40 resultados para Materials and process characterization

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Using immunocytochemistry and multiunit recording of afferent activity of the whole vestibular nerve, we investigated the role of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR) in the afferent neurotransmission in the frog semicircular canals (SCC). Group I (mGluR1alpha) and group II (mGluR2/3) mGluR immunoreactivities were distributed to the vestibular ganglion neurons, and this can be attributed to a postsynaptic locus of metabotropic regulation of rapid excitatory transmission. The effects of group I/II mGluR agonist (1S,3R)-1-aminocyclopentane-trans-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (ACPD) and antagonist (R,S)-alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine (MCPG) on resting and chemically induced afferent activity were studied. ACPD (10-100 microM) enhanced the resting discharge frequency. MCPG (5-100 microM) led to a concentration-dependent decrease of both resting activity and ACPD-induced responses. If the discharge frequency had previously been restored by L-glutamate (L-Glu) in high-Mg2+ solution, ACPD elicited a transient increase in the firing rate in the afferent nerve suggesting that ACPD acts on postsynaptic receptors. The L-Glu agonists, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), were tested during application of ACPD. AMPA- and NMDA-induced responses were higher in the presence than absence of ACPD, implicating mGluR in the modulation of ionotropic glutamate receptors. These results indicate that activation of mGluR potentiates AMPA and NMDA responses through a postsynaptic interaction. We conclude that ACPD may exert modulating postsynaptic effects on vestibular afferents and that this process is activity-dependent.


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The wreck U Pezzo, excavated within the Saint Florent Gulf in northern Corsica was identified as the pink, Saint Etienne, a merchant ship which sank on January 31, 1769. In order to determine the composition of organic materials used to coat the hull or to waterproof different parts of the pink, a study of several samples, using molecular biomarker and carbon isotopic analysis, was initiated. The results revealed that the remarkable yellow coat, covering the outside planks of the ship's bottom under the water line, is composed of sulfur, tallow (of ox and not of cetacean origin) and black pitch which corresponds to a mixture called ``couroi'' or ``stuff'. Onboard ropes had been submitted to a tarring treatment with pitch. Hairs mixed with pitch were identified in samples collected between the two layers of the hull or under the sheathing planking. The study also provides a key model for weathering of pitch, as different degrees of degradation were found between the surface and the heart of several samples. Accordingly, molecular parameters for alteration were proposed. Furthermore novel mixed esters between terpenic and diterpenic alcohols and the free major fatty acids (C(14:0), C(16:0), C(18:0)) were detected in the yellow coat. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To study the toxicity of nanoparticles under relevant conditions, it is important to reproducibly disperse nanoparticles in biological media in in vitro and in vivo studies. Here, single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) and double-walled nanotubes (DWNTs) were physicochemically and biologically characterized when dispersed in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and bovine serum albumin (BSA). BSA-SWNT/DWNT interaction resulted in a reduction of aggregation and an increase in particle stabilization. Based on the protein sequence coverage and protein binding results, DWNTs exhibited higher protein binding than SWNTs. SWNT and DWNT suspensions in the presence of BSA increased interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels and reduced tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) levels in A549 cells as compared to corresponding samples in the absence of BSA. We next determined the effects of SWNTs and DWNTs on pulmonary protein modification using bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) as a surrogate collected form BALB/c mice. The BALF proteins bound to SWNTs (13 proteins) and DWNTs (11 proteins), suggesting that these proteins were associated with blood coagulation pathways. Lastly, we demonstrated the importance of physicochemical and biological alterations of SWNTs and DWNTs when dispersed in biological media, since protein binding may result in the misinterpretation of in vitro results and the activation of protein-regulated biological responses.


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Brown adipose tissue and liver of hibernating, arousing and euthermic individuals of the dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius were studies using ultrastructural cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry with the aim to investigate possible fine structural modifications of the cell nucleus during the seasonal cycle. The general morphology of brown adipocyte and hepatocyte nuclei was similar in the three experimental groups. However, three nuclear structural constituents were identified only in hibernating individuals: coiled bodies (CBs) and amorphous bodies (ABs) were observed in hepatocytes and, together with bundles of nucleoplasmic fibrils (NF), were present in brown adipocytes of hibernating dormice. In arousing animals only some structural constituents suggestive of poorly structured CBs were found. The latter showed the same immunocytochemical features as CBs of hibernating individuals, suggesting that they are disappearing CBs. A possible involvement of CBs in storing and/or processing RNA which must be rapidly and abundantly released upon arousal is discussed. ABs similarly to CBs contain RNA and nucleoplasmic ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) and could also be involved in mRNA pathways. NF do not contain nucleic acids or RNPs and seem to be composed of protein-aceous material; their functional role in the nuclear metabolism of hibernating brown adipocytes remains unclear.


