34 resultados para Intra-abdominal hypertension
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Purpose: Recent reports have suggested that intraabdominal postoperative infection is associated with higher rates of overall and local recurrence and cancer-specific mortality. However, the mechanisms responsible for this association are unknown. We hypothesized that the greater inflammatory response in patients with postoperative intraabdominal infection is associated to an increase in local and systemic angiogenesis. Methods: We designed a prospective cohorts study with matched controls. Patients with postoperative intra-abdominal infection (abscess and/or anastomotic leakage) (group 1; n=17) after elective colorectal cancer resection operated on for cure were compared to patients with an uncomplicated postoperative course (group 2; n=17). IL-6 and VEGF levels were determined by ELISA in serum and peritoneal fluid at baseline, 48 hours and postoperative day 4 or at the time the peritoneal infection occurred. Results: No differences were observed in age, gender, preoperative CEA, tumor stage and location and type of procedure performed. Although there were no differences in serum IL-6 levels at 48 hours, this pro-inflammatory cytokine was higher in group 1 on postoperative day 4 (group 1: 21533 + 27900 vs. group 2: 1130 + 3563 pg/ml; p < 0.001). Serum VEGF levels were higher in group 1 on postoperative day 4 (group 1: 1212 + 1025 vs. group 2: 408 + 407 pg/ml; p < 0.01). Peritoneal fluid VEGF levels were also higher in group 1 at 48 hours (group 1: 4857 + 4384 vs. group 2: 630 + 461 pg/ml; p < 0.001) and postoperative day 4 (group 1: 32807 + 98486 vs. group 2: 1002 + 1229 pg/ml; p < 0.001). A positive correlation between serum IL-6 and VEGF serum levels was observed on postoperative day 4 (r=0.7; p<0.01). Conclusions: These results suggest that not only the inflammatory response but also the angiogenic pathways are stimulated in patients with intra-abdominal infection after surgery for colorectal cancer. The implications of this finding on long-term follow-up need to be evaluated.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the combination of abdominoplasty with liposuction of both flanks with regards to length of scar, complications, and patient's satisfaction. A retrospective analysis of 35 patients who underwent esthetic abdominoplasty at our institution between 2002 and 2004 was performed. Thirteen patients underwent abdominoplasty with liposuction of both flanks, 22 patients underwent conventional abdominoplasty. Liposuction of the flanks did not increase the rate of complications of the abdominoplasty procedures. We found a tendency toward shorter scars in patients who underwent abdominoplasty combined with liposuction of the flanks. Implementation of 3-dimensional laser surface scanning to objectify the postoperative outcomes, documented a comparable degree of flatness of the achieved body contouring in both procedures. 3-dimensional laser surface scanning can be a valuable tool to objectify assessment of postoperative results.
RESUME : L'athérosclérose, pathologie inflammatoire artérielle chronique, est à l'origine de la plupart des maladies cardiovasculaires qui constituent l'une des premières causes de morbidité et mortalité en France. Les études observationnelles et expérimentales montrent que l'exercice physique prévient la mortalité cardiovasculaire. Cependant, les mécanismes précisant les bénéfices cliniques de l'exercice sur l'athérosclérose sont encore largement inconnus. Le but général de ce travail a donc été d'explorer, en utilisant un modèle expérimental d'athérosclérose, la souris hypercholestérolémique génétiquement dépourvue en apolipoprotéine E (apoE-/-), les mécanismes athéroprotecteurs de l'exercice. La dysfonction endothéliale, généralement associée aux facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire, serait l'une des étapes précoces majeures de l'athérogenèse. Elle est caractérisée par une diminution de la biodisponibilité en monoxyde d'azote (NO) avec la perte de ses propriétés vasculo-protectrices, ce qui favorise un climat pro-athérogène (stress oxydatif, adhésion et infiltration des cellules inflammatoires dans la paroi artérielle...) conduisant à la formation de la plaque athéromateuse. L'objectif de notre premier travail a donc été d'explorer les effets de l'exercice d'une part, sur le développement