131 resultados para Implantable Collamer lens
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
PURPOSE: To assess the agreement and repeatability of horizontal white-to-white (WTW) and horizontal sulcus-to-sulcus (STS) diameter measurements and use these data in combination with available literature to correct for interdevice bias in preoperative implantable collamer lens (ICL) size selection. DESIGN: Interinstrument reliability and bias assessment study. METHODS: A total of 107 eyes from 56 patients assessed for ICL implantation at our institution were included in the study. This was a consecutive series of all patients with suitable available data. The agreement and bias between WTW (measured with the Pentacam and BioGraph devices) and STS (measured with the HiScan device) were estimated. RESULTS: The mean spherical equivalent was -8.93 ± 5.69 diopters. The BioGraph measures of WTW were wider than those taken with the Pentacam (bias = 0.26 mm, P < .01), and both horizontal WTW measures were wider than the horizontal STS measures (bias >0.91 mm, P < .01). The repeatability (Sr) of STS measured with the HiScan was 0.39 mm, which was significantly reduced (Sr = 0.15 mm) when the average of 2 measures was used. Agreement between the horizontal WTW measures and horizontal STS estimates when bias was accounted for was г = 0.54 with the Pentacam and г = 0.64 with the BioGraph. CONCLUSIONS: Large interdevice bias was observed for WTW and STS measures. STS measures demonstrated poor repeatability, but the average of repeated measures significantly improved repeatability. In order to conform to the US Food and Drug Administration's accepted guidelines for ICL sizing, clinicians should be aware of and account for the inconsistencies between devices.
The main objective of WP1 of the ORAMED (Optimization of RAdiation protection for MEDical staff) project is to obtain a set of standardised data on extremity and eye lens doses for staff in interventional radiology (IR) and cardiology (IC) and to optimise staff protection. A coordinated measurement program in different hospitals in Europe will help towards this direction. This study aims at analysing the first results of the measurement campaign performed in IR and IC procedures in 34 European hospitals. The highest doses were found for pacemakers, renal angioplasties and embolisations. Left finger and wrist seem to receive the highest extremity doses, while the highest eye lens doses are measured during embolisations. Finally, it was concluded that it is difficult to find a general correlation between kerma area product and extremity or eye lens doses.
Background/Aims: To evaluate multifocal intraocular lens (MIOL) implantation in children. Methods: This is a retrospective study evaluating refractive, visual and safety results of MIOL in pediatric cataract surgery. Average follow-up was 25.73 ± 10.5 months. Surgery included 12 o'clock clear corneal incision, anterior capsulorhexis, lens material aspiration and MIOL implantation (SN6AD3; Alcon). Results: We included 34 cataract eyes of 26 pediatric patients aged 2-15 years, of which 14 (54%) were unilateral. Best near visual acuity (BNVA) and best distance visual acuity (BDVA) improved significantly in 100% of eyes (p = 0.0001). BDVA was above 0.8 in 31.25% (5/16) of bilateral cases. Significant stereopsis improvement was observed postoperatively in bilateral cases only (p = 0.01). Conclusion: MIOL implantation is a safe alternative to monofocal pseudophakia for pediatric cataract with a very low complication rate. Significant BNVA, BDVA and stereopsis improvement can be achieved, particularly in bilateral cases. Message: This study shows significant BDVA, BNVA and stereopsis improvement, especially in bilateral cases, after MIOL implantation for pediatric cataracts. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Within the ORAMED project a coordinated measurement program for occupationally exposed medical staff was performed in different hospitals in Europe. The main objectives of ORAMED were to obtain a set of standardized data on doses for staff in interventional cardiology and radiology and to optimize staff protection. Doses were measured with thermoluminescent dosemeters on the ring finger and wrist of both hands, on legs and at the level of the eyes of the main operator performing interventional procedures. In this paper an overview of the doses per procedure measured during 646 interventional cardiology procedures is given for cardiac angiographies and angioplasties (CA/PTCA), radiofrequency ablations (RFA) and pacemaker and defibrillator implantations (PM/ICD). 31% of the monitored procedures were associated with no collective protective equipment, whereas 44% involved a ceiling screen and a table curtain. Although associated with the smallest air kerma - area product (KAP), PM/ICD procedures led to the highest doses. As expected, KAP and doses values exhibited a very large variability. The left side of the operator, most frequently the closest to the X-ray scattering region, was more exposed than his right side. An analysis of the effect of parameters influencing the doses, namely collective protective equipment, X-ray tube configuration and catheter access route, was performed on the doses normalized to KAP. Ceiling screen and table curtain were observed to reduce normalized doses by atmost a factor 4, much smaller than theoretical attenuation factors typical for such protections, i.e. from 10 to 100. This observation was understood as their inappropriate use by the operators and their non-optimized design. Configurations with tube above the patient led to higher normalized doses to the operator than tube below, but the effect of using a biplane X-ray suite was more complex to analyze. For CA/PTCA procedures, the upper part of the operator's body received higher normalized doses for radial than for femoral catheter access, by atmost a factor 5. This could be seen for cases with no collective protection. The eyes were observed to receive the maximum fraction of the annual dose limit almost as frequently as legs and hands, and clearly the most frequently, if the former 150 mSv and new 20 mSv recommended limits for the lens of the eye are considered, respectively.
