14 resultados para Indice conforto bioclimático

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Cette étude de cas s'attache à mettre en évidence le réemploi de séquences narratives d'origines diverses dans la composition d'une « Étude philosophique » de La Comédie humaine, L'Élixir de longue vie. Il ne s'agit pas de révéler une hypothétique unique source de L'Élixir, mais de montrer, par un examen minutieux, comment le texte balzacien réorganise des éléments issus de plusieurs hypotextes dans un contexte discursif, textuel et intertextuel nouveau, afin de produire des effets de sens inédits.


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Background: Thin melanomas (Breslow thickness <= 1 mm) are considered highly curable. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between histological tumour regression and sentinel lymph node (SLN) involvement in thin melanomas. Patients and methods: This was a retrospective single-centre study of 34 patients with thin melanomas undergoing SLN biopsy between April 1998 and January 2005. Results: The study included 14 women and 20 men of mean age 56.3 years. Melanomas were located on the neck (n = 3), soles (n = 4), trunk (n = 13) and extremities (n = 14). Pathological examination showed 25 SSM, four acral lentiginous melanomas, three in situ melanomas, one nodular melanoma and one unclassified melanoma with a mean Breslow thickness of 0.57 mm. Histological tumour regression was observed in 26 over 34 cases and ulceration was found in one case. Clark levels were as follows: I (n = 3), II (n = 20), III (n = 9), IV (n = 2). Growth phase was available in 15 cases (seven radial and eight vertical). Mitotic rates, available in 24 cases, were: 0 (n = 9), 1 (n = 11), 2 (n = 2), 3 (n = 1), 6 (n = 1). One patient with histological tumour regression (2.9% of cases and 3.8% of cases with regressing tumours) had a metastatic SLN. One patient negative for SLN had a lung relapse and died of the disease. Mean follow-up was 26.2 months. Conclusion: The results of the present study and the analysis of the literature show that histological regression of the primary tumour does not seem predictive of higher risk of SLN involvement in thin melanomas. This suggests that screening for SLN is not indicated in thin melanomas, even those with histological regression.


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OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to calculate the percentiles of BMI of a cohort of 1,203 children and adolescents, representing the 95% of the pupils of the school, born in 1980 followed longitudinally between 5 and 16 years. We compare these percentiles with those of the first swiss study, calculated on a cohort born in 1954-1956. METHODS: The percentiles were calculated with the method of Cole, on the basis of weight and height measured during the controls by the school health service, at a non-periodic mean interval of 14 months. RESULTS: The gap between the BMI percentiles of the two cohorts is near zero for the third percentiles, weak but progressively growing with age up to two units of BMI for the 50th percentiles. For the percentiles 97 the difference, straight away present at five years, grows regularly up to 11 years, and remains thereafter for the girls at 4.3 units of BMI, while growing more up to 6.8 units of BMI at 15 years for the boys. The percentages of children and adolescents of the present study with overweight, in accordance with the thresholds of Cole, constant for the girls at 14%, increase for the five to 11.5 years old boys from 13.4% to 17.6% for the 11.5 to 16 years old. The percentage of obesity is 2.7% for the girls, and increase for the same categories for the boys from a percentage of 1.7% to 2.3% for the boys. CONCLUSIONS: The changes during this quarter of century are important, especially for the boys. We can postulate thereafter a very early change in the energy balance. A chronic increase of the food supply, linked or not with a decrease of the physical activity, would be an explanation.


