68 resultados para Interface Conduction Path

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Cette étude examine deux copies de la "Vie et Passion de Jésus Christ" conservées par la Cinémathèque suisse avec une première préoccupation de type philologique qui conduit à prendre la mesure de l'autonomisation de chacun des "tableaux" composant le film et de l'hétérogénéité de ce dernier. Puis les constats émis à propos du support matériel sont articulés avec une réflexion d'ordre esthétique qui dégage l'importance de l'"effet-tableau" inscrivant cette production filmique dans une généalogie plus large. Le cinéma étant alors le lieu de convergences entre diverses séries culturelles, l'article envisage les liens entre la production Pathé et une pratique jusqu'ici peu discutée dans ce contexte, celle du tableau vivant. This article is a study of two copies of the "Life and Passion of Jesus Christ" held at the Cinemathèque suisse. Our first, broadly philological, concern is to recognise the degree of autonomy of each of the "tableaus" that make up the film, thus establishing the latter's heterogeneous composition. Secondly, adopting a more aesthetic approach, we discuss the importance of the tableau-effect, placing this kind of film production in a wider genealogical context. Given that cinema was at the time a meeting place for different cultural sequences, this article the examines the links between Pathe films and the "tableau vivant", a practice that until now has been rarely discussed in this regard.


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Computer simulations on a new model of the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor based on the crystal structure of rhodopsin have been combined with experimental mutagenesis to investigate the role of residues in the cytosolic half of helix 6 in receptor activation. Our results support the hypothesis that a salt bridge between the highly conserved arginine (R143(3.50)) of the E/DRY motif of helix 3 and a conserved glutamate (E289(6.30)) on helix 6 constrains the alpha1b-AR in the inactive state. In fact, mutations of E289(6.30) that weakened the R143(3.50)-E289(6.30) interaction constitutively activated the receptor. The functional effect of mutating other amino acids on helix 6 (F286(6.27), A292(6.33), L296(6.37), V299(6.40,) V300(6.41), and F303(6.44)) correlates with the extent of their interaction with helix 3 and in particular with R143(3.50) of the E/DRY sequence.


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We previously established that exogenous adenosine (ADO) induces transient arrhythmias in the developing heart via the adenosine A1 receptor (A1AR) and downstream activation of NADPH oxidase/ERK and PLC/PKC pathways. Here, we investigated the mechanisms by which accumulation of endogenous ADO and its derived compound inosine (INO) in the interstitial compartment induce rhythm and conduction troubles. The validated model of the spontaneously beating heart obtained from 4-day-old chick embryos was used. Quantitative RT-PCR showed that enzymes involved in ADO and INO metabolism (CD39, CD73 and eADA) as well as equilibrative (ENT1, -3, -4) and concentrative (CNT3) nucleoside transporters were differentially expressed in atria, ventricle and outflow tract. Inactivation of ENTs by dipyridamole, 1) increased myocardial ADO level, 2) provoked atrial arrhythmias and atrio-ventricular blocks (AVB) in 70% of the hearts, 3) prolonged P wave and QT interval without altering contractility, and 4) increased ERK2 phosphorylation. Blockade of CD73-mediated phosphohydrolysis of AMP to ADO, MEK/ERK pathway inhibition or A1AR inhibition prevented these arrhythmias. Exposure to exogenous INO also caused atrial ectopy associated with AVB and ERK2 phosphorylation which were prevented by A1AR or A2AAR antagonists exclusively or by MEK/ERK inhibitor. Inhibition of ADA-mediated conversion of ADO to INO increased myocardial ADO and decreased INO as expected, but slightly augmented heart rate variability without provoking AVB. Thus, during cardiogenesis, disturbances of nucleosides metabolism and transport, can lead to interstitial accumulation of ADO and INO and provoke arrhythmias in an autocrine/paracrine manner through A1AR and A2AAR stimulation and ERK2 activation.


