210 resultados para LOOP DIURETICS

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Loop diuretics belong to the most common medications used in ambulatory and hospitalized patients, especially in situation of hypervolemia and chronic renal failure. Prolonged used of these agents in particular medical conditions can lead to attenuation of their diuretic effect, commonly known as "resistance" to diuretics. This article intends to review the main mechanisms of resistance to loop diuretic and the ways to counteract them in clinical practice.


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Na,K-ATPase is the main active transport system that maintains the large gradients of Na(+) and K(+) across the plasma membrane of animal cells. The crystal structure of a K(+)-occluding conformation of this protein has been recently published, but the movements of its different domains allowing for the cation pumping mechanism are not yet known. The structure of many more conformations is known for the related calcium ATPase SERCA, but the reliability of homology modeling is poor for several domains with low sequence identity, in particular the extracellular loops. To better define the structure of the large fourth extracellular loop between the seventh and eighth transmembrane segments of the alpha subunit, we have studied the formation of a disulfide bond between pairs of cysteine residues introduced by site-directed mutagenesis in the second and the fourth extracellular loop. We found a specific pair of cysteine positions (Y308C and D884C) for which extracellular treatment with an oxidizing agent inhibited the Na,K pump function, which could be rapidly restored by a reducing agent. The formation of the disulfide bond occurred preferentially under the E2-P conformation of Na,K-ATPase, in the absence of extracellular cations. Using recently published crystal structure and a distance constraint reproducing the existence of disulfide bond, we performed an extensive conformational space search using simulated annealing and showed that the Tyr(308) and Asp(884) residues can be in close proximity, and simultaneously, the SYGQ motif of the fourth extracellular loop, known to interact with the extracellular domain of the beta subunit, can be exposed to the exterior of the protein and can easily interact with the beta subunit.


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Furosemide (FD: Lasix) is a loop diuretic which strongly increases both urine flow and electrolyte urinary excretion. Healthy volunteers were administered 40 mg orally (dissolved in water) and concentrations of FD were determined in serum and urine for up to 6 h for eight subjects, who absorbed water at a rate of 400 ml/h. Quantification was performed by HPLC with fluorescence detection (excitation at 233 nm, emission at 389 nm) with a limit of detection of 5 ng/ml for a 300-microliters sample. The elution of FD was completed within 4 min using a gradient of acetonitrile concentration rising from 30 to 50% in 0.08 M phosphoric acid. The delay to the peak serum concentration ranged from 60 to 120 min. FD was still easily measurable in the sera from all subjects 6 h after administration. In urine, the excretion rates reached their maximum between 1 and 3 h. The total amount of FD excreted in the urine averaged 11.2 mg (range 7.6-14.0 mg), with a mean urine volume of 3024 ml (range 2620-3596 ml). Moreover, the urine density was lower than 1.010 (recommended as an upper limit in doping analysis to screen diuretics) only for 2 h. An additional volunteer was administered 40 mg of FD and his urine was collected over a longer period. FD was still detectable 48 h after intake. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with different types of ionization was used to confirm the occurrence of FD after permethylation of the extract. Negative-ion chemical ionization, with ammonia as reactant gas, was found to be the most sensitive method of detection.


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Thirty-nine patients with various types of hypertension were treated by chronic blockage of the angiotensin converting enzyme, i.e. by twice daily administration of captopril, 50 to 200 mg p.o. The blood pressure reduction observed 1 hour following administration of the inhibitor was directly related to the baseline plasma renin activity (r=- 0.67, p < 0.001). Whenever blockade of the renin system alone did not lower blood pressure to normal levels additional sodium subtraction brought it under control. With the renin system neutralized, blood pressure becomes exquisitely sensitive to changes in sodium balance. Diuretics seem to preserve optimal natriuretic efficacy despite blood pressure reduction, probably because aldosterone levels are reduced and renal blood flow increases. Blockade of the renin system together with individually tailored salt subtraction provides an attractive new approach to long-term treatment of clinical hypertension.


