20 resultados para Interoperability of Applications
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Poly(ortho esters) (POE) are hydrophobic and bioerodible polymers that have been investigated for pharmaceutical use since the early 1970s. Among the four described generations of POE, the third (POE III) and fourth (POE IV) are promising viscous and injectable materials which have been investigated in numerous biomedical applications. POE III has been extensively studied for ophthalmic drug delivery, it presents an excellent biocompatibility and is currently being investigated as a vehicle for sustained drug delivery to treat diseases of the posterior segment of the eye. POE IV is distinguishable by a highly reproducible and controlled synthesis, a higher hydrophobicity, and an excellent biocompatibility. It is currently under development for a variety of applications, such as ocular delivery, periodontal disease treatment and applications in veterinary medicine. This review will also focus on new perspectives for this promising family of polymers, such as guided tissue regeneration, treatment of osteoarthritis, as well as peptide and protein delivery.
This paper presents a short history of the appraisal of laser scanner technologies in geosciences used for imaging relief by high-resolution digital elevation models (HRDEMs) or 3D models. A general overview of light detection and ranging (LIDAR) techniques applied to landslides is given, followed by a review of different applications of LIDAR for landslide, rockfall and debris-flow. These applications are classified as: (1) Detection and characterization of mass movements; (2) Hazard assessment and susceptibility mapping; (3) Modelling; (4) Monitoring. This review emphasizes how LIDARderived HRDEMs can be used to investigate any type of landslides. It is clear that such HRDEMs are not yet a common tool for landslides investigations, but this technique has opened new domains of applications that still have to be developed.
Sponsored by the Health Administrations of nine cantons, this study was conducted by the University Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine in Lausanne in order to assess how DRGs could be used within the Swiss context. A data base mainly provided by the Swiss VESKA statistics was used. The first step provided the transformation of Swiss diagnostic and intervention codes into US codes, allowing direct use of the Yale Grouper for DRG. The second step showed that the overall performance of DRG in terms of variability reduction of the length of stay was similar to the one observed in US; there are, however, problems when the homogeneity of medicotechnical procedures for DRG is considered. The third steps showed how DRG could be used as an account unit in hospital, and how costs per DRG could be estimated. Other examples of applications of DRG were examined, for example comparison of Casemix or length of stay between hospitals.
OBJECTIVES: During its German pilot phase, the EuroCMR (European Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance) registry sought to evaluate indications, image quality, safety, and impact on patient management of routine CMR. BACKGROUND: CMR has a broad range of applications and is increasingly used in clinical practice. METHODS: This was a multicenter registry with consecutive enrollment of patients in 20 German centers. RESULTS: A total of 11,040 consecutive patients were enrolled. Eighty-eight percent of patients received gadolinium-based contrast agents. Twenty-one percent underwent adenosine perfusion, and 11% high-dose dobutamine-stress CMR. The most important indications were workup of myocarditis/cardiomyopathies (32%), risk stratification in suspected coronary artery disease/ischemia (31%), as well as assessment of viability (15%). Image quality was good in 90.1%, moderate in 8.1%, and inadequate in 1.8% of cases. Severe complications occurred in 0.05%, and were all associated with stress testing. No patient died during or due to CMR. In nearly two-thirds of patients, CMR findings impacted patient management. Importantly, in 16% of cases the final diagnosis based on CMR was different from the diagnosis before CMR, leading to a complete change in management. In more than 86% of cases, CMR was capable of satisfying all imaging needs so that no further imaging was required. CONCLUSIONS: CMR is frequently performed in clinical practice in many participating centers. The most important indications are workup of myocarditis/cardiomyopathies, risk stratification in suspected coronary artery disease/ischemia, and assessment of viability. CMR imaging as used in the centers of the pilot registry is a safe procedure, has diagnostic image quality in 98% of cases, and its results have strong impact on patient management.
