12 resultados para Lifelong learning: one focus, different systems
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Résumé La mondialisation des marchés, les mutations du contexte économique et enfin l'impact des nouvelles technologies de l'information ont obligé les entreprises à revoir la façon dont elles gèrent leurs capitaux intellectuel (gestion des connaissances) et humain (gestion des compétences). II est communément admis aujourd'hui que ceux-ci jouent un rôle particulièrement stratégique dans l'organisation. L'entreprise désireuse de se lancer dans une politique gestion de ces capitaux devra faire face à différents problèmes. En effet, afin de gérer ces connaissances et ces compétences, un long processus de capitalisation doit être réalisé. Celui-ci doit passer par différentes étapes comme l'identification, l'extraction et la représentation des connaissances et des compétences. Pour cela, il existe différentes méthodes de gestion des connaissances et des compétences comme MASK, CommonKADS, KOD... Malheureusement, ces différentes méthodes sont très lourdes à mettre en oeuvre, et se cantonnent à certains types de connaissances et sont, par conséquent, plus limitées dans les fonctionnalités qu'elles peuvent offrir. Enfin, la gestion des compétences et la gestion des connaissances sont deux domaines dissociés alors qu'il serait intéressant d'unifier ces deux approches en une seule. En effet, les compétences sont très proches des connaissances comme le souligne la définition de la compétence qui suit : « un ensemble de connaissances en action dans un contexte donné ». Par conséquent, nous avons choisi d'appuyer notre proposition sur le concept de compétence. En effet, la compétence est parmi les connaissances de l'entreprise l'une des plus cruciales, en particulier pour éviter la perte de savoir-faire ou pour pouvoir prévenir les besoins futurs de l'entreprise, car derrière les compétences des collaborateurs, se trouve l'efficacité de l'organisation. De plus, il est possible de décrire grâce à la compétence de nombreux autres concepts de l'organisation, comme les métiers, les missions, les projets, les formations... Malheureusement, il n'existe pas réellement de consensus sur la définition de la compétence. D'ailleurs, les différentes définitions existantes, même si elles sont pleinement satisfaisantes pour les experts, ne permettent pas de réaliser un système opérationnel. Dans notre approche; nous abordons la gestion des compétences à l'aide d'une méthode de gestion des connaissances. En effet, de par leur nature même, connaissance et compétence sont intimement liées et donc une telle méthode est parfaitement adaptée à la gestion des compétences. Afin de pouvoir exploiter ces connaissances et ces compétences nous avons dû, dans un premier temps, définir les concepts organisationnels de façon claire et computationnelle. Sur cette base, nous proposons une méthodologie de construction des différents référentiels d'entreprise (référentiel de compétences, des missions, des métiers...). Pour modéliser ces différents référentiels, nous avons choisi l'ontologie, car elle permet d'obtenir des définitions cohérentes et consensuelles aux concepts tout en supportant les diversités langagières. Ensuite, nous cartographions les connaissances de l'entreprise (formations, missions, métiers...) sur ces différentes ontologies afin de pouvoir les exploiter et les diffuser. Notre approche de la gestion des connaissances et de la gestion des compétences a permis la réalisation d'un outil offrant de nombreuses fonctionnalités comme la gestion des aires de mobilités, l'analyse stratégique, les annuaires ou encore la gestion des CV. Abstract The globalization of markets, the easing of economical regulation and finally the impact of new information and communication technologies have obliged firms to re-examine the way they manage their knowledge capital (knowledge management) and their human capital (competence management). It is commonly admitted that knowledge plays a slightly strategical role in the organization. The firms who want to establish one politic of management of these capitals will have to face with different problems. To manage that knowledge, a long process of capitalization must be done. That one has different steps like identification, extraction and representation of knowledge and competences. There are some different methods of knowledge management like MASK, CommonKADS or KOD. Unfortunately, those methods are very difficult to implement and are using only some types of knowledge and are consequently more limited in the functionalities they can offer. Knowledge management and competence management are two different domain where it could be interesting to unify those to one. Indeed, competence is very close than knowledge as underline this definition: "a set of knowledge in action in a specified context". We choose in our approach to rely on the concept of competence. Indeed, the competence is one of crucial knowledge in the company, particularly to avoid the loss of know-how or to prevent future needs. Because behind collaborator's competence, we can find company efficiency. Unfortunately, there is no real consensus on the definition of the concept of competence. Moreover, existing different definitions don't permit to develop an operational system. Among other key concept, we can find jobs, mission, project, and training... Moreover, we approach different problems of the competence management under the angle of the knowledge management. Indeed, knowledge and competence are closely linked. Then, we propose a method to build different company repositories (competence, jobs, projects repositories). To model those different repositories we choose ontology because it permits to obtain coherent and consensual definitions of the concepts with support of linguistics diversities too. This building repositories method coupled with this knowledge and competence management approach permitted the realization of a tool offering functionalities like mobility management, strategical analysis, yellow pages or CV management.
