19 resultados para Isokorpi, Tia: Tunnevoimaa!
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare specificity and sensitivity of different biological markers that can be used in a forensic field to identify potentially dangerous drivers because of their alcohol habits. Methods: We studied 280 Swiss drivers after driving while under the alcohol influence. 33 were excluded for not having CDT N results, 247 were included (218 men (88%) and 29 women (12%). Mean age was 42,4 (SD:12, min: 20 max: 76). The evaluation of the alcohol consumption concerned the month before the CDT test and was considered as such after the interview: Heavy drinkers (>3 drinks per day): 60 (32.7%), < 3 drinks per day and moderate: 127 (51.4%) 114 (46.5%), abstinent: 60 (24.3%) 51 (21%). Alcohol intake was monitored by structured interviews, self-reported drinking habits and the C-Audit questionnaire as well as information provided by their family and general practitioner. Consumption was quantified in terms of standard drinks, which contain approximately 10 grams of pure alcohol (Ref. WHO). Results: comparison between moderate (less or equal to 3 drinks per day) and excessive drinkers (more than 3 drinks) Marker ROC area 95% CI cut-off sensitivity specificity CDT TIA 0.852 0.786-0917 2.6* 0.93 LR+1.43 0.35 LR-0.192 CDT N latex 0.875 0.821-0.930 2.5* 0.66 LR+ 6.93 0.90 LR- 0.369 Asialo+disialo-tf 0.881 0.826-0.936 1.2* 0.78 LR+4.07 0.80 LR-0.268 1.7° 0.66 LR+8.9 0.93 LR-0.360 GGT 0.659 0.580-0.737 85* 0.37 LR+2.14 0.83 LR-0.764 * cut-off point suggested by the manufacturer ° cut-off point suggested by our laboratory Conclusion: With the cut-off point established by the manufacturer, CDT TIA performed poorly in term of specificity. N latex CDT and CZE CDT were better, especially if a 1.7 cut-off is used with CZE
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: This study aims to assess whether patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure is superior to medical therapy in preventing recurrence of cryptogenic ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). METHODS: We searched PubMed for randomized trials which compared PFO closure with medical therapy in cryptogenic stroke/TIA using the items: "stroke or cerebrovascular accident or TIA" and "patent foramen ovale or paradoxical embolism" and "trial or study". RESULTS: Among 650 potentially eligible articles, 3 were included including 2303 patients. There was no statistically significant difference between PFO-closure and medical therapy in ischemic stroke recurrence (1.91% vs. 2.94% respectively, OR: 0.64, 95%CI: 0.37-1.10), TIA (2.08% vs. 2.42% respectively, OR: 0.87, 95%CI: 0.50-1.51) and death (0.60% vs. 0.86% respectively, OR: 0.71, 95%CI: 0.28-1.82). In subgroup analysis, there was significant reduction of ischemic strokes in the AMPLATZER PFO Occluder arm vs. medical therapy (1.4% vs. 3.04% respectively, OR: 0.46, 95%CI: 0.21-0.98, relative-risk-reduction: 53.2%, absolute-risk-reduction: 1.6%, number-needed-to-treat: 61.8) but not in the STARFlex device (2.7% vs. 2.8% with medical therapy, OR: 0.93, 95%CI: 0.45-2.11). Compared to medical therapy, the number of patients with new-onset atrial fibrillation (AF) was similar in the AMPLATZER PFO Occluder arm (0.72% vs. 1.28% respectively, OR: 1.81, 95%CI: 0.60-5.42) but higher in the STARFlex device (0.64% vs. 5.14% respectively, OR: 8.30, 95%CI: 2.47-27.84). CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis does not support PFO closure for secondary prevention with unselected devices in cryptogenic stroke/TIA. In subgroup analysis, selected closure devices may be superior to medical therapy without increasing the risk of new-onset AF, however. This observation should be confirmed in further trials using inclusion criteria for patients with high likelihood of PFO-related stroke recurrence.
