43 resultados para Metapopulation Viability

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Despite the considerable evidence showing that dispersal between habitat patches is often asymmetric, most of the metapopulation models assume symmetric dispersal. In this paper, we develop a Monte Carlo simulation model to quantify the effect of asymmetric dispersal on metapopulation persistence. Our results suggest that metapopulation extinctions are more likely when dispersal is asymmetric. Metapopulation viability in systems with symmetric dispersal mirrors results from a mean field approximation, where the system persists if the expected per patch colonization probability exceeds the expected per patch local extinction rate. For asymmetric cases, the mean field approximation underestimates the number of patches necessary for maintaining population persistence. If we use a model assuming symmetric dispersal when dispersal is actually asymmetric, the estimation of metapopulation persistence is wrong in more than 50% of the cases. Metapopulation viability depends on patch connectivity in symmetric systems, whereas in the asymmetric case the number of patches is more important. These results have important implications for managing spatially structured populations, when asymmetric dispersal may occur. Future metapopulation models should account for asymmetric dispersal, while empirical work is needed to quantify the patterns and the consequences of asymmetric dispersal in natural metapopulations.


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The populations of Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), the largest European grouse, have seriously declined during the last century over most of their distribution in western and central Europe. In the Jura mountains, the relict population is now isolated and critically endangered (about 500 breeding adults). We developed a simulation software (TetrasPool) that accounts for age and spatial structure as well as stochastic processes, to perform a viability analysis and explore management scenarios for this population, capitalizing on a 24 years-long series of field data. Simulations predict a marked decline and a significant extinction risk over the next century, largely due to environmental and demographic stochasticity (average values of life-history parameters would otherwise allow stability). Variances among scenarios mainly stem from uncertainties about the shape and intensity of density dependence. Uncertainty analyses suggest to focus conservation efforts on enhancing, not only adult survival (as often advocated for long-lived species), but also recruitment. The juvenile stage matters when local populations undergo extinctions, because it ensures connectivity and recolonization. Besides limiting human perturbations, a silvicultural strategy aimed at opening forest structure should improve the quality and surface of available patches, independent of their size and localization. Such measures are to be taken urgently, if the population is to be saved.


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Predicting progeny performance from parental genetic divergence can potentially enhance the efficiency of supportive breeding programmes and facilitate risk assessment. Yet, experimental testing of the effects of breeding distance on offspring performance remains rare, especially in wild populations of vertebrates. Recent studies have demonstrated that embryos of salmonid fish are sensitive indicators of additive genetic variance for viability traits. We therefore used gametes of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta) from five genetically distinct populations of a river catchment in Switzerland, and used a full factorial design to produce over 2,000 embryos in 100 different crosses with varying genetic distances (FST range 0.005-0.035). Customized egg capsules allowed recording the survival of individual embryos until hatching under natural field conditions. Our breeding design enabled us to evaluate the role of the environment, of genetic and nongenetic parental contributions, and of interactions between these factors, on embryo viability. We found that embryo survival was strongly affected by maternal environmental (i.e. non-genetic) effects and by the microenvironment, i.e. by the location within the gravel. However, embryo survival was not predicted by population divergence, parental allelic dissimilarity, or heterozygosity, neither in the field nor under laboratory conditions. Our findings suggest that the genetic effects of inter-population hybridization within a genetically differentiated meta-population can be minor in comparison to environmental effects.


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Ocean currents, prevailing winds, and the hierarchical structures of river networks are known to create asymmetries in re-colonization between habitat patches. The impacts of such asymmetries on metapopulation persistence are seldom considered, especially rarely in theoretical studies. Considering three classical models (the island, the stepping stone and the distance-dependent model), we explore how metapopulation persistence is affected by (i) asymmetry in dispersal strength, in which the colonization rate between two patches differs in direction, and (ii) asymmetry in connectivity, in which the overall colonization pattern displays asymmetry (circulating or dendritic networks). Viability can be drastically reduced when directional bias in dispersal strength is higher than 25%. Re-colonization patterns that allow for strong local connectivity provide the highest persistence compared to systems that allow circulation. Finally, asymmetry has relatively weak effects when metapopulations maintain strong general connectivity.