The action of various DNA topoisomerases frequently results in characteristic changes in DNA topology. Important information for understanding mechanistic details of action of these topoisomerases can be provided by investigating the knot types resulting from topoisomerase action on circular DNA forming a particular knot type. Depending on the topological bias of a given topoisomerase reaction, one observes different subsets of knotted products. To establish the character of topological bias, one needs to be aware of all possible topological outcomes of intersegmental passages occurring within a given knot type. However, it is not trivial to systematically enumerate topological outcomes of strand passage from a given knot type. We present here a 3D visualization software (TopoICE-X in KnotPlot) that incorporates topological analysis methods in order to visualize, for example, knots that can be obtained from a given knot by one intersegmental passage. The software has several other options for the topological analysis of mechanisms of action of various topoisomerases.
Distribution of socio-economic features in urban space is an important source of information for land and transportation planning. The metropolization phenomenon has changed the distribution of types of professions in space and has given birth to different spatial patterns that the urban planner must know in order to plan a sustainable city. Such distributions can be discovered by statistical and learning algorithms through different methods. In this paper, an unsupervised classification method and a cluster detection method are discussed and applied to analyze the socio-economic structure of Switzerland. The unsupervised classification method, based on Ward's classification and self-organized maps, is used to classify the municipalities of the country and allows to reduce a highly-dimensional input information to interpret the socio-economic landscape. The cluster detection method, the spatial scan statistics, is used in a more specific manner in order to detect hot spots of certain types of service activities. The method is applied to the distribution services in the agglomeration of Lausanne. Results show the emergence of new centralities and can be analyzed in both transportation and social terms.
British mammalogists have used two different systems for surveying the common dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius: a modified bird nest box with the entrance facing the tree trunk, and a smaller, cheaper model called a "nest tube". However, only few data comparing different nest box systems are currently available. To determine which system is more efficient, we compared the use of the large (GB-type) and small nest boxes (DE-type, a commercial wooden mouse trap without a door) in three Swiss forest. The presence of Muscardinus, potential competitors, and any evidence of occupation were examined in 60 pairs of nest boxes based on 2,280 nest box checks conducted over 5 years. Mean annual occupation and cumulative numbers of Muscardinus present were both significantly higher for the DE than for the GB boxes (64.6% versus 32.1%, and 149 versus 67 dormice, respectively). In contrast, the annual occupation by competitors including Glis glis, Apodemus spp. and hole-nesting birds was significantly higher in the GB than in the DE boxes in all forest (19-68% versus 0-16%, depending on the species and forest). These results suggest that smaller nest boxes are preferred by the common dormouse and are rarely occupied by competitors. These boxes hence appear to be preferable for studying Muscardinus populations.
RESUME Il a longtemps été admis que le glucose était le principal, sinon le seul substrat du métabolisme énergétique cérébral. Néanmoins, des études récentes indiquent que dans des situations particulières, d'autres substrats peuvent être employés. C'est le cas des monocarboxylates (lactate et pyruvate principalement). Bien que la barrière hématoencéphalique soit peu perméable à ces molécules, elles deviennent néanmoins des substrats possibles si elles sont produites localement. Les deux systèmes enzymatiques pivots des voies glycolytiques et oxydatives sont la lactate déshydrogénase (LDH, EC qui catalyse l'interconversion du pyruvate et du lactate et le complexe pyruvate déshydrogénase qui catalyse la conversion irréversible du pyruvate en acétyl-CoA qui entre dans la respiration mitochondriale. Nous avons étudié la localisation, tant régionale que cellulaire, des isoformes LDH-1, LDH-5 et PDHEla dans le cerveau du chat et dé l'homme au moyen de diverses techniques histologiques. Dans un premier temps, des investigations par hybridation in situ au moyen d'oligosondes marquées au 33P sur de coupes de cerveau de chat ont permis de montrer une différence de l'expression des enzymes à vocation oxydative (LDH-1 et PDHA1, le gène codant pour la protéine PDHEIa) par rapport à