL; P<.001) and in group 3 (median maximum viral load, 0 copies/mL; range 0-40 copies/mL; P<.001). All patients in group 2 who developed adenoviremia had symptoms compatible with adenovirus disease (i.e., possible disease). A minimal plasma viral load of 10(3) copies/mL was detected in all patients with proven or possible disease. Adenoviremia was detectable at a median of 19.5 days (range, 8-48 days) and 24 days (range, 9-41 days) before death for patients with proven and possible adenovirus disease, respectively. CONCLUSION: Sustained or high-level adenoviremia appears to be a specific and sensitive indicator of adenovirus disease after T cell-replete hematopoietic cell transplantation. In the context of low prevalence of adenovirus disease, the use of polymerase chain reaction of plasma specimens to detect virus might be a valuable tool to identify and treat patients at risk for viral invasive disease.
Objective: "Michael's Game" is a card game which aims at familiarizing healthcare professionals and patients with cognitive therapy of psychotic symptoms. The present study tests the feasibility and the impact of the intervention in naturalistic settings.Methods: 135 patients were recruited in 11 centres. They were assessed pre- and post-tests with the Beck Cognitive Insight Scale (BCIS) and the Peters Delusion Inventory-21 items (PDI-21).Results: Data about 107 patients were included in the entire analyses. Significant improvements were observed on BCIS subscales as well as a reduction of severity of conviction and preoccupation scores on the PDI-21. The intervention has a moderate effect on the PDI-21 preoccupation and conviction as well as the BCIS subscales. Patients who benefit the most from the program are patients who have a low degree of self-reflectiveness and patients who are concomitantly preoccupied by their symptoms.Conclusion: The present study supports the feasibility and effectiveness of "Michael's Game" in naturalistic settings.Practical implications: The game seems to be a useful tool for patients with psychotic disorders. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The musicians are seen in daily neurological practice facing various problems sometimes simple such as skeletal or tendon pain or even compression of a nerve trunk and sometimes more complicated such as focal dystonia. Dystonia often has a dramatic impact on the career of a musician given the complexity of the clinical and therapeutic approach and the results are often disappointing. The history of the German Romantic composer Robert Schumann illustrates this reality; through his story a discussion of both the different pathophysiological hypotheses responsible for focal dystonia, a disorder of brain plasticity, and of the multimodal therapeutic approaches, revisited in the light of neurophysiological findings will be described.
BACKGROUND: On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the United States. By coincidence, a North Carolina highway patrol trooper was wearing an ambulatory ECG Holter monitor at this time as part of an air pollution study. METHODS: Heart rate variability parameters were analyzed: standard deviation of normal to normal beat intervals (SDNN) and percentage of interval differences >50 ms (PNN50). RESULTS: The trooper's heart rate variability changed immediately after learning about the terrorist attacks. Heart rate increased and PNN50 decreased, while SDNN increased strongly. CONCLUSIONS: These changes suggest strong emotional sympathetic stress associated with parasympathetic withdrawal in response to the news about the terrorist attack. [Authors]
Physical damage and disease are known to lead to changes in the oxylipin signature of plants. We searched for oxylipins produced in response to both wounding and pathogenesis in Arabidopsis leaves. Linoleic acid 9- and 13-ketodienes (KODEs) were found to accumulate in wounded leaves as well as in leaves infected with the pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst). Quantification of the compounds showed that they accumulated to higher levels during the hypersensitive response to Pst avrRpm1 than during infection with a Pst strain lacking an avirulence gene. KODEs are Michael addition acceptors, containing a chemically reactive alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl group. When infiltrated into leaves, KODEs were found to induce expression of the GST1 gene, but vital staining indicated that these compounds also damaged plant cells. Several molecules typical of lipid oxidation, including malonaldehyde, also contain the alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl reactivity feature, and, when delivered in a volatile form, powerfully induced the expression of GST1. The results draw attention to the potential physiological importance of naturally occurring Michael addition acceptors in plants. In particular, these compounds could act directly, or indirectly via cell damage, as powerful gene activators and might also contribute to host cell death.