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Molecular and stable carbon isotope compositions of source-specific hydrocarbons have been used to reconstruct palaeoenvironmental conditions during deposition of the Middle Hettangian to Upper Sinemurian sediments on the northern epicontinental Tethys margin, Frick Swiss Jura. Increasing algal, cyanobacterial and phytoplanktonic (i.e., dinoflagellate) contributions associated with the C-13-enrichment of cyanobacteria derivatives (i.e., hopanes and monomethylalkanes) suggest enhanced primary productivity upsection. This is related to the C-13-enrichment of dissolved CO2 in the upper layers and the progressive increase of depth and oxygenation of the water column. In the Middle Hettangian shallow-water environments (lagoon), the occurrence of green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobiaceae) derivatives indicates that the lower part of the water column was strictly anoxic and rich in H2S. Since these bacteria require very low light intensity to grow, these euxinic conditions may be extended up to the photic zone, allowing for anaerobic photosynthesis. Light penetration depth is most likely reduced by high productivity and/or turbidity in the photic zone. In these sediments, C-13-depleted hopanoids (-39.5 parts per thousand) are most likely associated with phototrophic purple sulfur bacteria utilizing isotopically light organic carbon at the base of the aerobic zone. These purple sulfur bacteria may have consumed the H2S used by Chlorobiaceae in the deeper layers and thus, sustained the algae and cyanobacteria productivity in the upper layers. The C-13-depleted carbonate (-13.3 parts per thousand) may be partially related to the anaerobic oxidation of the organic matter during bacterial sulfate-reduction. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Serine repeat antigen 5 (SERA5) is an abundant antigen of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and is the most strongly expressed member of the nine-gene SERA family. It appears to be essential for the maintenance of the erythrocytic cycle, unlike a number of other members of this family, and has been implicated in parasite egress and/or erythrocyte invasion. All SERA proteins possess a central domain that has homology to papain except in the case of SERA5 (and some other SERAs), where the active site cysteine has been replaced with a serine. To investigate if this domain retains catalytic activity, we expressed, purified, and refolded a recombinant form of the SERA5 enzyme domain. This protein possessed chymotrypsin-like proteolytic activity as it processed substrates downstream of aromatic residues, and its activity was reversed by the serine protease inhibitor 3,4-diisocoumarin. Although all Plasmodium SERA enzyme domain sequences share considerable homology, phylogenetic studies revealed two distinct clusters across the genus, separated according to whether they possess an active site serine or cysteine. All Plasmodia appear to have at least one member of each group. Consistent with separate biological roles for members of these two clusters, molecular modeling studies revealed that SERA5 and SERA6 enzyme domains have dramatically different surface properties, although both have a characteristic papain-like fold, catalytic cleft, and an appropriately positioned catalytic triad. This study provides impetus for the examination of SERA5 as a target for antimalarial drug design.


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GnRH neurons provide the primary driving force upon the neuroendocrine reproductive axis. Here we used GnV-3 cells, a model of conditionally immortalized GnRH-expressing neurons, to perform an analysis of cell cycle and compare the gene expression profile of proliferating cells with differentiated cells. In the proliferation medium, 45 ± 1.5% of GnV-3 cells are in S-phase by FACS analysis. In the differentiation medium, only 9 ± 0.9% of them are in S-phase, and they acquire the characteristic bipolar shape displayed by preoptic GnRH neurons in vivo. In addition, GnV-3 cells in the differentiated state exhibit electrophysiological properties characteristic of neurons. Transcriptomic analysis identified up-regulation of 1931 genes and down-regulation of 1270 genes in cells grown in the differentiation medium compared to cells in the proliferation medium. Subsequent gene ontology study indicated that genes over-expressed in proliferating GnV-3 cells were mainly involved in cell cycle regulations, whereas genes over-expressed in differentiated cells were mainly involved in processes of differentiation, neurogenesis and neuronal morphogenesis. Taken together, these data demonstrate the occurrence of morphological and physiological changes in GnV-3 cells between the proliferating and the differentiated state. Moreover, the genes differentially regulated between these two different states are providing novel pathways potentially important for a better understanding of the physiology of mature GnRH neurons.


