142 resultados para Intensive fish larva rearing
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
To test the dose response effect of infused fish oil (FO) rich in n-3 PUFAs on the inflammatory response to endotoxin (LPS) and on membrane incorporation of fatty acids in healthy subjects. Prospective, sequential investigation comparing three different FO doses. Three groups of male subjects aged 26.8 +/- 3.2 years (BMI 22.5 +/- 2.1). One of three FO doses (Omegaven10%) as a slow infusion before LPS: 0.5 g/kg 1 day before LPS, 0.2 g/kg 1 day before, or 0.2 g/kg 2 h before. Temperature, hemodynamic variables, indirect calorimetry and blood samples (TNF-alpha, stress hormones) were collected. After LPS temperature, ACTH and TNF-alpha concentrations increased in the three groups: the responses were significantly blunted (p < 0.0001) compared with the control group of the Pluess et al. trial. Cortisol was unchanged. Lowest plasma ACTH, TNF-alpha and temperature AUC values were observed after a single 0.2 g/kg dose of FO. EPA incorporation into platelet membranes was dose-dependent. Having previously shown that the response to LPS was reproducible, this study shows that three FO doses blunted it to various degrees. The 0.2 g/kg perfusion immediately before LPS was the most efficient in blunting the responses, suggesting LPS capture in addition to the systemic and membrane effects.
OBJECTIVE: Fish oil (FO) may attenuate the inflammatory response after major surgery such as abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) surgery. We aimed at evaluating the clinical impact and safety aspects of a FO containing parenteral nutrition (PN) after AAA surgery. METHODS: Intervention consisted in 4 days of either standard (STD: Lipofundin medium-chain triglyceride (MCT): long-chain triglyceride (LCT)50%-MCT50%) or FO containing PN (FO: Lipoplus: LCT40%-MCT50%-FO10%). Energy target were set at 1.3 times the preoperative resting energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry. Blood sampling on days 0, 2, 3 and 4. Glucose turnover by the (2)H(2)-glucose method. Muscle microdialysis. Clinical data: maximal daily T degrees, intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital stay. RESULTS: Both solutions were clinically well tolerated, without any differences in laboratory safety parameters, inflammatory, metabolic data, or in organ failures. Plasma tocopherol increased similarly; with FO, docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acid increased significantly by day 4 versus baseline or STD. To increased postoperatively, with a trend to lower values in FO group (P=0.09). After FO, a trend toward shorter ICU stay (1.6+/-0.4 versus 2.3+/-0.4), and hospital stay (9.9+/-2.4 versus 11.3+/-2.7 days: P=0.19) was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Both lipid emulsions were well tolerated. FO-PN enhanced the plasma n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content, and was associated with trends to lower body temperature and shorter length of stay.
Introduction: Drug prescription is difficult in ICUs as prescribers are many, drugs expensive and decisions complex. In our ICU, specialist clinicians (SC) are entitled to prescribe a list of specific drugs, negotiated with intensive care physicians (ICP). The objective of this investigation was to assess the 5-year evolution of quantity and costs of drug prescription in our adult ICU and identify the relative costs generated by ICP or SC. Methods: Quantities and costs of drugs delivered on a quarterly basis to the adult ICU of our hospital between 2004 and 2008 were extracted from the pharmacy database by ATC code, an international five-level classification system. Within each ATC first level, drugs with either high level of consumption, high costs or large variations in quantities and costs were singled out and split by type of prescriber, ICP or SC. Cost figures used were drug purchase prices by the hospital pharmacy. Results: Over the 5-year period, both quantities and costs of drugs increased, following a nonsteady, nonparallel pattern. Four ATC codes accounted for 80% of both quantities and costs, with ATC code B (blood and haematopoietic organs) amounting to 63% in quantities and 41% in costs, followed by ATC code J (systemic anti-infective, 20% of the costs), ATC code N (nervous system, 11% of the costs) and ATC code C (cardiovascular system, 8% of the costs). Prescription by SC amounted to 1% in drug quantities, but 19% in drug costs. The rate of increase in quantities and costs was seven times larger for ICP than for SC (Figure 1 overleaf ). Some peak values in costs and quantities were related to a very limited number of patients. Conclusions: A 5-year increase in quantities and costs of drug prescription in an ICU is a matter of concern. Rather unexpectedly, total costs and cost increases were generated mainly by ICP. A careful follow-up is necessary to try influencing this evolution through an institutional policy co-opted by all professional categories involved in the process.