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Na,K-ATPase, the main active transport system for monovalent cations in animal cells, is responsible for maintaining Na(+) and K(+) gradients across the plasma membrane. During its transport cycle it binds three cytoplasmic Na(+) ions and releases them on the extracellular side of the membrane, and then binds two extracellular K(+) ions and releases them into the cytoplasm. The fourth, fifth, and sixth transmembrane helices of the alpha subunit of Na,K-ATPase are known to be involved in Na(+) and K(+) binding sites, but the gating mechanisms that control the access of these ions to their binding sites are not yet fully understood. We have focused on the second extracellular loop linking transmembrane segments 3 and 4 and attempted to determine its role in gating. We replaced 13 residues of this loop in the rat alpha1 subunit, from E314 to G326, by cysteine, and then studied the function of these mutants using electrophysiological techniques. We analyzed the results using a structural model obtained by homology with SERCA, and ab initio calculations for the second extracellular loop. Four mutants were markedly modified by the sulfhydryl reagent MTSET, and we investigated them in detail. The substituted cysteines were more readily accessible to MTSET in the E1 conformation for the Y315C, W317C, and I322C mutants. Mutations or derivatization of the substituted cysteines in the second extracellular loop resulted in major increases in the apparent affinity for extracellular K(+), and this was associated with a reduction in the maximum activity. The changes produced by the E314C mutation were reversed by MTSET treatment. In the W317C and I322C mutants, MTSET also induced a moderate shift of the E1/E2 equilibrium towards the E1(Na) conformation under Na/Na exchange conditions. These findings indicate that the second extracellular loop must be functionally linked to the gating mechanism that controls the access of K(+) to its binding site.


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Recent evidence has emerged that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha), which is largely involved in lipid metabolism, can play an important role in connecting circadian biology and metabolism. In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms by which PPARalpha influences the pacemakers acting in the central clock located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and in the peripheral oscillator of the liver. We demonstrate that PPARalpha plays a specific role in the peripheral circadian control because it is required to maintain the circadian rhythm of the master clock gene brain and muscle Arnt-like protein 1 (bmal1) in vivo. This regulation occurs via a direct binding of PPARalpha on a potential PPARalpha response element located in the bmal1 promoter. Reversely, BMAL1 is an upstream regulator of PPARalpha gene expression. We further demonstrate that fenofibrate induces circadian rhythm of clock gene expression in cell culture and up-regulates hepatic bmal1 in vivo. Together, these results provide evidence for an additional regulatory feedback loop involving BMAL1 and PPARalpha in peripheral clocks.


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GLP-1 protects β-cells against apoptosis by still incompletely understood mechanisms. In a recent study, we searched for novel anti-apoptotic pathways by performing comparative transcriptomic analysis of islets from Gipr-/-;Glp-1r-/- mice, which show increased susceptibility to cytokine-induced apoptosis. We observed a strong reduction in IGF-1R expression in the knockout islets suggesting a link between the gluco-incretin and IGF-1R signaling pathways. Using MIN6 and primary islet cells, we demonstrated that GLP-1 strongly stimulates IGF-1R expression and that activation of the IGF-1R/Akt signaling pathway required active secretion of IGF-2 by the β-cells. We showed that inactivation of the IGF-1 receptor gene in β-cells or preventing its up-regulation by GLP-1, as well as suppressing IGF-2 expression or action, blocked the protective effect of GLP-1 against cytokine-induced apoptosis. Thus, an IGF-2/IGF-1 receptor autocrine loop operates in β-cells and GLP-1 increases its activity by enhancing IGF-1R expression and by stimulating IGF-2 secretion. This mechanism is required for GLP-1 to protect β-cells against apoptosis.


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Loss of IκB kinase (IKK) β-dependent NF-κB signaling in hematopoietic cells is associated with increased granulopoiesis. Here we identify a regulatory cytokine loop that causes neutrophilia in Ikkβ-deficient mice. TNF-α-dependent apoptosis of myeloid progenitor cells leads to the release of IL-1β, which promotes Th17 polarization of peripheral CD4(+) T cells. Although the elevation of IL-17 and the consecutive induction of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor compensate for the loss of myeloid progenitor cells, the facilitated induction of Th17 cells renders Ikkβ-deficient animals more susceptible to the development of experimental autoimmune encephalitis. These results unravel so far unanticipated direct and indirect functions for IKKβ in myeloid progenitor survival and maintenance of innate and Th17 immunity and raise concerns about long-term IKKβ inhibition in IL-17-mediated diseases.


