28 resultados para Italian wit and humor, Pictorial.

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Diverse and well-preserved Toarcian radiolarians have been recovered from a succession of organic-rich shale with intercalations of siliceous limestone. The succession is located at the Slovenian-Italian border in the Julian Alps and was deposited on a subsided block pertaining to the south Tethyan passive continental margin. Twenty spumellarian and 17 nassellarian genera were found in total. Thirty-six taxa were identified to species level and one new species, Bistarkum mangartense n. sp., is described. The assemblages show a high predominance of spumellarians over nassellarians. Spongy spumellarians, especially Orbiculiforma ?, are markedly abundant. Pantanelliidae are generally rare but reach a pronounced peak of 13% in one stratigraphic level. Among nassellarians, Parahsuum is the most abundant but members belonging to Syringocapsidae are scarce to absent. In addition to paleolatitude and water column depth, ecological conditions accompanying the early Toarcian global anoxic event may have to a considerable extent determined the specific taxonomic composition of these radiolarian faunas. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Some components of the Mediterranean diet have favourable effects on endometrial cancer, and the Mediterranean diet as a whole has been shown to have a beneficial role on various neoplasms. METHODS: We analysed this issue pooling data from three case-control studies carried out between 1983 and 2006 in various Italian areas and in the Swiss Canton of Vaud. Cases were 1411 women with incident, histologically confirmed endometrial cancer, and controls were 3668 patients in hospital for acute diseases. We measured the adherence to the Mediterranean diet using a Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS), based on the nine dietary components characteristics of this diet, that is, high intake of vegetables, fruits/nuts, cereals, legumes, fish; low intake of dairy products and meat; high monounsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratio; and moderate alcohol intake. We estimated the odds ratios (OR) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) for increasing levels of the MDS (varying from 0, no adherence, to 9, maximum adherence) using multiple logistic regression models, adjusted for major confounding factors. RESULTS: The adjusted OR for a 6-9 components of the MDS (high adherence) compared with 0-3 (low adherence) was 0.43 (95% CI 0.34-0.56). The OR for an increment of one component of MDS diet was 0.84 (95% CI 0.80-0.88). The association was consistent in strata of various covariates, although somewhat stronger in older women, in never oral contraceptive users and in hormone-replacement therapy users. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides evidence for a beneficial role of the Mediterranean diet on endometrial cancer risk, suggesting a favourable effect of a combination of foods rich in antioxidants, fibres, phytochemicals, and unsaturated fatty acids.


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In the early 1900s, the wolf (Canis lupus) was extirpated from France and Switzerland. There is growing evidence that the species is presently recolonizing these countries in the western Alps. By sequencing the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region of various samples mainly collected in the field (scats, hairs, regurgitates, blood or tissue; n = 292), we could (1) develop a non-invasive method enabling the unambiguous attribution of these samples to wolf, fox (Vulpes vulpes) or dog (Canis familiaris), among others; (2) demonstrate that Italian, French and Swiss wolves share the same mtDNA haplotype, a haplotype that has never been found in any other wolf population world-wide. Combined together, field and genetic data collected over 10 years corroborate the scenario of a natural expansion of wolves from the Italian source population. Furthermore, such a genetic approach is of conservation significance, since it has important consequences for management decisions. This first long-term report using non-invasive sampling demonstrates that long-distance dispersers are common, supporting the hypothesis that individuals may often attempt to colonize far from their native pack, even in the absence of suitable corridors across habitats characterized by intense human activities.


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BACKGROUND: This study compared frequency of alcohol consumption and binge drinking between young adult childhood cancer survivors and the general population in Switzerland, and assessed its socio-demographic and clinical determinants. PROCEDURE: Childhood cancer survivors aged <16 years when diagnosed 1976-2003, who had survived >5 years and were currently aged 20-40 years received a postal questionnaire. Reported frequency of alcohol use and of binge drinking were compared to the Swiss Health Survey, a representative general population survey. Determinants of frequent alcohol consumption and binge drinking were assessed in a multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: Of 1,697 eligible survivors, 1,447 could be contacted and 1,049 (73%) responded. Survivors reported more often than controls to consume alcohol frequently (OR = 1.7; 95%CI = 1.3-2.1) and to engage in binge drinking (OR = 2.9; 95%CI = 2.3-3.8). Peak frequency of binge drinking in males occurred at age 24-26 years in survivors, compared to age 18-20 in the general population. Socio-demographic factors (male gender, high educational attainment, French and Italian speaking, and migration background from Northern European countries) were most strongly associated with alcohol consumption patterns among both survivors and controls. CONCLUSIONS: The high frequency of alcohol consumption found in this study is a matter of concern. Our data suggest that survivors should be better informed on the health effects of alcohol consumption during routine follow-up, and that such counseling should be included in clinical guidelines. Future research should study motives of alcohol consumption among survivors to allow development of targeted health interventions for this vulnerable group.