PURPOSE: To highlight meningoencephalitis as a transient ischaemic attack (TIA) mimic and suggest clinical clues for differential diagnosis. METHODS: This was an observational study of consecutively admitted patients over a 9.75-year period presenting as TIAs at a stroke unit. RESULTS: A total of 790 patients with TIAs and seven with TIA-like symptoms but a final diagnosis of viral meningoencephalitis were recognised. The most frequent presentations of meningoencephalitis patients were acute sensory hemisyndrome (6) and cognitive deficits (5). Signs of meningeal irritation were minor or absent on presentation. Predominantly lymphocytic pleocytosis, hyperproteinorachia and a normal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)/serum glucose index (in 5 out of 6 documented patients) were present. Meningeal thickening on a brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan was the only abnormal imaging finding. Six patients received initial vascular treatment; one thrombolysed. Finally, six patients were treated with antivirals and/or antibiotics. Although neither bacterial nor viral agents were identified on extensive testing, viral meningoencephalitis was the best explanation for all clinical and laboratory findings. CONCLUSIONS: Aseptic meningoencephalitis should be part of the differential diagnosis in patients presenting as TIA. The threshold for a lumbar puncture in such patients should be set individually and take into account the presence of mild meningeal symptoms, age and other risk factors for vascular disease, the results of brain imaging and the basic diagnostic work-up for a stroke source.
In 2011, new oral anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation are available and the ABCD3-I score predicting stroke after TIA updates the ABCD2 score. New McDonald criteria allow faster MS diagnosis and the first oral treatment (fingolimod) for MS can be prescribed. A new anti-antiepileptic drug (retigabine) is available and sodium valproate has long term neurological adverse effects after in utero exposure. Among Parkinson disease treatments, deep brain stimulation is extending applications and dopamine agonists with extended release are as efficient and well tolerated as standard forms at long term scale. Monoclonal antibodies and immunosuppressant agents are proposed as good alternatives in the treatment of chronic dysimmune polyneuropathies. Gene therapy for the treatment of genetic myopathies is progressing.
The PERFORM MRI Project was an ancillary study of the PERFORM trial. Its aim was to investigate the potential effects of terutroban in patients with atherothrombotic disorders, in comparison to aspirin, on the evolution of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) lesions after a recent ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). The change in both hypointense and hyperintense lesions on the fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence, in the total brain volume and in the hippocampal volume from baseline (M1) to the final visit (M24) was assessed as well as the number of emergent microbleeds. A total of 748 patients had their MRI examination validated both at M1 and M24 during the study. At baseline, the volume of hypointense and hyperintense lesions on FLAIR images, the total brain volume, the hippocampal volume and the number of patients with microbleeds did not differ between the two groups. During follow-up, the mean volumetric increase of lesions hypointense or hyperintense on FLAIR images (from 5 to 8 %), the mean reduction of total brain volume (−0.4 %) and of hippocampal volume (−4 %), did not differ between the two treatment arms. The same parameters analysed ipsilateral to the ischaemic lesion did not differ either between the two groups. In the terutroban group, 16.3 % of patients presented with emergent microbleeds, 10.7 % in the aspirin group; this difference was not significant. In the PERFORM study, the progression of FLAIR lesions, of cerebral or hippocampal atrophy and of microbleeds did not differ between patients treated by terutroban and those treated by aspirin.
OBJECTIVE: To examine predictors of stroke recurrence in patients with a high vs a low likelihood of having an incidental patent foramen ovale (PFO) as defined by the Risk of Paradoxical Embolism (RoPE) score. METHODS: Patients in the RoPE database with cryptogenic stroke (CS) and PFO were classified as having a probable PFO-related stroke (RoPE score of >6, n = 647) and others (RoPE score of ≤6 points, n = 677). We tested 15 clinical, 5 radiologic, and 3 echocardiographic variables for associations with stroke recurrence using Cox survival models with component database as a stratification factor. An interaction with RoPE score was checked for the variables that were significant. RESULTS: Follow-up was available for 92%, 79%, and 57% at 1, 2, and 3 years. Overall, a higher recurrence risk was associated with an index TIA. For all other predictors, effects were significantly different in the 2 RoPE score categories. For the low RoPE score group, but not the high RoPE score group, older age and antiplatelet (vs warfarin) treatment predicted recurrence. Conversely, echocardiographic features (septal hypermobility and a small shunt) and a prior (clinical) stroke/TIA were significant predictors in the high but not low RoPE score group. CONCLUSION: Predictors of recurrence differ when PFO relatedness is classified by the RoPE score, suggesting that patients with CS and PFO form a heterogeneous group with different stroke mechanisms. Echocardiographic features were only associated with recurrence in the high RoPE score group.