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CAP1/Prss8 is a membrane-bound serine protease involved in the regulation of several different effectors, such as the epithelial sodium channel ENaC, the protease-activated receptor PAR2, the tight junction proteins, and the profilaggrin polypeptide. Recently, the V170D and the G54-P57 deletion mutations within the CAP1/Prss8 gene, identified in mouse frizzy (fr) and rat hairless (fr(CR)) animals, respectively, have been proposed to be responsible for their skin phenotypes. In the present study, we analyzed those mutations, revealing a change in the protein structure, a modification of the glycosylation state, and an overall reduction in the activation of ENaC of the two mutant proteins. In vivo analyses demonstrated that both fr and fr(CR) mutant animals present analogous reduction of embryonic viability, similar histologic aberrations at the level of the skin, and a significant decrease in the activity of ENaC in the distal colon compared with their control littermates. Hairless rats additionally had dehydration defects in skin and intestine and significant reduction in the body weight. In conclusion, we provided molecular and functional evidence that CAP1/Prss8 mutations are accountable for the defects in fr and fr(CR) animals, and we furthermore demonstrate a decreased function of the CAP1/Prss8 mutant proteins. Therefore, fr and fr(CR) animals are suitable models to investigate the consequences of CAP1/Prss8 action on its target proteins in the whole organism.


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Mating with attractive or dominant males is often predicted to offer indirect genetic benefits to females, but it is still largely unclear how important such non-random mating can be with regard to embryo viability. We sampled a natural population of adult migratory brown trout (Salmo trutta), bred them in vitro in a half-sib breeding design to separate genetic from maternal environmental effects, raised 2098 embryos singly until hatching, and exposed them experimentally to different levels of pathogen stress at a late embryonic stage. We found that the embryos' tolerance to the induced pathogen stress was linked to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of their parents, i.e. certain MHC genotypes appeared to provide better protection against infection than others. We also found significant additive genetic variance for stress tolerance. Melanin-based dark skin patterns revealed males with 'good genes', i.e. embryos fathered by dark coloured males had a high tolerance to infection. Mating with large and dominant males would, however, not improve embryo viability when compared to random mating. We used simulations to provide estimates of how mate choice based on MHC or melanin-based skin patterns would influence embryos' tolerance to the experimentally induced pathogen stress.


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Perinatal care of pregnant women at high risk for preterm delivery and of preterm infants born at the limit of viability (22-26 completed weeks of gestation) requires a multidisciplinary approach by an experienced perinatal team. Limited precision in the determination of both gestational age and foetal weight, as well as biological variability may significantly affect the course of action chosen in individual cases. The decisions that must be taken with the pregnant women and on behalf of the preterm infant in this context are complex and have far-reaching consequences. When counselling pregnant women and their partners, neonatologists and obstetricians should provide them with comprehensive information in a sensitive and supportive way to build a basis of trust. The decisions are developed in a continuing dialogue between all parties involved (physicians, midwives, nursing staff and parents) with the principal aim to find solutions that are in the infant's and pregnant woman's best interest. Knowledge of current gestational age-specific mortality and morbidity rates and how they are modified by prenatally known prognostic factors (estimated foetal weight, sex, exposure or nonexposure to antenatal corticosteroids, single or multiple births) as well as the application of accepted ethical principles form the basis for responsible decision-making. Communication between all parties involved plays a central role. The members of the interdisciplinary working group suggest that the care of preterm infants with a gestational age between 22 0/7 and 23 6/7 weeks should generally be limited to palliative care. Obstetric interventions for foetal indications such as Caesarean section delivery are usually not indicated. In selected cases, for example, after 23 weeks of pregnancy have been completed and several of the above mentioned prenatally known prognostic factors are favourable or well informed parents insist on the initiation of life-sustaining therapies, active obstetric interventions for foetal indications and provisional intensive care of the neonate may be reasonable. In preterm infants with a gestational age between 24 0/7 and 24 6/7 weeks, it can be difficult to determine whether the burden of obstetric interventions and neonatal intensive care is justified given the limited chances of success of such a therapy. In such cases, the individual constellation of prenatally known factors which impact on prognosis can be helpful in the decision making process with the parents. In preterm infants with a gestational age between 25 0/7 and 25 6/7 weeks, foetal surveillance, obstetric interventions for foetal indications and neonatal intensive care measures are generally indicated. However, if several prenatally known prognostic factors are unfavourable and the parents agree, primary non-intervention and neonatal palliative care can be considered. All pregnant women with threatening preterm delivery or premature rupture of membranes at the limit of viability must be transferred to a perinatal centre with a level III neonatal intensive care unit no later than 23 0/7 weeks of gestation, unless emergency delivery is indicated. An experienced neonatology team should be involved in all deliveries that take place after 23 0/7 weeks of gestation to help to decide together with the parents if the initiation of intensive care measures appears to be appropriate or if preference should be given to palliative care (i.e., primary non-intervention). In doubtful situations, it can be reasonable to initiate intensive care and to admit the preterm infant to a neonatal intensive care unit (i.e., provisional intensive care). The infant's clinical evolution and additional discussions with the parents will help to clarify whether the life-sustaining therapies should be continued or withdrawn. Life support is continued as long as there is reasonable hope for survival and the infant's burden of intensive care is acceptable. If, on the other hand, the health care team and the parents have to recognise that in the light of a very poor prognosis the burden of the currently used therapies has become disproportionate, intensive care measures are no longer justified and other aspects of care (e.g., relief of pain and suffering) are the new priorities (i.e., redirection of care). If a decision is made to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining therapies, the health care team should focus on comfort care for the dying infant and support for the parents.