LDH-5, isoforme qui catalyse préférentiellement la formation de lactate. LDH-1 et PDHA 1 ont des distributions similaires et sont enrichies dans de nombreuses structures cérébrales, comme l'hippocampe, de nombreux noyaux thalamiques et des structures pontiques. Le cortex cérébral exhibe également une expression importante de LDH-1 et PDH. LDH-5 a par contre une expression largement plus diffuse à travers le cerveau, bien que l'on trouve néanmoins un enrichissement plus important dans l'hippocampe. Ces résultats sont en accord avec les observations que nous avons précédemment publiées chez le rongeur pour LDH-1 et LDH-5 (Laughton et collaborateurs, 2000). Des analyses par PCR en temps réel ont confirmé que dans certaines régions, LDH-1 est exprimée de façon nettement plus importante que LDH-5. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons appliqué sur des coupes histologiques d'hippocampe et de cortex occipital humain post-mortem des anticorps monoclonaux spécifiques de l'isoforme LDH-5 et la sous-unité PDHela du complexe pyruvate déshydrogénase. Là aussi, les immunoréactions révèlent une ségrégation régionale mais aussi cellulaire des deux enzymes. Dans les deux régions étudiées, LDH-5 est localisée exclusivement dans les astrocytes. Dans le cortex occipital, la matière blanche et également la couche I corticale sont immunopositives pour LDH-5. Dans l'hippocampe, le CA4 et l'alveus exhibe l'immunomarquage le plus intense pour LDH-5. Seuls des neurones (à de rares exceptions quelques astrocytes) sont immunopositifs à l'anticorps monoclonal dirigé contre PDHela. La couche IV du cortex occipital présente la plus forte immunoréaction. Dans l'hippocampe, une immunoréactivité est observée dans le stratum granulosum et à travers la région CA1 jusqu'à la région CA3. L'ensemble de ces résultats montre une hétérogénéité métabolique dans le cerveau et étaye l'hypothèse "astrocyte-neurone lactate shuttle" (ANL5) (Bittar et collaborateurs, 1996; Magistretti et Pellerin, 1999) qui propose que les astrocytes fournissent aux neurones activés du lactate comme substrat alternatif de leur métabolisme énergétique. ABSTRACT For a long time now, glucose has been thought to be the main, if not the sole substrate for brain energy metabolism. Recent data nevertheless suggest that other molecules, such as monocarboxylates (lactate and pyruvate mainly) could be suitable substrates. Although monocarboxylates poorly cross the blood brain barrier (BBB), such substrates could replace glucose if produced locally. The two key enzymatic systems required for the use and production of these substats are lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; EC that catalyses the interconversion of lactate and pyruvate and the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex that irreversibly funnels pyruvate towards the mitochondrial TCA cycle and oxydative phosphorylation. Our study consisted in localizing these different systems with various histochemical procedures in the cat brain and two regions, i.e. hippocampus and primary visual cortex, of the human brain. First, by means of in situ hybridization with 33P labeled oligoprobes, we have demonstrated that the more oxidative enzymes (LDH-1 and PDHA1, the gene coding for PDHEla) are highly expressed in a variety of feline brain structures. These structures include the hippocampus, various thalamic nuclei and the pons. The cerebral cortex exhibits also a high LDH-1 and PDHAl expression. On the other hand, LDH-5 expression is poorer and more diffuse, although the hippocampus does seem to have a higher expression. These fmdings are consistent with our previous observation of the expression of LDH1 and LDH-5 in the rodent brain (Laughton et al, 2000). Real-time PCR (TagMan tm) revealed that, in various regions, LDH-1 is effectively more highly expressed than LDH-5. In a second set of experiments, monoclonal antibodies to LDH-5 and PDHeIa were applied to cryostat sections of post-mortem human hippocampus and occipital cortex. These procedures revealed not only that the two enzymes have different regional distributions, but also distinct cellular localisation. LDH-5 immunoreactivity is solely observed in astrocytes. In the occipital cortex, the white matter and layer I are immunopositive. In the hippocampus, the alveus and CA4 show LDH-5 immunoréactivity. PDHeIa has been detected, with few exceptions, only in neurons. Layer IV of the occipital cortex was most immmunoreactive. In the hippocampus, PDHela immunoreactivity is noticed in the stratum granulosum and through CA 1 to CA3 areas. The overall observations made in this study show that there is a metabolic heterogeneity in the brain and our findings support the hypothesis of an astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle (ANLS)(Bittar et al., 1996; Magistretti & Pellerin, 1999) where astrocytes export to active neurons lactate to fuel their energy demands.