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Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1), like many monooxygenases, can produce reactive oxygen species during its catalytic cycle. Apart from the well-characterized xenobiotic-elicited induction, the regulatory mechanisms involved in the control of the steady-state activity of CYP1A1 have not been elucidated. We show here that reactive oxygen species generated from the activity of CYP1A1 limit the levels of induced CYP1A1 mRNAs. The mechanism involves the repression of the CYP1A1 gene promoter activity in a negative-feedback autoregulatory loop. Indeed, increasing the CYP1A1 activity by transfecting CYP1A1 expression vectors into hepatoma cells elicited an oxidative stress and led to the repression of a reporter gene driven by the CYP1A1 gene promoter. This negative autoregulation is abolished by ellipticine (an inhibitor of CYP1A1) and by catalase (which catalyzes H(2)O(2) catabolism), thus implying that H(2)O(2) is an intermediate. Down-regulation is also abolished by the mutation of the proximal nuclear factor I (NFI) site in the promoter. The transactivating domain of NFI/CTF was found to act in synergy with the arylhydrocarbon receptor pathway during the induction of CYP1A1 by 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-p-dibenzodioxin. Using an NFI/CTF-Gal4 fusion, we show that NFI/CTF transactivating function is decreased by a high activity of CYP1A1. This regulation is also abolished by catalase or ellipticine. Consistently, the transactivating function of NFI/CTF is repressed in cells treated with H(2)O(2), a novel finding indicating that the transactivating domain of a transcription factor can be targeted by oxidative stress. In conclusion, an autoregulatory loop leads to the fine tuning of the CYP1A1 gene expression through the down-regulation of NFI activity by CYP1A1-based H(2)O(2) production. This mechanism allows a limitation of the potentially toxic CYP1A1 activity within the cell.


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Seborrheic keratoses (SKs) are common, benign epithelial tumors of the skin that do not, or very rarely, progress into malignancy, for reasons that are not understood. We investigated this by gene expression profiling of human SKs and cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) and found that several genes previously connected with keratinocyte tumor development were similarly modulated in SKs and SCCs, whereas the expression of others differed by only a few fold. In contrast, the tyrosine kinase receptor FGF receptor-3 (FGFR3) and the transcription factor forkhead box N1 (FOXN1) were highly expressed in SKs, and close to undetectable in SCCs. We also showed that increased FGFR3 activity was sufficient to induce FOXN1 expression, counteract the inhibitory effect of EGFR signaling on FOXN1 expression and differentiation, and induce differentiation in a FOXN1-dependent manner. Knockdown of FOXN1 expression in primary human keratinocytes cooperated with oncogenic RAS in the induction of SCC-like tumors, whereas increased FOXN1 expression triggered the SCC cells to shift to a benign SK-like tumor phenotype, which included increased FGFR3 expression. Thus,we have uncovered a positive regulatory loop between FGFR3 and FOXN1 that underlies a benign versus malignant skin tumor phenotype.


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Both angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and potassium-sparing diuretics tend to increase serum potassium levels. This retrospective study was undertaken to assess whether these two types of agents can nevertheless be combined safely. Twelve hypertensive patients were treated for 1-70 months (mean = 17) with an ACE inhibitor together with a potassium-sparing diuretic (spironolactone, n = 10; amiloride, n = 2). In addition, eight patients also took a thiazide or a loop diuretic. Nine patients had a normal and three a slightly impaired renal function. No clinically relevant hyperkalemia was observed during the course of the study. These data suggest that it is not impossible to combine an ACE inhibitor with a potassium-sparing diuretic, as long as renal function is normal and serum potassium concentration is monitored closely.