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Les troubles dissociatifs se présentent souvent par une clinique neurologique atypique impliquant une démarche diagnostique complexe à l'interface de la neurologie et de la psychiatrie. La restitution du diagnostic aux patients et leur prise en charge nécessitent une étroite collaboration interdisciplinaire. Les connaissances actuelles sont encore limitées, mais ce domaine est enrichi par des études récentes en neurosciences cliniques. Cet article présente les principaux aspects des troubles dissociatifs et formule un concept de prise en charge. Dissociative disorders often have an atypical neurological presentation requiring a complex diagnostic process at the interface between neurology and psychiatry. A strong interdisciplinary collaboration is needed for diagnosis restitution and patient treatment. Current knowledge is still scarce but recent studies in clinical neuroscience enrich this field. This article presents the main aspects of dissociative disorders and suggests a treatment framework


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The preclinical Alzheimer's disease (AD) - amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) - is manifested by phenotypes classified into exclusively memory (single-domain) MCI (sMCI) and multiple-domain MCI (mMCI). We suggest that typical MCI-to-AD progression occurs through the sMCI-to-mMCI sequence as a result of the extension of initial pathological processes. To support this hypothesis, we assess myelin content with a Magnetization Transfer Ratio (MTR) in 21 sMCI and 21 mMCI patients and in 42 age-, sex-, and education-matched controls. A conjunction analysis revealed MTR reduction shared by sMCI and mMCI groups in the medial temporal lobe and posterior structures including white matter (WM: splenium, posterior corona radiata) and gray matter (GM: hippocampus; parahippocampal and lingual gyri). A disjunction analysis showed the spread of demyelination to prefrontal WM and insula GM in executive mMCI. Our findings suggest that demyelination starts in the structures affected by neurofibrillary pathology; its presence correlates with the clinical picture and indicates the method of MCI-to-AD progression. In vivo staging of preclinical AD can be developed in terms of WM/GM demyelination.


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Le but de la consultation systémique est l'évaluation des interactions familiales à des fins cliniques aussi bien qu'à des fins de recherche, avec mise en lumière des ressources aussi bien que des difficultés de la famille. Elle est soit demandée spontanément par les parents soit par le(s) thérapeute(s) qui sui(ven)t la famille. Lors d'une première rencontre, nous proposons d'une part à la famille de faire des jeux familiaux standardisés que nous filmons et d'autre part de poser les questions qui motivent les parents ou thérapeute(s) à nous consulter. Lors d'une deuxième rencontre, un visionnement des films avec la famille (et les thérapeutes) permet une discussion ainsi que l'élaboration de réponses aux questions posées. Après une description de la pratique de la consultation systémique, avec ses objectifs et ses principes, les situations utilisées dans ce contexte sont présentées (comme le Lausanne Trilogue Play). Enfin, une vignette clinique en illustre la richesse et l'utilité, aussi bien pour la recherche que pour la clinique. The aim of the systems consultation is to assess the family interaction in order to enlighten, in a clinical perspective, the resources as well as the difficulties of the family. The family itself or a therapist may request it. During the first session, we propose to the family, on the one hand, to play standardized games which are recorded and, on the other hand, to ask the questions they (or the therapist/s) may have. During the second session, a video feedback takes place to discuss and elaborate on the questions. After a description of the practice of the systems consultation, including aims and principles, the observational situations used in this context will be presented (e.g. the Lausanne Trilogue Play). Finally a case illustration will show its richness and usefulness for research as well as for clinical purposes, in particular as a bridge between research and clinical domains.


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A promising approach to adoptive transfer therapy of tumors is to reprogram autologous T lymphocytes by TCR gene transfer of defined Ag specificity. An obstacle, however, is the undesired pairing of introduced TCRalpha- and TCRbeta-chains with the endogenous TCR chains. These events vary depending on the individual endogenous TCR and they not only may reduce the levels of cell surface-introduced TCR but also may generate hybrid TCR with unknown Ag specificities. We show that such hybrid heterodimers can be generated even by the pairing of human and mouse TCRalpha- and TCRbeta-chains. To overcome this hurdle, we have identified a pair of amino acid residues in the crystal structure of a TCR that lie at the interface of associated TCR Calpha and Cbeta domains and are related to each other by both a complementary steric interaction analogous to a "knob-into-hole" configuration and the electrostatic environment. We mutated the two residues so as to invert the sense of this interaction analogous to a charged "hole-into-knob" configuration. We show that this inversion in the CalphaCbeta interface promotes selective assembly of the introduced TCR while preserving its specificity and avidity for Ag ligand. Noteworthily, this TCR modification was equally efficient on both a Mu and a Hu TCR. Our data suggest that this approach is generally applicable to TCR independently of their Ag specificity and affinity, subset distribution, and species of origin. Thus, this strategy may optimize TCR gene transfer to efficiently and safely reprogram random T cells into tumor-reactive T cells.


