18 resultados para Korean churches
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Background, aim, and scope A coupled Life Cycle Costing and life cycle assessment has been performed for car-bodies of the Korean Tilting Train eXpress (TTX) project using European and Korean databases, with the objective of assessing environmental and cost performance to aid materials and process selection. More specifically, the potential of polymer composite car-body structures for the Korean Tilting Train eXpress (TTX) has been investigated. Materials and methods This assessment includes the cost of both carriage manufacturing and use phases, coupled with the life cycle environmental impacts of all stages from raw material production, through carriage manufacture and use, to end-of-life scenarios. Metallic carriages were compared with two composite options: hybrid steel-composite and full-composite carriages. The total planned production for this regional Korean train was 440 cars, with an annual production volume of 80 cars. Results and discussion The coupled analyses were used to generate plots of cost versus energy consumption and environmental impacts. The results show that the raw material and manufacturing phase costs are approximately half of the total life cycle costs, whilst their environmental impact is relatively insignificant (3-8%). The use phase of the car-body has the largest environmental impact for all scenarios, with near negligible contributions from the other phases. Since steel rail carriages weigh more (27-51%), the use phase cost is correspondingly higher, resulting in both the greatest environmental impact and the highest life cycle cost. Compared to the steel scenario, the hybrid composite variant has a lower life cycle cost (16%) and a lower environmental impact (26%). Though the full composite rail carriage may have the highest manufacturing cost, it results in the lowest total life cycle costs and lowest environmental impacts. Conclusions and recommendations This coupled cost and life cycle assessment showed that the full composite variant was the optimum solution. This case study showed that coupling of technical cost models with life cycle assessment offers an efficient route to accurately evaluate economic and environmental performance in a consistent way.
Trois ans après avoir témoigné de son mal chronique, une fidèle s'exprime à nouveau devant sa communauté, une Église évangélique de type charismatique. Elle partage la nouvelle de sa guérison miraculeuse. L'analyse comparée de ces récits, ainsi qu'une description ethnographique des célébrations durant lesquelles ils sont émis, montre comment l'énonciation de la croyante est encadrée par le pasteur. Une approche pragmatique et énonciative permet de ressaisir simultanément cet encadrement au plan institutionnel et interactionnel. On verra alors comment cette parole publique contribue à redéfinir la perception que la communauté a de Dieu et d'elle-même. Chacune des situations de témoignage renvoie ainsi à deux façons présentes au sein de l'évangélisme charismatique de se rapporter au surnaturel qui ont un impact sur l'organisation des Églises locales.Three years after sharing publicly about her chronic illness, a believer addresses again her congregation, an Evangelical church with Charismatic leanings. She shares the news of her miraculous healing. A comparative analysis of those testimonies and on ethnographic descriptions of the worship services during which she spoke will show how the pastor frames the believer's enunciation. A pragmatic and enunciative approach recaptures simultaneously both interactional and institutional levels. It will appear that the public speech contributes to redefining the congregation's perception of God and of itself. Both testimony settings show two ways, within Charismatic Evangelism, to refer to the supernatural. Those ways have an impact on the organization of the local churches.
Contrairement aux idées reçues, l'esthétique assume bien une fonction dans les formes rituelles adoptées par les Eglises issues de la Réforme calviniste. Mais il revient moins à l'image, considérée avant tout comme une source de distraction, qu'à la musique de porter cette dimension dans la piété réformée. Retraçant la formation de la pensée calvinienne sur la question des rapports entre culte et musique entre 1536 et 1543, cette étude montre comment le théologien en vient durant ces années à considérer que le chant des psaumes permet de concilier dans la dévotion, un processus cognitif, guidé par le sens des paroles, et un mouvement affectif, suscité par la mélodie. C'est, aux yeux de Calvin, de la jonction de ces deux dynamiques que naît l'élévation spirituelle à laquelle le culte doit conduire. Notwithstanding common belief, aesthetics had an important function in ritual forms implemented by Reformed Calvinist Churches. The impact of aesthetics on reformed piety rested less on images, considered to be a source of distraction, than on music. By reconsidering the evolution of Calvin's thoughts on the relationship between music and religious services between 1536 and 1543, this study reveals how Calvin came to consider that by singing the psalms, Christians could conciliate in prayer a cognitive process which was to be guided by both the meaning of the words and the emotions triggered by the tune. For Calvin, the spiritual elevation to which religious services should lead was to emerge from the conjunction of these two impetuses.