CONTEXT: Infection of implantable cardiac devices is an emerging disease with significant morbidity, mortality, and health care costs. OBJECTIVES: To describe the clinical characteristics and outcome of cardiac device infective endocarditis (CDIE) with attention to its health care association and to evaluate the association between device removal during index hospitalization and outcome. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PATIENTS: Prospective cohort study using data from the International Collaboration on Endocarditis-Prospective Cohort Study (ICE-PCS), conducted June 2000 through August 2006 in 61 centers in 28 countries. Patients were hospitalized adults with definite endocarditis as defined by modified Duke endocarditis criteria. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: In-hospital and 1-year mortality. RESULTS: CDIE was diagnosed in 177 (6.4% [95% CI, 5.5%-7.4%]) of a total cohort of 2760 patients with definite infective endocarditis. The clinical profile of CDIE included advanced patient age (median, 71.2 years [interquartile range, 59.8-77.6]); causation by staphylococci (62 [35.0% {95% CI, 28.0%-42.5%}] Staphylococcus aureus and 56 [31.6% {95% CI, 24.9%-39.0%}] coagulase-negative staphylococci); and a high prevalence of health care-associated infection (81 [45.8% {95% CI, 38.3%-53.4%}]). There was coexisting valve involvement in 66 (37.3% [95% CI, 30.2%-44.9%]) patients, predominantly tricuspid valve infection (43/177 [24.3%]), with associated higher mortality. In-hospital and 1-year mortality rates were 14.7% (26/177 [95% CI, 9.8%-20.8%]) and 23.2% (41/177 [95% CI, 17.2%-30.1%]), respectively. Proportional hazards regression analysis showed a survival benefit at 1 year for device removal during the initial hospitalization (28/141 patients [19.9%] who underwent device removal during the index hospitalization had died at 1 year, vs 13/34 [38.2%] who did not undergo device removal; hazard ratio, 0.42 [95% CI, 0.22-0.82]). CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with CDIE, the rate of concomitant valve infection is high, as is mortality, particularly if there is valve involvement. Early device removal is associated with improved survival at 1 year.
BACKGROUND: Many patients with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) have indications for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, MRI is generally contraindicated in ICD patients because of potential risks from hazardous interactions between the MRI and ICD system. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to use preclinical computer modeling, animal studies, and bench and scanner testing to demonstrate the safety of an ICD system developed for 1.5-T whole-body MRI. METHODS: MRI hazards were assessed and mitigated using multiple approaches: design decisions to increase safety and reliability, modeling and simulation to quantify clinical MRI exposure levels, animal studies to quantify the physiologic effects of MRI exposure, and bench testing to evaluate safety margin. RESULTS: Modeling estimated the incidence of a chronic change in pacing capture threshold >0.5V and 1.0V to be less than 1 in 160,000 and less than 1 in 1,000,000 cases, respectively. Modeling also estimated the incidence of unintended cardiac stimulation to occur in less than 1 in 1,000,000 cases. Animal studies demonstrated no delay in ventricular fibrillation detection and no reduction in ventricular fibrillation amplitude at clinical MRI exposure levels, even with multiple exposures. Bench and scanner testing demonstrated performance and safety against all other MRI-induced hazards. CONCLUSION: A preclinical strategy that includes comprehensive computer modeling, animal studies, and bench and scanner testing predicts that an ICD system developed for the magnetic resonance environment is safe and poses very low risks when exposed to 1.5-T normal operating mode whole-body MRI.