Flow cytometry (FCM) is emerging as an important tool in environmental microbiology. Although flow cytometry applications have to date largely been restricted to certain specialized fields of microbiology, such as the bacterial cell cycle and marine phytoplankton communities, technical advances in instrumentation and methodology are leading to its increased popularity and extending its range of applications. Here we will focus on a number of recent flow cytometry developments important for addressing questions in environmental microbiology. These include (i) the study of microbial physiology under environmentally relevant conditions, (ii) new methods to identify active microbial populations and to isolate previously uncultured microorganisms, and (iii) the development of high-throughput autofluorescence bioreporter assays
Abstract : The occupational health risk involved with handling nanoparticles is the probability that a worker will experience an adverse health effect: this is calculated as a function of the worker's exposure relative to the potential biological hazard of the material. Addressing the risks of nanoparticles requires therefore knowledge on occupational exposure and the release of nanoparticles into the environment as well as toxicological data. However, information on exposure is currently not systematically collected; therefore this risk assessment lacks quantitative data. This thesis aimed at, first creating the fundamental data necessary for a quantitative assessment and, second, evaluating methods to measure the occupational nanoparticle exposure. The first goal was to determine what is being used where in Swiss industries. This was followed by an evaluation of the adequacy of existing measurement methods to assess workplace nanopaiticle exposure to complex size distributions and concentration gradients. The study was conceived as a series of methodological evaluations aimed at better understanding nanoparticle measurement devices and methods. lt focused on inhalation exposure to airborne particles, as respiration is considered to be the most important entrance pathway for nanoparticles in the body in terms of risk. The targeted survey (pilot study) was conducted as a feasibility study for a later nationwide survey on the handling of nanoparticles and the applications of specific protection means in industry. The study consisted of targeted phone interviews with health and safety officers of Swiss companies that were believed to use or produce nanoparticles. This was followed by a representative survey on the level of nanoparticle usage in Switzerland. lt was designed based on the results of the pilot study. The study was conducted among a representative selection of clients of the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA), covering about 85% of Swiss production companies. The third part of this thesis focused on the methods to measure nanoparticles. Several pre- studies were conducted studying the limits of commonly used measurement devices in the presence of nanoparticle agglomerates, This focus was chosen, because several discussions with users and producers of the measurement devices raised questions about their accuracy measuring nanoparticle agglomerates and because, at the same time, the two survey studies revealed that such powders are frequently used in industry. The first preparatory experiment focused on the accuracy of the scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), which showed an improbable size distribution when measuring powders of nanoparticle agglomerates. Furthermore, the thesis includes a series of smaller experiments that took a closer look at problems encountered with other measurement devices in the presence of nanoparticle agglomerates: condensation particle counters (CPC), portable aerosol spectrometer (PAS) a device to estimate the aerodynamic diameter, as well as diffusion size classifiers. Some initial feasibility tests for the efficiency of filter based sampling and subsequent counting of carbon nanotubes (CNT) were conducted last. The pilot study provided a detailed picture of the types and amounts of nanoparticles used and the knowledge of the health and safety experts in the companies. Considerable maximal quantities (> l'000 kg/year per company) of Ag, Al-Ox, Fe-Ox, SiO2, TiO2, and ZnO (mainly first generation particles) were declared by the contacted Swiss companies, The median quantity of handled nanoparticles, however, was 100 kg/year. The representative survey was conducted by contacting by post mail a representative selection of l '626 SUVA-clients (Swiss Accident Insurance Fund). It allowed estimation of the number of companies and workers dealing with nanoparticles in Switzerland. The extrapolation from the surveyed companies to all companies of the Swiss production sector suggested that l'309 workers (95%-confidence interval l'073 to l'545) of the Swiss production sector are potentially exposed to nanoparticles in 586 companies (145 to l'027). These numbers correspond to 0.08% (0.06% to 0.09%) of all workers and to 0.6% (0.2% to 1.1%) of