21 resultados para MICROPOROUS CARBONS
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) is a family of polymers composed primarily of R-3-hydroxyalkanoic acids. These polymers have properties of biodegradable thermoplastics and elastomers. Medium-chain-length PHAs (MCL-PHAs) are synthesized in bacteria by using intermediates of the beta-oxidation of alkanoic acids. To assess the feasibility of producing MCL-PHAs in plants, Arabidopsis thaliana was transformed with the PhaC1 synthase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa modified for peroxisome targeting by addition of the carboxyl 34 amino acids from the Brassica napus isocitrate lyase. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated that the modified PHA synthase was appropriately targeted to leaf-type peroxisomes in light-grown plants and glyoxysomes in dark-grown plants. Plants expressing the PHA synthase accumulated electron-lucent inclusions in the glyoxysomes and leaf-type peroxisomes, as well as in the vacuole. These inclusions were similar to bacterial PHA inclusions. Analysis of plant extracts by GC and mass spectrometry demonstrated the presence of MCL-PHA in transgenic plants to approximately 4 mg per g of dry weight. The plant PHA contained saturated and unsaturated 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids ranging from six to 16 carbons with 41% of the monomers being 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid and 3-hydroxyoctenoic acid. These results indicate that the beta-oxidation of plant fatty acids can generate a broad range of R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA intermediates that can be used to synthesize MCL-PHAs.
Cerebral metabolism is compartmentalized between neurons and glia. Although glial glycolysis is thought to largely sustain the energetic requirements of neurotransmission while oxidative metabolism takes place mainly in neurons, this hypothesis is matter of debate. The compartmentalization of cerebral metabolic fluxes can be determined by (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy upon infusion of (13)C-enriched compounds, especially glucose. Rats under light α-chloralose anesthesia were infused with [1,6-(13)C]glucose and (13)C enrichment in the brain metabolites was measured by (13)C NMR spectroscopy with high sensitivity and spectral resolution at 14.1 T. This allowed determining (13)C enrichment curves of amino acid carbons with high reproducibility and to reliably estimate cerebral metabolic fluxes (mean error of 8%). We further found that TCA cycle intermediates are not required for flux determination in mathematical models of brain metabolism. Neuronal tricarboxylic acid cycle rate (V(TCA)) and neurotransmission rate (V(NT)) were 0.45 ± 0.01 and 0.11 ± 0.01 μmol/g/min, respectively. Glial V(TCA) was found to be 38 ± 3% of total cerebral oxidative metabolism, accounting for more than half of neuronal oxidative metabolism. Furthermore, glial anaplerotic pyruvate carboxylation rate (V(PC)) was 0.069 ± 0.004 μmol/g/min, i.e., 25 ± 1% of the glial TCA cycle rate. These results support a role of glial cells as active partners of neurons during synaptic transmission beyond glycolytic metabolism.
The Admiral, a new microporous membrane oxygenator with a low surface area, decreased priming volume and two separate reservoirs, was tested in 30 adult patients. This study was undertaken to evaluate blood path resistance, gas exchange capabilities and blood trauma in clinical use, with and without shed blood separation. Patients were divided into 3 groups. Group 1 had valve surgery without separation of suction, Group 2 had coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with direct blood aspiration and Group 3 had coronary artery bypass grafting with shed blood separation. The suctioned, separated, cardiotomy blood in Group 3 was treated with an autotransfusion device at the end of bypass before being returned to the patient. Theoretical blood flow could be achieved in all cases without problem. The pressure drop through the oxygenator averaged 88 +/- 13 mmHg at 4 l/min and 109 +/- 12 mmHg at 5 l/min. O(2) transfer was 163 +/- 27 ml/min. Free plasma haemoglobin rose in all groups, but significantly less in group 3. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) rose significantly in Groups 1 and 2. Platelets decreased in all groups without significant differences. Clinical experience with this new oxygenator was safe, the reduced membrane surface did not impair gas exchange and blood trauma could be minimized easily by separating shed blood, using the second cardiotomy reservoir.
The effects of dark-induced stress on the evolution of the soluble metabolites present in senescent soybean (Glycine max L.) nodules were analysed in vitro using (13)C- and (31)P-NMR spectroscopy. Sucrose and trehalose were the predominant soluble storage carbons. During dark-induced stress, a decline in sugars and some key glycolytic metabolites was observed. Whereas 84% of the sucrose disappeared, only one-half of the trehalose was utilised. This decline coincides with the depletion of Gln, Asn, Ala and with an accumulation of ureides, which reflect a huge reduction of the N(2) fixation. Concomitantly, phosphodiesters and compounds like P-choline, a good marker of membrane phospholipids hydrolysis and cell autophagy, accumulated in the nodules. An autophagic process was confirmed by the decrease in cell fatty acid content. In addition, a slight increase in unsaturated fatty acids (oleic and linoleic acids) was observed, probably as a response to peroxidation reactions. Electron microscopy analysis revealed that, despite membranes dismantling, most of the bacteroids seem to be structurally intact. Taken together, our results show that the carbohydrate starvation induced in soybean by dark stress triggers a profound metabolic and structural rearrangement in the infected cells of soybean nodule which is representative of symbiotic cessation.
