108 resultados para Kirkpatrick, Lee A.: Attachment, evolution and the psychology of religion
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
In 1891 Théodore Flournoy (1854-1920) became the first Professor of Psychology to be appointed at the University of Geneva, and his teaching regularly included references to religion. His successor, Georges Berguer, who taught psychology of religion, began as privat-docent in 1910 and received a full professorship in Religious Psychology and the History of Religion in 1928. French-speaking Switzerland is one of the rare places in the world where psychology of religion has been taught continuously since the very beginning of the 20th century. The aim of this article is to shed light on this tradition and especially on Georges Berguer (retired in 1944) and Edmond Rochedieu (retired in 1965) who succeeded Flournoy. This historical enterprise concludes with some reflections on the role of the psychology of religion at the intersection of psychology and the study of religions.
Préface My thesis consists of three essays where I consider equilibrium asset prices and investment strategies when the market is likely to experience crashes and possibly sharp windfalls. Although each part is written as an independent and self contained article, the papers share a common behavioral approach in representing investors preferences regarding to extremal returns. Investors utility is defined over their relative performance rather than over their final wealth position, a method first proposed by Markowitz (1952b) and by Kahneman and Tversky (1979), that I extend to incorporate preferences over extremal outcomes. With the failure of the traditional expected utility models in reproducing the observed stylized features of financial markets, the Prospect theory of Kahneman and Tversky (1979) offered the first significant alternative to the expected utility paradigm by considering that people focus on gains and losses rather than on final positions. Under this setting, Barberis, Huang, and Santos (2000) and McQueen and Vorkink (2004) were able to build a representative agent optimization model which solution reproduced some of the observed risk premium and excess volatility. The research in behavioral finance is relatively new and its potential still to explore. The three essays composing my thesis propose to use and extend this setting to study investors behavior and investment strategies in a market where crashes and sharp windfalls are likely to occur. In the first paper, the preferences of a representative agent, relative to time varying positive and negative extremal thresholds are modelled and estimated. A new utility function that conciliates between expected utility maximization and tail-related performance measures is proposed. The model estimation shows that the representative agent preferences reveals a significant level of crash aversion and lottery-pursuit. Assuming a single risky asset economy the proposed specification is able to reproduce some of the distributional features exhibited by financial return series. The second part proposes and illustrates a preference-based asset allocation model taking into account investors crash aversion. Using the skewed t distribution, optimal allocations are characterized as a resulting tradeoff between the distribution four moments. The specification highlights the preference for odd moments and the aversion for even moments. Qualitatively, optimal portfolios are analyzed in terms of firm characteristics and in a setting that reflects real-time asset allocation, a systematic over-performance is obtained compared to the aggregate stock market. Finally, in my third article, dynamic option-based investment strategies are derived and illustrated for investors presenting downside loss aversion. The problem is solved in closed form when the stock market exhibits stochastic volatility and jumps. The specification of downside loss averse utility functions allows corresponding terminal wealth profiles to be expressed as options on the stochastic discount factor contingent on the loss aversion level. Therefore dynamic strategies reduce to the replicating portfolio using exchange traded and well selected options, and the risky stock.
Female mate choice influences the maintenance of genetic variation by altering the mating success of males with different genotypes. The evolution of preferences themselves, on the other hand, depends on genetic variation present in the population. Few models have tracked this feedback between a choice gene and its effects on genetic variation, in particular when genes that determine offspring viability and attractiveness have dominance effects. Here we build a population genetic model that allows comparing the evolution of various choice rules in a single framework. We first consider preferences for good genes and show that focused preferences for homozygotes evolve more easily than broad preferences, which allow heterozygous males high mating success too. This occurs despite better maintenance of genetic diversity in the latter scenario, and we discuss why empirical findings of superior mating success of heterozygous males consequently do not immediately lead to a better understanding of the lek paradox. Our results thus suggest that the mechanisms that help maintain genetic diversity also have a flipside of making female choice an inaccurate means of producing the desired kind of offspring. We then consider preferences for heterozygosity per se, and show that these evolve only under very special conditions. Choice for compatible genotypes can evolve but its selective advantage diminishes quickly due to frequency-dependent selection. Finally, we show that our model reproduces earlier results on selfing, when the female choice strategy produces assortative mating. Overall, our model indicates that various forms of heterozygote-favouring (or variable) female choice pose a problem for the theory of sexual ornamentation based on indirect benefits, rather than a solution.