Contrary to common belief, aesthetics had an important function in ritual forms implemented by Reformed Calvinist Churches. The impact of aesthetics on Reformed piety rested less on images, considered to be a source of distraction, than on music. By reconsidering the evolution of Calvin's thoughts on the relationship between music and religious services between 1536 and 1543, this study reveals how Calvin came to consider that, by singing psalms, Christians in their devotion could conciliate both a cognitive process guided by the meaning of the words and an affective response triggered by the tune. For Calvin, the spiritual elevation to which religious services should lead was to emerge from the conjunction of these two impetuses.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) This book is meant to honour the Belgian religious educationalist Herman Lombaerts reflecting on his legacy. He is internationally renowned as a scholar with a strong commitment to and a conceptual analysis of the social and cultural context in which people live and learn. This series of essays is build upon a thought provoking, streamlined design on the relationship between theology and education, relying on Lombaerts' societal and cultural analysis of contemporary religious education. Three key elements are at stake: the self-agency of the learner, the hermeneutic and communitive interpretation of religious traditions in the teaching of religion, and the radical re-imagination of Christian theology relying on this new model of religious educational praxis. For Lombaerts, the search processes of religious people have their own dynamic and dignity. Practical theology should listen carefully and empathetically to this quest. But he is also convinced of the need of solid fundamental research to understand critically its ambiguities and perspectives. Scholars from Europe, the United States and Australia lead the way in this process of "conceptual stretching". Issues such as happiness of children, identity formation of youth, educational and religious insecurity of parents, multi-faith education, tradition crisis of churches, theological education of lay ministers, narrativity and modern art in religious education, etc. are examined from a practical theological point of view, with a strong commitment to the philosophical, psychological, sociological, educational and political dimensions of three issues. With this book the editors hope to commemorate Lombaerts' international radiation, by building a collegial bridge between the different theoretical approaches in the German, Dutch, French, Italian and Anglo-Saxon religious educational research.
The present dissertation analyzed the construct of attachment at different time points, specifically focusing on two phases of adoptive family life that have so far received little attention from investigators. Study 1 focused on the first months of adoption, and analyzed the development of the attachment relationship to new caregivers. The sample was composed of a small but homogeneous group (n=6) of Korean-born children, adopted by Italian parents. The Parent Attachment Diary (Dozier & Stovall, 1997) was utilized to assess the child's attachment behavior. We assessed these behavior for the first 3 months after placement into adoption. Results showed a double variability of attachment behavior: within subjects during the 3-months, and between subjects, with just half of the children developing a stable pattern of attachment. In order to test the growth trajectories of attachment behavior, Hierarchical Linear Models (Bryk & Raudenbush, 1992) were also applied, but no significant population trend was identified. Study 2 analyzed attachment among adoptees during the sensitive period of adolescence. Data was derived from an international collection (n= 104, from Belgium Italy, and Romania) of semi-structured clinical interviews (with adolescents and with their adoptive parents), as well as from questionnaires. The purpose of this study was to detect the role played by risk and protective factors on the adoptee's behavioral and socio-emotional outcomes. In addition, we tested the possible interactions between the different attachment representations within the adoptive family. Results showed that pre-adoptive risk predicted the adolescent's adjustment; however, parental representations constituted an important moderator of this relationship. Moreover, the adolescent's security of attachment partially mediated the relationship between age at placement and later behavioral problems. In conclusion, the two present attachment studies highlighted the notable rate of