Summary Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) represent a family of polyesters naturally synthesized by a wide variety of bacteria. Through their thermoplastic and elastomeric qualities, together with their biodegradable and renewable properties, they are predicted to be a good alternative to the petroleum- derived plastics. Nevertheless, as PHA production costs using bacteria fermentation are still too high, PHA synthesis within eukaryotic systems, such as plants, has been elaborated. Although the costs were then efficiently lowered, the yield of PHAs produced remained low. In this study, Saccharomyces cerevisae has been used as another eukaryotic model in order to reveal the steps which limit PHA production. These cells express the PHA synthase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the PHAs obtained were analyzed to understand the flux of fatty acids towards and through the peroxisomal β-oxidation core cycle, generating the main substrate of the PHA synthase. When S. cerevisiae wild-type cells are grown in a media containing glucose as carbon source as well as fatty acids, the PHA monomer composition is largely influenced by the nature of the external fatty acid used. Thus, even-chain PHA monomers are generated from oleic acid (18:1Δ9cis) and odd- chain PHA monomers are generated from heptadecenoic acid (17:1Δ. 10 cis). Moreover, PHA synthesis is dependent on the first two enzymes of the 0-oxidation core cycle, the acyl-CoA oxidase and the multifunctional enzyme enoyl-CoA hydratase II / R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase. S. cerevisiae mutant cells growing on oleic or heptadecenoic acid and deficient in either the R-3- hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase or in the 3-ketothiolase activity, the last β-oxidation cycle steps, surprisingly contained PHAs of predominantly even-chain monomers. This is also noticed in wild- type and mutants grown on glucose or raffinose, indicating that the substrate used for PHA synthesis is generated from the degradation of intracellular short- and medium-chain fatty acids by the 3- oxidation cycle. Inhibition of fatty acid biosynthesis by cerulenin blocks the synthesis of PHAs from intracellular fatty acids but still enables the use of extracellular fatty acids for polymer production. Together, these results uncovered the existence of a substantial futile cycle whereby short- and medium-chain intermediates of the cytoplasmic fatty acid biosynthetic pathway are directed towards the peroxisomal β-oxidation pathway. In this thesis, no increase of the yield of PHA produced could be obtained. But the PHA synthesis confirmed the carbon flux into and through the β-oxidation core cycle and unveiled the existence of novel mechanisms. It is thus a good tool to study in vivo the flux of carbons in S. cerevisiae cells. Résumé Les polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) sont une famille de polyesters naturellement synthétisés par un grand nombre de bactéries. Ayant des propriétés de thermoplastiques, d'élastomères et étant des ressources biodégradables et renouvelables, les PHAs représentent une bonne alternative aux plastiques dérivés du pétrole. Pour pallier aux coûts considérables de la production de PHAs par fermentation bactérienne, la synthèse de PHAs par des systèmes eucaryotes telles les plantes a été élaborée. Les coûts ont ainsi efficacement été diminués, mais le rendement de PHAs produits reste faible. Dans cette étude, Saccharomyces cerevisiae a été utilisé comme autre modèle eucaryote pour révéler les étapes limitantes de la production de PHAs. Les PHAs obtenus dans les cellules exprimant la F'HA synthase de Pseudomonas aeruginosa ont été analysés afin de comprendre le flux d'acides gras vers et à travers le cycle péroxisomal de la β-oxidation, principal producteur du substrat de la PHA synthase. Lorsque la souche S. cerevisiae de type sauvage se développe dans un milieu contenant du glucose et des acides gras, la composition des monomères de PHAs est influencée par la nature des acides gras extracellulaires. Ainsi, les monomères pairs sont générés par l'acide oléique (18:1Δ9cis), tandis que les impairs le sont par l'acide heptadécénoïque (17:1Δ10cis). La synthèse de PHAs est dépendante des deux premières enzymes de la β-oxidation; l'acyl-CoA oxidase et l'enzyme multifonctionnelle enoyl-CoA hydratase II / R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA déshydrogénase. Les souches mutantes ne possédant pas les activités de la R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA déshydrogénase ou de la 3- ketothiolase contiennent, en présence d'acide oléique ou heptadécénoïque, des PHAs composés essentiellement de monomères pairs. Cela a également été observé en présence de glucose ou de raffinose uniquement. Le substrat utilisé pour la synthèse de PHAs a ainsi été généré par la dégradation d'acides gras intracellulaires à chaîne courte et moyenne via le cycle de la β-oxidation. L'inhibition de la synthèse d'acides gras par la cérulénine a bloqué la synthèse de PHAs par les acides gras internes. Ces résultats ont révélés l'existence d'un cycle futile par lequel des intermédiaires à chaîne courte et moyenne de la synthèse cytoplasmique d'acides gras sont dirigés vers le cycle péroxisomal de la β-oxidation. Dans cette étude, le rendement de PHAs produits reste inchangé, mais l'analyse des PHAs permet de confirmer le flux de carbones vers et à travers le cycle péroxisomal de la β-oxidation et l'existence de nouveaux méchanismes a été dévoilée. Cette synthèse s'avère être un bon outil pour étudier in vivo le flux de carbones dans les cellules de S. cerevisiae.
