14 resultados para Gràmatica comparada i general -- Tema i rema
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
This article describes the application of a recently developed general unknown screening (GUS) strategy based on LC coupled to a hybrid linear IT-triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS-LIT) for the simultaneous detection and identification of drug metabolites following in vitro incubation with human liver microsomes. The histamine H1 receptor antagonist loratadine was chosen as a model compound to demonstrate the interest of such approach, because of its previously described complex and extensive metabolism. Detection and mass spectral characterization were based on data-dependent acquisition, switching between a survey scan acquired in the ion-trapping Q3 scan mode with dynamic subtraction of background noise, and a dependent scan in the ion-trapping product ion scan mode of automatically selected parent ions. In addition, the MS(3) mode was used in a second step to confirm the structure of a few fragment ions. The sensitivity of the ion-trapping modes combined with the selectivity of the triple quadrupole modes allowed, with only one injection, the detection and identification of 17 phase I metabolites of loratadine. The GUS procedure used in this study may be applicable as a generic technique for the characterization of drug metabolites after in vitro incubation, as well as probably in vivo experiments.
In 1927 M. R. James published Latin Infancy Gospels, identified by him in two related but not identical manuscripts (one the British Library Arundel 404; the other from Hereford), together with a parallel text from the Irish manuscript known as the Leabhar Breac. Later researches brought to light more manuscripts of this Latin work, and also of the Irish text. James recognized that his apocryphal Latin Infancy text was compiled from a combination of the Protevangelium of James and a hitherto unknown text which he named "The Source". Recent research has identified a full Latin translation of the Protevangelium of James. A hitherto unrecognized Irish Infancy Narrative has also been identified in the Dublin manuscript known as the Liber Flavus Fergusiorum. A deep study of this related tradition was called for. This has been carried out over the past ten years by an Irish team in conjunction with Professor Daniel Kaestli and AELAC. The fruits of this labour are published in these two volumes. Volume 13 has a general introduction with a historical sketch of New Testament apocrypha in Ireland and a history of research on the subject. This is followed by a comparison of the Infancy Narratives in the Leabhar Breac and the Liber Flavus Fergusiorum. There are special introductions to these Infancy texts, followed by critical editions of the Irish texts, accompanied by English translations and rich annotation. Next there is similar treatment of the Irish versified Narrative (from ca. 700) of the Childhood Deeds of Jesus (commonly known as the Infancy Narrative (or Gospel) of Thomas. There is then (in volume 14, but with continuous pagination) the edition and translation of an Irish thirteenth-century poem with elements from Infancy Narratives, and both Latin and Irish texts on the wonders at Christ's birth, accompanied by translations and notes. The edition of the Irish material is followed by a critical edition of the full Arundel and Hereford forms of the Infancy Narrative (here referred to as the "J Compilation"), together with a detailed study of all the questions relating to this work. The volume concludes with a critical edition (by Rita Beyers) of the Latin text of the Protevangelium of James, accompanied by a detailed study of the work.. The work contains a detailed study of the Latin translations of the Protevangelium of James and the transmission of this work in the West. The "J Compilation" (a combination of the Protevangelium and texts of Pseudo-Matthew) can be traced back in manuscript transmission to ca. 800,and must have originated some time earlier. Behind it stands an earlier "I ("I" for Irish) Compilation" without influence from Pseudo-Matthew, the form found in the Irish witnesses. It is argued that M. R. James's "Source" may be of Judaeo-Christian origin and may really be the Gospel of the Nazoreans. Among the indexes there is a list of all the Irish words found in the texts. This edition of the Irish and related Latin texts is a major contribution to the study of the apocryphal Infancy Narratives. It should also be of particular interest to Celtic scholars, to students of Irish ecclesiastical learning, and in general to all medievalists.