BACKGROUND: Multiple interventions were made to optimize the medication process in our intensive care unit (ICU). 1 Transcriptions from the medical order form to the administration plan were eliminated by merging both into a single document; 2 the new form was built in a logical sequence and was highly structured to promote completeness and standardization of information; 3 frequently used drug names, approved units, and fixed routes were pre-printed; 4 physicians and nurses were trained with regard to the correct use of the new form. This study was aimed at evaluating the impact of these interventions on clinically significant types of medication errors. METHODS: Eight types of medication errors were measured by a prospective chart review before and after the interventions in the ICU of a public tertiary care hospital. We used an interrupted time-series design to control the secular trends. RESULTS: Over 85 days, 9298 lines of drug prescription and/or administration to 294 patients, corresponding to 754 patient-days were collected and analysed for the three series before and three series following the intervention. Global error rate decreased from 4.95 to 2.14% (-56.8%, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The safety of the medication process in our ICU was improved by simple and inexpensive interventions. In addition to the optimization of the prescription writing process, the documentation of intravenous preparation, and the scheduling of administration, the elimination of the transcription in combination with the training of users contributed to reducing errors and carried an interesting potential to increase safety.
BACKGROUND: Males that are successful in intra-sexual competition are often assumed to be of superior quality. In the mating system of most salmonid species, intensive dominance fights are common and the winners monopolise most mates and sire most offspring. We drew a random sample of mature male brown trout (Salmo trutta) from two wild populations and determined their dominance hierarchy or traits linked to dominance. The fish were then stripped and their sperm was used for in vitro fertilisations in two full-factorial breeding designs. We recorded embryo viability until hatching in both experiments, and juvenile survival during 20 months after release into a natural streamlet in the second experiment. Since offspring of brown trout get only genes from their fathers, we used offspring survival as a quality measure to test (i) whether males differ in their genetic quality, and if so, (ii) whether dominance or traits linked to dominance reveal 'good genes'. RESULTS: We found significant additive genetic variance on embryo survival, i.e. males differed in their genetic quality. Older, heavier and larger males were more successful in intra-sexual selection. However, neither dominance nor dominance indicators like body length, weight or age were significantly linked to genetic quality measured as embryo or juvenile survival. CONCLUSION: We found no evidence that females can improve their offspring's genetic viability by mating with large and dominant males. If there still were advantages of mating with dominant males, they may be linked to non-genetic benefits or to genetic advantages that are context dependent and therefore possibly not revealed under our experimental conditions - even if we found significant additive genetic variation for embryo viability under such conditions.
QUESTION UNDER STUDY: To assess which high-risk acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patient characteristics played a role in prioritising access to intensive care unit (ICU), and whether introducing clinical practice guidelines (CPG) explicitly stating ICU admission criteria altered this practice. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All consecutive patients with ACS admitted to our medical emergency centre over 3 months before and after CPG implementation were prospectively assessed. The impact of demographic and clinical characteristics (age, gender, cardiovascular risk factors, and clinical parameters upon admission) on ICU hospitalisation of high-risk patients (defined as retrosternal pain of prolonged duration with ECG changes and/or positive troponin blood level) was studied by logistic regression. RESULTS: Before and after CPG implementation, 328 and 364 patients, respectively, were assessed for suspicion of ACS. Before CPG implementation, 36 of the 81 high-risk patients (44.4%) were admitted to ICU. After CPG implementation, 35 of the 90 high-risk patients (38.9%) were admitted to ICU. Male patients were more frequently admitted to ICU before CPG implementation (OR=7.45, 95% CI 2.10-26.44), but not after (OR=0.73, 95% CI 0.20-2.66). Age played a significant role in both periods (OR=1.57, 95% CI 1.24-1.99), both young and advanced ages significantly reducing ICU admission, but to a lesser extent after CPG implementation. CONCLUSION: Prioritisation of access to ICU for high-risk ACS patients was age-dependent, but focused on the cardiovascular risk factor profile. CPG implementation explicitly stating ICU admission criteria decreased discrimination against women, but other factors are likely to play a role in bed allocation.