In Neo-Darwinism, variation and natural selection are the two evolutionary mechanisms which propel biological evolution. Our previous article presented a histogram model [1] consisting in populations of individuals whose number changed under the influence of variation and/or fitness, the total population remaining constant. Individuals are classified into bins, and the content of each bin is calculated generation after generation by an Excel spreadsheet. Here, we apply the histogram model to a stable population with fitness F(1)=1.00 in which one or two fitter mutants emerge. In a first scenario, a single mutant emerged in the population whose fitness was greater than 1.00. The simulations ended when the original population was reduced to a single individual. The histogram model was validated by excellent agreement between its predictions and those of a classical continuous function (Eqn. 1) which predicts the number of generations needed for a favorable mutation to spread throughout a population. But in contrast to Eqn. 1, our histogram model is adaptable to more complex scenarios, as demonstrated here. In the second and third scenarios, the original population was present at time zero together with two mutants which differed from the original population by two higher and distinct fitness values. In the fourth scenario, the large original population was present at time zero together with one fitter mutant. After a number of generations, when the mutant offspring had multiplied, a second mutant was introduced whose fitness was even greater. The histogram model also allows Shannon entropy (SE) to be monitored continuously as the information content of the total population decreases or increases. The results of these simulations illustrate, in a graphically didactic manner, the influence of natural selection, operating through relative fitness, in the emergence and dominance of a fitter mutant.
Here we discuss life-history evolution from the perspective of adaptive phenotypic plasticity, with a focus on polyphenisms for somatic maintenance and survival. Polyphenisms are adaptive discrete alternative phenotypes that develop in response to changes in the environment. We suggest that dauer larval diapause and its associated adult phenotypes in the nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans), reproductive dormancy in the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) and other insects, and the worker castes of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) are examples of what may be viewed as the polyphenic regulation of somatic maintenance and survival. In these and other cases, the same genotype can--depending upon its environment--express either of two alternative sets of life-history phenotypes that differ markedly with respect to somatic maintenance, survival ability, and thus life span. This plastic modulation of somatic maintenance and survival has traditionally been underappreciated by researchers working on aging and life history. We review the current evidence for such adaptive life-history switches and their molecular regulation and suggest that they are caused by temporally and/or spatially varying, stressful environments that impose diversifying selection, thereby favoring the evolution of plasticity of somatic maintenance and survival under strong regulatory control. By considering somatic maintenance and survivorship from the perspective of adaptive life-history switches, we may gain novel insights into the mechanisms and evolution of aging.
The influence of second phases (e.g., pyroxenes) on olivine grain size was studied by quantitative microfabric analyses of samples of the Hilti massif mantle shear zone (Semail ophiolite, Oman). The microstructures range from porphyroclastic tectonites to ultramylonites, from outside to the center of the shear zone. Starting at conditions of ridge-related flow, they formed under continuous cooling leading to progressive strain localization. The dependence of the average olivine grain size on the second-phase content can be split into a second-phase controlled and a dynamic recrystallization-controlled field. In the former, the olivine grain size is related to the ratio between the second-phase grain size and volume fraction (Zener parameter). In the latter, dynamic recrystallization manifested by a balance between grain growth and grain size reduction processes yields a stable olivine grain size. In both fields the average olivine and second-phase grain size decreases with decreasing temperature. Combining the microstructural information with deformation mechanism maps suggests that the porphyroclastic tectonites (similar to 1100 degrees C) and mylonites (similar to 800 degrees C) formed under the predominance of dislocation creep. Since olivine-rich layers are intercalated with layer parallel, polymineralic bands in the mylonites, nearly equiviscous conditions can be assumed. In the ultramylonites, diffusion creep represents the major deformation mechanism in the polymineralic layers. It is this switch in deformation mechanism from dislocation creep to diffusion creep that forces strain to localize in the fine-grained polymineralic domains at low temperatures (<similar to 700 degrees C), underlining the role of the second phases on strain localization in cooling mantle rocks.
