305 resultados para Gynäkologische Chirurgie

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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From the 1st of January 2011, new conditions have been validated in which surgery for weight loss is borne by the basic insurance. These are very significant changes compared to the old criteria. Indeed, on one hand, patients with BMI > or = 35 kg/m2 may, without age limit and in the absence of comorbidities benefit from surgery without prior request to the medical council health insurance company concerned. On the other hand, the notion of a minimum casuistry is for the first time introduced in centers performing this type of intervention. In addition, certified centers are required to follow standard procedures for the patients' teaching and follow up.


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2007 was marked by a growing trend towards minimal invasive surgery and enhanced recovery, especially in visceral surgery. In comparison to the laparoscopic revolution in the eighties, Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) must be watched on closely, and will probably have to be taken into account in a near future. Minimal invasive procedures in oesophageal cancer surgery have proved both efficient and oncologically safe. Implementation of Fast track protocols now permits a much faster patient's return to normal daily activity. In hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, multidisciplinary efforts have been done to better select patients, widen the indications and increase efficiency.


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Intraoperative imaging, in particular intraoperative MRI, is a developing area in neurosurgery and its role is currently being evaluated. Its role in epilepsy surgery has not been defined yet and its use has been limited. In our experience with a compact and mobile low-field intraoperative MRI system, a few epilepsy surgeries have been performed using this technique. As the integration of imaging and functional data plays an important role in the planning of epilepsy surgery, intraoperative verification of the surgical result may be highly valuable. Therefore, teams that have access to intraoperative MRI should be encouraged to use this technique prospectively to evaluate its current relevance in epilepsy surgery.


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Despite advertising for NOTES in 2009, single trocart laparoscopic surgery is about to become a new standard in selected indications. As other important topics, the limits of oncological surgery are extended due to a systematic multidisciplinary approach. To discuss every publication would be difficult and our review will focus on a selected number of papers of importance for daily practice. As examples, the management of acute calculous cholecystitis, gastro-esophageal reflux, inguinal and incisional hernia repair as well as colorectal surgery are presented.


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OBJECTIVE: Transobturator route is now largely used for the positioning of the supporting sub uretral tape in the surgical treatment of female urinary incontinence. This operation can be done using the original technique from the outside to the inside or by inside to outside. Our anatomic study evaluates the specific dangers of each MATERIAL AND METHODS: Our study is based on the dissection of seven fresh bodies, therefore 14 obturator regions. The dissections were done after the positioning of the tape from outside to inside on one side and inside to outside on the other side. We particularly studied the distances separating the tape from the inferior pudendal vascular bundle and the posterior branch of the obturator nerve. RESULTS: With the inside - outside technique there is a greater proximity between the path of the tape and the studied structures, therefore the risk of damage is greater. CONCLUSIONS: The two techniques are not equivalent. There are less vascular and neurological risk using the original outside to inside technique.


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Problématique : En Suisse, près de 5300 nouveaux cas de cancer du sein chez la femme et 30 à 40 chez l'homme sont diagnostiqués chaque année. Une femme sur huit sera touchée par la maladie au cours de sa vie (1-2). Malgré l'avancée de la médecine dans le traitement de cette maladie, il arrive encore que des situations dramatiques se présentent suite à une tumeur localement avancée ou récidivante. Une plaie chronique douloureuse et nécrotique parfois surinfectée ne répondant pas aux traitements de chimio- et de radiothérapie nécessite alors d'effectuer une résection large de la zone atteinte afin d'améliorer la qualité de vie de ces patients. Cette opération entraîne un vaste défect de la paroi thoracique antérieure qui demande une chirurgie de couverture complexe. Le lambeau épiploïque proposé par Kiricuta en 1963 est encore utilisé de nos jours pour ce genre d'intervention (3). L'évolution des techniques chirurgicales fait que nous disposons actuellement d'autres lambeaux myocutanés performants pour de telles situations oncologiques. Ce travail s'intéresse à l'évaluation de l'épiplooplastie proposée il y a maintenant près de 50 ans, afin de s'interroger sur la place qu'elle occupe aujourd'hui parmi ces autres techniques. Objectifs : Comprendre la technique du lambeau de Kiricuta et évaluer sa place parmi les techniques de reconstruction dans la chirurgie du cancer du sein localement avancé ou récidivant. Méthodes : Une revue de la littérature des articles s'intéressant au lambeau de Kiricuta depuis 1963 a permis d'évaluer ses qualités et ses inconvénients. Cette technique a été illustrée par l'analyse rétrospective des dossiers de 4 patients ayant bénéficié d'une reconstruction à partir du grand épiploon au CHUV suite à un cancer du sein récidivant ou localement avancé. La présentation des autres techniques de reconstructions de la paroi thoracique antérieure s'est également basée sur la récolte d'articles d'études comparant ces différentes opérations. Résultats: Le grand épiploon est un organe doté de capacités étonnantes, immunologiques et angiogéniques. Sa taille souvent généreuse convient à de grands défects de la paroi thoracique, particulièrement lors d'atteinte bilatérale ou de la région axillaire. Son utilisation ne convient toutefois pas lors d'exérèse de plus de 3 côtes par manque de stabilité de la cage thoracique. Apprécié en milieu infecté et/ou radique, il convient aux situations où les lambeaux myocutanés sont inadéquats. En effet, comme sa taille n'est pas prédictible et que l'opération demande souvent une laparotomie, cette technique est envisagée en seconde intention ou suivant des situations particulières. Conclusion : L'amélioration des symptômes locaux lors de cancer du sein localement avancé ou récidivant a pu être obtenue en excisant la lésion et en la recouvrant par le lambeau de Kiricuta. Le bénéfice sur la qualité de vie ainsi apporté à ces patients fait de l'épiplooplastie un choix à considérer dans le traitement chirurgical du cancer du sein.


