28 resultados para Haemodynamically significant

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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This study examines how patients' relationship patterns are reenacted with the therapist during the first sessions of psychotherapy. Forty (N = 40) outpatients treated with a Brief Psychodynamic Intervention were included in the study. Their narratives of relationship episodes with significant others (e.g., mother, father, romantic partner, colleagues) were compared with relationship episodes with their therapist using the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme method. The Core Conflictual Relationship Theme focuses on 3 aspects of patients' relationship narratives: what the patient wants from others or from self; how others react to his/her wish; and how the patient consequently reacts. Results showed that 60% of patients display similar relationship patterns with their therapist and with significant others. The patterns that were reenacted with the therapist were not the most pervasive ones but were similar to those found in relationship episodes involving parents or romantic partners. These findings provide some support for the clinical concept of repetition of internalized relational patterns with the therapist very early in psychotherapy. Clinical implications are discussed.


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Patients with defective ectodysplasin A (EDA) are affected by X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED), a condition characterized by sparse hair, inability to sweat, decreased lacrimation, frequent pulmonary infections, and missing and malformed teeth. The canine model of XLHED was used to study the developmental impact of EDA on secondary dentition, since dogs have an entirely brachyodont, diphyodont dentition similar to that in humans, as opposed to mice, which have only permanent teeth (monophyodont dentition), some of which are very different (aradicular hypsodont) than brachyodont human teeth. Also, clinical signs in humans and dogs with XLHED are virtually identical, whereas several are missing in the murine equivalent. In our model, the genetically missing EDA was compensated for by postnatal intravenous administration of soluble recombinant EDA. Untreated XLHED dogs have an incomplete set of conically shaped teeth similar to those seen in human patients with XLHED. After treatment with EDA, significant normalization of adult teeth was achieved in four of five XLHED dogs. Moreover, treatment restored normal lacrimation and resistance to eye and airway infections and improved sweating ability. These results not only provide proof of concept for a potential treatment of this orphan disease but also demonstrate an essential role of EDA in the development of secondary dentition.


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Background: This study explores significant ones' implication before and after transplantation. Methods: Longitudinal semi-structured interviews were conducted in 64 patients awaiting all-organ transplantation. Among them, 58 patients spontaneously discussed the importance of their significant other in their daily support. Discourse analysis was applied. Findings: During the pre-transplantation period renal patients reported that significant others took part in dialysis treatment and participated to regimen adherence. After transplantation, quality of life improved and the couple dynamics returned to normal. Patients awaiting lung or heart transplantation were more heavily impaired. Significant others had to take over abandoned roles. After transplantation resuming normal life became gradually possible, but after one year either transplantation health benefits relieved physical, emotional and social loads, or complications maintained the level of stress on significant others. Discussion: Patients reported that significant others had to take over various responsibilities and were concerned about long-term stress that should be adequately supported.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to find loci for major depression via linkage analysis of a large sibling pair sample. Method: The authors conducted a genome-wide linkage analysis of 839 families consisting of 971 affected sibling pairs with severe recurrent major depression, comprising waves I and II of the Depression Network Study cohort. In addition to examining affected status, linkage analyses in the full data set were performed using diagnoses restricted by impairment severity, and association mapping of hits in a large case-control data set was attempted. Results: The authors identified genome-wide significant linkage to chromosome 3p25-26 when the diagnoses were restricted by severity, which was a maximum LOD score of 4.0 centered at the linkage marker D3S1515. The linkage signal identified was genome-wide significant after correction for the multiple phenotypes tested, although subsequent association mapping of the region in a genome-wide association study of a U.K. depression sample did not provide significant results. Conclusions: The authors report a genome-wide significant locus for depression that implicates genes that are highly plausible for involvement in the etiology of recurrent depression. Despite the fact that association mapping in the region was negative, the linkage finding was replicated by another group who found genome-wide-significant linkage for depression in the same region. This suggests that 3p25-26 is a new locus for severe recurrent depression. This represents the first report of a genome-wide significant locus for depression that also has an independent genome-wide significant replication.


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Objective: To analyze the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ1 and 2 (PPARγ1 and 2), 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11βHSD1), and leptin in adipose tissue (AT) of obese women during weight loss following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and to compare these levels with those obtained in AT of nonobese subjects. Methods: Gene expression was determined by real-time RT-PCR prior to surgery and at 3, 6, and 12 months after RYGB. Results: All obese patients lost weight, reaching a mean BMI of 29.3 ± 1.0 kg/m(2) at 1 year after surgery (-33.9 ± 1.5% of their initial body weight). In obese subjects leptin and 11βHSD1 were over-expressed, whereas PPARγ1 was expressed at lower levels compared to controls. After surgery, leptin and 11βHSD1 gene expression decreased, whereas PPARγ1 expression increased. At 12 months after RYGB, these 3 genes had reached levels similar to the controls. In contrast, PPARγ2 gene expression was not different between groups and types of tissue and remained unchanged during weight loss. We found a positive correlation between BMI and levels of gene expression of leptin and 11βHSD1. Conclusion: Gene expression of leptin, PPARγ1, and 11βHSD1 in AT is modified in human obesity. This default is completely corrected by RYGB. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.