Chemosensory receptor gene families encode divergent proteins capable of detecting a huge diversity of environmental stimuli that are constantly changing over evolutionary time as organisms adapt to distinct ecological niches. While olfaction is dedicated to the detection of volatile compounds, taste is key to assess food quality for nutritional value and presence of toxic substances. The sense of taste also provides initial signals to mediate endocrine regulation of appetite and food metabolism and plays a role in kin recognition. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a very good model for studying smell and taste because these senses are very important in insects and because a broad variety of genetic tools are available in Drosophila. Recently, a family of 66 chemosensory receptors, the Ionotropic Receptors (IRs) was described in fruit flies. IRs are distantly related to ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs), but their evolutionary origin from these synaptic receptors is unclear. While 16 IRs are expressed in the olfactory system, nothing is known about the other members of this repertoire. In this thesis, I describe bioinformatic, expression and functional analyses of the IRs aimed at understanding how these receptors have evolved, and at characterising the role of the non-olfactory IRs. I show that these have emerged at the basis of the protostome lineage and probably have acquired their sensory function very early. Moreover, although several IRs are conserved across insects, there are rapid and dramatic changes in the size and divergence of IR repertoires across species. I then performed a comprehensive analysis of IR expression in the larva of Drosophila melanogaster, which is a good model to study taste and feeding mechanisms as it spends most of its time eating or foraging. I found that most of the divergent members of the IR repertoire are expressed in both peripheral and internal gustatory neurons, suggesting that these are involved in taste perception. Finally, through the establishment of a new neurophysiological assay in larvae, I identified for the first time subsets of IR neurons that preferentially detect sugars and amino acids, indicating that IRs might be involved in sensing these compounds. Together, my results indicate that IRs are an evolutionarily dynamic and functionally versatile family of receptors. In contrast to the olfactory IRs that are well-conserved, gustatory IRs are rapidly evolving species-specific receptors that are likely to be involved in detecting a wide variety of tastants. - La plupart des animaux possèdent de grandes familles de récepteurs chimiosensoriels dont la fonction est de détecter l'immense diversité de composés chimiques présents dans l'environnement. Ces récepteurs évoluent en même temps que les organismes s'adaptent à leur écosystème. Il existe deux manières de percevoir ces signaux chimiques : l'olfaction et le goût. Alors que le système olfactif perçoit les composés volatiles, le sens du goût permet d'évaluer, par contact, la qualité de la nourriture, de détecter des substances toxiques et de réguler l'appétit et le métabolisme. L'un des organismes modèles les plus pertinents pour étudier le sens du goût est le stade larvaire de la mouche du vinaigre Drosophila melanogaster. En effet, la principale fonction du stade larvaire est de trouver de la nourriture et de manger. De plus, il est possible d'utiliser tous les outils génétiques développés chez la drosophile. Récemment, une nouvelle famille de 66 récepteurs chimiosensoriels appelés Récepteurs Ionotropiques (IRs) a été découverte chez la drosophile. Bien que leur orogine soit peu claire, ces récepteurs sont similaires aux récepteurs ionotropiques glutamatergiques impliqués dans la transmission synaptique. 16 IRs sont exprimés dans le système olfactif de la mouche adulte, mais pour l'instant on ne connaît rien des autres membres de cette famille. Durant ma thèse, j'ai effectué des recherches sur l'évolution de ces récepteurs ainsi que sur l'expression et la fonction des IRs non olfactifs. Je démontre que les IRs sont apparus chez l'ancêtre commun des protostomiens et ont probablement acquis leur fonction sensorielle très rapidement. De plus, bien qu'un certain nombre d'IRs olfactifs soient conservés chez les insectes, d'importantes variations dans la taille et la divergence des répertoires d'IRs entre les espèces ont été constatées. J'ai également découvert qu'un grand nombre d'IRs non olfactifs sont exprimés dans différents organes gustatifs, ce qui leur confère probablement une fonction dans la perception des goûts. Finalement, pour la première fois, des neurones exprimant des IRs ont été identifiés pour leur fonction dans la perception de sucres et d'acides aminés chez la larve. Mes résultats présentent les IRs comme une famille très dynamique, aux fonctions très variées, qui joue un rôle tant dans l'odorat que dans le goût, et dont la fonction est restée importante tout au long de l'évolution. De plus, l'identification de neurones spécialisés dans la perception de certains composés permettra l'étude des circuits neuronaux impliqués dans le traitement de ces informations.