The late Variscan (275-278 Ma) Pribram uranium deposit is one of the largest known accumulations of uraniferous bitumens in hydrothermal veins. The deposit extends along the northwestern boundary of the Central Bohemian pluton (345-335 Ma) with low-grade metamorphosed Late Proterozoic and unmetamorphosed Cambrian rocks. From a net uranium production of 41,742 metric tons (t), more than 6,000 t were extracted from bitumen-uraninite ores during 43 years of exploration and mining. Three morphological varieties of solid bitumen are recognized: globular, asphaltlike, and cokelike. While the globular bitumen is uranium free, the other two types are uraniferous. The amount of bitumen in ore veins gradually decreases toward the contact with the plutonic body and increases with depth. Two types of bitumen microtextures are recognized using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy: amorphous and microporous, the former being less common in uraniferous samples. A lower Raman peak area ratio (1,360/1,575 cm(-1)) in mineralized bitumens (0.9) compared with uranium-free samples (2.0) indicates a lower degree of microtextural organization in the latter The H/C and O/C atomic ratios in uranium-free bitumens (0.9-1.1 and 0.09, respectively) are higher than those in mineralized samples (H/C = 0.3-0.8, O/C = 0.03-0.09). The chloroform extractable matter yield is Very low in uranium-free bitumens (0.30-0.35% of the total organic carbon,TOC) and decreases with uranium content increase. The extracted solid uraniferous bitumen infrared spectra show depletion in aliphatic CH2 and CH3 groups compared to uranium-free samples. The concentration of oxygen-bearing functional groups relative to aromatic bonds in the IR spectra of uranium-free and mineralized bitumen, however, do not differ significantly. C-13 NMR confirmed than the aromaticity of a uraniferous sample is higher (F-ar = 0.61) than in the uranium-free bitumen (F-ar = 0.51). Pyrolysates from uraniferous and nonuraniferous bitumens do not differ significantly, being predominantly cresol, alkylphenols, alkylbenzenes, and alkylnaphthalenes. The liquid pyrolysate yield decreases significantly with increasing uranium content. The delta(13)C Values of bulk uranium-free bitumens and low-grade uraniferous, asphaltlike bitumens range from -43.6 to 52.3 per mil. High-grade, cokelike, uraniferous bitumens are more C-13 depleted (54.5 to -58.4 parts per thousand). In contrast to the very light isotopic ratios of the high-grade uraniferous cokelike bitumen bulk carbon, the individual n-alkanes and isoprenoids (pristane and phytane) extracted from the same sample are significantly C-13 enriched. The isotopic composition of the C13-24 n-alkanes extracted from the high-grade uraniferous sample (delta(13)C = -28.0 to 32.6 parts per thousand) are heavier compared with the same compounds in a uranium-free sample (delta(13)C = 31.9 to 33.8 parts per thousand). It is proposed that the bitumen source was the isotopically light (delta(13)C = 35.8 to 30.2 parts per thousand) organic matter of the Upper Proterozoic host rocks that were pyrolyzed during intrusion of the Central Bohemian pluton. The C-13- depleted pyrolysates were mobilized from the innermost part of the contact-metamorphic aureole, accumulated in structural traps in less thermally influenced parts of the sedimentary complex and were later extracted by hydrothermal fluids. Bitumens at the Pribram deposit are younger than the main part of the uranium mineralization and were formed through water-washing and radiation-induced polymerization of both the gaseous and liquid pyrolysates. Direct evidence for pyrolysate reduction of uranium in the hydrothermal system is difficult to obtain as the chemical composition of the original organic fluid phase was modified during water-washing and radiolytic alteration. However, indirect evidence-e.g., higher O/C atomic ratios in uranium-free bitumens (0.1) relative to the Upper Proterozoic source rocks (0.02-0.05), isotopically very light carbon in associated whewellite (delta(13)C = 31.7 to -28.4 parts per thousand), and the striking absence of bitumens in the pre-uranium, hematite stage of the mineralization-indicates that oxidation of organic fluids may have contributed to lowering of aO(2) and uraninite precipitation.
