em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
MOTIVATION: The anatomy of model species is described in ontologies, which are used to standardize the annotations of experimental data, such as gene expression patterns. To compare such data between species, we need to establish relations between ontologies describing different species. RESULTS: We present a new algorithm, and its implementation in the software Homolonto, to create new relationships between anatomical ontologies, based on the homology concept. Homolonto uses a supervised ontology alignment approach. Several alignments can be merged, forming homology groups. We also present an algorithm to generate relationships between these homology groups. This has been used to build a multi-species ontology, for the database of gene expression evolution Bgee. AVAILABILITY: download section of the Bgee website http://bgee.unil.ch/
Improving the performance of positive selection inference by filtering unreliable alignment regions.
Errors in the inferred multiple sequence alignment may lead to false prediction of positive selection. Recently, methods for detecting unreliable alignment regions were developed and were shown to accurately identify incorrectly aligned regions. While removing unreliable alignment regions is expected to increase the accuracy of positive selection inference, such filtering may also significantly decrease the power of the test, as positively selected regions are fast evolving, and those same regions are often those that are difficult to align. Here, we used realistic simulations that mimic sequence evolution of HIV-1 genes to test the hypothesis that the performance of positive selection inference using codon models can be improved by removing unreliable alignment regions. Our study shows that the benefit of removing unreliable regions exceeds the loss of power due to the removal of some of the true positively selected sites.
Objective. Mandibular osteoradionecrosis (ORN) is a serious complication of radiotherapy (RT) in head and neck cancer patients. The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence of and risk factors for mandibular ORN in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity and oropharynx.Study Design. Case series with chart review.Setting. University tertiary care center for head and neck oncology.Subjects and Methods. Seventy-three patients treated for stage I to IV SCC of the oral cavity and oropharynx between 2000 and 2007, with a minimum follow-up of 2 years, were included in the study. Treatment modalities included both RT with curative intent and adjuvant RT following tumor surgery. The log-rank test and Cox model were used for univariate and multivariate analyses.Results. The incidence of mandibular ORN was 40% at 5 years. Using univariate analysis, the following risk factors were identified: oral cavity tumors (P < .01), bone invasion (P < .02), any surgery prior to RT (P < .04), and bone surgery (P < .0001). By multivariate analysis, mandibular surgery proved to be the most important risk factor and the only one reaching statistical significance (P < .0002).Conclusion. Mandibular ORN is a frequent long-term complication of RT for oral cavity and oropharynx cancers. Mandibular surgery before irradiation is the only independent risk factor. These aspects must be considered when planning treatment for these tumors.
Correct positioning of the tibial component in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) must take into account both an optimal bone coverage (defined by a maximal cortical bearing with posteromedial and anterolateral support) and satisfactory patellofemoral tracking. Consequently, a compromise position must be found by the surgeon during the operation to simultaneously meet these two requirements. Moreover, tibial tray positioning depends upon the tibial torsion, which has been shown to act mainly in the proximal quarter of the tibia. Therefore, the correct application of the tibial tray is also theoretically related to the level of bone resection. In this study, we first quantified the torsional profile given by an optimal bone coverage for a symmetrical tibial tray design and for an asymmetrical one. Then, for the two types of tibial trays, we measured the angle difference between optimal bone coverage and an alignment on the middle of the tibial tubercule. Results showed that the values of the torsional profile given by the symmetrical tray were more scattered than those from the asymmetrical one. However, determination of the mean differential angle between the position providing optimal bone coverage and the one providing the best patellofemoral tracking indicated that the symmetrical prosthetic tray offered the best compromise between these two requirements. Although the tibiofemoral joint is known to be asymmetric in both shape and dimension, the asymmetrical tray chosen in this study was found to fulfill this compromise with more difficulty.
Syngnathia is an extremely rare condition involving congenital fusion of the maxilla with the mandible. Clinical presentations vary from simple mucosal bands (synechiae) to complete bony fusion (synostosis). Most cases are unilateral incomplete fusions. We report the case of a severely growth-retarded newborn infant with complete synostosis of the mandible with the maxilla and the zygoma associated with cleft palate, choanal atresia, deafness, delayed cerebral white matter development, and genital and limb malformations. Extensive genetic analysis did not reveal any mutations. This association of multiple congenital malformations may represent an entity distinct from previously described syndromes associated with syngnathia.
OBJECTIVES: To preliminarily evaluate prospectively the accuracy and reliability of a specific ad hoc reduction-compression forceps in intraoral open reduction of transverse and displaced mandibular angle fractures. STUDY DESIGN: We analyzed the clinical and radiologic data of 7 patients with 7 single transverse and displaced angle fractures. An intraoral approach was performed in all of the patients without using perioperative intermaxillary fixation. A single Arbeitsgemeinschaft Osteosynthese (AO) unilock reconstruction plate was fixed to each stable fragment with 3 locking screws (2.0 mm in 5 patients and 2.4 mm in 2 patients) at the basilar border of the mandible, according to AO/American Society of Internal Fixation (ASIF) principles. Follow-up was at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, and we noted the status of healing and complications, if any. RESULTS: All of the patients had satisfactory fracture reduction as well as a successful treatment outcome without complications. CONCLUSION: This preliminary study demonstrated that the intraoral reduction of transverse and displaced angle fractures using a specific ad hoc reduction-forceps results in a high rate of success.