Alternative splicing (AS) has the potential to greatly expand the functional repertoire of mammalian transcriptomes. However, few variant transcripts have been characterized functionally, making it difficult to assess the contribution of AS to the generation of phenotypic complexity and to study the evolution of splicing patterns. We have compared the AS of 309 protein-coding genes in the human ENCODE pilot regions against their mouse orthologs in unprecedented detail, utilizing traditional transcriptomic and RNAseq data. The conservation status of every transcript has been investigated, and each functionally categorized as coding (separated into coding sequence [CDS] or nonsense-mediated decay [NMD] linked) or noncoding. In total, 36.7% of human and 19.3% of mouse coding transcripts are species specific, and we observe a 3.6 times excess of human NMD transcripts compared with mouse; in contrast to previous studies, the majority of species-specific AS is unlinked to transposable elements. We observe one conserved CDS variant and one conserved NMD variant per 2.3 and 11.4 genes, respectively. Subsequently, we identify and characterize equivalent AS patterns for 22.9% of these CDS or NMD-linked events in nonmammalian vertebrate genomes, and our data indicate that functional NMD-linked AS is more widespread and ancient than previously thought. Furthermore, although we observe an association between conserved AS and elevated sequence conservation, as previously reported, we emphasize that 30% of conserved AS exons display sequence conservation below the average score for constitutive exons. In conclusion, we demonstrate the value of detailed comparative annotation in generating a comprehensive set of AS transcripts, increasing our understanding of AS evolution in vertebrates. Our data supports a model whereby the acquisition of functional AS has occurred throughout vertebrate evolution and is considered alongside amino acid change as a key mechanism in gene evolution.
BACKGROUND: The historical orogenesis and associated climatic changes of mountain areas have been suggested to partly account for the occurrence of high levels of biodiversity and endemism. However, their effects on dispersal, differentiation and evolution of many groups of plants are still unknown. In this study, we examined the detailed diversification history of Primula sect. Armerina, and used biogeographic analysis and macro-evolutionary modeling to investigate a series of different questions concerning the evolution of the geographical and ecological distribution of the species in this section. RESULTS: We sequenced five chloroplast and one nuclear genes for species of Primula sect. Armerina. Neither chloroplast nor nuclear trees support the monophyly of the section. The major incongruences between the two trees occur among closely related species and may be explained by hybridization. Our dating analyses based on the chloroplast dataset suggest that this section began to diverge from its relatives around 3.55 million years ago, largely coinciding with the last major uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). Biogeographic analysis supports the origin of the section in the Himalayan Mountains and dispersal from the Himalayas to Northeastern QTP, Western QTP and Hengduan Mountains. Furthermore, evolutionary models of ecological niches show that the two P. fasciculata clades have significantly different climatic niche optima and rates of niche evolution, indicating niche evolution under climatic changes and further providing evidence for explaining their biogeographic patterns. CONCLUSION: Our results support the hypothesis that geologic and climatic events play important roles in driving biological diversification of organisms in the QTP area. The Pliocene uplift of the QTP and following climatic changes most likely promoted both the inter- and intraspecific divergence of Primula sect. Armerina. This study also illustrates how niche evolution under climatic changes influences biogeographic patterns.