108 resultados para Health care quality

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Quality control in health care should be performed by health professionals. To do so they must define indicators, set up studies aimed at measuring and analyzing quality of care, and implement quality assurance programs in health care systems. The elements of a quality improvement program of this kind are described, with special emphasis on the contribution of epidemiology in this field.


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PURPOSE: Despite growing interest in measurement of health care quality and patient experience, the current evidence base largely derives from adult health settings, at least in part because of the absence of appropriately developed measurement tools for adolescents. To rectify this, we set out to develop a conceptual framework and a set of indicators to measure the quality of health care delivered to adolescents in hospital. METHODS: A conceptual framework was developed from the following four elements: (1) a review of the evidence around what young people perceive as "adolescent-friendly" health care; (2) an exploration with adolescent patients of the principles of patient-centered care; (3) a scoping review to identify core clinical practices around working with adolescents; and (4) a scoping review of existing conceptual frameworks. Using criteria for indicator development, we then developed a set of indicators that mapped to this framework. RESULTS: Embedded within the notion of patient- and family-centered care, the conceptual framework for adolescent-friendly health care (quality health care for adolescents) was based on the constructs of experience of care (positive engagement with health care) and evidence-informed care. A set of 14 indicators was developed, half of which related to adolescents' and parents' experience of care and half of which related to aspects of evidence-informed care. CONCLUSIONS: The conceptual framework and indicators of quality health care for adolescents set the stage to develop measures to populate these indicators, the next step in the agenda of improving the quality of health care delivered to adolescents in hospital settings.