companies in the Swiss production sector. To measure airborne concentrations of sub micrometre-sized particles, a few well known methods exist. However, it was unclear how well the different instruments perform in the presence of the often quite large agglomerates of nanostructured materials. The evaluation of devices and methods focused on nanoparticle agglomerate powders. lt allowed the identification of the following potential sources of inaccurate measurements at workplaces with considerable high concentrations of airborne agglomerates: - A standard SMPS showed bi-modal particle size distributions when measuring large nanoparticle agglomerates. - Differences in the range of a factor of a thousand were shown between diffusion size classifiers and CPC/SMPS. - The comparison between CPC/SMPS and portable aerosol Spectrometer (PAS) was much better, but depending on the concentration, size or type of the powders measured, the differences were still of a high order of magnitude - Specific difficulties and uncertainties in the assessment of workplaces were identified: the background particles can interact with particles created by a process, which make the handling of background concentration difficult. - Electric motors produce high numbers of nanoparticles and confound the measurement of the process-related exposure. Conclusion: The surveys showed that nanoparticles applications exist in many industrial sectors in Switzerland and that some companies already use high quantities of them. The representative survey demonstrated a low prevalence of nanoparticle usage in most branches of the Swiss industry and led to the conclusion that the introduction of applications using nanoparticles (especially outside industrial chemistry) is only beginning. Even though the number of potentially exposed workers was reportedly rather small, it nevertheless underscores the need for exposure assessments. Understanding exposure and how to measure it correctly is very important because the potential health effects of nanornaterials are not yet fully understood. The evaluation showed that many devices and methods of measuring nanoparticles need to be validated for nanoparticles agglomerates before large exposure assessment studies can begin. Zusammenfassung : Das Gesundheitsrisiko von Nanopartikel am Arbeitsplatz ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit dass ein Arbeitnehmer einen möglichen Gesundheitsschaden erleidet wenn er diesem Stoff ausgesetzt ist: sie wird gewöhnlich als Produkt von Schaden mal Exposition gerechnet. Für eine gründliche Abklärung möglicher Risiken von Nanomaterialien müssen also auf der einen Seite Informationen über die Freisetzung von solchen Materialien in die Umwelt vorhanden sein und auf der anderen Seite solche über die Exposition von Arbeitnehmenden. Viele dieser Informationen werden heute noch nicht systematisch gesarnmelt und felilen daher für Risikoanalysen, Die Doktorarbeit hatte als Ziel, die Grundlagen zu schaffen für eine quantitative Schatzung der Exposition gegenüber Nanopartikel am Arbeitsplatz und die Methoden zu evaluieren die zur Messung einer solchen Exposition nötig sind. Die Studie sollte untersuchen, in welchem Ausmass Nanopartikel bereits in der Schweizer Industrie eingesetzt werden, wie viele Arbeitnehrner damit potentiel] in Kontakt komrrien ob die Messtechnologie für die nötigen Arbeitsplatzbelastungsmessungen bereits genügt, Die Studie folcussierte dabei auf Exposition gegenüber luftgetragenen Partikel, weil die Atmung als Haupteintrittspforte iïlr Partikel in den Körper angesehen wird. Die Doktorarbeit besteht baut auf drei Phasen auf eine qualitative Umfrage (Pilotstudie), eine repräsentative, schweizerische Umfrage und mehrere technische Stndien welche dem spezitischen Verständnis der Mëglichkeiten und Grenzen einzelner Messgeräte und - teclmikeri dienen. Die qualitative Telephonumfrage wurde durchgeführt als Vorstudie zu einer nationalen und repräsentativen Umfrage in der Schweizer Industrie. Sie zielte auf Informationen ab zum Vorkommen von Nanopartikeln, und den angewendeten Schutzmassnahmen. Die Studie bestand aus gezielten Telefoninterviews mit Arbeit- und Gesundheitsfachpersonen von Schweizer Unternehmen. Die Untemehmen wurden aufgrund von offentlich zugànglichen lnformationen ausgewählt die darauf hinwiesen, dass sie mit Nanopartikeln umgehen. Der zweite Teil der Dolctorarbeit war die repräsentative Studie zur Evalniernng der Verbreitnng von Nanopaitikelanwendungen in der Schweizer lndustrie. Die Studie baute auf lnformationen der Pilotstudie auf und wurde mit einer repräsentativen Selektion von Firmen der Schweizerischen Unfall Versicherungsanstalt (SUVA) durchgeüihxt. Die Mehrheit der Schweizerischen Unternehmen im lndustrieselctor wurde damit abgedeckt. Der dritte Teil der Doktorarbeit fokussierte auf die Methodik zur Messung von Nanopartikeln. Mehrere Vorstudien wurden dnrchgefîihrt, um die Grenzen von oft eingesetzten Nanopartikelmessgeräten auszuloten, wenn sie grösseren Mengen von Nanopartikel Agglomeraten ausgesetzt messen sollen. Dieser F okns wurde ans zwei Gründen gewählt: weil mehrere Dislcussionen rnit Anwendem und auch dem Produzent der Messgeràte dort eine Schwachstelle vermuten liessen, welche Zweifel an der Genauigkeit der Messgeräte aufkommen liessen und weil in den zwei Umfragestudien ein häufiges Vorkommen von solchen Nanopartikel-Agglomeraten aufgezeigt wurde. i Als erstes widmete sich eine Vorstndie der Genauigkeit des Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS). Dieses Messgerät zeigte in Präsenz von Nanopartikel Agglorneraten unsinnige bimodale Partikelgrössenverteilung an. Eine Serie von kurzen Experimenten folgte, welche sich auf andere Messgeräte und deren Probleme beim Messen von Nanopartikel-Agglomeraten konzentrierten. Der Condensation Particle Counter (CPC), der portable aerosol spectrometer (PAS), ein Gerät zur Schàtzung des aerodynamischen Durchniessers von Teilchen, sowie der Diffusion Size Classifier wurden getestet. Einige erste Machbarkeitstests zur Ermittlnng der Effizienz von tilterbasierter Messung von luftgetragenen Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) wnrden als letztes durchgeiührt. Die Pilotstudie hat ein detailliiertes Bild der Typen und Mengen von genutzten Nanopartikel in Schweizer Unternehmen geliefert, und hat den Stand des Wissens der interviewten Gesundheitsschntz und Sicherheitsfachleute aufgezeigt. Folgende Typen von Nanopaitikeln wurden von den kontaktierten Firmen als Maximalmengen angegeben (> 1'000 kg pro Jahr / Unternehrnen): Ag, Al-Ox, Fe-Ox, SiO2, TiO2, und ZnO (hauptsächlich Nanopartikel der ersten Generation). Die Quantitäten von eingesetzten Nanopartikeln waren stark verschieden mit einem ein Median von 100 kg pro Jahr. ln der quantitativen Fragebogenstudie wurden l'626 Unternehmen brieflich kontaktiert; allesamt Klienten der Schweizerischen Unfallversicherringsanstalt (SUVA). Die Resultate der Umfrage erlaubten eine Abschätzung der Anzahl von Unternehmen und Arbeiter, welche Nanopartikel in der Schweiz anwenden. Die Hochrechnung auf den Schweizer lndnstriesektor hat folgendes Bild ergeben: ln 586 Unternehmen (95% Vertrauensintervallz 145 bis 1'027 Unternehmen) sind 1'309 Arbeiter potentiell gegenüber Nanopartikel exponiert (95%-Vl: l'073 bis l'545). Diese Zahlen stehen für 0.6% der Schweizer Unternehmen (95%-Vl: 0.2% bis 1.1%) und 0.08% der Arbeiternehmerschaft (95%-V1: 0.06% bis 0.09%). Es gibt einige gut etablierte Technologien um die Luftkonzentration von Submikrometerpartikel zu messen. Es besteht jedoch Zweifel daran, inwiefern sich diese Technologien auch für die Messurrg von künstlich hergestellten Nanopartikeln verwenden lassen. Aus diesem Grund folcussierten die vorbereitenden Studien für die Arbeitsplatzbeurteilnngen auf die Messung von Pulverri, welche Nan0partike1-Agg10merate enthalten. Sie erlaubten die ldentifikation folgender rnöglicher Quellen von fehlerhaften Messungen an Arbeitsplätzen mit erhöhter Luft-K0nzentrati0n von Nanopartikel Agglomeratenz - Ein Standard SMPS zeigte eine unglaubwürdige bimodale Partikelgrössenverteilung wenn er grössere Nan0par'til<e1Agg10merate gemessen hat. - Grosse Unterschiede im Bereich von Faktor tausend wurden festgestellt zwischen einem Diffusion Size Classiîier und einigen CPC (beziehungsweise dem SMPS). - Die Unterschiede zwischen CPC/SMPS und dem PAS waren geringer, aber abhängig von Grosse oder Typ des gemessenen Pulvers waren sie dennoch in der Grössenordnung von einer guten Grössenordnung. - Spezifische Schwierigkeiten und Unsicherheiten im Bereich von Arbeitsplatzmessungen wurden identitiziert: Hintergrundpartikel können mit Partikeln interagieren die während einem Arbeitsprozess freigesetzt werden. Solche Interaktionen erschweren eine korrekte Einbettung der Hintergrunds-Partikel-Konzentration in die Messdaten. - Elektromotoren produzieren grosse Mengen von Nanopartikeln und können so die Messung der prozessbezogenen Exposition stören. Fazit: Die Umfragen zeigten, dass Nanopartikel bereits Realitàt sind in der Schweizer Industrie und dass einige Unternehmen bereits grosse Mengen davon einsetzen. Die repräsentative Umfrage hat diese explosive Nachricht jedoch etwas moderiert, indem sie aufgezeigt hat, dass die Zahl der Unternehmen in der gesamtschweizerischen Industrie relativ gering ist. In den meisten Branchen (vor allem ausserhalb der Chemischen Industrie) wurden wenig oder keine Anwendungen gefunden, was schliessen last, dass die Einführung dieser neuen Technologie erst am Anfang einer Entwicklung steht. Auch wenn die Zahl der potentiell exponierten Arbeiter immer noch relativ gering ist, so unterstreicht die Studie dennoch die Notwendigkeit von Expositionsmessungen an diesen Arbeitsplätzen. Kenntnisse um die Exposition und das Wissen, wie solche Exposition korrekt zu messen, sind sehr wichtig, vor allem weil die möglichen Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit noch nicht völlig verstanden sind. Die Evaluation einiger Geräte und Methoden zeigte jedoch, dass hier noch Nachholbedarf herrscht. Bevor grössere Mess-Studien durgefîihrt werden können, müssen die Geräte und Methodem für den Einsatz mit Nanopartikel-Agglomeraten validiert werden.
