81 resultados para Lindahl-Raittila, Iris

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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The ciliary body and iris are pigmented epithelial structures in the anterior eye segment that function to maintain correct intra-ocular pressure and regulate exposure of the internal eye structures to light, respectively. The cellular and molecular factors that mediate the development of the ciliary body and iris from the ocular pigmented epithelium remain to be fully elucidated. Here, we have investigated the role of Notch signaling during the development of the anterior pigmented epithelium by using genetic loss- and gain-of-function approaches. Loss of canonical Notch signaling results in normal iris development but absence of the ciliary body. This causes progressive hypotony and over time leads to phthisis bulbi, a condition characterized by shrinkage of the eye and loss of structure/function. Conversely, Notch gain-of-function results in aniridia and profound ciliary body hyperplasia, which causes ocular hypertension and glaucoma-like disease. Collectively, these data indicate that Notch signaling promotes ciliary body development at the expense of iris formation and reveals novel animal models of human ocular pathologies.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of corticosteroids (CS) on the viral-specific T-cell response, in particular the JC virus (JCV)-specific one, in an attempt to determine the optimal timing of CS in the management of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy-immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (PML-IRIS). METHODS: A blood draw was performed before and 7 days after the administration of IV CS to 24 patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS). The phenotypic pattern of T cells was determined by CCR7 and CD45RA. To assess the impact of CS treatment on proliferative response of JCV-, influenza-, and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-specific T cells, a thymidine incorporation proliferation assay was performed. An intracellular cytokine staining assay was performed to determine the effect of CS treatment on the production of cytokine by virus-specific T cells. JCV T-cell assays were performed only in JCV-infected patients with MS as detected by serologies (Stratify) or detection of JCV DNA in the urine by PCR. RESULTS: CS led T cells, CD4+ and CD8+, toward a less differentiated phenotype. There was a significant decrease of EBV-, influenza-, and JCV-specific T-cell proliferative response upon CS treatment. There was a significant decrease in the frequency of interferon (IFN) γ- and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α-producing JCV-specific CD8+ T cells, but not EBV- or influenza-specific CD4+ or CD8+ T cells. CONCLUSIONS: CS have a profound impact on the virus-specific T-cell response, especially on JCV, suggesting that when CS are considered, they should not be given before the onset of clinical or radiologic signs of IRIS. Studies addressing directly patients with MS with natalizumab-caused PML are warranted. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class III evidence that methylprednisolone treatment decreases the frequency of JCV-specific CD8+ T cells producing IFN-γ and TNFα, impairing control of JCV, suggesting this should be used to treat but not to prevent PML-IRIS. No clinical outcomes were measured.


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Purpose: to describe a case in which the diagnosis of Morganian cataract required clinical and instrumental differentiation from iris pathologies, including iris melanoma. Methods: a 60-years-old Caucasian man referred to our institute for worsening of vision in last few months. Clinical evaluation consisted in complete ophthalmological assessment, ultrasound examination (biomicroscopy and 20MHz), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) completed with Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI). Results: traumatic corneal wound of the left eye (LE) had occurred 5 years before, and was treated with medical therapy alone. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 3/10 in the right eye (RE) and finger count in the LE, with intraocular pressure at 13 and 20mmHg, respectively. Chronic central serous chorioretinopathy, accounted for the low visual acuity of the RE. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy of the LE was as in Figure 1; LE fundus was not clinically observable. Despite MRI was compatible with an iris solid formation, characterized by contrast enhancement and hyperintense signal in SWI, ultrasound indicated rather a mixed solid and liquid content (moderately echogenic external layer, hyporeflective internal content). Iris root and ciliary body were not significantly altered; the lens showed inhomogeneous content. We considered Morgagnian cataract the most probable diagnosis. Surgery confirmed the presence of a hypermature cataract with prior anterior capsule fissuring; the liquefied cortex infiltrated the iris without anterior chamber seeping. Post-operative BCVA was 3/10 and fundus examination disclosed an advanced macular chronic central serous chorioretinopathy. Conclusions: In the reported case a previous perforating trauma have probably damaged the lens capsule and started cataract progression. Curiously cataract developed percolating into the iris stroma, thus simulating an iris mass. At our knowledge, Morgagnian cataract has never been included in the differential diagnosis of iris mass.