BACKGROUND: The effects of intravenous thrombolysis on floating thrombi in cervical and intracranial arteries of acute ischemic stroke patients are unknown. Similarly, the best prevention methods of early recurrences remain controversial. This study aimed to describe the clinical and radiological outcome of thrombolyzed strokes with floating thrombi. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed all thrombolyzed stroke patients in our institution between 2003 and 2010 with floating thrombi on acute CT-angiography before the intravenous thrombolysis. The floating thrombus was diagnosed if an elongated thrombus of at least 5 mm length, completely surrounded by contrast on supra-aortic neck or intracerebral arteries, was present on CT-angiography. Demographics, vascular risk factors, and comorbidities were recorded and stroke etiology was determined after a standardized workup. Repeat arterial imaging was performed by CTA at 24 h or before if clinical worsening was noted and then by Doppler and MRA during the first week and at four months. RESULTS: Of 409 thrombolyzed stroke patients undergoing acute CT Angiography, seven (1.7%) had a floating thrombus; of these seven, six had it in the anterior circulation. Demographics, risk factors and stroke severity of these patients were comparable to the other thrombolyzed patients. After intravenous thrombolysis, the floating thrombi resolved completely at 24 h in four of the patients, whereas one had an early recurrent stroke and one developed progressive worsening. One patient developed early occlusion of the carotid artery with floating thrombus and subsequently a TIA. The two patients with a stable floating thrombus had no clinical recurrences. In the literature, only one of four reported cases were found to have a thrombolysis-related early recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term outcome seemed similar in thrombolyzed patients with floating thrombus, despite a possible increase of very early recurrence. It remains to be established whether acute mechanical thrombectomy could be a safer and more effective treatment to prevent early recurrence. However, intravenous thrombolysis should not be withheld in eligible stroke patients.
Numerous preclinical and clinical studies have shown that interleukin-2 (IL-2) induces regression of metastatic tumors. We have conducted a phase I/II, multicenter, open-label, dose-escalating study to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and biological effects of repeated intratumoral injections of adenovirus-IL-2 (TG1024) in patients with advanced solid tumors and melanoma. Thirty five patients (twenty-five with metastatic melanoma and ten with other solid tumors) were treated in eight successive cohorts at dose levels ranging from 3 x 10(8) to 3 x 10(11) viral particles (vp). Intratumoral TG1024 injections in combination with dacarbazine (DTIC) were tested in metastatic melanoma in one cohort. No clinical responses were observed at doses below 3 x 10(11) vp. Six local objective responses were recorded in patients receiving 3 x 10(11) vp per treatment [five in metastatic melanoma and one in metastatic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin], of which two were complete responses (CRs). Most of the common side effects were injection site reactions and flu-like syndrome. TG1024 dose intensification across cohorts resulted in increased serum IL-2 levels after the injection. Intratumoral TG1024 injection induced pronounced inflammation of the treated lesion, with predominant CD8(+), TIA+ lymphocytic infiltrate. Our results show that intratumoral injections of TG1024 are safe and well tolerated. The clinical activity of TG1024 observed in this study warrants further investigations.
Early admission to hospital with minimum delay is a prerequisite for successful management of acute stroke. We sought to determine our local pre- and in-hospital factors influencing this delay. Time from onset of symptoms to admission (admission time) was prospectively documented during a 6-month period (December 2004 to May 2005) in patients consecutively admitted for an acute focal neurological deficit presented at arrival and of presumed vascular origin. Mode of transportation, patient's knowledge and correct recognition of stroke symptoms were assessed. Physicians contacted by the patients or their relatives were interviewed. The influence of referral patterns on in-hospital delays was further evaluated. Overall, 331 patients were included, 249 had an ischaemic and 37 a haemorrhagic stroke. Forty-five patients had a TIA with neurological symptoms subsiding within the first hours after admission. Median admission time was 3 hours 20 minutes. Transportation by ambulance significantly shortened admission delays in comparison with the patient's own means (HR 2.4, 95% CI 1.6-3.7). The only other factor associated with reduced delays was awareness of stroke (HR 1.9, 95% CI 1.3-2.9). Early in-hospital delays, specifically time to request CT-scan and time to call the neurologist, were shorter when the patient was referred by his family or to a lesser extent by an emergency physician than by the family physician (p < 0.04 and p < 0.01, respectively) and were shorter when he was transported by ambulance than by his own means (p < 0.01). Transportation by ambulance and referral by the patient or family significantly improved admission delays and early in-hospital management. Correct recognition of stroke symptoms further contributed to significant shortening of admission time. Educational programmes should take these findings into account.