Transgenic plants producing peroxisomal polyhydroxy- alkanoate (PHA) from intermediates of fatty acid degradation were used to study carbon flow through the beta-oxidation cycle. Growth of transgenic plants in media containing fatty acids conjugated to Tween detergents resulted in an increased accumulation of PHA and incorporation into the polyester of monomers derived from the beta-oxidation of these fatty acids. Tween-laurate was a stronger inducer of beta-oxidation, as measured by acyl-CoA oxidase activity, and a more potent modulator of PHA quantity and monomer composition than Tween-oleate. Plants co-expressing a peroxisomal PHA synthase with a capryl-acyl carrier protein thioesterase from Cuphea lanceolata produced eightfold more PHA compared to plants expressing only the PHA synthase. PHA produced in double transgenic plants contained mainly saturated monomers ranging from 6 to 10 carbons, indicating an enhanced flow of capric acid towards beta-oxidation. Together, these results support the hypothesis that plant cells have mechanisms which sense levels of free or esterified unusual fatty acids, resulting in changes in the activity of the beta-oxidation cycle as well as removal and degradation of these unusual fatty acids through beta-oxidation. Such enhanced flow of fatty acids through beta-oxidation can be utilized to modulate the amount and composition of PHA produced in transgenic plants. Furthermore, synthesis of PHAs in plants can be used as a new tool to study the quality and relative quantity of the carbon flow through beta-oxidation as well as to analyse the degradation pathway of unusual fatty acids.
The fungus Aspergillus nidulans contains both a mitochondrial and peroxisomal ß-oxidation pathway. This work was aimed at studying the influence of mutations in the foxA gene, encoding a peroxisomal multifunctional protein, or in the scdA/echA genes, encoding a mitochondrial short-chain dehydrogenase and an enoyl-CoA hydratase, respectively, on the carbon flux to the peroxisomal ß-oxidation pathway. A. nidulans transformed with a peroxisomal polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) synthase produced PHA from the polymerization of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA intermediates derived from the peroxisomal ß-oxidation of external fatty acids. PHA produced from erucic acid or heptadecanoic acid contained a broad spectrum of monomers, ranging from 5 to 14 carbons, revealing that the peroxisomal ß-oxidation cycle can handle both long and short-chain intermediates. While the ∆foxA mutant grown on erucic acid or oleic acid synthesized 10-fold less PHA compared to wild type, the same mutant grown on octanoic acid or heptanoic acid produced 3- to 6-fold more PHA. Thus, while FoxA has an important contribution to the degradation of long-chain fatty acids, the flux of short-chain fatty acids to peroxisomal ß-oxidation is actually enhanced in its absence. While no change in PHA was observed in the ∆scdA∆echA mutant grown on erucic acid or oleic acid compared to wild type, there was a 2- to 4-fold increased synthesis of PHA in ∆scdA∆echA cells grown in octanoic acid or heptanoic acid. These results reveal that a compensatory mechanism exists in A. nidulans that increases the flux of short-chain fatty acids towards the peroxisomal ß-oxidation cycle when the mitochondrial ß-oxidation pathway is defective.