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Implantation of a phakic iris claw intraocular lens is a common, effective and safe procedure to correct high myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism [2]. Due to the nature of its fixation on the iris using claws, chronic irritation and inflammation have remained a major concern with the Artisan® lens since its market introduction in 1998. Following iris claw implantation, monitoring of postoperative inflammation is mandatory [4][7]. Usually, signs of inflammation can be detected in the anterior chamber during the early postoperative period. We present here the first case of late-onset inflammation after implantation of an iris claw lens triggered by an iris varix. The iris varix is a rare benign iris vascular abnormality, with a low prevalence as a solitary primary lesion in the general population and little is known about its clinical characteristics [1][5][6]. This report shows that an iris varix could be a cause of a late onset and chronic inflammation after phakic Artisan® lens implantation.


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BACKGROUND: In the presence of pigmented iris lesions evocative of malignant melanoma and implying oncological treatment, a foregoing biopsy to exclude a benign lesion may seem a reasonable approach. After examining patient files, the utility of such a diagnostic approach was explored. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective, consecutive histopathologic case series of 10 pigmented iris tumor specimens excised since 1993. Histopathologic diagnosis was compared with final diagnosis and outcome in the patient's medical chart. RESULTS: Five biopsies had only nevus cells, whereas ulterior clinical data or histopathologic examinations were compatible with the diagnosis of malignant melanoma. One biopsy contained insufficient sample tissue. Four biopsies confirmed clinical suspicion of iris melanoma. CONCLUSION: In the current case series, 6 out of 10 biopsies provided a falsely reassuring negative or an inconclusive result. Modern management techniques such as ultrasound biomicroscopy and proton therapy of the whole anterior segment have equally diminished indications for a biopsy. In cases clinically evocative of iris melanoma, a biopsy has only a relative value.


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AIM: To report the results of whole anterior segment proton beam radiotherapy (PBR) for diffuse iris melanoma. METHODS: Between 2000 and 2011, 12 patients with iris melanoma received PBR to the entire iris and ciliary body. RESULTS: Patients had a mean age of 57 years and a median follow-up of 3.5 years (range 1-11.6 years). Tumour iris involvement was 1-4 h in five patients, 5-8 h in four and 9-12 h in three. Angle involvement was 6-8 h in five patients and 9-12 h in seven. The visual acuity (VA) before treatment was 6/5-6/6 in six patients, 6/8-6/9 in three and 6/18-6/38 in three. No tumour recurrence occurred during the follow-up period. Glaucoma treatment was required in 11 of 12 patients. The visual acuity at the last follow-up was 6/5-6/9 in five patients, 6/18-6/24 in three, 6/60-1/60 in two and no light perception in two. Four patients developed varying non-severe degrees of limbal stem cell deficiency, which was treatable with conservative measures. CONCLUSIONS: Whole anterior segment PBR is a useful alternative to enucleation for diffuse iris melanoma. Most patients will need treatment for glaucoma and some may require treatment for tear-film instability and/or stem cell failure.


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OBJECTIVE: To report a novel phenotype of autosomal dominant atypical congenital cataract associated with variable expression of microcornea, microphthalmia, and iris coloboma linked to chromosome 2. Molecular analysis of this phenotype may improve our understanding of anterior segment development. DESIGN: Observational case study, genome linkage analysis, and gene mutation screening. PARTICIPANTS: Three families, 1 Egyptian and 2 Belgians, with a total of 31 affected were studied. METHODS: Twenty-one affected subjects and 9 first-degree relatives underwent complete ophthalmic examination. In the Egyptian family, exclusion of PAX6, CRYAA, and MAF genes was demonstrated by haplotype analysis using microsatellite markers on chromosomes 11, 16, and 21. Genome-wide linkage analysis was then performed using 385 microsatellite markers on this family. In the 2 Belgian families, the PAX6 gene was screened for mutations by direct sequencing of all exons. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Phenotype description, genome-wide linkage of the phenotype, linkage to the PAX6, CRYAA, and MAF genes, and mutation detection in the PAX6 gene. RESULTS: Affected members of the 3 families had bilateral congenital cataracts inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. A novel form of hexagonal nuclear cataract with cortical riders was expressed. Among affected subjects with available data, 95% had microcornea, 39% had microphthalmia, and 38% had iris coloboma. Seventy-five percent of the colobomata were atypical, showing a nasal superior location in 56%. A positive lod score of 4.86 was obtained at theta = 0 for D2S2309 on chromosome 2, a 4.9-Mb common haplotype flanked by D2S2309 and D2S2358 was obtained in the Egyptian family, and linkage to the PAX6, CRYAA, or MAF gene was excluded. In the 2 Belgian families, sequencing of the junctions and all coding exons of PAX6 did not reveal any molecular change. CONCLUSIONS: We describe a novel phenotype that includes the combination of a novel form of congenital hexagonal cataract, with variably expressed microcornea, microphthalmia, and atypical iris coloboma, not caused by PAX6 and mapping to chromosome 2. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The authors have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.