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While intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) has been reported to evoke cellular responses via hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs) but without substantial performance benefits in endurance athletes, we hypothesized that repeated sprint training in hypoxia could enhance repeated sprint ability (RSA) performed in normoxia via improved glycolysis and O(2) utilization. 40 trained subjects completed 8 cycling repeated sprint sessions in hypoxia (RSH, 3000 m) or normoxia (RSN, 485 m). Before (Pre-) and after (Post-) training, muscular levels of selected mRNAs were analyzed from resting muscle biopsies and RSA tested until exhaustion (10-s sprint, work-to-rest ratio 1ratio2) with muscle perfusion assessed by near-infrared spectroscopy. From Pre- to Post-, the average power output of all sprints in RSA was increased (p<0.01) to the same extent (6% vs 7%, NS) in RSH and in RSN but the number of sprints to exhaustion was increased in RSH (9.4+/-4.8 vs. 13.0+/-6.2 sprints, p<0.01) but not in RSN (9.3+/-4.2 vs. 8.9+/-3.5). mRNA concentrations of HIF-1alpha (+55%), carbonic anhydrase III (+35%) and monocarboxylate transporter-4 (+20%) were augmented (p<0.05) whereas mitochondrial transcription factor A (-40%), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1alpha (-23%) and monocarboxylate transporter-1 (-36%) were decreased (p<0.01) in RSH only. Besides, the changes in total hemoglobin variations (Delta[tHb]) during sprints throughout RSA test increased to a greater extent (p<0.01) in RSH. Our findings show larger improvement in repeated sprint performance in RSH than in RSN with significant molecular adaptations and larger blood perfusion variations in active muscles.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are highly successful plant symbionts. They reproduce clonally producing multinucleate spores. It has been suggested that some AMF harbor genetically different nuclei. However, recent advances in sequencing the Glomus irregulare genome have indicated very low within-fungus polymorphism. We tested the null hypothesis that, with no genetic differences among nuclei, no significant genetic or phenotypic variation would occur among clonal single spore lines generated from one initial AMF spore. Furthermore, no additional variation would be expected in the following generations of single spore lines. Genetic diversity contained in one initial spore repeatedly gave rise to genetically different variants of the fungus with novel phenotypes. The genetic changes represented quantitative changes in allele frequencies, most probably as a result of changes in the frequency of genetic variation partitioned on different nuclei. The genetic and phenotypic variation is remarkable, given that it arose repeatedly from one clonal individual. Our results highlight the dynamic nature of AMF genetics. Even though within-fungus genetic variation is low, some is probably partitioned among nuclei and potentially causes changes in the phenotype. Our results are important for understanding AMF genetics, as well as for researchers and biotechnologists hoping to use AMF genetic diversity for the improvement of AMF inoculum.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to determine whether statistical associations can be demonstrated in ocular syphilis between baseline clinical and laboratory parameters with visual acuity at presentation and with any change in visual acuity after treatment. METHODS: Charts of 26 patients (42 eyes) with ocular syphilis presenting to the Uveitis clinic of the Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital were reviewed. A baseline cross-sectional analysis was performed in order to identify any association between visual acuity at presentation and demographic, clinical or laboratory parameters. After treatment, any analogy between these parameters and a change in visual acuity was subsequently assessed in a series of univariate comparisons. RESULTS: The following factors were associated with worse initial visual acuity: severity of visual field impairment at presentation (p=0.012), macular oedema (p=0.004) and optic neuropathy (p=0.031). There was a borderline association with the presence of vasculitis on fluroangiography (p=0.072). Improvement in best corrected visual acuity after treatment was significantly associated with the presence of vasculitis on fluroangiography (p=0.005), neurosyphilis, according to lumbar puncture findings (p=0.037) and marginally with anterior uveitis (p=0.070). Inflammation relapse was associated with the coexistence of pain as presenting sign (p<0.001) and with a longer duration of symptoms prior to the initial visit (p=0.023). CONCLUSIONS: Severe ocular inflammation associated with vasculitis, vitritis or anterior uveitis in ocular syphilis would appear to be a reversible phenomenon that responds well to appropriate antibiotic treatment, resulting in improvement in visual acuity. Prompt treatment enables a good visual prognosis, while any delay in therapy increases the risk of subsequent relapse.