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Summary: Amphibians are among the most vulnerable animals of the world. One third of all species are currently threatened with extinction. Habitat loss is the major menace to pond- and stream-breeding species in the old world. In highly urbanized landscape like the Swiss Plateau, most species suffer from habitat reduction and fragmentation. Among all indigenous species, the European tree frog (Hyla arborea L., 1758) is one of the most endangered. It experienced an alarming decline during the last century and its regional long-term persistence is not guaranteed. We developed a monitoring framework based on calling male counts which included multiple visits to each wetland during the reproduction period in order to precisely determine its distribution on the Lemanic coast. Our results indicate that visiting populations 3 limes under suitable climatic conditions (temperature >20°C) provides reliable presence/absence data. Based on our monitoring data, we analyzed the species requirements regarding its breeding habitat. It appeared that anthropogenic activities had paradoxical effects on the species. On one hand, urbanization, traffic and intensive agriculture had a strong detrimental effect on tree frog distribution. On the other hand, large tree frog populations were frequently associated with gravel pits and military training grounds. Our results allowed us to create a habitat suitability map taking into account detrimental landscape elements around ponds (>1100m away from urban areas and >500m away from first class roads). In parallel, we developed a metapopulation model of the European tree frog in order to identify the critical threats to the long term persistence of the species. Our results indicated that suitable pond density is at the low end of the species requirements. Pond creation must therefore be considered an essential complementary approach to pond conservation and restoration. Our model also provided a mapping solution permitting the location of the must suitable area for pond creation from a metapopulation perspective. As many other amphibians, the European tree frog is not only exposed to an aquatic habitat (breeding and larval period), but also to a terrestrial stage (summer and overwintering habitats). Unfortunately, animals in their terrestrial phase are less conspicuous and, as a consequence, their terrestrial needs are relatively unknown. Using a recent tracking method (the Harmonic Direction Finder), we followed post-breeding frogs and identified favored terrestrial habitats, thus providing another practical conservation tool. We conclude that only the combination of multiple spatially explicit approaches (landscape-scale habitat suitability, metapopulation dynamics and terrestrial needs) is likely to provide wildlife managers with effective tools for the conservation of highly endangered amphibians. Résumé: Les amphibiens font partie des animaux les plus vulnérables du monde. Un tiers des espèces est actuellement menacé d'extinction. Dans l'ancien monde, la disparition des habitats constitue la principale menace pour les grenouilles, crapauds, tritons et salamandres. Dans les paysages fortement urbanisés comme le Plateau Suisse, la plupart des espèces souffrent d'une réduction et d'une fragmentation de leurs habitats. Parmi toutes les espèces indigènes, la rainette verte (Hyla arborea L., 1758) est l'une des plus menacée. Sa distribution a régressé de manière alarmante durant le siècle passé et sa survie régionale à long terme n'est pas assurée. Nous avons développé une méthode de suivi des populations se basant sur le comptage des mâles chanteurs durant la période de reproduction. Cette méthode requiert plusieurs visites à chaque plan d'eau de manière à déterminer précisément la distribution de l'espèce. Nos