31 resultados para Life Design

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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In questo inizio di secolo, la nuova organizzazione sociale del lavoro pone una serie di domande e di sfide ai ricercatori che intendono aiutare le persone a progettare la loro vita lavorativa. Nell'era della globalizzazione anche per quanto riguarda il career counseling, abbiamo deciso di affrontare queste problematiche e di dare delle risposte che si caratterizzassero come innovative attraverso la costituzione di un forum di discussione internazionale. Si è proceduto in questo modo per evitare le difficoltà che generalmente si incontrano quando si mettono a punto dei modelli e dei metodi in un Paese e poi si esportano in altre culture con l'intento di adattarli alle stesse. Questo articolo presenta i primi risultati della collaborazione che si è registrata - un modello e dei metodi per la consulenza di orientamento. Il modello per l'intervento nell'ambito dell'approccio Life Design si caratterizza per cinque presupposti relativi al modo di vedere le persone e la loro vita lavorativa. Essi riguardano le possibilità contestuali, i processi dinamici, i progressi non-lineari, le molteplici prospettive e la presenza di pattern personali. Partendo da questi cinque presupposti abbiamo messo a punto un modello basato sull'epistemologia del costruzionismo sociale, che sostiene che la conoscenza e l'identità di un individuo sono i prodotti dell'interazione sociale e che il significato è costruito attraverso il discorso. Questo approccio fa riferimento anche alla teoria della costruzione di sé di Guichard (2005) e della costruzione della vita professionale di Savickas (2005), che descrivono le azioni utili a facilitare la progettazione del proprio futuro. Particolare attenzione viene data agli interventi nel corso dell'arco di vita, olistici, contestuali e preventivi.


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Our lives and careers are becoming ever more unpredictable. The "life-design paradigm" described in detail in this ground-breaking handbook helps counselors and others meet people's increasing need to develop and manage their own lives and careers. Life-design interventions, suited to a wide variety of cultural settings, help individuals become actors in their own lives and careers by activating, stimulating, and developing their personal resources. This handbook first addresses life-design theory, then shows how to apply life designing to different age groups and with more at-risk people, and looks at how to train life-design counselors


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At the beginning of the 21st century, a new social arrangement of work poses a series of questions and challenges to scholars who aim to help people develop their working lives. Given the globalization of career counseling, we decided to address these issues and then to formulate potentially innovative responses in an international forum. We used this approach to avoid the difficulties of creating models and methods in one country and then trying to export them to other countries where they would be adapted for use. This article presents the initial outcome of this collaboration, a counseling model and methods. The life-designing model for career intervention endorses five presuppositions about people and their work lives: contextual possibilities, dynamic processes, non-linear progression, multiple perspectives, and personal patterns. Thinking from these five presuppositions, we have crafted a contextualized model based on the epistemology of social constructionism, particularly recognizing that an individual's knowledge and identity are the product of social interaction and that meaning is co-constructed through discourse. The life-design framework for counseling implements the theories of self-constructing [Guichard, J. (2005). Life-long self-construction. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 5, 111-124] and career construction [Savickas, M. L. (2005). The theory and practice of career construction. In S. D. Brown & R. W. Lent (Eds.), Career development and counselling: putting theory and research to work (pp. 42-70). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley] that describe vocational behavior and its development. Thus, the framework is structured to be life-long, holistic, contextual, and preventive.


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This study presents the validation of a French version of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale in four Francophone countries. The aim was to re-analyze the item selection and then compare this newly developed French-language form with the international form 2.0. Exploratory factor analysis was used as a tool for item selection, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) verified the structure of the CAAS French-language form. Measurement equivalence across the four countries was tested using multi-group CFA. Adults and adolescents (N=1,707) participated from Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. Items chosen for the final version of the CAAS French-language form are different to those in the CAAS international form 2.0 and provide an improvement in terms of reliability. The factor structure is replicable across country, age, and gender. Strong evidence for metric invariance and partial evidence for scalar invariance of the CAAS French-language form across countries is given. The CAAS French-language and CAAS international form 2.0 can be used in a combined form of 31 items. The CAAS French-language form will certainly be interesting for practitioners using interventions based on the life design paradigm or aiming at increasing career adapt-ability.


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Our lives and careers are becoming ever more unpredictable. The "life-design paradigm" described in detail in this ground-breaking handbook helps counselors and others meet people's increasing need to develop and manage their own lives and careers. Life-design interventions, suited to a wide variety of cultural settings, help individuals become actors in their own lives and careers by activating, stimulating, and developing their personal resources. This handbook first addresses life-design theory, then shows how to apply life designing to different age groups and with more at-risk people, and looks at how to train life-design counselors.