des plaques athéromateuses et d'autre part, sur la fonction endothéliale de la souris apoE-/-. Nos résultats montrent que l'exercice réduit significativement l'extension de l'athérosclérose et prévient la dysfonction endothéliale. L'explication pharmacologique montre que l'exercice stimule la fonction endothéliale via, notamment, une plus grande sensibilité des récepteurs endothéliaux muscariniques, ce qui active les événements signalétiques cellulaires récepteurs-dépendants à l'origine d'une bioactivité accrue de NO. Les complications cliniques graves de l'athérosclérose sont induites par la rupture de la plaque instable provoquant la formation d'un thrombus occlusif et l'ischémie du territoire tissulaire en aval. L'objectif de notre deuxième travail a été d'examiner l'effet de l'exercice sur la qualité/stabilité de la plaque. Nos résultats indiquent que l'exercice de longue durée stabilise la plaque en augmentant le nombre de cellules musculaires lisses et en diminuant le nombre de macrophages intra-plaques. Nos résultats montrent aussi que la phosphorylation de la eNOS (NO Synthase endothéliale) Akt-dépendante n'est pas le mécanisme moléculaire majeur à l'origine de ce bénéfice. Enfin, dans notre troisième travail, nous avons investigué l'effet de l'exercice sur le développement de la plaque vulnérable. Nos résultats montrent, chez un modèle murin de plaque instable (modèle d'hypertension rénovasculaire à rénine et angiotensine II élevés) que l'exercice prévient l'apparition de la plaque vulnérable indépendamment d'un effet hémodynamique. Ce bénéfice serait associé à une diminution de l'expression vasculaire des récepteurs AT1 de l'Angiotensine II. Nos résultats justifient l'importance de l'exercice comme outil préventif des maladies cardiovasculaires. ABSTRACT : Atherosclerosis, a chronic inflammatory disease, is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in France. Observational and experimental data indicate that regular physical exercise has a positive impact on cardiovascular mortality. However, the mechanisms by which exercise exerts clinical benefits on atherosclerosis are still unknown. The general aim of this work was to elucidate the anti-atherosclerotic effects of exercise, using a mouse model of atherosclerosis: the apolipoprotein E-deficient mice (apoE-/- mice). Endothelial dysfunction, generally associated with cardiovascular risk factors, has been recognized to be a major and early step in atherogenesis. Endothelial dysfunction is characterized by Nitric Oxide (NO) biodisponibility reduction with loss of NO-mediated vasculoprotective actions. This leads to vascular effects such as increased oxidative stress and increased adhesion of inflammatory cells into arterial wall thus playing a role in atherosclerotic plaque development. Therefore, one of the objective of our study was to explore the effects of exercise on atherosclerotic plaque extension and on endothelial function in apoE-/- mice. Results show that exercise significantly reduces plaque progression and prevents endothelial dysfunction. Pharmacological explanation indicates that exercise stimulates endothelial function by increasing muscarinic receptors sensitivity which in turn activates intracellular signalling receptor-dependent events leading to increased NO bioactivity. The clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis are the consequences of unstable plaque rupture with thrombus formation leading to tissue ischemia. The second aim of our work was to determine the effect of exercise on plaque stability. We demonstrate that long-term exercise stabilizes atherosclerotic plaques as shown by decreased macrophage and increased Smooth Muscle Cells plaque content. Our results also suggest that the Akt-dependent eNOS phosphorylation pathway is not the primary molecular mechanism mediating these beneficial effects. Finally, we assessed a putative beneficial effect of exercise on vulnerable plaque development. In a mouse model of Angiotensine II (Ang II)-mediated vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques, we provide fist evidence that exercise prevents atherosclerosis progression and plaque vulnerability. The beneficial effect of swimming was associated with decreased aortic Ang II AT1 receptor expression independently from any hemodynamic change. These findings suggest clinical benefit of exercise in terms of cardiovascular event protection.