The usual complications of total knee arthroplasty include thrombo-embolism, infection, and loosening. We report an unusual and potentially serious complication of an intramedullary guide lodging within the femoral canal during the procedure. Considering the risk of fracture and additional exposure, the guide was not removed and was cut in situ. The rest of the operation was completed successfully and the patient made an uneventfully recovery.
Multisensory interactions are observed in species from single-cell organisms to humans. Important early work was primarily carried out in the cat superior colliculus and a set of critical parameters for their occurrence were defined. Primary among these were temporal synchrony and spatial alignment of bisensory inputs. Here, we assessed whether spatial alignment was also a critical parameter for the temporally earliest multisensory interactions that are observed in lower-level sensory cortices of the human. While multisensory interactions in humans have been shown behaviorally for spatially disparate stimuli (e.g. the ventriloquist effect), it is not clear if such effects are due to early sensory level integration or later perceptual level processing. In the present study, we used psychophysical and electrophysiological indices to show that auditory-somatosensory interactions in humans occur via the same early sensory mechanism both when stimuli are in and out of spatial register. Subjects more rapidly detected multisensory than unisensory events. At just 50 ms post-stimulus, neural responses to the multisensory 'whole' were greater than the summed responses from the constituent unisensory 'parts'. For all spatial configurations, this effect followed from a modulation of the strength of brain responses, rather than the activation of regions specifically responsive to multisensory pairs. Using the local auto-regressive average source estimation, we localized the initial auditory-somatosensory interactions to auditory association areas contralateral to the side of somatosensory stimulation. Thus, multisensory interactions can occur across wide peripersonal spatial separations remarkably early in sensory processing and in cortical regions traditionally considered unisensory.
Film Propaganda and the Balance between Neutrality and Alignment: Nazi Films in Switzerland, 1933-45
The M-Coffee server is a web server that makes it possible to compute multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) by running several MSA methods and combining their output into one single model. This allows the user to simultaneously run all his methods of choice without having to arbitrarily choose one of them. The MSA is delivered along with a local estimation of its consistency with the individual MSAs it was derived from. The computation of the consensus multiple alignment is carried out using a special mode of the T-Coffee package [Notredame, Higgins and Heringa (T-Coffee: a novel method for fast and accurate multiple sequence alignment. J. Mol. Biol. 2000; 302: 205-217); Wallace, O'Sullivan, Higgins and Notredame (M-Coffee: combining multiple sequence alignment methods with T-Coffee. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006; 34: 1692-1699)] Given a set of sequences (DNA or proteins) in FASTA format, M-Coffee delivers a multiple alignment in the most common formats. M-Coffee is a freeware open source package distributed under a GPL license and it is available either as a standalone package or as a web service from www.tcoffee.org.
This article introduces a new interface for T-Coffee, a consistency-based multiple sequence alignment program. This interface provides an easy and intuitive access to the most popular functionality of the package. These include the default T-Coffee mode for protein and nucleic acid sequences, the M-Coffee mode that allows combining the output of any other aligners, and template-based modes of T-Coffee that deliver high accuracy alignments while using structural or homology derived templates. These three available template modes are Expresso for the alignment of protein with a known 3D-Structure, R-Coffee to align RNA sequences with conserved secondary structures and PSI-Coffee to accurately align distantly related sequences using homology extension. The new server benefits from recent improvements of the T-Coffee algorithm and can align up to 150 sequences as long as 10,000 residues and is available from both http://www.tcoffee.org and its main mirror http://tcoffee.crg.cat.
Homology modeling is the most commonly used technique to build a three-dimensional model for a protein sequence. It heavily relies on the quality of the sequence alignment between the protein to model and related proteins with a known three dimensional structure. Alignment quality can be assessed according to the physico-chemical properties of the three dimensional models it produces.In this work, we introduce fifteen predictors designed to evaluate the properties of the models obtained for various alignments. They consist of an energy value obtained from different force fields (CHARMM, ProsaII or ANOLEA) computed on residue selected around misaligned regions. These predictors were evaluated on ten challenging test cases. For each target, all possible ungapped alignments are generated and their corresponding models are computed and evaluated.The best predictor, retrieving the structural alignment for 9 out of 10 test cases, is based on the ANOLEA atomistic mean force potential and takes into account residues around misaligned secondary structure elements. The performance of the other predictors is significantly lower. This work shows that substantial improvement in local alignments can be obtained by careful assessment of the local structure of the resulting models.