em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Le traitement médicamenteux du syndrome de Cushing secondaire à une hyperplasie surrénalienne macro-nodulaire bilatérale (bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia, (BMAH)) est généralement administré pour une période limitée avant de procéder à l'exérèse chirurgicale des surrénales. Les antagonistes des récepteurs surrênaïïens aberrants se sont révélés inefficaces à long terme pour empêcher la surrénalectomie. Nous reportons le cas d'une patiente avec BMAH traitée durant 10 ans par des petites doses de kétoconazole, afin de contrôler la sécrétion de Cortisol. A l'âge de 48 ans, elle a présenté des céphalées et une hypertension artérielle. Les investigations ont donné les résultats suivants: absence de signes cliniques de syndrome de Cushing ; hyperplasie nodulaire des surrénales ; valeurs normales de la creatinine, le potassium et l'aldostérone plasmatiques ; valeurs normales des métanéphrines et de l'aldostérone urinaires ; élévation du Cortisol libre et des métabolites stéroïdiens urinaires ; et suppression de l'ACTH et de l'activité de la rénine plasmatiques. Un protocole de dépistage des récepteurs surrénaliens aberrants n'a pas montré de dépendance hormonale illégitime. Le kétoconazole a permis une normalisation rapide du Cortisol et de l'ACTH avec un effet qui persiste après 10 ans de traitement, tandis que l'imagerie surrénalienne ne montre pas de changement de taille et d'aspect de celles-ci. La sécrétion stéroidienne chez les patients présentant une BMAH est moins importante que celle de surrénales normales ou de tumeurs secrétrices et peut être contrôlée avec de petites doses de kétoconazole. Ce traitement, bien toléré, constitue une alternative au traitement chirurgical.


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Hirsutism, acne, alopecia, and oligo-amenorrhea are clinical expressions of hyperandrogenism, one of the most frequent endocrine disorders in women of reproductive age. Women referred to our endocrine clinics for skin symptoms of hyperandrogenism underwent a laboratory workup to evaluate hormone measurements and received antiandrogen therapy. We retrospectively analyzed the outcome of 228 consecutive patients investigated over 6 years.Patients with hirsutism had higher levels of androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and salivary testosterone; lower levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG); and a higher prevalence of oligo-amenorrhea than patients with alopecia, while patients with acne showed intermediate values. Hirsutism score correlated positively with androstenedione, DHEAS, and salivary testosterone, and correlated negatively with SHBG; salivary testosterone showed the highest correlation coefficient. Total testosterone was not significantly different among patients with hirsutism, alopecia, or acne, and did not significantly correlate with hirsutism score. Hirsutism and oligo-amenorrhea were the most sensitive symptoms of hyperandrogenism, and no androgenic parameter alone allowed us to identify all cases of hyperandrogenism.Patients of central European origin sought consultation with milder hirsutism scores than patients of southern European origin. There was, however, no difference in the clinical-biological correlation between these groups, arguing against differences in skin sensitivity to androgens.Polycystic ovary syndrome, defined as hyperandrogenism (hirsutism or elevated androgens) and oligo-amenorrhea, was diagnosed in 63 patients (27.6%), an underestimate compared with other reports that include systematic ovarian ultrasound studies. Neither pelvic ultrasound, used in a limited number of cases, nor the luteinizing hormone/follicle-stimulating hormone ratio helped to distinguish patients with polycystic ovary syndrome from the other diagnostic groups. These included hyperandrogenism (hirsutism or elevated androgens) and eumenorrhea (101 patients; 44.3%); normal androgens (acne or alopecia and eumenorrhea) (51 patients; 22.4%); isolated low SHBG (7 patients; 3.1%); nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (4 patients; 1.8% of total, 4.9% of patients undergoing cosyntropin stimulation tests); and ovarian tumor (2 patients; 0.9%).Ethinylestradiol and high-dose cyproterone acetate treatment lowered the hirsutism score to 53.5% of baseline at 1 year, and was also effective in treating acne and alopecia. The clinical benefit is ascribed to the peripheral antiandrogenic effect of cyproterone acetate as well as the hormone-suppressive effect of this combination. Salivary testosterone showed the most marked proportional decrease of all the androgens under treatment. Cost-effectiveness and tolerance of ethinylestradiol and high-dose cyproterone acetate compared well with other antiandrogenic drug therapies for hirsutism. The less potent therapy with spironolactone only, a peripheral antiandrogen without hormone-suppressive effect, was effective in treating isolated alopecia in patients with normal androgens.


