23 resultados para Kukkonen, Karin
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
We would like to comment this study recently published in JFS. It is a short technical note proposing an artificial aging technique for the dating of ballpoint pen inks. This is a very difficult and controversial topic, and we are worried about the nature of this paper. The authors propose several ideas to differentiate fast aging and slow aging inks, but their experimental data is not validly represented and/or discussed. The data is insufficient to draw any conclusions about any potential of the method for ink dating purposes. This lack of information on the subject must be filled before proposing such methods for practical caseworks. These are preliminary and unconvincing results from development research performed in a laboratory on controlled samples without due warnings about potential shortcomings. They cannot be used or even compared to results obtained in real situations on uncontrolled specimens of limited size, unknown composition and undefined storage conditions. This can leave an undeserved feeling that these methods are ready for implementation when the task of ensuring their scientific validity is still far away.
Related article : Letter to the Editor: Karin Modig, Sven Drefahl, and Anders Ahlbon.Limitless longevity: Comment on the Contribution of rectangularization to the secular increase of life expectancy
[Table des matières] 1. Problemstellung. 1.1. Programme in anderen Ländern. 1.2. Situation in der Schweiz. 2. Methodisches Vorgehen. 2.1. Dokumentationsanalyse. 2.2. Experteninterviews. 3. Resultate : Beschreibung der wesentlichen Aktivitäten zur Programmentwicklung. 3.1. Wesentliche Aktivitäten in der Schweiz vor der Einführung des KVG. 3.2. Grundeinstellung zum organisierten Mammographie-Screening. 3.3. Gesetzliche Grundlagen. 3.4. Strukturen im schweizerischen Gesundheitswesen. 3.5. Finanzierung. 3.6. Rollen und Kompetenzen. 3.7. Wirksamkeit. 3.8. Internationale Expertise. 4. Lösungsansätze.
Un processus de réinsertion professionnelle pertinent sous-entend une gestion pertinente des travailleurs absents et leur prise en charge rapide et coordonnée. Dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche, des problèmes lors de l'identification des cas ont été rencontrés. Différents éléments faisant clairement obstacle au processus de sélection instauré dans les entreprises partenaires ont été mis en évidence. Ceux-ci doivent être considérés de manière plus large comme des freins à l'dentification précoce des individus à risque d'invalidité et ainsi au processus de réinsertion professionnelle. [Auteurs]
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Wear of methacrylate artificial teeth resulting in vertical loss is a problem for both dentists and patients. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to quantify wear of artificial teeth in vivo and to relate it to subject and tooth variables. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-eight subjects treated with complete dentures received 2 artificial tooth materials (polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)/double-cross linked PMMA fillers; 35%/59% (SR Antaris DCL, SR Postaris DCL); experimental 48%/46%). At baseline and after 12 months, impressions of the dentures were poured with improved stone. After laser scanning, the casts were superimposed and matched. Maximal vertical loss (mm) and volumetric loss (mm(3)) were calculated for each tooth and log-transformed to reduce variability. Volumetric loss was related to the occlusally active surface area. Linear mixed models were used to study the influence of the factors jaw, tooth, and material on adjusted (residual) wear values (alpha=.05). RESULTS: Due to drop outs (n=5) and unmatchable casts (n=3), 69% of all teeth were analyzed. Volumetric loss had a strong linear relationship to surface area (P<.001); this was less pronounced for vertical loss (P=.004). The factor showing the highest influence was the subject. Wear was tooth dependent (increasing from incisors to molars). However, these differences diminished once the wear rates were adjusted for occlusal area, and only a few remained significant (anterior versus posterior maxillary teeth). Another influencing factor was the age of the subject. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical wear of artificial teeth is higher than previously measured or expected. The presented method of analyzing wear of artificial teeth using a laser-scanning device seemed suitable.