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La quatrième version de l'échelle d'intelligence de Wechsler pour enfants (WISC-IV) permet le calcul du QI Total et de quatre indices factoriels : compréhension verbale, raisonnement perceptif, vitesse de traitement et mémoire de travail. En 1998, Prifitera et al, ont préconisé le calcul de l'indice d'aptitude général (IAG) comme alternative au quotient intellectuel total (QIT), et cela à partir des scores de compréhension verbale et de raisonnement perceptif. La première étude présentée dans cet article a pour objectif d'établir les normes francophones pour le score IAG du WISC-IV, en utilisant une procédure d'approximation statistique. La deuxième étude vise à examiner la validité de ces normes, en les confrontant à des données recueillies sur un échantillon de 60 enfants. La corrélation entre QIT et IAG est de 0,91 et la différence relative moyenne de 0,18 point. Ces normes permettent d'utiliser le score IAG comme alternative au QIT dans certaines situations diagnostiques.


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L'indice d'aptitude général (IAG) a été développé dans le WISC-III pour estimer le niveau cognitif général. Il s'agissait de proposer une alternative au QI Total. Plus récemment, l'indice de compétence cognitive (ICC) a été proposé. Jusqu'à il y a peu, seules les normes américaines de ces indices étaient disponibles ; les normes franc ̧ aises IAG et ICC pour le WISC-IV ont été récemment développées à partir d'une procédure d'approximation statistique. Toutefois, les normes développées de cette manière seraient moins appro- priées que les normes construites sur la base d'un échantillon. Cette étude vise à comparer les normes IAG et ICC développées à partir d'une procédure d'approximation statistique à celles créées à partir d'un échantillon de 182 enfants âgés de huit à 12 ans. Les corrélations entre les deux types de normes sont de 0,997 pour IAG et de 0,999 pour ICC ; les différences absolues moyennes sont respectivement de 5,38 et de 2,24 points pour IAG et ICC. Enfin, pour les enfants présentant un score IAGS inférieur à 89, les normes IAGE semblent indiquer que leurs compétences seraient inférieures d'environ 8-10 points à celui indiqué par le score IAGS. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent que les scores IAG et ICC peuvent constituer des informations utiles sur les capacités cognitives de l'enfant.


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Quel défenseur ne s'est pas senti désarmé par les résultats d'une¦expertise ADN rapportant une correspondance entre une trace¦trouvée sur une scène de crime et son client? Ce sentiment est¦largement répandu auprès des avocats pénalistes. Souvent, la bataille¦n'est pourtant pas perdue à ce stade, comme l'illustrent¦deux arrêts récents du Tribunal pénal fédéral, et l'accusé n'a pas¦toujours intérêt à se taire face à des indices forensiques incriminants.


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PURPOSE: Pencil beam scanning and filter free techniques may involve dose-rates considerably higher than those used in conventional external-beam radiotherapy. Our purpose was to investigate normal tissue and tumour responses in vivo to short pulses of radiation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: C57BL/6J mice were exposed to bilateral thorax irradiation using pulsed (at least 40Gy/s, flash) or conventional dose-rate irradiation (0.03Gy/s or less) in single dose. Immunohistochemical and histological methods were used to compare early radio-induced apoptosis and the development of lung fibrosis in the two situations. The response of two human (HBCx-12A, HEp-2) tumour xenografts in nude mice and one syngeneic, orthotopic lung carcinoma in C57BL/6J mice (TC-1 Luc+), was monitored in both radiation modes. RESULTS: A 17Gy conventional irradiation induced pulmonary fibrosis and activation of the TGF-beta cascade in 100% of the animals 24-36 weeks post-treatment, as expected, whereas no animal developed complications below 23Gy flash irradiation, and a 30Gy flash irradiation was required to induce the same extent of fibrosis as 17Gy conventional irradiation. Cutaneous lesions were also reduced in severity. Flash irradiation protected vascular and bronchial smooth muscle cells as well as epithelial cells of bronchi against acute apoptosis as shown by analysis of caspase-3 activation and TUNEL staining. In contrast, the antitumour effectiveness of flash irradiation was maintained and not different from that of conventional irradiation. CONCLUSION: Flash irradiation shifted by a large factor the threshold dose required to initiate lung fibrosis without loss of the antitumour efficiency, suggesting that the method might be used to advantage to minimize the complications of radiotherapy.