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Stimulation ofcortisol secretion by food intake has been implicated in the pathogenesis of some cases of ACTH-independent Cushing's syndrome, via an aberrant response of the adrenal glands to gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP). We report here a novel case of food-dependent Cushing's syndrome in a patient with bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia. In this patient we were able to confirm a paradoxical stimulation of cortisol secretion by GIP in vivo as well as in vitro on dispersed tumor adrenal cells obtained at surgery. In addition to GIP, in vitro stimulation of these cultured tumor adrenal cells with leptin, the secreted product of the adipocyte, induced cortisol secretion. By comparison, no such stimulation was observed in vitro in adrenal cells obtained from another patient with bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia and Cushing's syndrome that did not depend on food intake, in tumor cells obtained from a solitary cortisol-secreting adrenal adenoma, and in normal human adrenocortical cells. These results demonstrate that as in previously described cases of food-dependent Cushing's syndrome, GIP stimulated cortisol secretion from the adrenals of the patient reported here. Therefore, they indicate that such a paradoxical response probably represents the hallmark of this rare condition. In addition, they suggest that leptin, which normally inhibits stimulated cortisol secretion in humans, participated in cortisol hypersecretion in this case. Further studies in other cases of food-dependent Cushing's syndrome, however, will be necessary to better ascertain the pathophysiological significance of this finding.


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Primary hyperaldosteronism is one of the most frequent causes of secondary hypertension. Cardiovascular morbimortality is higher than in essential hypertonic and justifies diagnostic and specific treatment of this pathology. Therapeutic choice depends of health and desire of the patient. It is either medical with mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, or surgical through adrenalectomy. In this case, a pre-surgery exam including a radiologic examination and a venous adrenal catheterism has to be done. Surgery allows a normalisation of kaliema and a blood pressure decrease in 50 to 88% of the patients. Beyond them, 30% are able to stop entirely their medication. Both therapeutic choices decrease cardiovascular risks equally if blood pressure is controlled.


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We investigated the impact of GLUT2 gene inactivation on the regulation of hepatic glucose metabolism during the fed to fast transition. In control and GLUT2-null mice, fasting was accompanied by a approximately 10-fold increase in plasma glucagon to insulin ratio, a similar activation of liver glycogen phosphorylase and inhibition of glycogen synthase and the same elevation in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and glucose-6-phosphatase mRNAs. In GLUT2-null mice, mobilization of glycogen stores was, however, strongly impaired. This was correlated with glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) levels, which remained at the fed values, indicating an important allosteric stimulation of glycogen synthase by G6P. These G6P levels were also accompanied by a paradoxical elevation of the mRNAs for L-pyruvate kinase. Re-expression of GLUT2 in liver corrected the abnormal regulation of glycogen and L-pyruvate kinase gene expression. Interestingly, GLUT2-null livers were hyperplasic, as revealed by a 40% increase in liver mass and 30% increase in liver DNA content. Together, these data indicate that in the absence of GLUT2, the G6P levels cannot decrease during a fasting period. This may be due to neosynthesized glucose entering the cytosol, being unable to diffuse into the extracellular space, and being phosphorylated back to G6P. Because hepatic glucose production is nevertheless quantitatively normal, glucose produced in the endoplasmic reticulum may also be exported out of the cell through an alternative, membrane traffic-based pathway, as previously reported (Guillam, M.-T., Burcelin, R., and Thorens, B. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 95, 12317-12321). Therefore, in fasting, GLUT2 is not required for quantitative normal glucose output but is necessary to equilibrate cytosolic glucose with the extracellular space. In the absence of this equilibration, the control of hepatic glucose metabolism by G6P is dominant over that by plasma hormone concentrations.