Dendritic cells (DCs) are central player in immunity by bridging the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system (IS). Interferons (IFNs) are one of the most important factors that regulate both innate and adaptive immunity too. Thus, the understanding of how type II and I IFNs modulate the immune-regulatory properties of DCs is a central issue in immunology. In this paper, we will address this point in the light of the most recent literature, also highlighting the controversial data reported in the field. According to the wide literature available, type II as well as type I IFNs appear, at the same time, to collaborate, to induce additive effects or overlapping functions, as well as to counterregulate each one's effects on DC biology and, in general, the immune response. The knowledge of these effects has important therapeutic implications in the treatment of infectious/autoimmune diseases and cancer and indicates strategies for using IFNs as vaccine adjuvants and in DC-based immune therapeutic approaches.
Right from the beginning of the development of the medical specialty of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) the harmonization of the fields of competence and the specialist training across Europe was always an important issue. The initially informal European collaboration was formalized in 1963 under the umbrella of the European Federation of PRM. The European Academy of PRM and the UEMS section of PRM started to contribute in 1969 and 1974 respectively. In 1991 the European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (EBPRM) was founded with the specific task of harmonizing education and training in PRM in Europe. The EBPRM has progressively defined curricula for the teaching of medical students and for the postgraduate education and training of PRM specialists. It also created a harmonized European certification system for medical PRM specialists, PRM trainers and PRM training sites. European teaching initiatives for PRM trainees (European PRM Schools) were promoted and learning material for PRM trainees and PRM specialists (e-learning, books and e-books, etc.) was created. For the future the Board will have to ensure that a minimal specific undergraduate curriculum on PRM based on a detailed European catalogue of learning objectives will be taught in all medical schools in Europe as a basis for the general medical practice. To stimulate the harmonization of national curricula, the existing postgraduate curriculum will be expanded by a syllabus of competencies related to PRM and a catalogue of learning objectives to be reached by all European PRM trainees. The integration of the certifying examination of the PRM Board into the national assessment procedures for PRM specialists will also have to be promoted.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the development and to test the reliability of a new method called INTERMED, for health service needs assessment. The INTERMED integrates the biopsychosocial aspects of disease and the relationship between patient and health care system in a comprehensive scheme and reflects an operationalized conceptual approach to case mix or case complexity. The method is developed to enhance interdisciplinary communication between (para-) medical specialists and to provide a method to describe case complexity for clinical, scientific, and educational purposes. First, a feasibility study (N = 21 patients) was conducted which included double scoring and discussion of the results. This led to a version of the instrument on which two interrater reliability studies were performed. In study 1, the INTERMED was double scored for 14 patients admitted to an internal ward by a psychiatrist and an internist on the basis of a joint interview conducted by both. In study 2, on the basis of medical charts, two clinicians separately double scored the INTERMED in 16 patients referred to the outpatient psychiatric consultation service. Averaged over both studies, in 94.2% of all ratings there was no important difference between the raters (more than 1 point difference). As a research interview, it takes about 20 minutes; as part of the whole process of history taking it takes about 15 minutes. In both studies, improvements were suggested by the results. Analyses of study 1 revealed that on most items there was considerable agreement; some items were improved. Also, the reference point for the prognoses was changed so that it reflected both short- and long-term prognoses. Analyses of study 2 showed that in this setting, less agreement between the raters was obtained due to the fact that the raters were less experienced and the scoring procedure was more susceptible to differences. Some improvements--mainly of the anchor points--were specified which may further enhance interrater reliability. The INTERMED proves to be a reliable method for classifying patients' care needs, especially when used by experienced raters scoring by patient interview. It can be a useful tool in assessing patients' care needs, as well as the level of needed adjustment between general and mental health service delivery. The INTERMED is easily applicable in the clinical setting at low time-costs.