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Résumé: Depuis plusieurs années, le thème des réseaux sociaux est au centre de l'intérêt des études historiques. Est-il possible de formaliser l'analyse de réseaux sociaux spécifiques - parenté, clientèle, solidarités locales, etc. - afin d'en analyser l'influence sur des événements historiques et des individus précis ? L'étude présentée prend en considération les luttes souvent violentes entre radicaux et conservateurs dans le Val de Bagnes, en Valais (Suisse), entre 1839 et 1900. La comparaison entre les généalogies des familles de la vallée et les informations sur la vie politique et sociale nous permet de relever l'influence de la parenté dans l'organisation des factions politiques. Les réseaux de parenté sont toutefois ouverts et souples, permettant des adaptations aux évolutions de la situation politique, économique et sociale. L'affaire autour du faux-monnayeur italien Joseph S. Farinet, dans les années 1870, nous permet par exemple de suivre l'évolution des réseaux de solidarité, à la suite d'une crise politique, ainsi que l'émergence de nouvelles activités économiques, notamment le tourisme, avec les hôteliers, les aubergistes et les guides de montagne souvent liés au milieu radical. L'analyse permet également de nuancer l'influence des réseaux de patronage : les collaborations horizontales, à l'intérieur des classes populaires, semblent mieux expliquer les solidarités politiques. Abstract: For several years, historians have been closely concerned with the question of social networks. Is it possible to conceptualize specific networks - like kinship, patronage or local solidarities - and to analyze their influence on concrete individuals or historical events? This paper considers the violent struggles between a radical political faction and a conservative one in a Swiss alpine valley, the Val de Bagnes (Valais) between 1839 and 1900. It compares information about political and social conflicts in the valley with genealogies of local families. By this way the eminent influence of kinship ties on political organizations becomes visible. But kinship networks are open and very supple, allowing adaptations to new political and social configurations. The trials against the Italian smuggler and counterfeiter Joseph S. Farinet in the Seventies allow to describe the evolution of local cooperation networks as a consequence of a political crisis in the canton of Valais and of new economic activities. The paper stresses the active role of a emerging group of hotel- or inn-owners and mountain guides, often closely tied with the radical milieu. The analysis of social transactions raises critical questions about the role of patronage in political mobilization: horizontal cooperation and kinship ties between peasants, small cattle owners and artisans seem to explain political solidarities better than patronage structures.


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Cette recherche porte sur les roms (vlach) qui séjournent périodiquement en Suisse italienne, en camping-cars ou en caravanes, pratiquant un semi- nomadisme lié à des motivations principalement économiques, mais également familiales et religieuses. Elle poursuit simultanément deux objectifs. Le premier est lié à un souci de médiation culturelle, qui rejoint les réflexions sur la façon de gérer au mieux les conflits entre les diverses composantes du vivre ensemble. Le second vise à approfondir la connaissance des populations roms concernées (lovara, éurara ou kalderasa, de nationalités italienne, française et espagnole). Les deux objectifs sont évidemment reliés, car comprendre les dynamiques conflictuelles exige la connaissance approfondie des acteurs en interaction. Les relations entre résidents tessinois et roms ont évolué dans le temps, avec des oscillations entre le pôle du refus et celui de l'attraction, entre rejet et reconnaissance, méfiance et confiance. Ces variations historiques renvoient à un fondement commun, à une dynamique des oppositions réciproques. L'analyse anthropologique a fait apparaître le rôle ambivalent du conflit dans la production et la reproduction de la relation d'altérité. L'exclusion des roms fournit à certaines tendances politiques locales l'occasion d'apparaître comme les protecteurs des résidents contre les étrangers ; inversement, l'opposition des roms aux gaiés leur permet de resserrer leur communauté et de prévenir l'assimilation. La médiation culturelle peut espérer gérer cette dynamique relationnelle, certainement pas la faire disparaître. Le modèle intégratif traditionnel de l'État- nation se révèle trop étroit pour accueillir la culture rom. Casser la résistance des roms envers le travail salarié et envers la scolarisation obligatoire, entraver leur semi-nomadisme (qui incite aussi leurs rencontres familiales et religieuses), refuser de reconnaître leur organe de justice interne et leur langue, tout cela ne ferait que concourir à leur disparition culturelle. Les roms sont conscients de ces possibilités, raison pour laquelle ils maintiennent une ambivalence relationnelle avec les ga£és, quitte à apparaître comme des « tsiganes indésirables ». Abstract : This research focuses on the Roma people (Vlach) who periodically stay in Italian Switzerland in caravans or camper vans, practising a semi-nomadic lifestyle - a choice based mainly on economic imperatives but also on familial and religious grounds. This study will address two objectives at the same time. The first involves cultural mediation, and considers the best way to manage the existing conflicts between the cultural components of the social environment. The second aims to increase knowledge of the Roma populations under examination - the Italian, French and Spanish Lovara, Éurara or Kalderasa. The two objectives are clearly linked, as a deeper understanding of the people involved is vital if we are to increase understanding of the dynamics of confrontation. The relationships between the residents of the Ticino area and the Roma people have evolved over time, oscillating in varying degrees between rejection and attraction, confrontation and recognition, suspicion and trust. These variations spring from a common base, a dynamic shaped by mutual opposition. The anthropological analysis highlights the ambivalent role of conflict in the production and reproduction of relations of otherness. Excluding the Roma has given some local politicians the opportunity to position themselves as protectors of residents against foreigners. Inversely, the Roma people's opposition to the Gazé strengthens links within their community and prevents assimilation. Cultural mediation may aspire to manage this relational dynamic, but not abolish it. The traditional integrative model of the nation-state has shown itself to be too restrictive to accommodate the Romani culture. Rejecting the Roma's resistance to salaried work and obligatory schooling, obstructing their semi-nomadic lifestyle (one that also involves family and religious assemblies) and refusing to recognise their traditional courts and mother tongue, all that can only contribute to the dilution of their cultural heritage. The Roma are fully aware of these possibilities, which is why they retain a relational ambivalence in their dealings with the Gazé, at the cost of appearing to be "undesirable gypsies".