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The life-design paradigm is among those rooted in Guichard's (2009) life self-construction model that describes the identity processes underlying the development of multiple social selves. In this chapter, which is a tribute to the major contribution of Jean Guichard to the field of educational and vocational guidance and counseling, we will try to explicate the links between career adaptability and subjective identity forms. Both highlight two different and important processes that are interdependent and which should be simultaneously considered in the life design paradigm. These processes allow people to behave as active agents in their environment and are of high importance in the contemporary socioeconomic context, characterized by globalization, an increase in employment insecurity, the destructuralization of one's life course, and individualization. This chapter argues that both career adapt-abilities and identity processes rely on reflexivity and self-awareness abilities. For this reason the system of subjective identity forms, as defined by Guichard, can be considered as a meta-competency allowing adaptation, meaning making, but also the allocation of process resources.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: There is no recommendation to screen ferritin level in blood donors, even though several studies have noted the high prevalence of iron deficiency after blood donation, particularly among menstruating females. Furthermore, some clinical trials have shown that non-anaemic women with unexplained fatigue may benefit from iron supplementation. Our objective is to determine the clinical effect of iron supplementation on fatigue in female blood donors without anaemia, but with a mean serum ferritin </= 30 ng/ml. METHODS/DESIGN: In a double blind randomised controlled trial, we will measure blood count and ferritin level of women under age 50 yr, who donate blood to the University Hospital of Lausanne Blood Transfusion Department, at the time of the donation and after 1 week. One hundred and forty donors with a ferritin level </= 30 ng/ml and haemoglobin level >/= 120 g/l (non-anaemic) a week after the donation will be included in the study and randomised. A one-month course of oral ferrous sulphate (80 mg/day of elemental iron) will be introduced vs. placebo. Self-reported fatigue will be measured using a visual analogue scale. Secondary outcomes are: score of fatigue (Fatigue Severity Scale), maximal aerobic power (Chester Step Test), quality of life (SF-12), and mood disorders (Prime-MD). Haemoglobin and ferritin concentration will be monitored before and after the intervention. DISCUSSION: Iron deficiency is a potential problem for all blood donors, especially menstruating women. To our knowledge, no other intervention study has yet evaluated the impact of iron supplementation on subjective symptoms after a blood donation. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT00689793.


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The epidemiological methods have become useful tools for the assessment of the effectiveness and safety of health care technologies. The experimental methods, namely the randomized controlled trials (RCT), give the best evidence of the effect of a technology. However, the ethical issues and the very nature of the intervention under study sometimes make it difficult to carry out an RCT. Therefore, quasi-experimental and non-experimental study designs are also applied. The critical issues concerning these designs are discussed. The results of evaluative studies are of importance for decision-makers in health policy. The measurements of the impact of a medical technology should go beyond a statement of its effectiveness, because the essential outcome of an intervention or programme is the health status and quality of life of the individuals and populations concerned.


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The use of artificial nest-boxes has led to significant progress in bird conservation and in our understanding of the functional and evolutionary ecology of free-ranging birds that exploit cavities for roosting and reproduction. Nest-boxes and their improved accessibility have made it easier to perform comparative and experimental field investigations. However, concerns about the generality and applicability of scientific studies involving birds breeding in nest-boxes have been raised because the occupants of boxes may differ from conspecifics occupying other nest sites. Here we review the existing evidence demonstrating the importance of nest-box design to individual life-history traits in three falcon (Falconiformes) and seven owl (Strigiformes) species, as well as the extent to which publications on these birds describe the characteristics of exploited artificial nest-boxes in their 'methods' sections. More than 60% of recent publications did not provide any details on nest-box design (e.g. size, shape, material), despite several calls >15 years ago to increase the reporting of such information. We exemplify and discuss how variation in nest-box characteristics can affect or confound conclusions from nest-box studies and conclude that it is of overall importance to present details of nest-box characteristics in scientific publications.


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The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (www.isb-sib.ch) was created in 1998 as an institution to foster excellence in bioinformatics. It is renowned worldwide for its databases and software tools, such as UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, PROSITE, SWISS-MODEL, STRING, etc, that are all accessible on ExPASy.org, SIB's Bioinformatics Resource Portal. This article provides an overview of the scientific and training resources SIB has consistently been offering to the life science community for more than 15 years.


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Review of the book: The Tinkerer's Accomplice: How Design Emerges From Life Itself by J. Scott TurnerHarvard University Press: 2007. 304 pp.


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A 9-month-old girl presented with life-threatening acute respiratory failure 1 week after the surgical correction of a double aortic arch, which was due to a severe bulging of the pars membranacea into the lumen of the trachea that produced a complete obstruction of the lower trachea. Under cardiopulmonary bypass, a Y-shaped posterior biodegradable splint was placed behind the trachea and sutured to the posterior trachea, and a simultaneous right aortic arch aortopexy was performed. Thereafter, the child recovered normal respiratory function. Follow-up bronchoscopy showed a posterior dip at the splint level and an asymptomatic persistent posterior compression of the right main bronchus.