A Knudsen flow reactor has been used to quantify functional groups on the surface of seven different types of combustion particle samples: 3 amorphous carbons (FS 101, Printex 60, FW 2), 2 flame soots (hexane soot generated from a rich and a lean diffusion flame), and 2 Diesel particles (SRM 2975, Diesel soot recovered from a Diesel particulate filter). The technique is based on a heterogeneous titration reaction between a probe gas and a specific functional group on the particle surface. Six probe gases have been selected for the quantification of important functional groups: N(CH3)3 for the titration of acidic sites, NH2OH for carbonyl functions of aldehydes and ketones, CF3COOH and HCl for basic sites of different strength, O3 and NO2 for oxidizable groups. The limit of detection was generally well below 1% of a formal monolayer of adsorbed probe gas. Results obtained with N(CH3)3 were higher for the FW 2 amorphous carbon (post-oxidized sample, according to the manufacturer) and the Diesel particles (between 5.2·10 13 and 5.8·10 13 molecule/cm2), indicating a higher state of oxidation than for the other samples (between 1.3·10 12 and 3.7·10 12 molecule/cm2). The ratio of uptakes of CF3COOH and HCl inferred the presence of basic oxides on the particle surface, owing to the larger stability of the acetate compared to the chloride counter ion in the resulting pyrylium salt. The reactivity of the FS 101 amorphous carbon (3.7·10 15 molecule/cm2) and the hexane flame soot (between 1.9·10 15 and 2.7·10 15 molecule/cm2) towards O3 was very high, indicating the presence of a huge amount of oxidizable or reduced groups on the surface of these samples. Besides the quantification of surface functional groups, the kinetics of reactions between particles and probe gases has also been studied. The uptake coefficient γ0 was roughly correlated with the amount of probe gas taken up by the samples. Indeed, the presence of a high density of functional groups led to fast uptake of the probe gas. These different findings indicate that the particle surface appeared multi-functional, with the simultaneous presence of antagonistic functional groups which do not undergo internal chemical reactions, such as acid-base neutralization. Results also point to important differences in the surface reactivity of the samples, depending on the combustion conditions. The relative distribution of the surface functional groups may be a useful indicator for the state of oxidation and the reactivity of the particle surface.
Background: Fine particulate matter originating from traffic correlates with increased morbidity and mortality. An important source of traffic particles is brake wear of cars which contributes up to 20% of the total traffic emissions. The aim of this study was to evaluate potential toxicological effects of human epithelial lung cells exposed to freshly generated brake wear particles. Results: An exposure box was mounted around a car's braking system. Lung cells cultured at the air-liquid interface were then exposed to particles emitted from two typical braking behaviours ("full stop" and "normal deceleration"). The particle size distribution as well as the brake emission components like metals and carbons was measured on-line, and the particles deposited on grids for transmission electron microscopy were counted. The tight junction arrangement was observed by laser scanning microscopy. Cellular responses were assessed by measurement of lactate dehydrogenase (cytotoxicity), by investigating the production of reactive oxidative species and the release of the pro-inflammatory mediator interleukin-8. The tight junction protein occludin density decreased significantly (p < 0.05) with increasing concentrations of metals on the particles (iron, copper and manganese, which were all strongly correlated with each other). Occludin was also negatively correlated with the intensity of reactive oxidative species. The concentrations of interleukin-8 were significantly correlated with increasing organic carbon concentrations. No correlation was observed between occludin and interleukin-8, nor between reactive oxidative species and interleukin-8. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the metals on brake wear particles damage tight junctions with a mechanism involving oxidative stress. Brake wear particles also increase pro-inflammatory responses. However, this might be due to another mechanism than via oxidative stress. [Authors]
AIMS: Retroviral-mediated gene therapy has been proposed as a primary or adjuvant treatment for advanced cancer, because retroviruses selectively infect dividing cells. Efficacy of retroviral-mediated gene transfer, however, is limited in vivo. Although packaging cell lines can produce viral vectors continuously, such allo- or xenogeneic cells are normally rejected when used in vivo. Encapsulation using microporous membranes can protect the packaging cells from rejection. In this study, we used an encapsulated murine packaging cell line to test the effects of in situ delivery of a retrovirus bearing the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase suicide gene in a rat model of orthotopic glioblastoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To test gene transfer in vitro, encapsulated murine psi2-VIK packaging cells were co-cultured with baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells, and the percentage of transfected BHK cells was determined. For in vivo experiments, orthotopic C6 glioblastomas were established in Wistar rats. Capsules containing psi2-VIK cells were stereotaxically implanted into these tumours and the animals were treated with ganciclovir (GCV). Tumours were harvested 14 days after initiation of GCV therapy for morphometric analysis. RESULTS: Encapsulation of psi2-VIK cells increased transfection rates of BHK target cells significantly in vitro compared to psi2-VIK conditioned medium (3 x 10(6) vs 2.3 x 10(4) cells; P<0.001). In vivo treatment with encapsulated packaging cells resulted in 3% to 5% of C6 tumour cells transduced and 45% of tumour volume replaced by necrosis after GCV (P<0.01 compared to controls). CONCLUSION: In this experimental model of glioblastoma, encapsulation of a xenogeneic packaging cell line increased half-life and transduction efficacy of retrovirus-mediated gene transfer and caused significant tumour necrosis.