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Hip or knee arthroplasty is proposed after osteoarthritis or an accident. It is decided after a long path of pain and decrease in the quality of life. This research explores the period of illness until surgery. Twenty-four semi-structured interviews were conducted one month before surgery and a thematic discourse analysis performed. The diversity and complexity of the patient experience, in a commonly performed surgical intervention underlines important topics, requiring attention in order to improve patient preparations and information prior to arthroplasty: information adapted to individual concerns, needs and representations. Psychological and physical acceptance is necessary for integration of the prosthesis.


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L'émergence des nouvelles technologies de la reproduction (NTR) est allée de pair avec un certain nombre de discours. Un discours promettant d'une part une extension de la palette de choix reproductifs des individus, une extension de leur liberté et de leur autonomie reproductives, dont la forme la plus extrême peut se traduire par la formule : un enfant quand je veux et comme je veux. D'autre part, un discours annonçant une série de « catastrophes » à venir, telles que l'effondrement de l'institution de la famille et la modification de l'espèce humaine. En d'autres termes, une tension entre promesses et catastrophes qui place les sociétés contemporaines face à de nombreux défis sociaux, politiques et éthiques, notamment quant à la question de la régulation de la PMA (procréation médicalement assistée) : qui peut y avoir accès ? Quelles techniques doit-on autoriser ? Ou au contraire limiter ? Tant de questions auxquelles aucune réponse simple et évidente n'existe. La diversité des réponses législatives quant à ces questions illustre cette complexité. L'éthique peut, ici, jouer un rôle fondamental. Sans toutefois prétendre donner des réponses toutes faites et facilement applicables, elle offre un espace de réflexion, le privilège de prendre une certaine distance face à des enjeux contemporains. C'est dans cette perspective que nous avons ancré ce travail de recherche en questionnant les enjeux éthiques de la PMA à partir d'une perspective de justice. Toutefois, au sein des études en bioéthique, majoritairement issues de la tradition libérale, la tension énoncée précédemment mène la bioéthique à justifier un certain nombre d'inégalités plutôt que de veiller à les dépasser. Ainsi, une évaluation de la pratique de la PMA à partir d'une perspective de la justice, exige, au préalable, une réévaluation du concept même de justice. Ce faisant, par une articulation entre l'éthique du care de Joan Tronto et l'approche des capabilités de Martha Nussbaum qui placent la vulnérabilité au coeur de la personne, nous avons proposé une conception de la justice fondée sur une anthropologie de la vulnérabilité. Cette conception nous permet d'identifier, dans le cadre de la pratique de la PMA en Suisse et en partant de la loi sur la procréation assistée (LPMA), les constructions normatives qui mènent à la non-reconnaissance et, ce faisant, à la mise à l'écart, de certaines formes de vulnérabilité : une vulnérabilité générique et une vulnérabilité socio-économique. Traitant la question de la vulnérabilité générique principalement, nos analyses ont une incidence sur les conceptions de la famille, du bien de l'enfant, de la femme et de la nature, telles qu'elles sont actuellement véhiculées par une conception naturalisée de la PMA. Répondre aux vulnérabilités identifiées, en veillant à leur donner une place, signifie alors déplacer ces conceptions naturalisées, afin que les vulnérabilités soient intégrées aux pratiques sociales et que les exigences de justice soient ainsi remplies. - The emergence of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) came along with several discourses. On the one hand a discourse promising an extension of the individuals' reproductive choices, their procreative liberty and autonomy. On the other hand a discourse announced a series of disasters to come such as the collapse of the family institution and the modification of human kind. In other words, a growing tension appears between promises and disasters and contemporary societies are facing inevitable social, political and ethical challenges, in particular with regard to the issue of ART regulation: who has access? What procedures should be authorized? Which ones should be limited? These complex questions have no simple or obvious answers. The variety of legislative responses to these questions highlights complexity. Ethics can play a fundamental role, and without claiming to give simple answers, also offer a space for reflection as well as the privilege to distance itself with regard to contemporary issues. It is in this perspective that this study questions the ethical considerations of ART in a perspective of justice. However, in previous studies in bioethics mainly following a liberal tradition, previously mentioned tension has lead bioethics to justify some inequalities instead of trying to overcome them. As a consequence, evaluating practices of ART from a perspective of justice requires to first reevaluate the concept of justice itself. In doing so we offer a conception of justice founded on the anthropology of vulnerability. This conception draws on an articulation of the ethic of care of Joan Tronto and the capability approach of Martha Nussbaum, which places vulnerability at the center of the person. This conception allows us to identify, within the framework of ARTS in Switzerland and starting with the laws of medically assisted procreation (LPMA), some normative constructions. These constructions lead to the non-recognition and the disregard of some forms of vulnerability: a generic vulnerability as well as socio-economic counterpart. Focusing mainly on the issue of generic vulnerability, our analysis has implications for the conceptions of family, the best interests of the child, woman, and nature in the way they are defined in a naturalized conception of ART. Responding to such failures by taking into account these vulnerabilities thus means to move these conceptions in order for vulnerabilities to be integrated in social practices and requirements for justice to be fulfilled.