We evaluated a new pulse oximeter designed to monitor beat-to-beat arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) and compared the monitored SaO2 with arterial samples measured by co-oximetry. In 40 critically ill children (112 data sets) with a mean age of 3.9 years (range 1 day to 19 years), SaO2 ranged from 57% to 100%, and PaO2 from 27 to 128 mm Hg, heart rates from 85 to 210 beats per minute, hematocrit from 20% to 67%, and fetal hemoglobin levels from 1.3% to 60%; peripheral temperatures varied between 26.5 degrees and 36.5 degrees C. Linear correlation analysis revealed a good agreement between simultaneous pulse oximeter values and both directly measured SaO2 (r = 0.95) and that calculated from measured arterial PaO2 (r = 0.95). The device detected several otherwise unrecognized drops in SaO2 but failed to function in four patients with poor peripheral perfusion secondary to low cardiac output. Simultaneous measurements with a tcPO2 electrode showed a similarly good correlation with PaO22 (r = 0.91), but the differences between the two measurements were much wider (mean 7.1 +/- 10.3 mm Hg, range -14 to +49 mm Hg) than the differences between pulse oximeter SaO2 and measured SaO2 (1.5% +/- 3.5%, range -7.5% to -9%) and were not predictable. We conclude that pulse oximetry is a reliable and accurate noninvasive device for measuring saturation, which because of its rapid response time may be an important advance in monitoring changes in oxygenation and guiding oxygen therapy.
In hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), the simultaneous occurrence of specific aneuploidies confers a more favourable outcome than hyperdiploidy alone. Interphase (I) FISH complements conventional cytogenetics (CC) through its sensitivity and ability to detect chromosome aberrations in non-dividing cells. To overcome the limits of manual I-FISH, we developed an automated four-colour I-FISH approach and assessed its ability to detect concurrent aneuploidies in ALL. I-FISH was performed using centromeric probes for chromosomes 4, 6, 10 and 17. Parameters established for automatic nucleus selection and signal detection were evaluated (3 controls). Cut-off values were determined (10 controls, 1000 nuclei/case). Combinations of aneuploidies were considered relevant when each aneuploidy was individually significant. Results obtained in 10 ALL patients (1500 nuclei/patient) were compared with those by CC. Various combinations of aneuploidies were identified. All clones detected by CC were observed by I-FISH. I-FISH revealed numerous additional abnormal clones, ranging between 0.1 % and 31.6%, based on the large number of nuclei evaluated. Four-colour automated I-FISH permits the identification of concurrent aneuploidies of prognostic significance in hyperdiploid ALL. Large numbers of cells can be analysed rapidly by this method. Owing to its high sensitivity, the method provides a powerful tool for the detection of small abnormal clones at diagnosis and during follow up. Compared to CC, it generates a more detailed cytogenetic picture, the biological and clinical significance of which merits further evaluation. Once optimised for a given set of probes, the system can be easily adapted for other probe combinations.
Despite the advantage of avoiding the costs of sexual reproduction, asexual vertebrates are very rare and often considered evolutionarily disadvantaged when compared to sexual species. Asexual species, however, may have advantages when colonizing (new) habitats or competing with sexual counterparts. They are also evolutionary older than expected, leaving the question whether asexual vertebrates are not only rare because of their 'inferior' mode of reproduction but also because of other reasons. A paradigmatic model system is the unisexual Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa, that arose by hybridization of the Atlantic molly, Poecilia mexicana, as the maternal ancestor, and the sailfin molly, Poecilia latipinna, as the paternal ancestor. Our extensive crossing experiments failed to resynthesize asexually reproducing (gynogenetic) hybrids confirming results of previous studies. However, by producing diploid eggs, female F(1) -hybrids showed apparent preadaptation to gynogenesis. In a range-wide analysis of mitochondrial sequences, we examined the origin of P. formosa. Our analyses point to very few or even a single origin(s) of its lineage, which is estimated to be approximately 120,000 years old. A monophyletic origin was supported from nuclear microsatellite data. Furthermore, a considerable degree of genetic variation, apparent by high levels of clonal microsatellite diversity, was found. Our molecular phylogenetic evidence and the failure to resynthesize the gynogenetic P. formosa together with the old age of the species indicate that some unisexual vertebrates might be rare not because they suffer the long-term consequences of clonal reproduction but because they are only very rarely formed as a result of complex genetic preconditions necessary to produce viable and fertile clonal genomes and phenotypes ('rare formation hypothesis').