The proposed research aims to address the work-related MSD management issue through an interdisciplinary intervention involving clinical and occupational health competencies (rheumatology, occupational medicine, ergonomics). Workers enduring MSD (especially back-pain) and absent from work are selected from volunteering companies (construction, hospitals, public transport, delivery networks). The workers are randomly placed into two groups : the control group benefits from an usual MSD management strategy and the intervention group benefits from a case-management strategy including workhardening treatment (work oriented reeducation) and ergonomic intervention in the workplace. The comparison of health and work-related variables prior and after intervention in the two groups will be used to assess the intervention efficiency and its economic benefits. We expect to produce new strategies for the management of MSD and workplace rehabilitation as well as guidelines for both authorities and companies.
L'entrevue médicale est constituée de plusieurs étapes, chacune d'entre elles comprenant des tâches et des objectifs particuliers pour le médecin. La partie initiale de la consultation médicale, la phase sociale, constitue la première pierre dans la construction d'une relation médecin-patient de confiance et de qualité. Si, d'un point de vue structurel, la littérature a répondu de façon claire et concordante, des questions demeurent ouvertes d'un point de vue procédural. De quelle manière le médecin parvient-il à établir le premier contact ? Comment procède-t-il pour accueillir son patient ? Des pistes pour répondre à ces questions se repèrent dans le travail de révision des enregistrements vidéo des consultations de médecine générale qui sont régulièrement pratiqués à la Policlinique médicale universitaire (PMU) de Lausanne. [Auteurs] The medical interview consists of several steps, each consisting of specific tasks and objectives for the doctor. The initial step of the medical consultation, the social phase, is the cornerstone in the construction of a doctor-patient relationship of trust and quality. If, in a structural point of view, the literature has responded in a clear and consistent way, questions remain openned in a procedural point of view. How successful is the physician to establish the first contact? How does he proceed to welcome his patient? We looked out ways to address these issues by the work of revising the video recordings of general medical consultations, which are regularly practiced at the Medical outpatient clinic of the University of Lausanne.
[Table des matières] 1.1. Bref historique de la stratégie nationale de lutte contre le cancer. 1.2. Mandat d'évaluation. 1. 3. Approche d'évaluation choisie. 1.4. Phase 1 : programme d'évaluation 1999. 2. Conclusions et recommandations générales. 2.1. Stratégie et concept directeur. 2.2. Structure soutenant le programme national de lutte contre le cancer. 2.3. Rôle et fonctionnement des différents organes du programme national. 2.4. Collaborations. 2.5. Monitoring des programmes, évaluation de projets spécifiques et indicateurs à disposition pour l'évaluation globale. 3. Propositions pour la suite de l'évaluation. 4. Résumé de l'étude 1 : évaluation de la conception et de la mise en oeuvre de la stratégie au niveau national. 5. Studie 2 : Inventar der vorhandene Datenquellen und Indikatoren. 5.1. Zusammenfassung. 5.2. Allgemeine Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen. 6. Studie 3 : Konzeptualisierung und Stand der Umsetzung der vier Krebsbekämpfungsprogramme. 6.1. Einleitung. 6.2. Zusammenfassung der programmübergreifende Ergebnisse : zum Konzeptualisierungsprozess, zum Steuerungsprozess, zur Vernetzung innerhalb der Programme und im relevanten Umfeld. 6.3. Zusammenfassung der programmspezifischen Ergebnisse : Brustkrebs, Hautkrebs, Lungenkrebs, Darmkrebs. 6.4. Empfehlungen : Programmübergreifende Empfehlungen, ergänzende programmspezifische Empfehlungen.
Une recherche du Fonds national et de la SUVA [sur la réinsertion professionnelle des travailleurs absents en raison de troubles musculosquelettiques dorsaux] dévoile plusieurs failles dans la gestion des absences. Ce qui freine la détection puis la réinsertion de collaborateurs souffrant de mal de dos. La récolte des données est souvent incomplète et la coordination RH-managers-partenaires externes est lacunaire. Enquête et quelques pistes pour corriger le tir. [Ed.]