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The presence of Gm(1,2,4,10,21) and Km(1) factors in vitreous humor taken from human corpses was investigated. The results revealed a good agreement between the factors detected in this biological material and in blood. Their presence in vitreous humor is independent of the secretor type.


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Urea nitrogen, creatinine, and uric acid are relatively stable in postmortem serum and may, therefore, be used for diagnostic purposes when chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal failure are investigated as causes of death. Nevertheless, uncertainties remain in defining the best alternative to postmortem serum for the identification and assessment of significantly decreased kidney function. In this study, we investigated urea nitrogen, creatinine, and uric acid levels in postmortem serum, pericardial fluid, and vitreous humor in a series of medico-legal cases (500 autopsies) with various causes of death. No postmortem interval-related differences were observed in any of the investigated fluids for any analyzed parameter, confirming the biochemical stability of all compounds after death. Data analysis failed to reveal statistically significant differences between postmortem serum and pericardial fluid urea nitrogen, creatinine, and uric acid concentrations. Conversely, statistically significant differences were observed in all analyzed biomarkers between postmortem serum and vitreous humor levels, with lower concentrations of all markers measured in vitreous. The results of this study suggest that, in order to estimate as accurately as possible blood analyte concentrations at the time of death, pericardial fluid should be preferred to vitreous humor.


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L'activation des mastocytes se produit dans plusieurs conditions pathologiques et est principalement observée chez des patients développant une réaction anaphylactique. Dans la pratique clinique, la mesure de l'histamine et de ses métabolites dans le plasma et dans l'urine du patient peut être effectuée et montre parfois des résultats aussi précis que la mesure de la beta-tryptase dans le sang lorsqu'il est nécessaire de confirmer une activation mastocytaire. En revanche, la mesure de la beta tryptase dans l'urine dans un but diagnostic n'a que rarement été effectuée sur des personnes vivantes et a montré des résultats contradictoires. Dans le domaine de la médecine légale, la mesure de la beta-tryptase dans un but diagnostic est effectuée dans le sérum postmortem obtenu à partir de sang prélevé au niveau fémoral. Cependant, le sang peut être partiellement ou complètement indisponible dans certains cas spécifiques, dans les autopsies de nourrissons ou de corps sévèrement mutilés par exemple. Un des buts de notre étude est d'évaluer la pertinence de la mesure de la beta-tryptase dans des échantillons biologiques alternatifs, à savoir dans l'urine, l'humeur vitrée et le liquide péricardique. Pour cela nous avons sélectionné 94 cas d'autopsies comprenant 6 cas de réaction anaphylactique suite à l'administration de produits de contraste radiologique, 10 cas d'hypothermie, 10 cas d'acidocétose diabétique, 10 cas de suicide par arme à feu, 18 cas de décès consécutif à une injection d'héroïne, 10 cas de décès traumatiques, 10 cas de mort subite avec peu ou pas d'athérosclérose coronarienne, 10 cas de décès avec une athérosclérose coronarienne sévère mais sans signe d'infarctus du myocarde et 10 cas de décès consécutif à un infarctus du myocarde avec une athérosclérose coronarienne sévère. Dans tous les cas de réaction anaphylactique suite à l'administration de produit de contraste radiologique, les concentrations de beta-tryptase, mesurées dans le sérum postmortem et dans le liquide péricardique, ont montré des valeurs plus élevées que le seuil clinique de référence (11 ng/l) et le seuil postmortem de référence (45 ng/l). La concentration de beta-tryptase mesurée dans l'urine et l'humeur vitrée a montré des valeurs inférieures au seuil clinique dans tous les cas de notre étude. La mesure de la concentration de beta tryptase dans le liquide péricardique semble donc une alternative valable à la mesure dans le sérum postmortem, lorsque le sang fémoral n'est pas disponible durant l'autopsie, afin de poser un diagnostic de réaction anaphylactique.