This study was designed to evaluate the potential of gas-filled microbubbles (MB) to be internalized by antigen-presenting cells (APC). Fluorescently labeled MB were prepared, thus permitting to track binding to, and internalization in, APC. Both human and mouse cells, including monocytes and dendritic cells (DC), prove capable to phagocyte MB in vitro. Observation by confocal laser scanning microscopy showed that interaction between MB and target cells resulted in a rapid internalization in cellular compartments and to a lesser extent in the cytoplasm. Capture of MB by APC resulted in phagolysosomal targeting as verified by double staining with anti-lysosome-associated membrane protein-1 monoclonal antibody and decrease of internalization by phagocytosis inhibitors. Fluorescent MB injected subcutaneously (s.c.) in mice were found to be associated with CD11c(+)DC in lymph nodes draining the injection sites 24 h after administration. Altogether, our study demonstrates that MB can successfully target APC both in vitro and in vivo, and thus may serve as a potent Ag delivery system without requirement for ultrasound-based sonoporation. This adds to the potential of applications of MB already extensively used for diagnostic imaging in humans.
Les instabilités engendrées par des gradients de densité interviennent dans une variété d'écoulements. Un exemple est celui de la séquestration géologique du dioxyde de carbone en milieux poreux. Ce gaz est injecté à haute pression dans des aquifères salines et profondes. La différence de densité entre la saumure saturée en CO2 dissous et la saumure environnante induit des courants favorables qui le transportent vers les couches géologiques profondes. Les gradients de densité peuvent aussi être la cause du transport indésirable de matières toxiques, ce qui peut éventuellement conduire à la pollution des sols et des eaux. La gamme d'échelles intervenant dans ce type de phénomènes est très large. Elle s'étend de l'échelle poreuse où les phénomènes de croissance des instabilités s'opèrent, jusqu'à l'échelle des aquifères à laquelle interviennent les phénomènes à temps long. Une reproduction fiable de la physique par la simulation numérique demeure donc un défi en raison du caractère multi-échelles aussi bien au niveau spatial et temporel de ces phénomènes. Il requiert donc le développement d'algorithmes performants et l'utilisation d'outils de calculs modernes. En conjugaison avec les méthodes de résolution itératives, les méthodes multi-échelles permettent de résoudre les grands systèmes d'équations algébriques de manière efficace. Ces méthodes ont été introduites comme méthodes d'upscaling et de downscaling pour la simulation d'écoulements en milieux poreux afin de traiter de fortes hétérogénéités du champ de perméabilité. Le principe repose sur l'utilisation parallèle de deux maillages, le premier est choisi en fonction de la résolution du champ de perméabilité (grille fine), alors que le second (grille grossière) est utilisé pour approximer le problème fin à moindre coût. La qualité de la solution multi-échelles peut être améliorée de manière itérative pour empêcher des erreurs trop importantes si le champ de perméabilité est complexe. Les méthodes adaptatives qui restreignent les procédures de mise à jour aux régions à forts gradients permettent de limiter les coûts de calculs additionnels. Dans le cas d'instabilités induites par des gradients de densité, l'échelle des phénomènes varie au cours du temps. En conséquence, des méthodes multi-échelles adaptatives sont requises pour tenir compte de cette dynamique. L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer des algorithmes multi-échelles adaptatifs et efficaces pour la simulation des instabilités induites par des gradients de densité. Pour cela, nous nous basons sur la méthode des volumes finis multi-échelles (MsFV) qui offre l'avantage de résoudre les phénomènes de transport tout en conservant la masse de manière exacte. Dans la première partie, nous pouvons démontrer que les approximations de la méthode MsFV engendrent des phénomènes de digitation non-physiques dont la suppression requiert des opérations de correction itératives. Les coûts de calculs additionnels de ces opérations peuvent toutefois être compensés par des méthodes adaptatives. Nous proposons aussi l'utilisation de la méthode MsFV comme méthode de downscaling: la grille grossière étant utilisée dans les zones où l'écoulement est relativement homogène alors que la grille plus fine est utilisée pour résoudre les forts gradients. Dans la seconde partie, la méthode multi-échelle est étendue à un nombre arbitraire de niveaux. Nous prouvons que la méthode généralisée est performante pour la résolution de grands systèmes d'équations algébriques. Dans la dernière partie, nous focalisons notre étude sur les échelles qui déterminent l'évolution des instabilités engendrées par des gradients de densité. L'identification de la structure locale ainsi que globale de l'écoulement permet de procéder à un upscaling des instabilités à temps long alors que les structures à petite échelle sont conservées lors du déclenchement de l'instabilité. Les résultats présentés dans ce travail permettent d'étendre les connaissances des méthodes MsFV et offrent des formulations multi-échelles efficaces pour la simulation des instabilités engendrées par des gradients de densité. - Density-driven instabilities in porous media are of interest for a wide range of applications, for instance, for geological sequestration of CO2, during which CO2 is injected at high pressure into deep saline aquifers. Due to the density difference between the C02-saturated brine and the surrounding brine, a downward migration of CO2 into deeper regions, where the risk of leakage is reduced, takes place. Similarly, undesired spontaneous mobilization of potentially hazardous substances that might endanger groundwater quality can be triggered by density differences. Over the last years, these effects have been investigated with the help of numerical groundwater models. Major challenges