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ABSTRACTA significant share of deliveries are performed by Cesarian section (C-section) in Europe and in many developed and developing countries. The aims of this thesis are to highlight the non medical, especially economic and financial, incentives that explain the use of C-section, as well as the medical consequences of C-section on women's health, in regard with other factors of ob¬stetrical care quality such as hospital concentration. Those diagnoses enable us to exhibit ways of improvement of obstetrical care quality in France. Our analysis focus on two countries, France and Switzerland. In the first part of the thesis, we show the influence of two non medical factors on the C-section use, namely the hospital payment system on the one hand and the obstetricians behaviour, especially their demand for leisure, on the other hand. With French data on the year 2003, we show firstly that the fee-for-service payment system of private for profit hospitals induces a higher probability of using C-section. Obstetricians play also a preeminent role in the decision to use a C-section, as the probability of a C-section rises with the number of obstetricians. We then focus on a French reform introduced in 2004, to investigate the impact of Prospective Payment System on obstetric practise. We show that the rise of C-section rate between 2003 and 2006 is mainly caused by changes in hospitals and patients features. Obstetricians practises do not vary a lot for patients with the same risk code. In the mean time however, the number of women coded with a high risk rises. This can be caused by improvements in the quality of coding, obstetricians chosing codes that match better the real health state of their patients. Yet, it can also show that obstetricians change their coding practises to justify the use of certain practises, such as C-section, with no regard to the health state of patients. Financial factors are not the only non medical fac¬tors that can influence the resort to C-section. Using Shelton Brown ΠΙ identification strategy, we focus on the potential impact of obstetricians leisure preference on the use of C-section. We use the distributions of days and hours of delivering and the types of C-section - planned or emergency C-sections - to show that the obstetricians demand for leisure has a significant impact on the resort to C-section, but only in emergency situations. The second part of the thesis deals with some ways to improve obstetric care quality. We use on the one hand swiss and french data to study the impact of C-section on the patients' probability of having an obstetric complication and on the other hand the influence of hospital concentration on the quality of obstetric care. We find the same results as former medical studies about the risks entailed by C-section on obstetric complications.These results prove women ought to be better informed of the medical consequences of C-section and that the slowing of C-section use should be a priority of public health policy. We finally focus on another way to improve obstetric care quality, that is hospital lmarket concentration. We investigate the impact of hospital concentration by integrating the Herfindahl-Hirschman index in our model, on health care quality, measured by the HCUP indicator. We find that hospital concentration has a negative impact on obstetric care quality, which undermines today's policy of hospital closings in France.JEL classification: 112; 118Keywords: Hospital; C-section; Payment System; Counterfactual Estimation; Quality of Care.RÉSUMÉUne part importante des accouchements sont réalisés par césarienne en Europe et dans de nom¬breux pays développés ou en développement. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont de mettre en évidence les déterminants non médicaux, notamment économiques et financiers, expliquant le développe¬ment de cette pratique, ainsi que ses conséquences sur la santé des femmes après Γ accouchement, en lien avec d'autres facteurs comme la concentration locale des structures hospitalières. Les résul¬tats exposés dans cette thèse éclairent les perspectives et voies d'amélioration de la qualité des soins en obstétriques.Notre analyse se concentre sur deux pays : la France et la Suisse. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous mettons en évidence l'influence de deux déterminants non médicaux sur l'emploi de la césarienne : le système de paiement des hôpitaux d'une part, et le comportement des médecins obstétriciens d'autre part. En étudiant des données françaises de 2003, nous montrons d'abord que le financement à l'acte des établissements privés engendre une hausse de la proba¬bilité de pratiquer une césarienne. Le rôle de l'obstrétricien paraît également déterminant dans la décision d'opérer une césarienne, la probabilité d'employer cette technique augmentant avec le nombre d'obstétriciens. Nous nous intéressons ensuite à l'impact de la mise en place en 2004 du système de paiement prospectif sur l'évolution des pratiques obstétricales entre 2003 et 2006 en France. La hausse du taux de recours à la césarienne entre 2004 et 2006 peut ainsi être principa¬lement imputée aux évolutions des caractéristiques des hôpitaux et des patients, les pratiques des obstétriciens, pour un même codage de la situation du patient, variant peu. Dans le même temps cependant, les pratiques de codage des patients parles obstétriciens évoluent fortement, les femmes étant de plus en plus nombreuses à porter des codes correspondant à des situations à risques. Cette évolution peut indiquer que la qualité du codage en 2006 s'est améliorée par rapport à 2004, le codage correspondant de plus en plus à la situation réelle des patientes. H peut aussi indiquer que les pratiques de codage évoluent pour justifier un recours accru à la césarienne, sans lien avec l'état réel des patientes. Les facteurs financiers ne sont pas les seuls facteurs non médicaux à pouvoir expliquer le recours à la césarienne : nous nous intéressons, en suivant la stratégie d'identifica¬tion de Shelton Brown m, à l'impact potentiel de la demande de loisir des médecins obstétriciens sur la pratique de la césarienne. En utilisant la distribution des jours et heures d'accouchement, et en distinguant les césariennes planifiées de celles effectuées en urgence, nous constatons que la demande de loisir des obstétriciens influence significativement le recours à la césarienne, mais uni¬quement pour les interventions d'urgence. La deuxième partie de la thèse est consacrée à l'étude de la qualité des soins en obstétriques. Nous utilisons des données suisses et françaises pour analyser d'une part l'impact de la césarienne sur la survenue de complications obstétricales et d'autre part l'impact de la concentration des soins sur la qualité des soins en obstétrique. Nons confirmons les résultats antérieurs de la littérature médicale sur la dangerosité de la césarienne comme facteur de complications obstétricales. Ces conclusions montrent que les femmes ont besoin d'être informées des conséquences de la césarienne sur leur santé et que le ralentissement de l'augmentation de la pratique de la césarienne devrait être un objectif de la politique publique de santé. Nous nous in¬téressons à un autre facteur d'amélioration des soins en obstrétique, l'organisation des hôpitaux et particulièrement leur concentration. Nous estimons ainsi l'effet de la concentration sur la qualité des soins obstétriques en intégrant l'indice de Herfindahl-Hirschman dans notre modèle, la qualité des soins étant mesurée à l'aide de l'indicateur HCUP. Nous constatons que la concentration des naissances a un impact négatif sur la qualité des soins en obstétrique, résultat qui va dans le sens contraire des politiques de fermeture d'hôpitaux menées actuellement en France. JEL classification : 112 ; 118Mots-clés : Hôpital ; Césarienne ; Système de paiement ; Contrefactuels ; Qualité des soins, sur la qualité des soins en obstétrique.