Fine mapping of human cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses against hepatitis C virus (HCV) is based on external loading of target cells with synthetic peptides which are either derived from prediction algorithms or from overlapping peptide libraries. These strategies do not address putative host and viral mechanisms which may alter processing as well as presentation of CTL epitopes. Therefore, the aim of this proof-of-concept study was to identify naturally processed HCV-derived major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I ligands. To this end, continuous human cell lines were engineered to inducibly express HCV proteins and to constitutively express high levels of functional HLA-A2. These cell lines were recognized in an HLA-A2-restricted manner by HCV-specific CTLs. Ligands eluted from HLA-A2 molecules isolated from large-scale cultures of these cell lines were separated by high performance liquid chromatography and further analyzed by electrospray ionization quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry (MS)/tandem MS. These analyses allowed the identification of two HLA-A2-restricted epitopes derived from HCV nonstructural proteins (NS) 3 and 5B (NS3₁₄₀₆₋₁₄₁₅ and NS5B₂₅₉₄₋₂₆₀₂). In conclusion, we describe a general strategy that may be useful to investigate HCV pathogenesis and may contribute to the development of preventive and therapeutic vaccines in the future.
The relatively recent development of the psychosocial rehabilitation has its origins mainly in the progress of modern psychopharmacology, the assertion of the rights of the patients and the result of the studies showing that the evolution of persons suffering from severe and persistent mental illnesses can prove to be positive in many cases. In spite of the heterogeneity of the experiences and of the theoretical references, the core principles of the psychosocial rehabilitation imposed themselves. These principles can be classified according to three levels, that of relational ethics, that of the method of intervention and that of the institutional device. A recent study showed that 2.4@1000 of the general adult population of the Canton of Vaud live in sociotherapeutic and rehabilitation accommodations. In this sample, there is a important percentage of relatively young persons (55.3% are under 40). In institutional accommodation there is a majority of patients suffering from major personality disorders and addiction (40.6%), followed by psychotic disorders (37.2%), persistent mood disorders (12.3%), neurotic disorders (6.6%) and psycho-organic disorders (3.3%). In home based rehabilitation, the ratio of patients with psychotic disorders is more important (53.1%). This difference would indicate that people with schizophrenia would have a better social outcome than personality disorders with addiction
As psychiatric disorders attacking the body, anorexia and bulimia may have severe psychological, physical and social consequences, often requiring a long-standing interdisciplinary, coordinated and individualized approach. Recently the canton of Vaud has initiated and developed an interinstitutional structure--between the University Hospital (CHUV) and the hospitals of the Northern region of the canton (eHnv)--for the care of patients suffering from eating disorders. This structure, allowing the above mentioned approach for the treatment of eating disorders, consists of an outpatient facility located in the CHUV and an inpatient unit in the hospital of Saint Loup of the eHnv. Within this structure, the general practitioner plays a crucial role in the prevention of the chronification of these disorders by means of their early detection and management.
To investigate a recently developed lymphadenopathy can be simple or complex. The medical history, presence or not of symptoms, the general physical examination, and the localization and characteristics of the adenopathy, most often lead to a diagnosis and therapy when indicated. Among young adults, the etiology is either infectious or reactive, rarely tumoral, as opposed to elderly persons. The most important step is to look at signs of severity (or non banality) such as an increased size, hard consistency, supra-clavicular location, an immunocompromised host, a history of Tb exposition. If present, these signs will trigger a biopsy with cyto- or histopathological examination mostly to rule out a malignant tumor. This article reviews the practical steps of an investigation of an isolated adenopathy in an adult patient.