BACKGROUND: Hypotension, a common intra-operative incident, bears an important potential for morbidity. It is most often manageable and sometimes preventable, which renders its study important. Therefore, we aimed at examining hospital variations in the occurrence of intra-operative hypotension and its predictors. As secondary endpoints, we determined to what extent hypotension relates to the risk of post-operative incidents and death. METHODS: We used the Anaesthesia Databank Switzerland, built on routinely and prospectively collected data on all anaesthesias in 21 hospitals. The three outcomes were assessed using multi-level logistic regression models. RESULTS: Among 147,573 anaesthesias, hypotension ranged from 0.6% to 5.2% in participating hospitals, and from 0.3% up to 12% in different surgical specialties. Most (73.4%) were minor single events. Age, ASA status, combined general and regional anaesthesia techniques, duration of surgery and hospitalization were significantly associated with hypotension. Although significantly associated, the emergency status of the surgery had a weaker effect. Hospitals' odds ratios for hypotension varied between 0.12 and 2.50 (P < or = 0.001), even after adjusting for patient and anaesthesia factors, and for type of surgery. At least one post-operative incident occurred in 9.7% of the procedures, including 0.03% deaths. Intra-operative hypotension was associated with a higher risk of post-operative incidents and death. CONCLUSION: Wide variations remain in the occurrence of hypotension among hospitals after adjustment for risk factors. Although differential reporting from hospitals may exist, variations in anaesthesia techniques and blood pressure maintenance may also have contributed. Intra-operative hypotension is associated with morbidities and sometimes death, and constant vigilance must thus be advocated.
Objectifs: Etude prospective sur l'efficacité de la chimio-perfusion super-sélective avec Melphalan dans l'artère ophtalmique en tant qu'agent tumoricide chez l'enfantatteint de rétinoblastome avancé, pour éviter l'énucléation chirurgicale et/ou la radiothérapie externe. Matériels et méthodes: 19 enfants (âge moyen 25 mois) atteints de rétinoblastome de groupe D ont reçu 1 à 3 séances d'administration intra-artérielle de Melphalan (0,35 mg/kg) dans l'artère ophtalmique sous anesthésie générale. Au total 48 procédures ont été réalisées. Chaque séance était associée à une injection intra-vitréenne deMelphalan, ainsi qu'à une thermothérapie et/ou une cryothérapie. Résultats: Le traitement a été effectué avec succès chez 17/19 enfants avec une régression importante du volume tumoral. L'énucléation ainsi que la radiothérapie externeont pu être évitées dans 15/17 enfants, sur un suivi moyen d'une année. Aucune complication systémique ou thromboembolique n'a été observée. Lescomplications locales ont comporté 2 décollements de la rétine, 5 oedèmes conjonctivaux et palpébraux, 1 cas de pigmentation cutanée locale, 1 vasospasmetransitoire de l'artère carotide interne et 2 cas d'artériopathie occlusive choroïdienne sectorielle . Conclusion: L'administration intra-artérielle de Melphalan s'avère être très efficace dans les cas avancés de rétinoblastome chez l'enfant, aussi bien comme techniquecurative que pour éviter l'énucléation et/ou la radiothérapie externe.