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Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) was evaluated in a sample of alcohol-dependent patients with the 36-item Medical Outcome Study Short-Form Health Survey (MOS-SF-36). The instrument was administered to 147 patients (77% males), aged 26-78, with a DSM-III-R diagnosis of alcohol dependence. The Hamilton Depression Scale (HDS), the Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ), and the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) were also administered to the first 100 patients included in the study. The reliability and validity of the MOS-SF-36 were evaluated. Test-retest intraclass coefficients for a 10-day interval were in the range .65 to .79, whereas the Cronbach alpha coefficient indicated good internal consistency (range .70 to .89). Compared to scores observed in the general population, MOS-SF-36 scores for alcohol-dependent patients were relatively low (indicating worse perception of HRQoL), especially in the psychological and role dimensions (range 52/100 to 55/100), but were closer to populational values in the physical and functional dimensions (range 61/100 to 75/100)). The highest correlation between MOS-SF-36 dimensions and HDS was found in the MOS-SF-36 "mental health" dimension (r=-.56, p < .001); this dimension was also correlated highly with the psychiatric dimension of the ASI (r=-.73, p < .001). The eight dimensions of the MOS-SF-36 were 21% to 127% lower in patients with HDS greater than or equal to 16 (major depression) compared to those with HDS less than or equal to 7 (absence of depression). The MOS-SF-36 dimensions were 10% to 141% lower in patients with high "ASI alcohol" scores, indicating worse HRQoL profiles with a higher severity of alcohol dependence. The MOS-SF-36 presents good criteria for reliability and validity in alcohol-dependent patients. The results suggested that alcohol-dependent patients perceived their problems more as psychological than physical. The severity of alcohol dependence and depression seemed to influence the perception of HRQoL negatively.


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BACKGROUND: Standard indicators of quality of care have been developed in the United States. Limited information exists about quality of care in countries with universal health care coverage.OBJECTIVE: To assess the quality of preventive care and care for cardiovascular risk factors in a country with universal health care coverage.DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: Retrospective cohort of a random sample of 1,002 patients aged 50-80 years followed for 2 years from all Swiss university primary care settings.MAIN MEASURES: We used indicators derived from RAND's Quality Assessment Tools. Each indicator was scored by dividing the number of episodes when recommended care was delivered by the number of times patients were eligible for indicators. Aggregate scores were calculated by taking into account the number of eligible patients for each indicator.KEY RESULTS: Overall, patients (44% women) received 69% of recommended preventive care, but rates differed by indicators. Indicators assessing annual blood pressure and weight measurements (both 95%) were more likely to be met than indicators assessing smoking cessation counseling (72%), breast (40%) and colon cancer screening (35%; all p < 0.001 for comparisons with blood pressure and weight measurements). Eighty-three percent of patients received the recommended care for cardiovascular risk factors, including > 75% for hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes. However, foot examination was performed only in 50% of patients with diabetes. Prevention indicators were more likely to be met in men (72.2% vs 65.3% in women, p < 0.001) and patients < 65 years (70.1% vs 68.0% in those a parts per thousand yen65 years, p = 0.047).CONCLUSIONS: Using standardized tools, these adults received 69% of recommended preventive care and 83% of care for cardiovascular risk factors in Switzerland, a country with universal coverage. Prevention indicator rates were lower for women and the elderly, and for cancer screening. Our study helps pave the way for targeted quality improvement initiatives and broader assessment of health care in Continental Europe.