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Rapport de synthèse :Les individus HIV-positifs constituent une population à risque pour les maladies cardiovasculaires telles que |'infarctus cardiaque ou cérébrale. Celles-ci découlent d'une formation accélérée d'athéroscIérose. Ces pathologies s'expliquent en grande partie par une dyslipidémie observée au sein de cette population et qui sont dues à des facteurs externes tels que : l'immunosuppression avancée, la virémie non-contrôlée, et les effets de la thérapie antirétrovirale. Récemment, des polymorphismes nucléotidiques simples (SNP) associés à la dyslipidémie ont été mis en évidence d'une manière globale par des Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS). Le but principal de cette étude est d'éva|uer et de valider |'effet cumulatif des SNP identifiés dans ces GWAS pour la dyslipidémie chez des patients HIV-positifs. De plus, |'identification des facteurs non-génétiques qui contribuent à la dyslipidémie démontrent |'importance des facteurs externes, tels que mentionnés ci- dessus, et en particulier à ceux de la thérapie antirétrovirale.Les participants de l'étude proviennent de trois groupes: 426 personnes sélectionnées pour une étude précédente, 222 personnes sélectionnées de façon arbitraire dans la "Cohorte HIV Suisse" et 103 personnes sélectionnées avec un "New-Onset Diabetes mellitus" identifiées lors d'études précédentes. Ces individus ont contribué à plus de 34'000 mesures de lipides sur une durée moyenne supérieure à 7 ans. Pour l'étude, 33 SNP identifiés dans des GWAS et 9 SNP identifiés dans d'autres études publiées dans la littérature non-couverte par des GWAS ont été repris. Le génotypage a été complété pour 745 (99.2%) des 751 participants. Pour les analyses statistiques, les thérapies antirétrovirales ont été divisées en trois groupes (favorisant peu, moyennement et fortement la dyslipidémie), et trois scores génétiques ont été créés (profil favorable, moyennement favorable, non favorable/favorisant la dyslipidémie). Dans un premier temps, l'effet sur la valeur des lipides d'un ou deux allèles variants a été analysé au moyen d'un modèle de régression pour chaque SNP en ajustant le modèle pour les variables non- génétiques. Dans un deuxième temps, les SNP ayant une valeur p >= à 0.2 ont été repris dans un model Multi-SNP, ce modèle est également ajusté pour les variables non-génétiques. Puisque cette étude se base sur des SNP précédemment identifiés, celle-ci évalue uniquement l'association établie entre chaque SNP et les critères qui ont été établis au préalable, tels que : Cholestérol totale, HDL Cholestérol, non-HDL Cholestérol ou Triglycérides. Les résultats trouvés lors de |'étude confirment les résultats de la littérature. Cette étude montre que les SNP associés à la dyslipidémie doivent être analysés dans le contexte d'une thérapie antirétrovirale en tenant compte de la démographie et en considérant les valeurs du HIV (CD4+, virémie). Ces SNP montrent une tendance à prédire une dyslipidémie prolongée chez l'individu. En effet, un patient avec une thérapie antirétrovirale favorisant la dyslipidémie et un patrimoine génétique non-favorable a un risque qui est 3-f0is plus important d'avoir un Non-HDL- Cholestérol élevé, 5-fois plus important d'avoir un HDL-Cholestérol abaissé, et 4 à 5-fois plus important d'avoir une hypertriglycéridémie qu'un patient qui suit une thérapie antirétrovirale favorisant peu la dyslipidémie qui a un patrimoine génétique favorable. Vu la corrélation entre les SNP et la thérapie antirétrovirale, les cliniciens devraient intégrer les informations génétiques afin de choisir une thérapie antirétrovirale en fonction du patrimoine génétique.


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Perampanel is one of the latest released antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Early studies suggest no significant liver enzyme induction from this compound. We report on two patients with medically resistant epilepsy, who had perampanel added to their usual regimen. Both experienced a worsening of their epilepsy and presented in convulsive status epilepticus; concurrent antiepileptic drug levels (phenytoin, phenobarbital, rufinamide) were significantly decreased (<50%) in comparison with levels prior to perampanel introduction. Intravenous load and significant increase of maintenance dosages were needed to restore therapeutic drug levels. In one patient, further increase of perampanel resulted in a new drop of phenytoin level. This suggests that perampanel could, in some subjects, induce liver enzymes and interact with concomitant AEDs; monitoring levels of concomitant compounds could be useful.


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The human behavior is giving the entire picture of a person. The behavior is based on a complex combination of personal innate factors, experience and education and the social network within which the individual is integrated. Each moment the complex individual factors face external and internal environmental aspects which in turn, generate proactive and retroactive reactions. The adoption process is an important and challenging social experiment, bringing to the adopted child a new affiliation, social network, experiences and educational standards. This comes in his/her life after the trauma of losing his biological affiliation and social and emotional support. Which are the significant characteristics of the adopted child's behavior? Which are the behavioral characteristics of the adoptive child that guarantee the success of the domestic adoptions in Romania? These are the questions we are going to answer here based on the research done within FISAN(6) project. The 32 children, 11-16 years old, adopted by Romanian families, during the early ages (0-4 years), were evaluated with complex evaluation tools for children and parents. The adoptive families participating in the research live in the Western counties of Romania.Successful adoption is defined as secure attachment of the adopted child. The conclusions emphasize the importance of: the pro-social behavior, the loving behavior showed to the parents, the assertive behavior, the differentiations between parents and people outside the family, and between the two parents, and the humor. These behaviors displayed by the adopted children are the ingredients of a successful integration within the adoptive family.