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OBJECTIVE: A single bolus dose of etomidate decreases cortisol synthesis by inhibiting the 11-beta hydroxylase, a mitochondrial enzyme in the final step of cortisol synthesis. In our institution, all the patients undergoing cardiac surgery receive etomidate at anesthesia induction. The purpose of this study was to assess the incidence of adrenocortical dysfunction after a single dose of etomidate in selected patients undergoing major cardiac surgery and requiring high-dose norepinephrine postoperatively. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective descriptive study in the surgical ICU of a university hospital. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty-three patients presented acute circulatory failure requiring norepinephrine (>0,2 microg/kg/min) during the 48 hours following cardiac surgery. Absolute adrenal insufficiency was defined as a basal cortisol below 414 nmo/l (15 microg/dl) and relative adrenal insufficiency as a basal plasma cortisol between 414 nmo/l (15 microg/dl) and 938 nmo/l (34 microg/dl) with an incremental response after 250 microg of synthetic corticotropin (measured at 60 minutes) below 250 nmol/l (9 microg/dl). RESULTS: Fourteen patients (22%) had normal corticotropin test results, 10 (16%) had absolute and 39 (62%) relative adrenal insufficiency. All patients received a low-dose steroid substitution after the corticotropin test. Substituted patients had similar clinical outcomes compared to patients with normal adrenal function. CONCLUSION: A high incidence of relative adrenal failure was observed in selected cardiac surgery patients with acute postoperative circulatory failure.


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The aim of the present work was to find out whether NPY synthesized in human adrenal chromaffin cells controls in an autocrine/paracrine fashion the release of catecholamines by these cells. Accordingly, the constitutive and regulated release of both NPY and catecholamines was measured simultaneously in cultured human chromaffin cells. In addition, by using both RT-PCR and a combination of specific agonists and antagonists, we characterized the expression of NPY receptors on these cells as well as their pharmacology. Our results were as follows. 1) Human chromaffin cells constitutively secrete NPY. 2) Nicotine elicits a rapid increase in the release of both catecholamines and NPY; this release of NPY is more sustained than that of catecholamines. 3) RT-PCR shows expression of Y1, Y2, Y4, and Y5 receptor mRNA by chromaffin cells; these receptors are functional, as various receptor specific agonists elicit an increase in intracellular calcium. 4) Peptide YY, in contrast to NPY, is not able to stimulate the release of catecholamines. This finding was corroborated by the observation that no receptor-specific antagonists were able to reduce constitutive catecholamine release, whereas an NPY-immunoneutralizing antibody markedly attenuated the secretion. Taken together, these data suggest that NPY originating from the adrenal medulla locally enhances the secretion of catecholamines, presumably by acting via the putative y3 receptor.


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Objective: Intimal hyperplasia (IH) is one of the leading causes of failure¦after vascular interventions. It involves the proliferation of smooth muscle¦cells (SMCs) and the production of extracellular fibrous matrix. Gap junctional¦communication, mediated by membrane connexins (Cx), participates to the¦control of proliferation and migration. In human and mice vessels, endothelial¦cells (ECs) express Cx37, Cx40 and Cx43, whereas SMCs are coupled by Cx43.¦We previously reported that Cx43 was increased in the SMCs of a human vein¦during the development of IH.¦In our experimental model of mice carotid artery ligation (CAL), luminal¦narrowing occurred by SMCs-rich neointima after 2-4 weeks of ligation.¦This experimental model of mice allows us to decipher the regulation of the¦cardiovascular connexins in the mouse.¦Methods: C57BL/6 mice were anesthetized and the left common carotid artery¦was dissected through a neck incision and ligated near the carotid bifurcation.¦The mice were then euthanized at 7, 14 and 28 days. Morphometric analyses¦were then performed with measurements of total area, lumen and intimal area¦and media thickness. Western blots, immunocytochemistry and quantitative¦RT-PCR were performed for Cx43, Cx40 and Cx37.¦Results: All animals recovered with no symptom of stroke. Morphometric¦analysis demonstrated that carotid ligation resulted in an initial increase (after¦7 days) of the total vessel area followed by its reduction (after 28 days). This¦phenomena was associated with a progressive increase in the intimal area and a¦consecutive decrease of the lumen. The media thickness was also increased after¦14 and 28 days. This neointima formation was associated to a marked increase¦in the expression of Cx43 at both protein and RNA levels. Concomitantly,¦Cx40 and Cx37 protein expression were reduced in the endothelium. This was¦confirmed by en face analyses showing reduced Cx37 and Cx40 levels in the¦endothelial cells covering the lesion.¦Conclusion: This study assessed the regulation of the cardiovascular connexins¦in the development of IH. This model will allow us to characterize the¦involvement of gap junctions in the IH. In turn, this understanding is¦instrumental for the development of new therapeutical tools, as well as for¦the evaluation of the effects of drugs and gene therapies of this disease for which¦there is no efficient therapy available.