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Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are serine/threonine kinases that react in response to calcium which functions as a trigger for several mechanisms in plants and invertebrates, but not in mammals. Recent structural studies have defined the role of calcium in the activation of CDPKs and have elucidated the important structural changes caused by calcium in order to allow the kinase domain of CDPK to bind and phosphorylate the substrate. However, the role of autophosphorylation in CDPKs is still not fully understood. In Plasmodium falciparum, seven CDPKs have been identified by sequence comparison, and four of them have been characterized and assigned to play a role in parasite motility, gametogenesis and egress from red blood cells. Although PfCDPK2 was already discovered in 1997, little is known about this enzyme and its metabolic role. In this work, we have expressed and purified PfCDPK2 at high purity in its unphosphorylated form and characterized its biochemical properties. Moreover, propositions about putative substrates in P. falciparum are made based on the analysis of the phosphorylation sites on the artificial substrate myelin basic protein (MBP).


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A gene, named AtECH2, has been identified in Arabidopsis thaliana to encode a monofunctional peroxisomal enoyl-CoA hydratase 2. Homologues of AtECH2 are present in several angiosperms belonging to the Monocotyledon and Dicotyledon classes, as well as in a gymnosperm. In vitro enzyme assays demonstrated that AtECH2 catalyzed the reversible conversion of 2E-enoyl-CoA to 3R-hydroxyacyl-CoA. AtECH2 was also demonstrated to have enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 activity in an in vivo assay relying on the synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate from the polymerization of 3R-hydroxyacyl-CoA in the peroxisomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. AtECH2 contained a peroxisome targeting signal at the C-terminal end, was addressed to the peroxisome in S. cerevisiae, and a fusion protein between AtECH2 and a fluorescent protein was targeted to peroxisomes in onion cells. AtECH2 gene expression was strongest in tissues with high beta-oxidation activity, such as germinating seedlings and senescing leaves. The contribution of AtECH2 to the degradation of unsaturated fatty acids was assessed by analyzing the carbon flux through the beta-oxidation cycle in plants that synthesize peroxisomal polyhydroxyalkanoate and that were over- or underexpressing the AtECH2 gene. These studies revealed that AtECH2 participates in vivo to the conversion of the intermediate 3R-hydroxyacyl-CoA, generated by the metabolism of fatty acids with a cis (Z)-unsaturated bond on an even-numbered carbon, to the 2E-enoyl-CoA for further degradation through the core beta-oxidation cycle.


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To assess the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary evaluation and referral process in a prospective cohort of general hospital patients with alcohol dependence. Alcohol-dependent patients were identified in the wards of the general hospital and its primary care center. They were evaluated and then referred to treatment by a multidisciplinary team; those patients who accepted to participate in this cohort study were consecutively included and followed for 6 months. Not included patients were lost for follow-up, whereas all included patients were assessed at time of inclusion, 2 and 6 months later by a research psychologist in order to collect standardized baseline patients' characteristics, process salient features and patients outcomes (defined as treatment adherence and abstinence). Multidisciplinary evaluation and therapeutic referral was feasible and effective, with a success rate of 43%for treatment adherence and 28%for abstinence at 6 months. Among patients' characteristics, predictors of success were an age over 45, not living alone, being employed and being motivated to treatment (RAATE-A score < 18), whereas successful process characteristics included detoxification of the patient at time of referral and a full multidisciplinary referral meeting. This multidisciplinary model of evaluation and referral of alcohol dependent patients of a general hospital had a satisfactory level of effectiveness. Predictors of success and failure allow to identify subsets of patients for whom new strategies of motivation and treatment referral should be designed.