The general strategy to perform anti-doping analyses of urine samples starts with the screening for a wide range of compounds. This step should be fast, generic and able to detect any sample that may contain a prohibited substance while avoiding false negatives and reducing false positive results. The experiments presented in this work were based on ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled to hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Thanks to the high sensitivity of the method, urine samples could be diluted 2-fold prior to injection. One hundred and three forbidden substances from various classes (such as stimulants, diuretics, narcotics, anti-estrogens) were analysed on a C(18) reversed-phase column in two gradients of 9min (including two 3min equilibration periods) for positive and negative electrospray ionisation and detected in the MS full scan mode. The automatic identification of analytes was based on retention time and mass accuracy, with an automated tool for peak picking. The method was validated according to the International Standard for Laboratories described in the World Anti-Doping Code and was selective enough to comply with the World Anti-Doping Agency recommendations. In addition, the matrix effect on MS response was measured on all investigated analytes spiked in urine samples. The limits of detection ranged from 1 to 500ng/mL, allowing the identification of all tested compounds in urine. When a sample was reported positive during the screening, a fast additional pre-confirmatory step was performed to reduce the number of confirmatory analyses.
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules are of crucial importance for the immune system to recognize and defend the body against external attacks. Foreign antigens are presented by specialized cells, called antigen presenting cells, to T lymphocytes in the context of MHC molecules, thereby inducing T cell activation. In addition, MHC molecules are essential for Natural Killer (NK) cell biology, playing a role in NK cell education and activation. Recently, the NOD-like receptor (NLR) family member NLRC5 (NLR caspase recruitment domain containing protein 5) was found to act as transcriptional regulator of MHC class I, in particular in T and NK cells. Its role in MHC class I expression is however minor in dendritic cells (DCs). This raised the question of whether inflammatory conditions, which augment the levels of NLRC5 in DCs, could increase its contribution to MHC class I expression. Our work shows that MHC class I transcript and intracellular levels depend on NLRC5, while its role in MHC class I surface expression is instead negligible. We describe however a general salvage mechanism that enables cells with low intracellular MHC class I levels to nevertheless maintain relatively high MHC class I on the cell surface. In addition, we lack a thorough understanding of NLRC5 target gene specificity and mechanism of action. Our work delineates the unique consensus sequence in MHC class I promoters required for NLRC5 recruitment and pinpoints conserved features conferring its specificity. Furthermore, through genome-wide analyses, we confirm that NLRC5 regulates classical MHC class I genes and identify novel target genes all encoding non-classical MHC class I molecules exerting an array of functions in immunity and tolerance. We finally asked why a dedicated factor co-regulates MHC class I expression specifically in T and NK lymphocytes. We show that deregulated NLRC5 expression affects the education of NK cells and alters the crosstalk between T and NK cells, leading to NK cell-mediated killing of T lymphocytes. Altogether this thesis work brings insights into molecular and physiological aspects of NLRC5 function, which might help understand certain aspects of immune responses and disorders. -- Les molécules du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité (CMH) sont essentielles au système immunitaire pour l'initiation de la réponse immunitaire. En effet, l'activation des lymphocytes T nécessite la reconnaissance d'un antigène étranger présenté par les cellules présentatrices d'antigènes sur une molécule du CMH. Les molécules du CMH ont également un rôle fondamental pour la fonction des cellules Natural Killer (NK) puisqu'elles sont nécessaires à leur processus d'éducation et d'activation. Récemment, NLRC5 (NLR caspase recruitment domain containing protein 5), un membre de la famille des récepteurs de type NOD (NLRs), a été décrit comme un facteur de transactivation de l'expression des gènes du CMH de classe I. A l'état basai, cette fonction transcriptionnelle est essentielle dans les lymphocytes T et NK, alors que ce rôle reste mineur pour l'expression des molécules du CMH de classe I dans les cellules dendritiques (DCs). Dans des conditions inflammatoires, l'expression de NLRC5 augmente dans les DCs. Notre travail démontre que, dans