change of attachment behavior over time, which showed its underlying plasticity, and thus the possible reparatory value of the adoption practice. Since parents have been proven to play an important role, especially in adolescence, the post-adoption support acquires even more importance in order to help parents promoting a positive and stable relational environment over time. - L'objectif de cette thèse est de décrire la formation des relations d'attachement chez les enfants et les adolescents adoptés, lors de deux phases particulières de la vie de la famille adoptive, qui ont été relativement peu étudiées. L'Étude 1 analyse les premiers mois après l'adoption, avec le but de comprendre si, et comment, une relation d'attachement aux nouveaux parents se développe. L'échantillon est composé d'un petit groupe (n = 6) d'enfants provenant de Corée du Sud, adoptés par des parents Italiens. A l'aide du Parent Attachment Diary (Dozier & Stovall, 1997), des observations des comportements d'attachement de l'enfant ont été recueillies chaque jour au cours des 3 premiers mois après l'arrivée. Les résultats montrent une double variabilité des comportements d'attachement: au niveau inter- et intra-individuel ; au premier de ces niveaux, seuleme la moitié des enfants parvient à développer un pattern stable d'attachement ; au niveau intra-individuel, les trajectoires de développement des comportements d'attachement ont été testées à l'aide de Modèles Linéaires Hiérarchiques (Bryk et Raudenbush, 1992), mais aucune tendance significative n'a pu être révélée. L'Étude 2 vise à analyser l'attachement chez des enfants adoptés dans l'enfance, lors de la période particulièrement sensible de l'adolescence. Les données sont issues d'un base de données internationale (n = 104, Belgique, Italie et Roumanie), composée d' entretiens cliniques semi-structurées (auprès de l'adolescents et des ses parents adoptifs), ainsi que de questionnaires. Les analyses statistiques visent à détecter la présence de facteurs de risque et de protection relativement à l'attachement et aux problèmes de comportement de l'enfant adopté. En outre, la présence d'interactions entre les représentations d'attachement des membres de la famille adoptive est évaluée. Les résultats montrent que les risques associés à la période pré-adoptive prédisent la qualité du bien-être de l'adolescent, mais les représentations parentales constituent un modérateur important de cette relation. En outre, la sécurité de l'attachement du jeune adopté médiatise partiellement la relation entre l'âge au moment du placement et les problèmes de comportement lors de l'adolescence. En conclusion, à l'aide de multiples données relatives à l'attachement, ces deux études soulignent son évolution notable au fil du temps, ce qui sous-tend la présence d'une certaine plasticité, et donc la possible valeur réparatrice de la pratique de l'adoption. Comme les parents semblent jouer un rôle important de ce point de vue, surtout à l'adolescence, cela renforce la notion d'un soutien post-adoption, en vue d'aider les parents à la promotion d'un environnement relationnel favorable et stable. - Il presente lavoro è volto ad analizzare l'attaccamento durante le due fasi della vita della famiglia adottiva che meno sono state indagate dalla letteratura. Lo Studio 1 aveva l'obiettivo di analizzare i primi mesi che seguono il collocamento del bambino, al fine di capire se e come una relazione di attaccamento verso i nuovi genitori si sviluppa. Il campione è composto da un piccolo gruppo (n = 6) di bambini provenienti dalla Corea del Sud e adottati da genitori italiani. Attraverso il Parent Attachment Diary (Stovall e Dozier, 1997) sono stati osservati quotidianamente, e per i primi tre mesi, i comportamenti di attaccamento del bambino. I risultati hanno mostrato una duplice variabilità: a livello intraindividuale (nell'arco dei 3 mesi), ed interindividuale, poiché solo la metà dei bambini ha sviluppato un pattern stabile di attaccamento. Per verificare le traiettorie di sviluppo di tali comportamenti, sono stati applicati i Modelli Lineari Gerarchici (Bryk & Raudenbush, 1992), che però non hanno stimato una tendenza significativa all'interno della popolazione. Obiettivo dello Studio 2 è stato quello di esaminare l'attaccamento nelle famiglie i cui figli adottivi si trovavano nella delicata fase adolescenziale. I dati, provenienti da una raccolta internazionale (n = 104, Belgio, Italia e Romania), erano costituiti da interviste cliniche semi-strutturate (con gli adolescenti e i propri genitori adottivi) e da questionari. Le analisi hanno indagato il ruolo dei fattori di rischio sullo