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Abstract Purpose Iridectomy of suspicious pigmented tumors provides the presumed advantage of both a histopathological diagnosis and treatment of the lesion. We present 2 patients that developed an iris melanoma with extrascleral extension at the site of their iridectomy of a histopathologically proven nevus, 46 and 2.5 years later. Methods Retrospective, clinicopathological small case series of 2 patients. Results Two patients underwent iridectomy for a suspicious tumor, the first in 1963 and the second in 2006. Pathological diagnosis was a benign and a borderline nevus respectively. In 2009, both patients presented with a recurrent melanocytic iridociliary tumor with an extrascleral extension adjacent to the surgical scar. Pathological examination confirmed melanoma. Consequently, the two patients underwent proton beam therapy of the whole anterior segment, with limbus deposition and reposition. Conclusion Iridectomy of a histopathologically proven nevus doesn't exclude the possibility of a metadifferentiation of remaining nevus cells into melanoma, even after 46 years. Additionally, treatment in case of a recurrence is more complicated than a primary radiotherapy of the unbiopsied iris tumor, with clinical proof of growth, would have been.


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Objectif : Le but de ce travail est d'étudier les corrélations existantes entre les patterns de l'iris, la perception du temps et la fréquence de clignement des paupières (eye blink rate) et ceci en relation avec l'addiction à la cigarette. Méthodologie: Revue de la littérature existante. Expériences sur une cohorte d'au moins trente sujets fumeurs/non-fumeurs. Analyses statistiques. Résultats: Nos résultats confirment qu'il existe des relations entre l'impulsivité, les patterns d'iris, l'eye blink rate spontané et la perception du temps. Nous observons également que l'addiction à la cigarette et son niveau de dépendance ont une influence sur ces différentes mesures. En effet, les sujets fumeurs tendent à avoir une personnalité plus impulsive par rapport aux sujets contrôles. On remarque également une nette diminution de l'eye blink rate dans le groupe des fumeurs et une tendance à la sur-estimation du temps qui passe. Conclusion : Ce travail nous permet de mieux comprendre les différentes corrélations qui existent entre les différentes variables que nous avons mesurées (patterns d'iris, score d'impulsivité et eye blink rate) ainsi que leur relation à l'addiction à la cigarette. Dès lors qu'il est avéré que les fumeurs peuvent avoir une perception du temps altérée par rapport au groupe contrôle, il serait intéressant d'en étudier l'évolution sur le long terme (aggravation avec la durée du tabagisme actif) ainsi que les conséquences qui en découlent écologiquement au moyen d'études longitudinales et de terrain.


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PURPOSE: We determined the effect of entrance pupil size on retinal illumination. The influence of unilateral miosis on the magnitude of the pupil light reflex was studied to ascertain how a clinically significant anisocoria influences the relative afferent pupil defect (RAPD). METHODS: Miosis was induced by topical 1% pilocarpine in the right eye of 14 healthy subjects with normal eyes. The interocular difference in retinal illumination was assessed by computerized pupillometry from the stimulus response curve of the right and left eyes. The main outcome measure was the RAPD, determined by computerized pupillography, at baseline and after pilocarpine-induced anisocoria. RESULTS: Induced anisocoria produced a significant change in RAPD from baseline (mean = 1.60 dB in the miotic eye, P = 0.007). However, anisocoria correlated with RAPD only in subjects with darkly pigmented irides (Pearson correlation coefficient 0.793, P = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In darkly pigmented eyes, entrance pupil size significantly influenced the retinal illumination. However, retinal illumination of lightly pigmented eyes is relatively independent of entrance pupil size, presumably due to extrapupillary transmission of light through the iris and sclera. This has important implications in understanding the potential influence of anisocoria on the RAPD and also greater susceptibility of lightly pigmented eyes to light toxicity.