in simulating density-driven instabilities arise from the different scales of interest involved, i.e., the scale at which instabilities are triggered and the aquifer scale over which long-term processes take place. An accurate numerical reproduction is possible, only if the finest scale is captured. For large aquifers, this leads to problems with a large number of unknowns. Advanced numerical methods are required to efficiently solve these problems with today's available computational resources. Beside efficient iterative solvers, multiscale methods are available to solve large numerical systems. Originally, multiscale methods have been developed as upscaling-downscaling techniques to resolve strong permeability contrasts. In this case, two static grids are used: one is chosen with respect to the resolution of the permeability field (fine grid); the other (coarse grid) is used to approximate the fine-scale problem at low computational costs. The quality of the multiscale solution can be iteratively improved to avoid large errors in case of complex permeability structures. Adaptive formulations, which restrict the iterative update to domains with large gradients, enable limiting the additional computational costs of the iterations. In case of density-driven instabilities, additional spatial scales appear which change with time. Flexible adaptive methods are required to account for these emerging dynamic scales. The objective of this work is to develop an adaptive multiscale formulation for the efficient and accurate simulation of density-driven instabilities. We consider the Multiscale Finite-Volume (MsFV) method, which is well suited for simulations including the solution of transport problems as it guarantees a conservative velocity field. In the first part of this thesis, we investigate the applicability of the standard MsFV method to density- driven flow problems. We demonstrate that approximations in MsFV may trigger unphysical fingers and iterative corrections are necessary. Adaptive formulations (e.g., limiting a refined solution to domains with large concentration gradients where fingers form) can be used to balance the extra costs. We also propose to use the MsFV method as downscaling technique: the coarse discretization is used in areas without significant change in the flow field whereas the problem is refined in the zones of interest. This enables accounting for the dynamic change in scales of density-driven instabilities. In the second part of the thesis the MsFV algorithm, which originally employs one coarse level, is extended to an arbitrary number of coarse levels. We prove that this keeps the MsFV method efficient for problems with a large number of unknowns. In the last part of this thesis, we focus on the scales that control the evolution of density fingers. The identification of local and global flow patterns allows a coarse description at late times while conserving fine-scale details during onset stage. Results presented in this work advance the understanding of the Multiscale Finite-Volume method and offer efficient dynamic multiscale formulations to simulate density-driven instabilities. - Les nappes phréatiques caractérisées par des structures poreuses et des fractures très perméables représentent un intérêt particulier pour les hydrogéologues et ingénieurs environnementaux. Dans ces milieux, une large variété d'écoulements peut être observée. Les plus communs sont le transport de contaminants par les eaux souterraines, le transport réactif ou l'écoulement simultané de plusieurs phases non miscibles, comme le pétrole et l'eau. L'échelle qui caractérise ces écoulements est définie par l'interaction de l'hétérogénéité géologique et des processus physiques. Un fluide au repos dans l'espace interstitiel d'un milieu poreux peut être déstabilisé par des gradients de densité. Ils peuvent être induits par des changements locaux de température ou par dissolution d'un composé chimique. Les instabilités engendrées par des gradients de densité revêtent un intérêt particulier puisque qu'elles peuvent éventuellement compromettre la qualité des eaux. Un exemple frappant est la salinisation de l'eau douce dans les nappes phréatiques par pénétration d'eau salée plus dense dans les régions profondes. Dans le cas des écoulements gouvernés par les gradients de densité, les échelles caractéristiques de l'écoulement s'étendent de l'échelle poreuse où les phénomènes de croissance des instabilités s'opèrent, jusqu'à l'échelle des aquifères sur laquelle interviennent les phénomènes à temps long. Etant donné que les investigations in-situ sont pratiquement impossibles, les modèles numériques sont utilisés pour prédire et évaluer les risques liés aux instabilités engendrées par les gradients de densité. Une description correcte de ces phénomènes repose sur la description de toutes les échelles de l'écoulement dont la gamme peut s'étendre sur huit à dix ordres de grandeur dans le cas de grands aquifères. Il en résulte des problèmes numériques de grande taille qui sont très couteux à résoudre. Des schémas numériques sophistiqués sont donc nécessaires pour effectuer des simulations précises d'instabilités hydro-dynamiques à grande échelle. Dans ce travail, nous présentons différentes méthodes numériques qui permettent de simuler efficacement et avec précision les instabilités dues aux gradients de densité. Ces nouvelles méthodes sont basées sur les volumes finis multi-échelles. L'idée est de projeter le problème original à une échelle plus grande où il est moins coûteux à résoudre puis de relever la solution grossière vers l'échelle de départ. Cette technique est particulièrement adaptée pour résoudre des problèmes où une large gamme d'échelle intervient et évolue de manière spatio-temporelle. Ceci permet de réduire les coûts de calculs en limitant la description détaillée du problème aux régions qui contiennent un front de concentration mobile. Les aboutissements sont illustrés par la simulation de phénomènes tels que l'intrusion d'eau salée ou la séquestration de dioxyde de carbone.
