em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Place branding is not a new phenomenon. The emphasis placed on place branding has recently become particularly strong and explicit to both practitioners and scholars, in the current context of a growing mobility of capital and people. On the one hand, there is a need for practitioners to better understand place brands and better implement place branding strategies. In this respect, this domain of study can be currently seen as 'practitioner led', and in this regard many contributions assess specific cases in order to find success factors and best practices for place branding. On the other hand, at a more analytical level, recent studies show the complexity of the concept of place branding and argue that place branding works as a process including various stakeholders, in which culture and identity play a crucial role. In the literature, tourists, companies and residents represent the main target groups of place branding. The issues regarding tourists and companies have been examined since long by place promoters, location branders, economists or other scholars. However, the analysis of residents' role in place branding has been overlooked until recently and represents a new interest for researchers. The present research aims to further develop the concept of place branding, both theoretically and empirically. First of all, the paper presents a theoretical overview of place branding, from general basic questions (definition of place, brand and place brand) to specific current debates of the literature. Subsequently, the empirical part consists in a case study of the Grand Genève (Great Geneva).
Une des principales composantes de la politique de l'emploi, l'assurance chômage, est confrontée à de nombreux changements et pressions. On peut mentionner notamment la révision de la loi (LACI) visant à réduire les déficits récurrents et la dette du fonds de l'assurance chômage, les pressions exercées par la Confédération pour réduire les coûts des caisses de chômage ou encore l'introduction d'un nouveau contrat de prestation liant la Confédération et les caisses de chômage pour les années 2009-2013. Combinés à une des particularités du système suisse de l'assurance-chômage résidant dans le fait que les caisses de chômage sont mises partiellement en concurrence entre elles, ces éléments suscitent des interrogations sur les règles de gouvernance des caisses publiques et le degré d'autonomie de ces caisses pour remplir leur mission de manière efficiente.