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An extensive study of the central part of the Sesia Lanzo Zone has been undertaken to identify pre-Alpine protoliths and to reconstruct the lithologic and tectonic setting of this part of the Western Alps. Three main complexes have been defined: 1) the Polymetamorphic Basement Complex, corresponding to the lower unit of the Sesia Lanzo Zone after COMPAGNONI et al. (1977), is further subdivided into the three following units: a) an Internal Unit characterized by eo-Alpine high pressure (HP) assemblages (DAL PIAZ et al., 1972) (Eclogitic Micaschists); b) an Intermediate Unit where HP parageneses are partially re-equilibrated under greenschist conditions and c) an External Unit where the main foliation is defined by a greenschist paragenesis (Gneiss Minuti auct.). 2) the Monometamorphic Cover Complex, subdivided into the followings: a) the Bonze Unit, composed of sheared metagabbros, eclogitized metabasalts with MORB geochemical affinity and related metasediments (micaschists, quartzites and Mn-cherts) and b) the Scalaro Unit, containing predominantly metasediments of supposed Permo-Triassic age (yellow dolomitic marbles, calcschists and conglomeratic limestones, micaschists and quartzites with thin levels of basic rocks with within plate basalts [WPB] geochimical affinity). Multiple lithostratigraphic sequences for the Monometamorphic Cover Complex are proposed. The contact between the Bonze and Scalaro Units is defined by repetitions of dolomitic marbles and metabasalts; the ages of the metasediments have been assigned solely by analogy with other sediments of the Western Alps, due to the absence of fossils. The Monometamorphic Cover Complex can be considered as the autochthonous cover of the Sesia Lanzo Zone because of the primary contacts with the basement and because of the presence of preAlpine HT basement blocks in the cover sequences. 3) The pre-Alpine high temperature (HT) Basement Complex (or `'Seconda Zona Diorito-Kinzigitica''), comprises HT Hercynian rocks like kinzigites, amphibolites, granulites and calcite marbles; this Complex is always located between the Internal and the External Units and can be followed continuously for several kilometers south of the Gressoney Valley to the Orco Valley. A schematic evolution for the Sesia Lanzo Zone is proposed; based on available data together with new geochronological data, this study shows that the internal and external parts of the polymetamorphic basement of the Sesia Zone experienced different cooling histories .


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In order to evaluate the influence of continental crustal rocks on trace element budgets of serpentinized peridotites incorporated into the continental crust, we have analyzed the chemical composition of whole rock samples and minerals of the Geisspfad ultramafic complex (Swiss-Italian Alps). This complex represents a relict oceanic succession composed of serpentinites, ophicarbonates and metabasic rocks, emplaced into crustal gneisses during Alpine collision. Following peak metamorphic amphibolite facies conditions, fluid flow modified some of the trace element contents of ophicarbonates and deformed serpentinites close to the contact with country rocks. The fluid originated from the surrounding continental crustal rocks as documented by the increase of Pb in the serpentinites, and by the strongly negative all) values (-112 parts per thousand) of some ultramafic rocks close to the contact with surrounding gneisses. Little or no modification of the fluid mobile elements Li, B or U was observed in the serpentinite. In-situ analysis of light elements of serpentinite minerals indicate redistribution of light elements coupled to changes of mineral modes towards the outer 100-150 m of the massif. In the centre of the massif, Li is preferentially concentrated in olivine, while Be and B are hosted by tremolite. In contrast, at the outer rim of the massif, Li and Be are preferentially incorporated into diopside, and B into antigorite. This redistribution of light elements among the different minerals is visible in the serpentinite, at a maximum distance of -100-150 m from the ophicarbonate-metabasite contact. Our results show that interaction of ultramafic rocks and crust-derived fluids can be easily detected by studies of Pb and partial derivative D in whole rocks. We argue that small ultramafic bodies potentially record an emplacement-related trace element signature, and that crustal light element values in ultramafic rocks are not necessarily derived from a subducting slab. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.