BACKGROUND: Human speech is greatly influenced by the speakers' affective state, such as sadness, happiness, grief, guilt, fear, anger, aggression, faintheartedness, shame, sexual arousal, love, amongst others. Attentive listeners discover a lot about the affective state of their dialog partners with no great effort, and without having to talk about it explicitly during a conversation or on the phone. On the other hand, speech dysfunctions, such as slow, delayed or monotonous speech, are prominent features of affective disorders. METHODS: This project was comprised of four studies with healthy volunteers from Bristol (English: n = 117), Lausanne (French: n = 128), Zurich (German: n = 208), and Valencia (Spanish: n = 124). All samples were stratified according to gender, age, and education. The specific study design with different types of spoken text along with repeated assessments at 14-day intervals allowed us to estimate the 'natural' variation of speech parameters over time, and to analyze the sensitivity of speech parameters with respect to form and content of spoken text. Additionally, our project included a longitudinal self-assessment study with university students from Zurich (n = 18) and unemployed adults from Valencia (n = 18) in order to test the feasibility of the speech analysis method in home environments. RESULTS: The normative data showed that speaking behavior and voice sound characteristics can be quantified in a reproducible and language-independent way. The high resolution of the method was verified by a computerized assignment of speech parameter patterns to languages at a success rate of 90%, while the correct assignment to texts was 70%. In the longitudinal self-assessment study we calculated individual 'baselines' for each test person along with deviations thereof. The significance of such deviations was assessed through the normative reference data. CONCLUSIONS: Our data provided gender-, age-, and language-specific thresholds that allow one to reliably distinguish between 'natural fluctuations' and 'significant changes'. The longitudinal self-assessment study with repeated assessments at 1-day intervals over 14 days demonstrated the feasibility and efficiency of the speech analysis method in home environments, thus clearing the way to a broader range of applications in psychiatry. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.
A large number of applications using manufactured nanoparticles of less than 100 nm are currently being introduced into industrial processes. There is an urgent need to evaluate the risks of these novel particles to ensure their safe production, handling, use, and disposal. However, today we lack even rudimentary knowledge about type and quantity of industrially used manufactured nanoparticles and the level of exposure in Swiss industry. The goal of this study was to evaluate the use of nanoparticles, the currently implemented safety measures, and the number of potentially exposed workers in all types of industry. To evaluate this, a targeted telephone survey was conducted among health and safety representatives from 197 Swiss companies. The survey showed that nanoparticles are already used in many industrial sectors; not only in companies in the new field of nanotechnology, but also in more traditional sectors, such as paints. Forty-three companies declared to use or produce nanoparticles, and 11 imported and traded with prepackaged goods that contain nanoparticles. The following nanoparticles were found to be used in considerable quantities (> 1000 kg/year per company): Ag, Al-Ox, Fe-Ox, SiO2, TiO2, and ZnO. The median reported quantity of handled nanoparticles was 100 kg/year. The production of cosmetics, food, paints, powders, and the treatment of surfaces used the largest quantities of these nanoparticles. Generally, the safety measures were found to be higher in powder-based than in liquid-based applications. However, the respondents had many open questions about best practices, which points to the need for rapid development of guidelines and protection strategies
Soluble MHC-peptide complexes, commonly known as tetramers, allow the detection and isolation of antigen-specific T cells. Although other types of soluble MHC-peptide complexes have been introduced, the most commonly used MHC class I staining reagents are those originally described by Altman and Davis. As these reagents have become an essential tool for T cell analysis, it is important to have a large repertoire of such reagents to cover a broad range of applications in cancer research and clinical trials. Our tetramer collection currently comprises 228 human and 60 mouse tetramers and new reagents are continuously being added. For the MHC II tetramers, the list currently contains 21 human (HLA-DR, DQ and DP) and 5 mouse (I-A(b)) tetramers. Quantitative enumeration of antigen-specific T cells by tetramer staining, especially at low frequencies, critically depends on the quality of the tetramers and on the staining procedures. For conclusive longitudinal monitoring, standardized reagents and analysis protocols need to be used. This is especially true for the monitoring of antigen-specific CD4+ T cells, as there are large variations in the quality of MHC II tetramers and staining conditions. This commentary provides an overview of our tetramer collection and indications on how tetramers should be used to obtain optimal results.