sviluppo socio-emotivo e sugli eventuali problemi comportamentali dei ragazzi. Inoltre, sono state esaminate le possibili interazioni tra le diverse rappresentazioni di attaccamento dei membri della famiglia adottiva. I risultati hanno mostrato che il rischio pre-adottivo predice l'adattamento dell'adolescente, sebbene le rappresentazioni genitoriali costituiscano un importante moderatore di questa relazione. Inoltre, la sicurezza dell'attaccamento dell'adolescente media parzialmente la relazione tra età al momento dell'adozione e problemi comportamentali in adolescenza. In conclusione, attraverso i molteplici dati relativi all'attaccamento, i due studi ne hanno evidenziato il cambiamento nel tempo, a riprova della sua plasticità, e pertanto sottolineano il possibile valore riparativo dell'adozione. Dal momento che i genitori svolgono un ruolo importante, soprattutto in adolescenza, il supporto nel post- adozione diventa centrale per aiutarli a promuovere un ambiente relazionale favorevole e stabile nel tempo.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Nos sociétés contemporaines, à l'heure de la mondialisation, ont-elles perdu le sens de l'hospitalité ? Qu'en est-il de ses fonctions et de ses figures à la fois morales, politiques, religieuses et imaginaires ? Lorsque Ulysse abordait un nouveau rivage, la même question revenait : Vais-je trouver des brutes, des sauvages sans justice ou des hommes hospitaliers craignant les dieux ? L'hospitalité a toujours été signe de civilisation et d'humanité, et les pérégrinations d'Ulysse ont su dresser une géographie imaginaire du monde humain, dessinant les contours et traçant les limites de la culture et de la nature. Considérant qu'il est urgent de retrouver cette mémoire hospitalière du monde humain, plus de quatre-vingt-dix auteurs du monde entier ont rassemblé leurs savoirs des us et coutumes, des lieux, des cultures, des représentations, des mythes et des oeuvres d'art qui font de l'hospitalité la plus indispensable des valeurs humaines. Philosophes, historiens, ethnologues, littéraires, linguistes... invitent le lecteur, leur hôte, à découvrir le vaste parcours ouvert des significations et des pratiques de l'accueil dans l'histoire culturelle. Have modern day societies in this era of globalization forgotten the sense of hospitality? Hospitality is a principle which used to play a major social function, with its symbolic, ethical, political and religious figures. This book is designed to preserve the memory of the tradition of hospitality. To that end 90 authors from throughout the world have collaborated to present this exhaustive encyclopedia of the places, the customs, the cultures, the myths and the artistic representations of hospitality, all of which bear witness to its importance as a human value. Philosophers, historians, ethnologists, writers, linguists welcome the reader to discover the place that hospitality has had in cultural history, in terms of both how and why it was practised. - This book offers a fivefold treatment of the perennial tradition of hospitality: - Definitions - Civilizations (throughout history and across religions and cultures) - Institutions and places of hospitality, both real and imaginary (castles, hospitals, gardens, churches, etc.) - Myths, figures and artistic representation - Philosophy, politics and society.
There is a considerable discrepancy between the number of identified occupational-related bladder cancer cases and the estimated numbers particularly in emerging nations or less developed countries where suitable approaches are less or even not known. Thus, within a project of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centres in Occupational Health, a questionnaire of the Dortmund group, applied in different studies, was translated into more than 30 languages (Afrikaans, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Korean, Latvian, Malay, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese/Brazilian, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Spanish, Spanish/Mexican, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese). The bipartite questionnaire asks for relevant medical information in the physician's part and for the occupational history since leaving school in the patient's part. Furthermore, this questionnaire is asking for intensity and frequency of certain occupational and non-occupational risk factors. The literature regarding occupations like painter, hairdresser or miner and exposures like carcinogenic aromatic amines, azo dyes, or combustion products is highlighted. The questionnaire is available on www.ifado.de/BladderCancerDoc.