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INTRODUCTION: Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) may be triggered by intermittent atrial tachycardia, and ultimately lead to persistent AF. However, the mechanisms by which intermittent atrial tachycardia promotes sustained AF are not well understood. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eight sheep were chronically implanted with 2 pacemakers for the recording of broadband right atrial unipolar electrograms, and for the delivery of electrophysiological stimulation protocols and intermittent right atrial tachycardia. Right atrial kinetics of activation recovery interval (ARI) as a surrogate for action potential duration, of conduction time and velocity, and of repolarization alternans were analyzed at incremental pacing rates during the remodeling process induced by weeks of intermittent atrial tachycardia until the development of sustained AF. Intermittent atrial tachycardia decreased ARI and blunted its rate adaptation, facilitated atrial capture, and slowed conduction at high rates, and increased susceptibility to pacing-induced AF. In spite of blunted ARI rate adaptation, right atrial repolarization alternans was maintained during remodeling, and further increased in magnitude just before rapid pacing-induced AF. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that weeks of intermittent right atrial tachycardia result in a gradual electrical remodeling favorable for wavebreaks and reentry that may facilitate fibrillation.


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AIMS: Brugada syndrome (BrS) is characterized by arrhythmias leading to sudden cardiac death. BrS is caused, in part, by mutations in the SCN5A gene, which encodes the sodium channel alpha-subunit Na(v)1.5. Here, we aimed to characterize the biophysical properties and consequences of a novel BrS SCN5A mutation. METHODS AND RESULTS: SCN5A was screened for mutations in a male patient with type-1 BrS pattern ECG. Wild-type (WT) and mutant Na(v)1.5 channels were expressed in HEK293 cells. Sodium currents (I(Na)) were analysed using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique at 37 degrees C. The electrophysiological effects of the mutation were simulated using the Luo-Rudy model, into which the transient outward current (I(to)) was incorporated. A new mutation (C1850S) was identified in the Na(v)1.5 C-terminal domain. In HEK293 cells, mutant I(Na) density was decreased by 62% at -20 mV. Inactivation of mutant I(Na) was accelerated in a voltage-dependent manner and the steady-state inactivation curve was shifted by 11.6 mV towards negative potentials. No change was observed regarding activation characteristics. Altogether, these biophysical alterations decreased the availability of I(Na). In the simulations, the I(to) density necessary to precipitate repolarization differed minimally between the two genotypes. In contrast, the mutation greatly affected conduction across a structural heterogeneity and precipitated conduction block. CONCLUSION: Our data confirm that mutations of the C-terminal domain of Na(v)1.5 alter the inactivation of the channel and support the notion that conduction alterations may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of BrS.