Rhea (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/rhea) is a comprehensive resource of expert-curated biochemical reactions. Rhea provides a non-redundant set of chemical transformations for use in a broad spectrum of applications, including metabolic network reconstruction and pathway inference. Rhea includes enzyme-catalyzed reactions (covering the IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature list), transport reactions and spontaneously occurring reactions. Rhea reactions are described using chemical species from the Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ontology (ChEBI) and are stoichiometrically balanced for mass and charge. They are extensively manually curated with links to source literature and other public resources on metabolism including enzyme and pathway databases. This cross-referencing facilitates the mapping and reconciliation of common reactions and compounds between distinct resources, which is a common first step in the reconstruction of genome scale metabolic networks and models.
The algorithmic approach to data modelling has developed rapidly these last years, in particular methods based on data mining and machine learning have been used in a growing number of applications. These methods follow a data-driven methodology, aiming at providing the best possible generalization and predictive abilities instead of concentrating on the properties of the data model. One of the most successful groups of such methods is known as Support Vector algorithms. Following the fruitful developments in applying Support Vector algorithms to spatial data, this paper introduces a new extension of the traditional support vector regression (SVR) algorithm. This extension allows for the simultaneous modelling of environmental data at several spatial scales. The joint influence of environmental processes presenting different patterns at different scales is here learned automatically from data, providing the optimum mixture of short and large-scale models. The method is adaptive to the spatial scale of the data. With this advantage, it can provide efficient means to model local anomalies that may typically arise in situations at an early phase of an environmental emergency. However, the proposed approach still requires some prior knowledge on the possible existence of such short-scale patterns. This is a possible limitation of the method for its implementation in early warning systems. The purpose of this paper is to present the multi-scale SVR model and to illustrate its use with an application to the mapping of Cs137 activity given the measurements taken in the region of Briansk following the Chernobyl accident.
Most life science processes involve, at the atomic scale, recognition between two molecules. The prediction of such interactions at the molecular level, by so-called docking software, is a non-trivial task. Docking programs have a wide range of applications ranging from protein engineering to drug design. This article presents SwissDock, a web server dedicated to the docking of small molecules on target proteins. It is based on the EADock DSS engine, combined with setup scripts for curating common problems and for preparing both the target protein and the ligand input files. An efficient Ajax/HTML interface was designed and implemented so that scientists can easily submit dockings and retrieve the predicted complexes. For automated docking tasks, a programmatic SOAP interface has been set up and template programs can be downloaded in Perl, Python and PHP. The web site also provides an access to a database of manually curated complexes, based on the Ligand Protein Database. A wiki and a forum are available to the community to promote interactions between users. The SwissDock web site is available online at http://www.swissdock.ch. We believe it constitutes a step toward generalizing the use of docking tools beyond the traditional molecular modeling community.
PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term safety and pharmacokinetic profile of a dexamethasone-loaded poly-epsilon-caprolactone (PCL) intravitreous implant. METHODS: The PCL devices were prepared by compression and were inserted into the vitreous of pigmented rabbits. At different time points, vitreous samples were retrieved, and dexamethasone concentration was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The biodegradation of the implants was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy, and the dexamethasone remaining was evaluated at the end of follow-up. Clinical and histologic examinations were performed to evaluate the implant's tolerance. RESULTS: The PCL implant allows for a controlled and prolonged delivery of dexamethasone in rabbits eyes since it released the drug within the therapeutic range for at least 55 weeks. At 55 weeks approximately 79% of the drug was still present in the implant. Biodegradation study showed that PCL implants degradation is very slow. Clinical and histologic observations showed that the devices were very well tolerated in the rabbit eye. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the feasibility and tolerance of intravitreous PCL drug delivery systems, which can offer a wide range of applications for intraocular drug delivery because of their controlled and prolonged release over months or even years.