BACKGROUND: People with neurological disease have a much higher risk of both faecal incontinence and constipation than the general population. There is often a fine line between the two conditions, with any management intended to ameliorate one risking precipitating the other. Bowel problems are observed to be the cause of much anxiety and may reduce quality of life in these people. Current bowel management is largely empirical with a limited research base. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effects of management strategies for faecal incontinence and constipation in people with neurological diseases affecting the central nervous system. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Incontinence Group Specialised Trials Register (searched 26 January 2005), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Issue 2, 2005), MEDLINE (January 1966 to May 2005), EMBASE (January 1998 to May 2005) and all reference lists of relevant articles. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomised or quasi-randomised trials evaluating any types of conservative or surgical measure for the management of faecal incontinence and constipation in people with neurological diseases were selected. Specific therapies for the treatment of neurological diseases that indirectly affect bowel dysfunction were also considered. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two reviewers assessed the methodological quality of eligible trials and two reviewers independently extracted data from included trials using a range of pre-specified outcome measures. MAIN RESULTS: Ten trials were identified by the search strategy, most were small and of poor quality. Oral medications for constipation were the subject of four trials. Cisapride does not seem to have clinically useful effects in people with spinal cord injuries (three trials). Psyllium was associated with increased stool frequency in people with Parkinson's disease but did not alter colonic transit time (one trial). Prucalopride, an enterokinetic did not demonstrate obvious benefits in this patient group (one study). Some rectal preparations to initiate defaecation produced faster results than others (one trial). Different time schedules for administration of rectal medication may produce different bowel responses (one trial). Mechanical evacuation may be more effective than oral or rectal medication (one trial). There appears to be a benefit to patients in one-off educational interventions from nurses. The clinical significance of any of these results is difficult to interpret. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is still remarkably little research on this common and, to patients, very significant condition. It is not possible to draw any recommendation for bowel care in people with neurological diseases from the trials included in this review. Bowel management for these people must remain empirical until well-designed controlled trials with adequate numbers and clinically relevant outcome measures become available.
RESUMELes modèles classiques sur l'évolution des chromosomes sexuels supposent que des gènes sexe- antagonistes s'accumulent sur les chromosomes sexuels, entraînant ainsi l'apparition d'une région non- recombinante, qui se répand progressivement en favorisant l'accumulation de mutations délétères. En accord avec cette théorie, les chromosomes sexuels que l'on observe aujourd'hui chez les mammifères et les oiseaux sont considérablement différenciés. En revanche, chez la plupart des vertébrés ectothermes, les chromosomes sexuels sont indifférenciés et il existe une impressionnante diversité de mécanismes de détermination du sexe. Au cours de cette thèse, j'ai étudié l'évolution des chromosomes sexuels chez les vertébrés ectothermes, en outre pour mieux comprendre ce contraste avec les vertébrés endothermes. L'hypothèse « high-turnover » postule que les chromosomes sexuels sont remplacés régulièrement à partir d'autosomes afin d'éviter leur dégénérescence. L'hypothèse « fountain-of-youth » propose que la recombinaison entre le chromosome X et le chromosome Y au sein de femelles XY empêche la dégénérescence. Les résultats de ma thèse, basés sur des études théoriques et empiriques, suggèrent que les deux processus peuvent être entraînés par l'environnement et ainsi jouent un rôle important dans l'évolution des chromosomes sexuels chez les vertébrés ectothermes.SUMMARYClassical models of sex-chromosome evolution assume that sexually antagonistic genes accumulate on sex chromosomes leading to a non-recombining region, which progressively expands and favors the accumulation of deleterious mutations. Concordant with this theory, sex chromosomes in extant mammals and birds are considerably differentiated. In most ectothermic vertebrates, such as frogs, however, sex chromosomes are undifferentiated and a striking diversity of sex determination systems is observed. This thesis was aimed to investigate this apparent contrast of sex chromosome evolution between endothermic and ectothermic vertebrates. The "high-turnover" hypothesis holds that sex chromosomes arose regularly from autosomes preventing decay. The "fountain-of-youth" hypothesis posits that sex chromosomes undergo episodic X-Y recombination in sex-reversed XY females, thereby purging ("rejuvenating") the Y chromosome. We suggest that both processes likely played an important role in sex chromosome evolution of ectothermic vertebrates. The literature largely views sex determination as a dichotomous process: individual sex is assumed to be determined either by genetic (genotypic sex determination, GSD) or by environmental factors (environmental sex determination, ESD), most often temperature (temperature sex determination, TSD). We endorsed an alternative view, which sees GSD and TSD as the ends of a continuum. The conservatism of molecular processes among different systems of sex determination strongly supports the continuum view. We proposed to define sex as a threshold trait underlain by a liability factor, and reaction norms allowing modeling interactions between genotypic and temperature effects. We showed that temperature changes (due to e.g., climatic changes or range expansions) are expected to provoke turnovers in sex-determination mechanisms maintaining homomorphic sex chromosomes. The balanced lethal system of crested newts might be the result of such a sex determination turnover, originating from two variants of ancient Y-chromosomes. Observations from a group of tree frogs, on the other hand, supported the 'fountain of youth' hypothesis. We then showed that low rates of sex- reversals in species with GSD might actually be adaptive considering joint effects of deleterious mutation purging and sexually antagonistic selection. Ongoing climatic changes are expected to threaten species with TSD by biasing population sex ratios. In contrast, species with GSD are implicitly assumed immune against such changes, because genetic systems are thought to necessarily produce even sex ratios. We showed that this assumption may be wrong and that sex-ratio biases by climatic changes may represent a previously unrecognized extinction threat for some GSD species.