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Le Syndrome de Bruck (Bruck Syndrome; BS) est une maladie autosomique récessive assemblant la combinaison inhabituelle de fragilité osseuse semblable à celle de l'Ostéogenèse Imparfaite (0I) avec des contractures congénitales tendineuses et cutanées des grandes articulations («ptérygia»). Les cas décrits jusqu'à ce jour mettent en évidence une grande hétérogénéité du tableau clinique, liée en partie au manque d'un diagnostic biochimique ou moléculaire. Nous savons que dans le BS les gènes codant pour le collagène 1 ne sont pas mutés, mais savons néanmoins, grâce à l'étude du collagène extrait de biopsies osseuses, qu'il y a un déficit d'hydroxylation des résidus de lysine dans les télopeptides du collagène 1 qui servent à la formation des liens intermoléculaires (crosslinks) et donc à la stabilisation des fibres de collagène. Un locus génétique du BS à été mappé sur 17q12, mais le gène responsable sur ce locus reste inconnu; plus récemment, deux mutations dans le gène de la lysyl hydroxylase 2 (PLOD2, position chromosomique 3q23-q24) ont été identifiées, démontrant l'hétérogénéité génétique du ES. La proportion de ES liée à 17p22 (BS type 1) et celle liée à une mutation dans PLOD2 (BS type 2) est encore incertaine et nous manquons de données sur la corrélation phenotype-génotype. Nous avons étudié le cas d'un garçon avec des contractures et des ptérygia dès la naissance, combinées à une ostéopénie sévère de type OI menant à des fractures multiples. Ses urines contenaient une quantité élevée d'hydroxyproline, indiquant un remaniement important du tissu osseux, mais peu de produits de dégradation des crosslinks du collagène, indiquant donc une réduction de la proportion de crosslinks dans le collagène in vivo. Nous avons pu démontrer chez lui la présence d'une nouvelle mutation homozygote dans le gène PLOD2 menant à une substitution Arg598His; les deux parents du sujet étaient hétérozygotes pour la mutation et celle-ci était absente dans notre population témoin. La mutation est adjacente aux deux mutations rapportées précédemment (Gly601Val et Thr608Ile), ce qui suggère la présence d'un ''hotspot'' mutationnel mais aussi d'une région de grande importance fonctionnelle sur PLOD2 : cette observation est importante pour la création d'inhibiteurs de PLOD2, recherchés en ce moment pour le traitement de la fibrose. La combinaison de ptérygia et de fragilité osseuse, comme illustrée par notre patient est apparemment contradictoire et donc difficilement explicable mais indique que l'hydroxylation des résidus lysyl des télopeptides est importante non seulement pour la stabilité osseuse mais aussi dans la morphogénèse et la formation des articulations dans la période prénatale. Finalement, la mesure des produits de dégradation du collagène dans l'urine et l'analyse de mutation de PLOD2 permet le diagnostic du syndrome de Bruck et permet de le différencier de l'Osteogénèse Imparfaite. -- Bruck syndrome (BS) is a recessively-inherited phenotypic disorder featuring the unusual combination of skeletal changes resembling osteogenesis imperfecta (0I) with congenital contractures of the large joints. Clinical heterogeneity is apparent in cases reported thus far. While the genes coding for collagen 1 chains are unaffected in BS, there is biochemical evidence for a defect in the hydroxylation of lysine residues in collagen 1 telopeptides. One BS locus has been mapped at 17p12, but more recently, two mutations in the lysyl hydroxylase 2 gene (PLOD2, 3q23-q24) have been identified in BS, showing genetic heterogeneity. The proportion of BS cases linked to 17p22 (BS type 1) or caused by mutations in PLOD2 (BS type 2) is still uncertain, and phenotypic correlations are lacking. We report on a boy who had congenital contractures with pterygia at birth and severe 0I-like osteopenia and multiple frac-tures. His urine contained high amounts of hydroxyproline but low amounts of collagen crosslinks degradation products; and he was shown to be homozygous for a novel mutation leading to an Arg598His substitution in PLOD2. The mutation is adjacent to the two mutations previously reported (Gly601Val and Thr608Ile), suggesting a functionally important hotspot in PLOD2. The combination of pterygia with bone fragility, as illustrated by this case, is difficult to explain; it suggests that telopeptide lysyl hydroxylation must be involved in prenatal joint formation and morphogenesis. Collagen degradation products in urine and mutation analysis ofPLOD2 maybe used to diagnose BS and differentiate it from M.