résultats démontrent que 3 visites par population dans des conditions climatiques favorable (température >20°C) permettent d'obtenir des données de présence/ absence valables. Sur la base de nos comptages sur la Côte lémanique, nous avons analysé les exigences de l'espèce concernant ses sites de reproduction. Il est apparu que les activités humaines avaient un effet paradoxal sur l'espèce. D'une part, l'urbanisation, le trafic routier et l'intensification de l'agriculture ont un effet fortement préjudiciable, tandis que d'autre part les plus grandes populations sont souvent associées à des gravières et autres places d'armes. Nos résultats ont permis de créer une carte de qualité d'habitat prenant en compte les éléments paysagers préjudiciables à la rainette (situé à plus de 1100m de zones urbaines et à plus de 500m de routes de première classe). En parallèle, nous avons développé un modèle métapopulationnel (incluant l'ensemble des populations) de manière à identifier les menaces prépondérantes sur la survie à long terme de l'espèce. Nos résultats ont permis de déterminer que la densité actuelle de plans d'eau adéquats est à la limite inférieure des exigences de l'espèce. La création d'étangs doit donc être considérée comme une approche indispensable et complémentaire à la protection et à la restauration des sites existants. Notre modèle a également fourni des résultats cartographiables permettant l'identification des sites les plus appropriés dans une perspective métapopulationnelle. Comme de nombreux autres amphibiens, la rainette verte est exposée à un habitat aquatique (reproduction et développement larvaire) ainsi qu'à un habitat terrestre (été et hiver). Les animaux étant particulièrement cryptiques dans cette seconde phase, leurs besoins terrestres sont relativement mal connus. Nous avons donc développé une nouvelle méthode de télémétrie basée sur le goniomètre harmonique. Cette méthode nous a permis de suivre des rainettes dans leurs migrations jusqu'à leurs habitats d'été et d'établir ainsi des recommandations pratiques pour la conservation de la rainette. Nous concluons que la combinaison de multiples approches spatialement explicites (qualité d'habitat, dynamique de métapopulation et habitats terrestres) est seule à même de produire des outils efficaces pour la conservation des espèces menacées d'amphibiens.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific cytolytic activity is mediated mostly by CD4+CTL in humans. CD4+CTL kill infected target cells by inducing Fas (APO-1/CD95)-mediated apoptosis. We have examined the effect of Fas ligand (FasL)-induced apoptosis of human macrophages infected in vitro with M. tuberculosis on the viability of the intracellular bacilli. Human macrophages expressed Fas and underwent apoptosis after incubation with soluble recombinant FasL. In macrophages infected either with an attenuated (H37Ra) or with a virulent (H37Rv) strain of M. tuberculosis, the apoptotic death of macrophages was associated with a substantial reduction in bacillary viability. TNF-induced apoptosis of infected macrophages was coupled with a similar reduction in mycobacterial viability, while the induction of nonapoptotic complement-induced cell death had no effect on bacterial viable counts. Infected macrophages also showed a reduced susceptibility to FasL-induced apoptosis correlating with a reduced level of Fas expression. These data suggest that apoptosis of infected macrophages induced through receptors of the TNF family could be an immune effector mechanism not only depriving mycobacteria from their growth environment but also reducing viable bacterial counts by an unknown mechanism. On the other hand, interference by M. tuberculosis with the FasL system might represent an escape mechanism of the bacteria attempting to evade the effect of apoptosis.