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The rat adrenal gland contains ganglion cells able to synthesize nitric oxide (NO). This messenger molecule controls and modulates adrenal secretory activity and blood flow. The present study analyzed the number, size, and distribution of NO-producing adrenal neurons in adulthood and during postnatal development by means of beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d) histochemistry. This method reliably visualizes the enzyme responsible for NO generation. The reactive neurons per adrenal gland were 350-400 in both male and female adult rats. The positive nerve cell bodies were mostly located in the medulla, few being detected within the cortex and the subcapsular region. Dual labeling with anti-microtubule-associated protein 2 antibody, specific for neuronal elements, confirmed this distribution. Anti-microtubule-associated protein 1b antibody identified a subset of NADPH-d-positive neurons, displaying different degrees of maturation according to their position within the adrenal gland. At birth, there were about 220 NADPH-d-labeled neurons per adrenal gland in both sexes. As confirmed by dual immunocytochemical labeling, their great majority was evenly distributed between the cortex and the subcapsular region, the medulla being practically devoid of stained neurons. After birth, the number of adrenal NADPH-d-positive ganglion cells displayed a strong postnatal increase and reached the adult-like distribution after 1-2 months. During the period of increase, there was a transient difference in the numbers of these cells in the two sexes. Thus we present here evidence of plasticity in the number, size, and distribution of NADPH-d-positive adrenal neurons between birth and adulthood; in addition, we describe transient sex-related differences in their number and distribution during the 2nd postnatal week, which are possibly related to the epigenetic action of gonadal hormones during this period.


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Modern dietary habits are characterized by high-sodium and low-potassium intakes, each of which was correlated with a higher risk for hypertension. In this study, we examined whether long-term variations in the intake of sodium and potassium induce lasting changes in the plasma concentration of circulating steroids by developing a mathematical model of steroidogenesis in mice. One finding of this model was that mice increase their plasma progesterone levels specifically in response to potassium depletion. This prediction was confirmed by measurements in both male mice and men. Further investigation showed that progesterone regulates renal potassium handling both in males and females under potassium restriction, independent of its role in reproduction. The increase in progesterone production by male mice was time dependent and correlated with decreased urinary potassium content. The progesterone-dependent ability to efficiently retain potassium was because of an RU486 (a progesterone receptor antagonist)-sensitive stimulation of the colonic hydrogen, potassium-ATPase (known as the non-gastric or hydrogen, potassium-ATPase type 2) in the kidney. Thus, in males, a specific progesterone concentration profile induced by chronic potassium restriction regulates potassium balance.


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Several cases of Brunner's gland hyperplasia causing hemorrhage, obstruction, or intussusception have been published in the adult literature. Similar cases in the pediatric population are very rare and have only been described twice, always associated with chronic renal failure. We report the third and youngest case of gastric outlet obstruction because of Brunner's gland hyperplasia focusing on histopathologic condition and treatment based on a review of the literature.