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Cet article a été réalisé dans le but d'évaluer la qualité des soins fournie à une population âgée de 50 à 80 ans suivie dans 4 policliniques médicales universitaires de Suisse, à savoir Bâle, Zurich, Genève et Lausanne. Nous avons sélectionné 37 indicateurs de qualité qui ont été développés et préalablement évalués au Etats-Unis. Ces indicateurs ont été divisés en 2 sous-groupes distincts : les indicateurs de prévention et les indicateurs concernant les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires.¦L'étude a inclus des patients âgés de 50 à 80 ans avec un suivi d'un minimum de 1 an par un médecin dans l'une des policliniques de Suisse. Nous avons limité notre étude à ce groupe d'âge, afin d'avoir une prévalence élevée de facteur de risque cardiovasculaire et plus d'indications à des tests de dépistages. Les dossiers médicaux des patients ont été sélectionnés selon un mode aléatoire en prenant 250 dossiers par centre.¦L'enjeu principal de cette étude était de déterminer le niveau de soins fournis en Suisse dans les policliniques médicales universitaires. Il a été également possible de mettre en évidence les secteurs de prévention pour lesquels le taux d'application est encore insuffisant. Nous avons par la même occasion comparé nos résultats à ceux obtenus aux Etats-Unis, sachant que ce pays a un système d'évaluation de la qualité des soins qui fournit chaque années des statistiques à ce sujet.¦Les résultats de notre étude montrent qu'en Suisse les adultes reçoivent 69% des mesures de prévention recommandées mais que ces taux diffèrent d'un indicateur à l'autre. Les indicateurs à propos de la tension artérielle et de la mesure du poids (les 2 95%) ont plus souvent été réalisés durant les consultations que les indicateurs concernant l'arrêt du tabagisme (72%), les cancers du sein (40%), du colon (35%) et la vaccination annuelle contre la grippe (35.2% chez les patients de >65 ans et 29.3% chez les patient de <65 ans avec une maladie chronique). 83% des patients reçoivent les mesures préventives concernant les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire, avec >75% pour l'hypertension, le diabète et la dyslipidémie. Cependant, l'examen des pieds est effectué chez seulement 50% des patients présentant un diabète.¦De même, nous avons pu démontrer que les femmes (65.3%) et les personnes âgées de plus de 65 ans (68.0%) reçoivent moins de mesures préventives que les hommes (72.2%) et les personnes plus jeunes (70.1%).¦Ce travail de recherche a donc permis de mettre en évidence les domaines de la prévention encore insuffisamment proposés aux patients et de rendre attentif le personnel médical sur le fait qu'il existe en Suisse des groupes de personnes qui reçoivent moins de prévention que d'autres groupes. Dans le futur, l'accent devrait être d'avantage mis durant les études de médecine et lors de la formation post-graduée sur les mesures préventives pas assez exploitées en Suisse en particulier le dépistage des cancers et la vaccination annuelle contre la grippe.


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BACKGROUND: This study assessed whether breast cancer (BC) patients express similar levels of needs for equivalent severity of symptoms, functioning difficulties, or degrees of satisfaction with care aspects. BC patients who did (or not) report needs in spite of similar difficulties were identified among their sociodemographic or clinical characteristics. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three hundred and eighty-four (73% response rate) BC patients recruited in ambulatory or surgery hospital services completed the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life questionnaire (EORTC QLQ)-C30 quality of life [health-related quality of life (HRQOL)], the EORTC IN-PATSAT32 (in-patient) or OUT-PATSAT35 (out-patient) satisfaction with care, and the supportive care needs survey short form 34-item (SCNS-SF34) measures. RESULTS: HRQOL or satisfaction with care scale scores explained 41%, 45%, 40% and 22% of variance in, respectively, psychological, physical/daily living needs, information/health system, and care/support needs (P < 0.001). BC patients' education level, having children, hospital service attendance, and anxiety/depression levels significantly predicted differences in psychological needs relative to corresponding difficulties (adjusted R(2) = 0.11). Medical history and anxiety/depression levels significantly predicted differences in information/health system needs relative to degrees of satisfaction with doctors, nurses, or radiotherapy technicians and general satisfaction (adjusted R(2) = 0.12). Unmet needs were most prevalent in the psychological domains across hospital services. CONCLUSIONS: Assessment of needs, HRQOL, and satisfaction with care highlights the subgroups of BC patients requiring better supportive care targeting.