La thématique des désaffiliations religieuses du milieu évangélique est le parent pauvre des études faites jusqu'à ce jour sur ce courant religieux. En effet, l'accent est généralement mis sur son développement en termes d'affiliation faisant alors l'impasse sur les pertes qu'il connaît pourtant. De plus, la question des désaffiliations religieuses est un angle d'approche sociologique particulièrement fécond pour étudier les groupes religieux en permettant, entre autres, de cerner plus en profondeur leur identité, les mécanismes qui favorisent leur pérennisation, mais aussi leur rapport à la société environnante. Dans ce travail, qui s'inscrit en sociologie des religions et qui puise autant dans la littérature sur les désaffiliations religieuses que dans celle des désengagements militants, l'analyse s'est focalisée sur les processus de désengagement au niveau microsociologique : quels sont les motifs qui président les désaffiliations, comment se déroulent ces dernières, quels effets ont-elles sur l'individu en termes identitaires et comment sont-elles perçues par ceux qui restent ? Ces principales questions ont permis de (re] questionner des éléments constitutifs de l'engagement évangélique : les processus de socialisation ; la structuration des liens intragroupe développés par le milieu et son rapport à l'extérieur ; son système normatif; son système de représentation du monde et la démarche religieuse qu'il valorise, qui sont autant d'aspects qui jouent un rôle dans les processus de désaffiliation. Plus précisément, ces éléments agissent en tant que mécanismes de rétention tant sociaux que psychologiques compliquant ainsi le désengagement. Cette thèse s'est construite sur dix-sept entretiens semi directifs menés auprès de personnes ayant grandi pour la plupart dans une famille évangélique et qui ont décidé, un jour, de ne plus fréquenter ce milieu religieux. Pour élargir la perspective analytique et pour permettre de comprendre et d'expliquer les processus de désaffiliation en lien avec le groupe quitté, un ensemble de septante-huit entretiens semi directifs et de mille cent questionnaires standardisés de membres d'Eglises évangéliques a été mobilisé. Partant des logiques du désengagement, cette thèse affine les connaissances actuelles sur l'évangélisme dans le contexte de la modernité, grâce à l'éclairage inédit qu'elle lui donne. Elle développe également le champ des connaissances sur les désaffiliations religieuses en lui fournissant un nouvel exemple de cas tout en lui offrant une autre façon de théoriser les sorties de groupes religieux qui valorisent un engagement de type militant. - Religious disaffiliations from the evangelical milieu have not yet been investigated. Indeed, former studies have usually focused on the development of the milieu by looking at conversions. However, it appears that the study of the disaffiliation processes may not only give results on the reasons and experiences of those disaffiliating, but also shed light on the attributes and the development of the evangelical milieu itself. The main goal of this thesis was to fill this gap in the literature. From a microsociological approach, this thesis sought to answer the following central question : Why, how and with what effects do individuals leave the evangelical milieu and how is this phenomenon perceived, interpreted and managed by the individuals who leave the evangelical community and by the members of the evangelical milieu? These questions enabled me to investigate the functioning of the evangelical milieu : its processes of socialization ; internal and external relationships ; normative system ; belief system or its religious engagement. This set of aspects can influence and complicate the processes of disaffiliation. The analysis of religious disaffiliation was based on seventeen qualitative interviews with former members of evangelical chrurches who decided, one day, not to attend an evangelical church anymore and who question more or less strongly the « system of evangelical thought ». Seventy-eight qualitative interviews with members of evangelical free churches and a representative survey with members of evangelical free churches (N = 1100] completed the analysis and inserted the individual disengagement in the « milieu's logics ». This thesis complements and enriches the literature on evangelism as well as on religious disaffiliation in general.
We examined sequence variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp, n = 73) and control region (842-851 bp, n = 74) in the Eurasian harvest mouse (Micromys minutus (Pallas, 1771)), with samples drawn from across its range, from Western Europe to Japan. Phylogeographic analyses revealed region-specific haplotype groupings combined with overall low levels of inter-regional genetic divergence. Despite the enormous intervening distance, European and East Asian samples showed a net nucleotide divergence of only 0.36%. Based on an evolutionary rate for the cytochrome b gene of 2.4%(.)(site(.)lineage(.)million years)(-1), the initial divergence time of these populations is estimated at around 80 000 years before present. Our findings are consistent with available fossil evidence that has recorded repeated cycles of extinction and recolonization of Europe by M. minutus through the Quaternary. The molecular data further suggest that recolonization occurred from refugia in the Central to East Asian region. Japanese haplotypes of M. minutus, with the exception of those from Tsushima Is., show limited nucleotide diversity (0.15%) compared with those found on the adjacent Korean Peninsula. This finding suggests recent colonization of the Japanese Archipelago, probably around the last glacial period, followed by rapid population growth.