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to create an index to stratify cryptogenic stroke (CS) patients with patent foramen ovale (PFO) by their likelihood that the stroke was related to their PFO. METHODS: Using data from 12 component studies, we used generalized linear mixed models to predict the presence of PFO among patients with CS, and derive a simple index to stratify patients with CS. We estimated the stratum-specific PFO-attributable fraction and stratum-specific stroke/TIA recurrence rates. RESULTS: Variables associated with a PFO in CS patients included younger age, the presence of a cortical stroke on neuroimaging, and the absence of these factors: diabetes, hypertension, smoking, and prior stroke or TIA. The 10-point Risk of Paradoxical Embolism score is calculated from these variables so that the youngest patients with superficial strokes and without vascular risk factors have the highest score. PFO prevalence increased from 23% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 19%-26%) in those with 0 to 3 points to 73% (95% CI: 66%-79%) in those with 9 or 10 points, corresponding to attributable fraction estimates of approximately 0% to 90%. Kaplan-Meier estimated stroke/TIA 2-year recurrence rates decreased from 20% (95% CI: 12%-28%) in the lowest Risk of Paradoxical Embolism score stratum to 2% (95% CI: 0%-4%) in the highest. CONCLUSION: Clinical characteristics identify CS patients who vary markedly in PFO prevalence, reflecting clinically important variation in the probability that a discovered PFO is likely to be stroke-related vs incidental. Patients in strata more likely to have stroke-related PFOs have lower recurrence risk.
BACKGROUND: Cerebrovascular disease (CVD) is a global public health problem. CVD patients are at high risk of recurrent stroke and other atherothrombotic events. Prevalence of risk factors, comorbidities, utilization of secondary prevention therapies and adherence to guidelines all influence the recurrent event rate. We assessed these factors in 18,992 CVD patients within a worldwide registry of stable outpatients. METHODS: The Reduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health Registry recruited >68,000 outpatients (44 countries). The subjects were mainly recruited by general practitioners (44%) and internists (29%) if they had symptomatic CVD, coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and/or >or=3 atherothrombotic risk factors. RESULTS: The 18,992 CVD patients suffered a stroke (53.7%), transient ischemic attack (TIA) (27.7%) or both (18.5%); 40% had symptomatic atherothrombotic disease in >or=1 additional vascular beds: 36% coronary artery disease; 10% PAD and 6% both. The prevalence of risk factors at baseline was higher in the TIA subgroup than in the stroke group: treated hypertension (83.5/82.0%; p = 0.02), body mass index >or=30 (26.7/20.8%; p < 0.0001), hypercholesterolemia (65.1/52.1%; p < 0.0001), atrial fibrillation (14.7/11.9%; p < 0.0001) and carotid artery disease (42.3/29.7%; p < 0.0001). CVD patients received antiplatelet agents (81.7%), oral anticoagulants (17.3%), lipid-lowering agents (61.2%) and antihypertensives (87.9%), but guideline treatment targets were frequently not achieved (54.5% had elevated blood pressure at baseline, while 4.5% had untreated diabetes). CONCLUSIONS: A high percentage of CVD patients have additional atherothrombotic disease manifestations. The risk profile puts CVD patients, especially the TIA subgroup, at high risk for future atherothrombotic events. Undertreatment is common worldwide and adherence to guidelines needs to be enforced.