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PURPOSE: Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is considered a representative outcome in the evaluation of chronic disease management initiatives emphasizing patient-centered care. We evaluated the association between receipt of processes-of-care (PoC) for diabetes and HRQoL. METHODS: This cross-sectional study used self-reported data from non-institutionalized adults with diabetes in a Swiss canton. Outcomes were the physical/mental composites of the short form health survey 12 (SF-12) physical composite score, mental composite score (PCS, MCS) and the Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQoL). Main exposure variables were receipt of six PoC for diabetes in the past 12 months, and the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC) score. We performed linear regressions to examine the association between PoC, PACIC and the three composites of HRQoL. RESULTS: Mean age of the 519 patients was 64.5 years (SD 11.3); 60% were male, 87% reported type 2 or undetermined diabetes and 48% had diabetes for over 10 years. Mean HRQoL scores were SF-12 PCS: 43.4 (SD 10.5), SF-12 MCS: 47.0 (SD 11.2) and ADDQoL: -1.6 (SD 1.6). In adjusted models including all six PoC simultaneously, receipt of influenza vaccine was associated with lower ADDQoL (β=-0.4, p≤0.01) and foot examination was negatively associated with SF-12 PCS (β=-1.8, p≤0.05). There was no association or trend towards a negative association when these PoC were reported as combined measures. PACIC score was associated only with the SF-12 MCS (β=1.6, p≤0.05). CONCLUSIONS: PoC for diabetes did not show a consistent association with HRQoL in a cross-sectional analysis. This may represent an effect lag time between time of process received and health-related quality of life. Further research is needed to study this complex phenomenon.


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Beaucoup de jeunes éprouvent des difficultés à demander une aide médicale et psychosociale alors qu'ils en auraient bien besoin. Cela est lié au processus d'autonomisation propre à cette période de la vie : les adolescents souhaitent résoudre leurs problèmes eux-mêmes. Pour améliorer la qualité des soins aux jeunes, l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, avec l'UNICEF et d'autres organismes, a développé le concept de youth friendly health services ; services amis des jeunes. Ce concept repose sur plusieurs principes, comme l'accessibilité, la flexibilité, une formation spécifique du personnel, le respect de la neutralité et de la confidentialité, compétences communicationnelles, etc. L'application de cette approche ne se limite pas aux centres spécialisés en médecine de l'adolescence, mais devra être progressivement implantée dans toutes les structures de soins accueillant des jeunes. Many young people have difficulties requesting medical or psychosocial support, although some badly need it. This difficulty is related to the fact that, as part of their search for autonomy, young people prefer to solve their problems by themselves. To improve the quality of care, the World Health Organization, UNICEF and allied organizations have developed the concept of "Youth friendly health services". This concept includes policies and strategies to improve the accessibility and flexibility, staff's competence and communication skills, etc. Such an approach should not be limited to specialized centers for adolescent health. It should be adopted by all health care institutions dealing with young people.


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The academic activities led by the Unit of Community Pharmacy can be classified as translational. Our group is interested in person-centered pharmaceutical services aimed at a more responsible use of drugs (effectiveness, safety, efficiency) in collaboration with physicians and other health care professionals in a primary care setting. The following domains of education and research are high priorities for our group: medication therapy management, medication adherence, integrated care, individualization of therapies, care management for the elderly and e-health.