Within the ORAMED project (Optimization of Radiation Protection of Medical Staff) a coordinated measurement program for occupationally exposed medical staff was performed in different hospitals in Europe (www.oramed-fp7.eu). The main objective was to obtain a set of standardized data on extremity and eye lens doses for staff involved in interventional radiology and cardiology and to optimize radiation protection. Special attention was given to the measurement of the doses to the eye lenses. In this paper an overview will be given of the measured eye lens doses and the main influence factors for these doses. The measured eye lens doses are extrapolated to annual doses. The extrapolations showed that monitoringof the eye lens should be performed on routine basis.
BACKGROUND: The activity of melanopsin containing intrinsically photosensitive ganglion retinal cells (ipRGC) can be assessed by a means of pupil responses to bright blue (appr.480 nm) light. Due to age related factors in the eye, particularly, structural changes of the lens, less light reaches retina. The aim of this study was to examine how age and in vivo measured lens transmission of blue light might affect pupil light responses, in particular, mediated by the ipRGC. METHODS: Consensual pupil responses were explored in 44 healthy subjects aged between 26 and 68 years. A pupil response was recorded to a continuous 20 s light stimulus of 660 nm (red) or 470 nm (blue) both at 300 cd/m2 intensity (14.9 and 14.8 log photons/cm2/s, respectively). Additional recordings were performed using four 470 nm stimulus intensities of 3, 30, 100 and 300 cd/m2. The baseline pupil size was measured in darkness and results were adjusted for the baseline pupil and gender. The main outcome parameters were maximal and sustained pupil contraction amplitudes and the postillumination response assessed as area under the curve (AUC) over two time-windows: early (0-10 s after light termination) and late (10-30 s after light termination). Lens transmission was measured with an ocular fluorometer. RESULTS: The sustained pupil contraction and the early poststimulus AUC correlated positively with age (p=0.02, p=0.0014, respectively) for the blue light stimulus condition only.The maximal pupil contraction amplitude did not correlate to age either for bright blue or red light stimulus conditions.Lens transmission decreased linearly with age (p<0.0001). The pupil response was stable or increased with decreasing transmission, though only significantly for the early poststimulus AUC to 300 cd/m2 light (p=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Age did not reduce, but rather enhance pupil responses mediated by ipRGC. The age related decrease of blue light transmission led to similar results, however, the effect of age was greater on these pupil responses than that of the lens transmission. Thus there must be other age related factors such as lens scatter and/or adaptive processes influencing the ipRGC mediated pupil response enhancement observed with advancing age.
The specificities of multinational corporations (MNCs) have to date not been a focus area of IS research. Extant literature mostly proposes IS configurations for specific types of MNCs, following a static and prescriptive approach. Our research seeks to explain the dynamics of global IS design. It suggests a new theoretical lens for studying global IS design by applying the structural adjustment paradigm from organizational change theories. Relying on archetype theory, we conduct a longitudinal case study to theorize the dynamics of IS adaptation. We find that global IS design emerges as an organizational adaptation process to balance interpretative schemes (i.e. the organization's values and beliefs) and structural arrangements (i.e. strategic, organizational, and IS configurations). The resulting insights can be used as a basis to further explore alternative global IS designs and movements between them.
Purpose: IOL centration and stability after cataract surgery is of high interest for cataract surgeons and IOL-producing companies. We present a new imaging software to evaluate the centration of the rhexis and the centration of the IOL after cataract surgery.Methods: We developed, in collaboration with the Biomedical Imaging Group (BIG), EPFL, Lausanne, a new working tool in order to assess precisely outcomes after IOL-implantation, such as ideal capsulorhexis and IOL-centration. The software is a plug-in of ImageJ, a general-purpose image processing and image-analysis package. The specifications of this software are: evaluation of the rhexis-centration and evaluation the position of the IOL in the posterior chamber. The end points are to analyze the quality of the centration of a rhexis after cataract surgery, the deformation of the rhexis with capsular bag retraction and the centration of the IOL after implantation.Results: This software delivers tools to interactively measure the distances between limbus, IOL and capsulorhexis and its changes over time. The user is invited to adjust nodes of three radial curves for the limbus, rhexis and the optic of the IOL. The radial distances of the curves are computed to evaluate the IOL implantation. The user is also able to define patterns for ideal capsulorhexis and optimal IOL-centration. We are going to present examples of calculations after cataract surgery.Conclusions: Evaluation of the centration of the rhexis and of the IOL after cataract surgery is an important end point for optimal IOL implantation after cataract surgery. Especially multifocal or accommodative lenses need a precise position in the bag with a good stability over time. This software is able to evaluate these parameters just after the surgery but also its changes over time. The results of these evaluations can lead to an optimizing of surgical procedures and materials.