Energy metabolism supports both inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmission processes. This study investigated the specific contribution of astrocytic metabolism to γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) synthesis and inhibitory GABAergic neurotransmission that remained to be ilucidated in vivo. Therefore, we measured (13) C incorporation into brain metabolites by dynamic (13) C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 14.1 T in rats under α-chloralose anaesthesia during infusion of [1,6-(13) C]glucose. The enhanced sensitivity at 14.1 T allowed to quantify incorporation of (13) C into the three aliphatic carbons of GABA non-invasively. Metabolic fluxes were determined with a mathematical model of brain metabolism comprising glial, glutamatergic and GABAergic compartments. GABA synthesis rate was 0.11 ± 0.01 μmol/g/min. GABA-glutamine cycle was 0.053 ± 0.003 μmol/g/min and accounted for 22 ± 1% of total neurotransmitter cycling between neurons and glia. Cerebral glucose oxidation was 0.47 ± 0.02 μmol/g/min, of which 35 ± 1% and 7 ± 1% was diverted to the glutamatergic and GABAergic tricarboxylic acid cycles, respectively. The remaining fraction of glucose oxidation was in glia, where 12 ± 1% of the TCA cycle flux was dedicated to oxidation of GABA. 16 ± 2% of glutamine synthesis was provided to GABAergic neurons. We conclude that substantial metabolic activity occurs in GABAergic neurons and that glial metabolism supports both glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in the living rat brain. We performed (13) C NMR spectroscopy in vivo at high magnetic field (14.1 T) upon administration of [1,6-(13) C]glucose. This allowed to measure (13) C incorporation into the three aliphatic carbons of GABA in the rat brain, in addition to those of glutamate, glutamine and aspartate. These data were then modelled to determine fluxes of energy metabolism in GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons and glial cells.
Degradation of fatty acids having cis-double bonds on even-numbered carbons requires the presence of auxiliary enzymes in addition to the enzymes of the core beta-oxidation cycle. Two alternative pathways have been described to degrade these fatty acids. One pathway involves the participation of the enzymes 2, 4-dienoyl-coenzyme A (CoA) reductase and Delta(3)-Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase, whereas the second involves the epimerization of R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA via a 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA epimerase or the action of two stereo-specific enoyl-CoA hydratases. Although degradation of these fatty acids in bacteria and mammalian peroxisomes was shown to involve mainly the reductase-isomerase pathway, previous analysis of the relative activity of the enoyl-CoA hydratase II (also called R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA hydro-lyase) and 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase in plants indicated that degradation occurred mainly through the epimerase pathway. We have examined the implication of both pathways in transgenic Arabidopsis expressing the polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa in peroxisomes and producing polyhydroxyalkanoate from the 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA intermediates of the beta-oxidation cycle. Analysis of the polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesized in plants grown in media containing cis-10-heptadecenoic or cis-10-pentadecenoic acids revealed a significant contribution of both the reductase-isomerase and epimerase pathways to the degradation of these fatty acids.
Abstract The late Neoproterozoic or Ediacaran period, (635 to -543 Ma) is a primordial time in the Earth history corresponding to the beginning of animal life and the most extreme ice ages on Earth. In this dissertation, palaeoenvironmental conditions were reconstructed for Ediacaran, post-Gaskiers shelf deposits in SW- Gondwana and their changes were evaluated according to the diversity of organisms. The present study addresses the question of interactions between biodiversity and environmental change by using the elemental and isotopic geochemistry of sedimentary rocks and associated organic matter, as well as the distribution of hydrocarbon biomarkers. The studied sedimentary sequences are from a large basin extended from the Paraguay belt to the Rio de la Plata craton, including the Corumbâ Group in SW-Brazil (Paraguay belt), the Arroyo del Soldado Group in Uruguay and the Sierras Bayas Group in Argentina (both in the Rio de la Plata craton). Several geochemical signatures of the sediments from Corumbâ and Sierras Bayas groups provides evidence for an euxinic setting in the Ediacaran Ocean: 1) The occurrence of syngenetic pyrite in the Corumbâ Group together with hydrocarbon biomarkers of an anoxic microbial consortium including traces of gammacerane, a distribution of hopanes with maxima at C29 as well as a low pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratio; 2) the occurrence of 34S enrichments within sulfides of the Sierras Bayas