BACKGROUND: People with neurological disease have a much higher risk of both faecal incontinence and constipation than the general population. There is often a fine dividing line between the two conditions, with any management intended to ameliorate, one risking precipitating the other. Bowel problems are observed to be the cause of much anxiety and may reduce quality of life in these people. Current bowel management is largely empirical with a limited research base. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effects of management strategies for faecal incontinence and constipation in people with neurological diseases affecting the central nervous system. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Incontinence Group Trials Register, the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, MEDLINE, EMBASE and all reference lists of relevant articles. Date of the most recent searches: May 2000. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomised or quasi-randomised trials evaluating any types of conservative, or surgical measure for the management of faecal incontinence and constipation in people with neurological diseases were selected. Specific therapies for the treatment of neurological diseases that indirectly affect bowel dysfunction have also been considered. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: All three reviewers assessed the methodological quality of eligible trials and two reviewers independently extracted data from included trials using a range of pre-specified outcome measures. MAIN RESULTS: Only seven trials were identified by the search strategy and all were small and of poor quality. Oral medications for constipation were the subject of four trials. Cisapride does not seem to have clinically useful effects in people with spinal cord injuries (two trials). Psyllium was associated with increased stool frequency in people with Parkinson's disease but not altered colonic transit time (one trial). Some rectal preparations to initiate defecation produced faster results than others (one trial). Different time schedules for administration of rectal medication may produce different bowel responses (one trial). Mechanical evacuation may be more effective than oral or rectal medication (one trial). The clinical significance of any of these results is difficult to interpret. REVIEWER'S CONCLUSIONS: It is not possible to draw any recommendation for bowel care in people with neurological diseases from the trials included in this review. Bowel management for these people must remain empirical until well-designed controlled trials with adequate numbers and clinically relevant outcome measures become available.
Recent research has highlighted the existence of a social bias in the extent to which children have access to childcare. In general, children living in higher income households are more likely to be cared for in childcare centres. While the existence of a social bias in access to childcare services has been clearly demonstrated, we currently lack a clear explanation as to why this is the case. This paper uses a unique dataset based on survey data collected specifically to study patterns of childcare use in the Swiss canton of Vaud (N = 875). The paper exploits the variation in the way childcare is organised within the canton. Childcare is a municipal policy, as a result of which there are twenty-nine different systems in operation. Fees are progressive everywhere, but variation is substantial. Availability is also very different. This peculiar institutional setup provides an ideal situation to examine the determinants of childcare use by different income groups. Our findings suggest that differences in the fees charged to low-income households, as well as the degree of progressivity of the fee structure, are significant predictors of use, while availability seems to matter less.
Automation was introduced many years ago in several diagnostic disciplines such as chemistry, haematology and molecular biology. The first laboratory automation system for clinical bacteriology was released in 2006, and it rapidly proved its value by increasing productivity, allowing a continuous increase in sample volumes despite limited budgets and personnel shortages. Today, two major manufacturers, BD Kiestra and Copan, are commercializing partial or complete laboratory automation systems for bacteriology. The laboratory automation systems are rapidly evolving to provide improved hardware and software solutions to optimize laboratory efficiency. However, the complex parameters of the laboratory and automation systems must be considered to determine the best system for each given laboratory. We address several topics on laboratory automation that may help clinical bacteriologists to understand the particularities and operative modalities of the different systems. We present (a) a comparison of the engineering and technical features of the various elements composing the two different automated systems currently available, (b) the system workflows of partial and complete laboratory automation, which define the basis for laboratory reorganization required to optimize system efficiency, (c) the concept of digital imaging and telebacteriology, (d) the connectivity of laboratory automation to the laboratory information system, (e) the general advantages and disadvantages as well as the expected impacts provided by laboratory automation and (f) the laboratory data required to conduct a workflow assessment to determine the best configuration of an automated system for the laboratory activities and specificities.