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BACKGROUND: Outcome after lung transplantation (LTx) is affected by the onset of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) and lung function decline. Reduced health-related quality of life (HRQL) and physical mobility have been shown in patients developing BOS, but the impact on the capacity to walk is unknown. We aimed to compare the long-term HRQL and 6-minute walk test (6MWT) between lung recipients affected or not by BOS Grade > or =2. METHODS: Fifty-eight patients were prospectively followed for 5.6 +/- 2.9 years after LTx. Assessments included the St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and the 6MWT, which were performed yearly. Moreover, clinical complications were recorded to estimate the proportion of the follow-up time lived without clinical intercurrences after transplant. Analyses were performed using adjusted linear regression and repeated-measures analysis of variance. RESULTS: BOS was a significant predictor of lower SGRQ scores (p < 0.01) and reduced time free of clinical complications (p = 0.001), but not of 6MWT distance (p = 0.12). At 7 years post-transplant, results were: 69.0 +/- 21.8% vs 86.9 +/- 5.6%, p < 0.05 (SGRQ); 58.5 +/- 21.6% vs 88.7 +/- 11.4%, p < 0.01 (proportion of time lived without clinical complications); and 82.2 +/- 10.9% vs 91.9 +/- 14.2%, p = 0.27 (percent of predicted 6MWT), respectively, for patients with BOS and without BOS. CONCLUSIONS: Despite significantly less time lived without clinical complications and progressive decline of self-reported health status, the capacity to walk of patients affected by BOS remained relatively stable over time. These findings may indicate that the development of moderate to severe BOS does not prevent lung recipients from walking independently and pursuing an autonomous life.


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OBJECTIVES: Little data are available on palliative home care for children. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a specialized pediatric palliative home care team (PPHCT) as experienced by parents and health care professionals (HCPs). METHODS: Parents and HCPs involved in the care of terminally ill children who died and whom the PPHCT was in charge of were surveyed with questionnaires focusing on satisfaction with the PPHCT, satisfaction with the course of the dying phase, and the development of anxiety, depression, and prolonged grief disorder. RESULTS: Forty-three parent dyads participated (return rate, 88%). Satisfaction with the PPHCT scored a median of 10 (numeric rating scale, 0-10). The child's death was predominantly experienced as very peaceful (median, 9); 71% died at home. According to parents, involvement of the PPHCT led to highly significant (p<0.001) improvements in the children's symptoms and quality of life, as well as in aspects of communication and administrative barrier reduction. Anxiety was detected in 25% of parents, depression in 19%, and prolonged grief disorder in 13%. HCPs (return rate, 83%) evaluated all investigated care domains (particularly cooperation/communication/family support) as being significantly improved (p<0.001). Thirty-five percent of HCPs felt uncertain concerning pediatric palliative care; 79% would welcome specific training opportunities. CONCLUSIONS: Involvement of a PPHCT is experienced as a substantial improvement of care by parents and HCPs. Coordination of palliative care during the last phase of life appears to be an important quality factor for the home care of dying children and their families.


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BACKGROUND: Minority groups have a lower health-related quality of life (HRQOL), but there is little information if this finding also applies to children. In this study, we compared HRQOL between young children with and without migrant parents. METHODS: Two cross-sectional studies of culturally diverse preschool populations in Switzerland: Ballabeina (40 preschools, 258 girls and 232 boys aged 4 to 6 years) and Youp'là Bouge (58 child care centers, 453 girls and 522 boys aged 2 to 4 years). Most children were born in Switzerland (Ballabeina: 92.3%; Youp'là Bouge: 93.7%). Number of migrant parents was considered as the main exposure. HRQOL was measured using the 23-item Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory. RESULTS: Children of migrant parents had a significantly lower HRQOL total score (mean ± SD, Ballabeina: 84.2 ± 9.1; 82.7 ± 9.6 and 81.7 ± 11.7 for children with none, one or two migrant parents, respectively; Youp'là Bouge: 83.8 ± 8.6; 82.9 ± 9.5; 80.7 ± 11.7, all p < 0.05). Similar results were found in Ballabeina and Youp'là Bouge for social, school and physical functioning (all p < 0.05), but not for emotional functioning. The differences in HRQOL measures were partly mediated by children's place of birth, parental education, paternal occupational level, children's BMI, screen time and physical activity in one study (Ballabeina), but not in the other (Youp'là Bouge). CONCLUSION: In preschoolers, children of migrant parents have lower HRQOL than children of non-migrant parents. These differences are only partly mediated by other sociocultural characteristics or lifestyle behavior. These families may need assistance to prevent further inequalities.