Group exceeding the sulfur isotopic composition of coeval carbonate-associated sulfate. In the Arroyo del Soldado Group, an event of reducing conditions was revealed by higher concentrations of redox-sensitive trace elements and negative 513Ccar shifts in all sections. This event is extended to the whole unit in the deepest section and is restricted to tempestites in the two other shallow sections. The persistent negative. ôl3Ccar values recorded at the basinal setting implies strong isotopic gradient between shallow and deep water environments and therefore, a locus of deposition below the redox chemocline. In all studied sections, the excursions, the strong enrichment of authigenic trace-elements, the occurrence of longer chain «-alkanes, gammacerane and low Pr/Ph and Ph/>;-C]a ratios, combined with the previous sedimentological and paleontological observations indicate that the chemistry of the ocean was strongly controlled by the oxygen availability; waters being moderately oxic at the surface and anoxic at depth for much of the Neoproterozoic. This water column stratification was favourable to the storage of large amounts of nutrients in the deep ocean. During upwelling periods, the export of these nutrient-rich waters may have triggered an important bioproductivity in surface waters. Drops in Al3Cc,,.](Cr and positive ôl3Ccllr excursions highlight the increase in primary productivity. Preservation of organic carbon was ensured by reducing conditions at the bottom. The Al3ccar.kcr excursions could also reflect changes in the composition of the primary biomass. New geochemical evidence from SW-Gondwana sections supports a stratified Ediacaran ocean, outside restricted or hypersaline environments, in the aftermath of glaciations. The association of ocean stratification and the appearance of metazoans support the model that the evolution of eukaryotic life was related to the increase of oxygen levels in surface environments due to an efficient recycling of nutrients in the anoxic deep ocean. Résumé Le Néoprotérozoïque terminal, ou Édiacarien (635 à -543 Ma), est un période de première importance dans l'histoire de la Terre, car elle correspond a l'apparition des métazoaires pendant un intervalle de glaciations extrêmes. Le présent mémoire se propose de reconstituer les conditions paléoenvironnementales des dépôts de plateforme mis en place durant l'Édiacarien, au sud-ouest du Gondwana. Les interactions entre changements environnementaux et biodiversité sont évaluées en s'appuyant d'une part sur la composition élémentaire et isotopique des roches sédimentaires et de leur matière organique, et d'autre part sur la distribution moléculaire de biomarqueurs hydrocarbonés. Les séquences sédimentaires étudiées proviennent d'un grand bassin qui s'étend de la chaîne du Paraguay jusqu'au craton du Rio de la Plata. La séquence du Groupe Corumbâ au Sud Ouest du Brésil se situe dans la chaîne du Paraguay, tandis que le Groupe Arroyo del Soldado en Uruguay et le Groupe Sierras Bayas en Argentine sont situés sur le craton du Rio de la Plata. L'étude géochimique des sédiments des groupes Corumbâ et Sierras Bayas révèle de façon claire des conditions euxiniques dans l'océan édiacarien. On trouve ainsi, dans le Groupe Corumbâ, les biomarqueurs d'un cortège microbien anoxique et sulfurique comprenant des bactéries sulfato-réductrices, et dans les sulfures du Groupe Sierras Bayas, des enrichissements en Î4S excédant les rapports isotopiques du soufre dans le sulfate cogénétique associé aux carbonates. Dans la séquence de l'Arroyo del Soldado, un événement réducteur est mis en évidence par des teneurs plus élevées en éléments traces sensibles aux conditions redox et par des excursions négatives du 613Ccardans toutes les coupes. Cet événement affecte la totalité de la section la plus profonde et n'apparaît que dans les tempestites dans les sections les moins profondes. La persistance de valeurs négatives du ô13Ccarau large implique un gradient isotopique prononcé entre les environnements superficiels et profonds, et donc, ta présence d'une chémocline redox. Les excursions du. ôBCcar, l'enrichissement authigène en éléments traces, la présence de gammacérane et de rt-alcanes à longue chaîne, ainsi que de faibles rapports Pr/Ph et Ph/«-Cl8, viennent s'ajouter aux observations préliminaires sur la sédimentologie et la paléontologie pour indiquer que la chimie de l'océan était fortement contrôlée par la disponibilité d'oxygène, les eaux étant modérément oxiques à la surface et anoxiques en profondeur pendant la plus grande partie du Néoprotérozoïque. La stratification de la colonne d'eau était favorable au stockage de grandes quantités de nutriments dans l'océan profond. Dans les zones d'upwelling, la migration d'eaux profondes riches en nutriment vers la surface a pu provoquer une bioproductivité prononcée dans les eaux de surface. La conservation du carbone organique était assurée par les conditions anoxiques prévalant au fond. Les excursions du A13Ccar.kt.r pourraient aussi refléter des changements dans la biomasse primaire. Le présent travail apporte donc de nouvelles preuves qu'un océan stratifié s'est maintenu à la suite des glaciations néoprotérozoïques dans le Sud Ouest du Gondwana. L'association d'un océan stratifié et de l'apparition de la vie animale est en accord avec le modèle stipulant que l'évolution de la vie est associée à une meilleure oxygénation des environnements de surface. Résumé pour le grand public La période Ediacarienne (635 à -543 Ma) à la fin du Précambrien est l'une de plus énigmatiques dans l'histoire de la Terre, car elle est caractérisée par la diversification de la vie multicellulaire (eucaryote) pendant un intervalle de glaciations extrêmes. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous cherchons à déceler l'existence éventuelle d'un lien entre ces changements environnementaux et l'évolution de la vie eucaryote à travers une étude biogéochimique. La biogéochimie est l'étude des activités biologiques dans la géosphère, telles que celles intervenant dans les cycles des éléments chimiques (y compris les isotopes stables) et celles de production de composés carbonés caractérisant certains groups d'organismes ou taxons. La recherche des signatures paléoenvironnementales dans les roches précambriennes a été fortement facilitée par l'utilisation des biomarqueurs ou fossiles moléculaires. Ces composés, provenant des lipides biologiques (molécules avec des fonctions spécifiques dans les organismes), peuvent être reliés à des taxons spécifiques ou à des voies métaboliques. La transformation d'un biolipide en fossile moléculaire intervient lorsque des restes organiques déposés dans un substrat subissent un enfouissement et une augmentation de la pression (diagenèse). Ce processus mène à la formation de kérogène, un grand agrégat chimique de matière organique insoluble dans des solvants organiques, et de bitume ou fraction soluble (extractible) de la matière organique. L'analyse intégrée du kérogène et du bitume fournit des indications précieuses pour les reconstitutions paléoenvironnementales. Des conditions paléoenvironnementales ont ainsi été déterminées pour une plateforme marine Ediacarienne située dans la partie sud-américaine du bloc occidental du paléocontinent Gondwana. Les séquences sédimentaires étudiées appartiennent au même bassin qui s'étend de la ceinture du Paraguay (Groupe Corumbâ, Brésil) au craton du Rio de la Plata (Groupes Arroyo del Soldado, Uruguay et Sierras Bayas, Argentina). Nous nous sommes intéressés aux isotopes stables de carbonates et de la matière organique associée (kérogène et bitume), aux éléments majeurs et traces, ainsi qu'aux biomarqueurs caractérisant ces roches. Les résultats de cette dissertation suggèrent qu'au cours de l'Édiacarien, suite aux glaciations néoprotérozoïques dans le bloc occidental du Gondwana, l'océan était stratifié en zones spécifiques d'eaux riches en sulfures et dépourvues d'oxygène (euxiniques). L'association d'un océan stratifié et de l'apparition de la vie animale est en accord avec le modèle stipulant que l'évolution de la vie est associée à une meilleure oxygénation des environnements de surface. Les excursions isotopiques (tendance à des valeurs positives ou négatives) en constante fluctuation pour le carbone et très positives pour le soufre des sulfures, l'enrichissement en éléments trace et la présence de certains composés (e.g. gammacerane; Pr/Ph et Ph/«-Ci8 en basse proportion) conjugués aux observations sédimentologiques et paléontologiques des différents profils étudiés indiquent que la chimie de l'océan était fortement contrôlée par la disponibilité d'oxygène, avec des eaux modérément oxygénées en surface et euxiniques en profondeur pour la plupart du Néoprotérozoïque.
Ingestion of pure fructose stimulates de novo lipogenesis and gluconeogenesis. This may however not be relevant to typical nutritional situations, where fructose is invariably ingested with glucose. We therefore assessed the metabolic fate of fructose incorporated in a mixed meal without or with glucose in eight healthy volunteers. Each participant was studied over six hours after the ingestion of liquid meals containing either 13C-labelled fructose, unlabeled glucose, lipids and protein (Fr + G) or 13C-labelled fructose, lipids and protein, but without glucose (Fr), or protein and lipids alone (ProLip). After Fr + G, plasma 13C-glucose production accounted for 19.0% ± 1.5% and 13CO2 production for 32.2% ± 1.3% of 13C-fructose carbons. After Fr, 13C-glucose production (26.5% ± 1.4%) and 13CO2 production (36.6% ± 1.9%) were higher (p < 0.05) than with Fr + G. 13C-lactate concentration and very low density lipoprotein VLDL 13C-palmitate concentrations increased to the same extent with Fr + G and Fr, while chylomicron 13C-palmitate tended to increase more with Fr + G. These data indicate that gluconeogenesis, lactic acid production and both intestinal and hepatic de novo lipogenesis contributed to the disposal of fructose carbons ingested together with a mixed meal. Co-ingestion of glucose decreased fructose oxidation and gluconeogenesis and tended to increase 13C-pamitate concentration in gut-derived chylomicrons, but not in hepatic-borne VLDL-triacylglycerol (TG). This trial was approved by clinicaltrial. gov. Identifier is NCT01792089.