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Ingrown toenail is a relatively frequent condition of the great toe affecting usually young adults. Surgery is most often required but the rate of recurrences is high with the risk of definitive functional and esthetical consequences. Among the numerous surgical procedures described, none is unanimously considered as the most effective. As for all dermatological surgery, the procedure must be not only curative but also esthetically acceptable. The surgeon's skills and experience are determining factors. A review of the most common procedures is presented.


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Perioperative cardiac events occurring in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery are a common cause of morbidity and mortality. Current guidelines recommend an individualized approach to preoperative cardiac risk stratification prior to non-cardiac surgery, integrating risk factors both for the patient (active cardiac conditions, clinical risk factors, functional capacity) and for the planned surgery. Preoperative cardiac investigations are currently limited to high-risk patients in whom they may contribute to modify the perioperative management. A multidisciplinary approach to such patients, integrating the general practitioner, is recommended in order to define an individualized peri-operative strategy.


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OBJECTIVE: A single bolus dose of etomidate decreases cortisol synthesis by inhibiting the 11-beta hydroxylase, a mitochondrial enzyme in the final step of cortisol synthesis. In our institution, all the patients undergoing cardiac surgery receive etomidate at anesthesia induction. The purpose of this study was to assess the incidence of adrenocortical dysfunction after a single dose of etomidate in selected patients undergoing major cardiac surgery and requiring high-dose norepinephrine postoperatively. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective descriptive study in the surgical ICU of a university hospital. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty-three patients presented acute circulatory failure requiring norepinephrine (>0,2 microg/kg/min) during the 48 hours following cardiac surgery. Absolute adrenal insufficiency was defined as a basal cortisol below 414 nmo/l (15 microg/dl) and relative adrenal insufficiency as a basal plasma cortisol between 414 nmo/l (15 microg/dl) and 938 nmo/l (34 microg/dl) with an incremental response after 250 microg of synthetic corticotropin (measured at 60 minutes) below 250 nmol/l (9 microg/dl). RESULTS: Fourteen patients (22%) had normal corticotropin test results, 10 (16%) had absolute and 39 (62%) relative adrenal insufficiency. All patients received a low-dose steroid substitution after the corticotropin test. Substituted patients had similar clinical outcomes compared to patients with normal adrenal function. CONCLUSION: A high incidence of relative adrenal failure was observed in selected cardiac surgery patients with acute postoperative circulatory failure.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the occurrence of macular edema (ME) after epiretinal membrane resection, managed either with simple vitrectomy or with combined vitrectomy and phacoemulsification. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two groups of 12 patients had a vitrectomy for epiretinal membrane associated or not to a phacoemulsification. A fundus fluorescein angiography was performed pre and postoperatively and at least 3 months after the surgery. RESULTS: In the group of patients who had a simple vitrectomy, a ME was observed in 50% of the cases preoperatively and in 25% of the cases at the end of follow-up. In 3 cases, preoperative ME was worsened after the surgery. In the group of patients who were treated by a combined vitrectomy and phacoemulsification, a ME was observed in 25% of the cases preoperatively and in 50% of the cases at the end of follow-up. A de novo ME was observed in 3 cases. CONCLUSION: Combined vitrectomy and cataract surgery could allow a rapid recovery of visual acuity but might increase the occurrence of ME.


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[Table des matières] 1. Matériel et méthode. 1.1. Protocole princeps. 1.2. Protocole adapté. 1.3. Analyse des causes de délai. 2. Résultats : exhaustivité de la cueillette de données. 3. Discussion et conclusions. 4. Annexes : 1. Soins requis (PNR). 2. Formulaire de saisie. 3. Responsabilités des délais. 4. Distribution des critères. 5. Cause de délai.