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Most models on introgression from genetically modified (GM) plants have focused on small spatial scales, modelling gene flow from a field containing GM plants into a single adjacent population of a wild relative. Here, we present a model to study the effect of introgression from multiple plantations into the whole metapopulation of the wild relative. The most important result of the model is that even very low levels of introgression and selection can lead to a high probability that the transgene goes to fixation in the metapopulation. Furthermore, the overall frequency of the transgene in the metapopulation, after a certain number of generations of introgression, depends on the population dynamics. If there is a high rate of migration or a high rate of population turnover, the overall transgene frequency is much higher than with lower rates. However, under an island model of population structure, this increased frequency has only a very small effect on the probability of fixation of the transgene. Considering these results, studies on the potential ecological risks of introgression from GM plants should look not only at the rate of introgression and selection acting on the transgene, but also at the metapopulation dynamics of the wild relative.


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Purpose: We evaluated the potential for hybrid PET/MRI devices to provide integrated metabolic, functional and anatomic characterisation of patients with suspected coronary artery disease.Methods and Materials: Ten patients (5 with suspected hibernating myocardium and 5 healthy volunteers) performed an imaging study using a hybrid PET/MRI (Philips). Viability assessed by 18F-FDG was performed in diseased patients along with MRI anatomic and functional study and reassessed within 30 minutes by conventional PET/CT. Non-contrast right coronary artery (RCA) targeted and whole heart 3D coronary angio-MRI using ECG-gating and respiratory navigator was performed in healthy volunteers with reconstruction performed using MPR and volume rendering. The extent of metabolic defect (MD) using PET/MRI and PET/CT was compared in patients and coronary territories (LAD, CX, RCA). Assessability of coronary lumen was judged as good, sub-optimal or non-assessable using a 16-segments coronary model.Results: Metabolic assessment was successful in all patients with MD being 19.2% vs 18.3% using PET/MRI and PET/CT, respectively (P=ns). The MD was 10.2%, 6 %, and 3 % vs 9.3%, 6 % and 3 % for LAD, CX and RCA territories, respectively (P= ns). Coronary angio-MRI was successful in all volunteers with 66 coronary segments visualised overall. The RCA was fully visualised in 4/5 volunteers and the left coronary arteries in 4/5 volunteers. Assessability in visualised segments was good, sub-optimal and non-assessable in 88 %, 2 % and 10 %, respectively.Conclusion: Hybrid PET/MRI devices may enable metabolic evaluation comparable to PET/CT with additional value owing to accurate functional and anatomical information including coronary assessment.


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Population viability analyses (PVA) are increasingly used in metapopulation conservation plans. Two major types of models are commonly used to assess vulnerability and to rank management options: population-based stochastic simulation models (PSM such as RAMAS or VORTEX) and stochastic patch occupancy models (SPOM). While the first set of models relies on explicit intrapatch dynamics and interpatch dispersal to predict population levels in space and time, the latter is based on spatially explicit metapopulation theory where the probability of patch occupation is predicted given the patch area and isolation (patch topology). We applied both approaches to a European tree frog (Hyla arborea) metapopulation in western Switzerland in order to evaluate the concordances of both models and their applications to conservation. Although some quantitative discrepancies appeared in terms of network occupancy and equilibrium population size, the two approaches were largely concordant regarding the ranking of patch values and sensitivities to parameters, which is encouraging given the differences in the underlying paradigms and input data.


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The spatial configuration of metapopulations (numbers, sizes, and localization of patches) affects their ability to resist demographic extinction and genetic drift, but sometimes with opposite effects. Small and isolated patches, for instance, contribute marginally to demography but may play a large role in genetics by maintaining a sizeable amount of genetic variance among demes. In source-sink systems, similarly, connectivity may be beneficial in terms of effective size, but detrimental in terms of survival, by lowering the reproductive value of source populations. How to reconcile these opposite effects? Here we propose an analytical framework that integrates fixation time (ability to resist genetic drift) and extinction time (ability to resist demographic extinction) into a single index of resistance, measuring the ability of a metapopulation to maintain its demo-genetic integrity. We then illustrate with numerical examples how conflicting demands may be resolved.


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When mouse dendritic cells (DCs) are isolated from tissues, purified and placed in a nutritive culture they die more rapidly than would be expected from their normal turnover in vivo. This can distort culture assays of DC function. We therefore tested several approaches to prolonging DC survival in culture. Of several cytokines tested granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor was most effective at preserving the viability of conventional DCs (cDCs) but was ineffective for plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs). Surprisingly, Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand, crucial for DC development, produced only a marginal improvement in DC survival in culture, and interleukin-3, reported to prevent apoptosis of human pDCs, produced only a minor improvement in survival of mouse DCs. Genetic manipulation of cell death pathways was also tested, to avoid activation effects exerted by cytokine signalling. The isolation of DCs from mice overexpressing Bcl-2 was especially effective in maintaining pDC viability but gave a lesser improvement in cDC viability. DCs isolated from Bim(-/-)Noxa(-/-) mice also showed improved culture survival, but in this case with pDCs showing the least improvement.