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Purpose. This study was conducted to determine whether newer infrared or laser welding technologies created joints superior to traditional furnace or torch soldering methods of joining metals. It was designed to assess the mechanical resistance, the characteristics of the fractured surfaces, and the elemental diffusion of joints obtained by four different techniques: (1) preceramic soldering with a propane-oxygen torch, (2) postceramic soldering with a porcelain furnace, (3) preceramic and (4) postceramic soldering with an infrared heat source, and (5) laser welding. Material and methods. Mechanical resistance was determined by measuring the ultimate tensile strength of the joint and by determining their resistance to fatigue loading. Elemental diffusion to and from the joint was assessed with microprobe tracings. Scanning electron microscopy micrographs of the fractured surface were also obtained and evaluated. Results. Under monotonic tensile stress, three groups emerged: The laser welds were the strongest, the preceramic joints ranged second, and the postceramic joints were the weakest. Under fatigue stress, the order was as follows: first, the preceramic joints, and second, a group that comprised both postceramic joints and the laser welds. Inspection of the fractographs revealed several fracture modes but no consistent pattern emerged. Microprobe analyses demonstrated minor diffusion processes in the preceramic joints, whereas significant diffusion was observed in the postceramic joints. Clinical Implications. The mechanical resistance data conflicted as to the strength that could be expected of laser welded joints. On the basis of fatigue resistance of the joints, neither infrared solder joints nor laser welds were stronger than torch or furnace soldered joints.


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This study aimed to elucidate the observed variable phenotypic expressivity associated with NRXN1 (Neurexin 1) haploinsufficiency by analyses of the largest cohort of patients with NRXN1 exonic deletions described to date and by comprehensively reviewing all comparable copy number variants in all disease cohorts that have been published in the peer reviewed literature (30 separate papers in all). Assessment of the clinical details in 25 previously undescribed individuals with NRXN1 exonic deletions demonstrated recurrent phenotypic features consisting of moderate to severe intellectual disability (91%), severe language delay (81%), autism spectrum disorder (65%), seizures (43%), and hypotonia (38%). These showed considerable overlap with previously reported NRXN1-deletion associated phenotypes in terms of both spectrum and frequency. However, we did not find evidence for an association between deletions involving the β-isoform of neurexin-1 and increased head size, as was recently published in four cases with a deletion involving the C-terminus of NRXN1. We identified additional rare copy number variants in 20% of cases. This study supports a pathogenic role for heterozygous exonic deletions of NRXN1 in neurodevelopmental disorders. The additional rare copy number variants identified may act as possible phenotypic modifiers as suggested in a recent digenic model of neurodevelopmental disorders. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The generation of vaccines against HIV/AIDS able to induce long-lasting protective immunity remains a major goal in the HIV field. The modest efficacy (31.2%) against HIV infection observed in the RV144 phase III clinical trial highlighted the need for further improvement of HIV vaccine candidates, formulation, and vaccine regimen. In this study, we have generated two novel NYVAC vectors, expressing HIV-1 clade C gp140(ZM96) (NYVAC-gp140) or Gag(ZM96)-Pol-Nef(CN54) (NYVAC-Gag-Pol-Nef), and defined their virological and immunological characteristics in cultured cells and in mice. The insertion of HIV genes does not affect the replication capacity of NYVAC recombinants in primary chicken embryo fibroblast cells, HIV sequences remain stable after multiple passages, and HIV antigens are correctly expressed and released from cells, with Env as a trimer (NYVAC-gp140), while in NYVAC-Gag-Pol-Nef-infected cells Gag-induced virus-like particles (VLPs) are abundant. Electron microscopy revealed that VLPs accumulated with time at the cell surface, with no interference with NYVAC morphogenesis. Both vectors trigger specific innate responses in human cells and show an attenuation profile in immunocompromised adult BALB/c and newborn CD1 mice after intracranial inoculation. Analysis of the immune responses elicited in mice after homologous NYVAC prime/NYVAC boost immunization shows that recombinant viruses induced polyfunctional Env-specific CD4 or Gag-specific CD8 T cell responses. Antibody responses against gp140 and p17/p24 were elicited. Our findings showed important insights into virus-host cell interactions of NYVAC vectors expressing HIV antigens, with the activation of specific immune parameters which will help to unravel potential correlates of protection against HIV in human clinical trials with these vectors. IMPORTANCE: We have generated two novel NYVAC-based HIV vaccine candidates expressing HIV-1 clade C trimeric soluble gp140 (ZM96) and Gag(ZM96)-Pol-Nef(CN54) as VLPs. These vectors are stable and express high levels of both HIV-1 antigens. Gag-induced VLPs do not interfere with NYVAC morphogenesis, are highly attenuated in immunocompromised and newborn mice after intracranial inoculation, trigger specific innate immune responses in human cells, and activate T (Env-specific CD4 and Gag-specific CD8) and B cell immune responses to the HIV antigens, leading to high antibody titers against gp140. For these reasons, these vectors can be considered vaccine candidates against HIV/AIDS and currently are being tested in macaques and humans.