OBJECTIVE: Incomplete compliance is one of several possible causes of uncontrolled hypertension. Yet, non-compliance remains largely unrecognized and is falsely interpreted as treatment resistance, because it is difficult to confirm or exclude objectively. The goal of this study was to evaluate the potential benefits of electronic monitoring of drug compliance in the management of patients with resistant hypertension. METHODS: Forty-one hypertensive patients resistant to a three-drug regimen (average blood pressure 156/ 106 +/- 23/11 mmHg, mean +/- SD) were studied prospectively. They were informed that for the next 2 months, their presently prescribed drugs would be provided in electronic monitors, without any change in treatment, so as to provide the treating physician with a measure of their compliance. Thereafter, patients were offered the possibility of prolonging the monitoring of compliance for another 2 month period, during which treatment was adapted if necessary. RESULTS: Monitoring of compliance alone was associated with a significant improvement of blood pressure at 2 months (145/97 +/- 20/15 mmHg, P < 0.01). During monitoring, blood pressure was normalized (systolic < 140 mmHg or diastolic < 90 mmHg) in one-third of the patients and insufficient compliance was unmasked in another 20%. When analysed according to tertiles of compliance, patients with the lowest compliance exhibited significantly higher achieved diastolic blood pressures (P = 0.04). In 30 patients, compliance was monitored up to 4 months and drug therapy was adapted whenever necessary. In these patients, a further significant decrease in blood pressure was obtained (from 150/100 +/- 18/15 to 143/94 +/- 22/11 mmHg, P = 0.04/0.02). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that objective monitoring of compliance using electronic devices may be a useful step in the management of patients with refractory hypertension, as it enables physicians to take rational decisions based on reliable and objective data of drug compliance and hence to improve blood pressure control.
Résumé : La présente étude vise à déterminer quels sont les facteurs permettant de valider de nouvelles échelles de personnalité spécifiques à la relation intra-couple construites sur la base de profils de personnalité en auto- et hétéro-évaluation. Pour ce faire, nous avons défini des critères sociologiques (par exemple âge, niveau socioprofessionnel, nombre de relations passées), des critères psychologiques (satisfaction conjugale) et des critères biologiques (distance génétique et préférence d'odeurs) afin de vérifier s'ils sont susceptibles de valider les six échelles de personnalité intra-couples inédites que nous avons construites dans le cadre de cette recherche de doctorat. Notre échantillon se compose de 106 couples mariés et de 60 jeunes couples non mariés, qui ont chacun complété le test de personnalité L.A. B. E. L. (F Gendre & R. Capel), l'Échelle d'Ajustement Dyadique (Spanier, 1976) ainsi qu'un test génétique pour une partie d'entre eux.
Hypertension is a common, modifiable and heritable cardiovascular risk factor. Some rare monogenic forms of hypertension have been described, but the majority of patients suffer from "essential" hypertension, for whom the underlying pathophysiological mechanism is not clear. Essential hypertension is a complex trait, involving multiple genes and environmental factors. Recently, progress in the identification of common genetic variants associated with blood pressure and hypertension has been made thanks to large-scale international collaborative projects involving geneticists, epidemiologists, statisticians and clinicians. In this article, we review some basic genetic concepts and the main research methods used to study the genetics of hypertension, as well as selected recent findings in this field.
Switzerland has a low mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases, but little is known regarding prevalence and management of cardiovascular risk factors (CV RFs: hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes) in the general population. In this study, we assessed 10-year trends in self-reported prevalence and management of cardiovascular risk factors in Switzerland. data from three national health interview surveys conducted between 1997 and 2007 in representative samples of the Swiss adult population (49,261 subjects overall). Self-reported CV RFs prevalence, treatment and control levels were computed. The sample was weighted to match the sex - and age distribution, geographical location and nationality of the entire adult population of Switzerland. self-reported prevalence of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes increased from 22.1%, 11.9% and 3.3% in 1997 to 24.1%, 17.4% and 4.8% in 2007, respectively. Prevalence of self-reported treatment among subjects with CV RFs also increased from 52.1%, 18.5% and 50.0% in 1997 to 60.4%, 38.8% and 53.3% in 2007 for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes, respectively. Self-reported control levels increased from 56.4%, 52.9% and 50.0% in 1997 to 80.6%, 75.1% and 53.3% in 2007 for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes, respectively. Finally, screening during the last 12 months increased from 84.5%, 86.5% and 87.4% in 1997 to 94.0%, 94.6% and 94.1% in 2007 for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes, respectively. in Switzerland, the prevalences of self-reported hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes have increased between 1997 and 2007. Management and screening have improved, but further improvements can still be achieved as over one third of subjects with reported CV RFs are not treated.