3 resultados para Interação fármaco-adjuvante
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Combined radiation and hormone therapies have become common clinical practice in recent years for locally-advanced prostate cancers. The use of such concomitant therapy in the treatment of breast disease has been infrequently reported in the literature, but seems justified given the common hormonal dependence of breast cancer and the potential synergistic effect of these two treatment modalities. As adjuvant therapy, two strategies are used in daily clinical practice: upfront aromatase inhibitors or sequentially after a variable delay of tamoxifen. These molecules may, thus, interact with radiotherapy. Retrospectives studies recently published did not show any differences in terms of locoregional recurrences between concurrent or sequential radiohormonotherapy. Lung and skin fibroses due to concurrent treatment are still under debate. Nevertheless, late side effects appeared to be increased by such a treatment, particularly in hypersensitive patients identified at risk by the lymphocyte predictive test. Concurrent radiohormonotherapy should, thus, be delivered cautiously at least for these patients. This article details the potent advantages and risks of concurrent use of adjuvant hormonotherapy and radiotherapy in localized breast cancers.
Several large randomized trials showed that tamoxifen alone is no more the standard adjuvant hormonal therapy for menopausal patients. Aromatase inhibitors, given upfront or sequentially after tamoxifen, confirmed their efficacy by improving disease free survival, risk of distant metastasis and overall survival in some situations or subgroups of patients. These drugs are usually well tolerated, but they clearly increase bone mineral density loss as well as the risk of fractures and their long term safety on the cardio-vascular system needs to be followed. Thus, even if the role of the aromatase inhibitors is now evident in the adjuvant therapy of postmenopausal women the benefice/risk ratio should be carefully evaluated for each patient.
L'hormonoradiothérapie concomitante est utilisée depuis plusieurs années en pratique clinique quotidienne dans les cancers localement évolués de la prostate. Le transfert de ce concept en pathologie mammaire a été très peu rapporté dans la littérature, mais semble pourtant licite devant l'hormonodépendance fréquente des cancers du sein et la synergie potentielle de ces deux armes thérapeutiques. En situation adjuvante, deux stratégies sont actuellement utilisées : la prescription d'un inhibiteur de l'aromatase d'emblée ou après un délai plus ou moins long de tamoxifène. En pratique, ces molécules peuvent donc interagir avec la radiothérapie adjuvante. Les études rétrospectives récemment publiées n'ont pas mis en évidence de différence significative sur l'incidence des évènements, notamment locorégionaux, de l'association concomitante ou séquentielle du tamoxifène à la radiothérapie. La toxicité de l'association reste discutable en termes de fibroses sous-cutanée et pulmonaire. Il semble que le tamoxifène aggraverait les séquelles postradiques uniquement chez les patientes prédisposées à souffrir d'effets tardifs de la radiothérapie et identifiées par un test prédictif biologique. La prudence reste donc encore de mise du moins pour ces patientes. Cet article détaille les avantages et les risques de l'utilisation concomitante de la radiothérapie et de l'hormonothérapie adjuvantes des cancers localisés du sein. Combined radiation and hormone therapies have become common clinical practice in recent years for locally-advanced prostate cancers. The use of such concomitant therapy in the treatment of breast disease has been infrequently reported in the literature, but seems justified given the common hormonal dependence of breast cancer and the potential synergistic effect of these two treatment modalities. As adjuvant therapy, two strategies are used in daily clinical practice: upfront aromatase inhibitors or sequentially after a variable delay of tamoxifen. These molecules may, thus, interact with radiotherapy. Retrospectives studies recently published did not show any differences in terms of locoregional recurrences between concurrent or sequential radiohormonotherapy. Lung and skin fibroses due to concurrent treatment are still under debate. Nevertheless, late side effects appeared to be increased by such a treatment, particularly in hypersensitive patients identified at risk by the lymphocyte predictive test. Concurrent radiohormonotherapy should, thus, be delivered cautiously at least for these patients. This article details the potent advantages and risks of concurrent use of adjuvant hormonotherapy and radiotherapy in localized breast cancers.