New evidences published this year are susceptible to change the management of several medical emergencies. Combined antiplatelet therapy might be beneficial for the management of TIA or minor stroke and rapid blood pressure lowering might improve the outcome in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. A restrictive red cell transfusion strategy is indicated in case of upper digestive bleeding and coagulation factors concentrates are superior to fresh frozen plasma for urgent warfarin reversal. Prolonged systemic steroid therapy is not warranted in case of acute exacerbation of BPCO, and iterative physiotherapy is not beneficial after acute whiplash. Finally, family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation may reduce post-traumatic stress disorder among relatives.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the debris captured in the distal protection filters used during carotid artery stenting (CAS). Background: CAS is an option available to high-risk patients requiring revascularization. Filters are suggested for optimal stroke prevention during CAS. Methods: From May 2005 to June 2007, filters from 59 asymptomatic patients who underwent CAS were collected and sent to a specialized laboratory for light-microscope and histological analysis. Peri- and postprocedural outcomes were assessed during 1-year follow-up. Results: On the basis of biomedical imaging of the filter debris, the captured material could not be identified as embolized particles from the carotid plaque. On histological analysis the debris consisted mainly of red blood cell aggregates and/ or platelets, occasionally accompanied by granulocytes. We found no consistent histological evidence of embolized particles originating from atherosclerotic plaques. Post-procedure, three neurological events were reported: two (3.4%) transient ischemic attacks (TIA) and one (1.7%) ipsilateral minor stroke. Conclusion: The filters used during CAS in asymptomatic patients planned for cardiac surgery often remained empty. These findings may be explained by assuming that asymptomatic patients feature a different atherosclerotic plaque composition or stabilization through antiplatelet medication. Larger, randomized trials are clearly warranted, especially in the asymptomatic population. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
OBJECTIVE: To define therapeutic strategy for management of patients with ischemic stroke due to a high probability of paradoxical embolism through a Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO). METHODS: Since 1988 all consecutive patients with cerebrovascular events and PFO from the Stroke Registry of our population-based primary-care center are prospectively studied and followed. Since 1992, among 118 patients with cryptogenic embolic brain infarct or transient ischemic attack (TIA) and PFO, 32 consecutive patients younger than 60 years who presented at least two of the following criteria were admitted for surgery: history of Valsalva strain before stroke (11); multiple clinical events (13); multiple infarcts on brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (15); atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) (16); large right-to-left shunt (> 50 microbubbles) (12). RESULTS: Operative time 135' +/- 33'. CPB time 34' +/- 14'. Aortic crossclamping time 16' +/- 6'. Post-operative bleeding 485 +/- 170 ml. No homologous blood transfusion required. No neurological, cardiac or renal complications. All patients were followed-up corresponding to a cumulative time of 601 patient-months. This revealed no recurrent vascular events nor silent new brain lesions on brain MRI. Systematic simultaneous contrast Trans Esophageal Echocardiography (TEE)-Trans Cranial Doppler showed a small residual interatrial shunt in two patients. CONCLUSION: Surgical closure of a patent foramen ovale can be accomplished with very low morbidity and reduce efficiently the risk of stroke recurrence. It seems to be the option of choice in selected patients with a higher (> 1.5%/year) risk of stroke recurrence.
BACKGROUND: No randomized study has yet compared efficacy and safety of aspirin and anticoagulants in patients with spontaneous dissection of the cervical carotid artery (sICAD). METHODS: Prospectively collected data from 298 consecutive patients with sICAD (56% men; mean age 46 +/- 10 years) treated with anticoagulants alone (n = 202) or aspirin alone (n = 96) were retrospectively analyzed. Admission diagnosis was ischemic stroke in 165, TIA in 37, retinal ischemia in 8, and local symptoms and signs (headache, neck pain, Horner syndrome, cranial nerve palsy) in 80 patients, while 8 patients were asymptomatic. Clinical follow-up was obtained after 3 months by neurologic examination (97% of patients) or structured telephone interview. Outcome measures were 1) new cerebral ischemic events, defined as ischemic stroke, TIA, or retinal ischemia, 2) symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage, and 3) major extracranial bleeding. RESULTS: During follow-up, ischemic events were rare (ischemic stroke, 0.3%; TIA, 3.4%; retinal ischemia, 1%); their frequency did not significantly differ between patients treated with anticoagulants (5.9%) and those treated with aspirin (2.1%). The same was true for hemorrhagic adverse events (anticoagulants, 2%; aspirin, 1%). New ischemic events were significantly more frequent in patients with ischemic events at onset (6.2%) than in patients with local symptoms or asymptomatic patients (1.1%). CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of a nonrandomized study, our data suggest that frequency of new cerebral and retinal ischemic events in patients with spontaneous dissection of the cervical carotid artery is low and probably independent of the type of antithrombotic treatment (aspirin or anticoagulants).