There is mounting evidence that organic or inorganic enrichment of aquatic environments increases the risk of infectious diseases, with disease agents ranging from helminth parasites to fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens. The causal link between microbial resource availability and disease risk is thought to be complex and, in the case of so-called "opportunistic pathogens," to involve additional stressors that weaken host resistance (e.g., temperature shifts or oxygen deficiencies). In contrast to this perception, our experiment shows that the link between resource levels and infection of fish embryos can be very direct: increased resource availability can transform benign microbial communities into virulent ones. We find that embryos can be harmed before further stresses (e.g., oxygen depletion) weaken them, and treatment with antibiotics and fungicides cancels the detrimental effects. The changed characteristics of symbiotic microbial communities could simply reflect density-dependent relationships or be due to a transition in life-history strategy. Our findings demonstrate that simple microhabitat changes can be sufficient to turn "opportunistic" into virulent pathogens.
PURPOSE: An optimal target for glucose control in ICU patients remains unclear. This prospective randomized controlled trial compared the effects on ICU mortality of intensive insulin therapy (IIT) with an intermediate glucose control. METHODS: Adult patients admitted to the 21 participating medico-surgical ICUs were randomized to group 1 (target BG 7.8-10.0 mmol/L) or to group 2 (target BG 4.4-6.1 mmol/L). RESULTS: While the required sample size was 1,750 per group, the trial was stopped early due to a high rate of unintended protocol violations. From 1,101 admissions, the outcomes of 542 patients assigned to group 1 and 536 of group 2 were analysed. The groups were well balanced. BG levels averaged in group 1 8.0 mmol/L (IQR 7.1-9.0) (median of all values) and 7.7 mmol/L (IQR 6.7-8.8) (median of morning BG) versus 6.5 mmol/L (IQR 6.0-7.2) and 6.1 mmol/L (IQR 5.5-6.8) for group 2 (p < 0.0001 for both comparisons). The percentage of patients treated with insulin averaged 66.2 and 96.3%, respectively. Proportion of time spent in target BG was similar, averaging 39.5% and 45.1% (median (IQR) 34.3 (18.5-50.0) and 39.3 (26.2-53.6)%) in the groups 1 and 2, respectively. The rate of hypoglycaemia was higher in the group 2 (8.7%) than in group 1 (2.7%, p < 0.0001). ICU mortality was similar in the two groups (15.3 vs. 17.2%). CONCLUSIONS: In this prematurely stopped and therefore underpowered study, there was a lack of clinical benefit of intensive insulin therapy (target 4.4-6.1 mmol/L), associated with an increased incidence of hypoglycaemia, as compared to a 7.8-10.0 mmol/L target. (ClinicalTrials.gov # NCT00107601, EUDRA-CT Number: 200400391440).
Hypoglycemia, if recurrent, may have severe consequences on cognitive and psychomotor development of neonates. Therefore, screening for hypoglycemia is a daily routine in every facility taking care of newborn infants. Point-of-care-testing (POCT) devices are interesting for neonatal use, as their handling is easy, measurements can be performed at bedside, demanded blood volume is small and results are readily available. However, such whole blood measurements are challenged by a wide variation of hematocrit in neonates and a spectrum of normal glucose concentration at the lower end of the test range. We conducted a prospective trial to check precision and accuracy of the best suitable POCT device for neonatal use from three leading companies in Europe. Of the three devices tested (Precision Xceed, Abbott; Elite XL, Bayer; Aviva Nano, Roche), Aviva Nano exhibited the best precision. None completely fulfilled the ISO-accuracy-criteria 15197: 2003 or 2011. Aviva Nano fulfilled these criteria in 92% of cases while the others were <87%. Precision Xceed reached the 95% limit of the 2003 ISO-criteria for values ≤4.2 mmol/L, but not for the higher range (71%). Although validated for adults, new POCT devices need to be specifically evaluated on newborn infants before adopting their routine use in neonatology.