ces conditions, les transcrits et les niveaux intracellulaires des molécules du CMH de classe I augmentent aussi d'une façon dépendante de NLRC5. A contrario, le rôle de NLRC5 sur les niveaux de molécules de surface reste minoritaire. Cette observation nous a conduits à l'identification d'un mécanisme général de compensation qui permet aux cellules de maintenir des niveaux relativement élevés de molécules de CMH de class I à leur surface malgré de faibles niveaux intracellulaires. De plus, il semblait nécessaire de s'orienter vers une approche plus globale afin de déterminer l'étendue de la fonction transcriptionnelle de NLRC5. Par une approche du génome entier, nous avons pu décrire une séquence consensus conservée présente dans les promoteurs des gènes du CMH de classe I, sur laquelle NLRC5 est spécifiquement recruté. Nous avons pu également identifier de nouveaux gènes cibles codant pour des molécules de CMH de classe I non classiques impliqués dans l'immunité et la tolérance. Finalement, nous nous sommes demandé quel est l'intérêt d'avoir un facteur transcriptionnel, en l'occurrence NLRC5, qui orchestre l'expression du CMH de classe I dans les lymphocytes T et NK. Nous montrons que la dérégulation de l'expression de NLRC5 affecte l'éducation des cellules NK et conduit à la mort cellulaire des lymphocytes T médiée par les cellules NK. Dans l'ensemble ce travail de thèse contribue à la caractérisation du rôle de NLRC5, tant au niveau moléculaire que physiologique, ce qui présente un intérêt dans le cadre de la compréhension de certains aspects physiopathologique de la réponse immunitaire.
Forensic intelligence is a distinct dimension of forensic science. Forensic intelligence processes have mostly been developed to address either a specific type of trace or a specific problem. Even though these empirical developments have led to successes, they are trace-specific in nature and contribute to the generation of silos which hamper the establishment of a more general and transversal model. Forensic intelligence has shown some important perspectives but more general developments are required to address persistent challenges. This will ensure the progress of the discipline as well as its widespread implementation in the future. This paper demonstrates that the description of forensic intelligence processes, their architectures, and the methods for building them can, at a certain level, be abstracted from the type of traces considered. A comparative analysis is made between two forensic intelligence approaches developed independently in Australia and in Europe regarding the monitoring of apparently very different kind of problems: illicit drugs and false identity documents. An inductive effort is pursued to identify similarities and to outline a general model. Besides breaking barriers between apparently separate fields of study in forensic science and intelligence, this transversal model would assist in defining forensic intelligence, its role and place in policing, and in identifying its contributions and limitations. The model will facilitate the paradigm shift from the current case-by-case reactive attitude towards a proactive approach by serving as a guideline for the use of forensic case data in an intelligence-led perspective. A follow-up article will specifically address issues related to comparison processes, decision points and organisational issues regarding forensic intelligence (part II).
La psychiatrie (la clinique psychopathologique en général) connaît en ce début de XXIe siècle une situation complexe. Coincée entre naturalisation de l'esprit et constructionnisme social, la possibilité de contribuer à la constitution d'une science autonome qui traite de la souffrance psychique est aujourd'hui problématique. Les nombreux réductionnismes à l'oeuvre, de type nosographique, diagnostique, psychopharmacologique, les concurrences épistémologiques et les dogmatismes des modèles psychothérapeutiques, dessinent un paysage où s'engager à poursuivre la voie d'une psychiatrie spécifiquement humaine et articulée aux sciences naturelles relève de la gageure. C'est le défi de l'anthropologie clinique. Deux articles lui sont consacrés. Dans ce premier article, après avoir fait le constat de certaines impasses qui menacent la psychiatrie contemporaine et rappelé les origines du projet de l'anthropologique clinique, les auteurs présentent les deux démarches qui la fondent, chacune opérant dans un esprit d'interdisciplinarité : l'anthropopsychiatrie de Jacques Schotte et l'anthropologie sémiotique formulée par Jean Lassègue, Victor Rosenthal et Yves-Marie Visetti. Un deuxième article déploiera le potentiel intégratif d'un tel paradigme, constitué sur la base de ces deux démarches conjointes. Psychiatry (psychopathology clinics in general) is in a complex situation at the beginning of 21st century. Wedged between mind naturalization and social constructionism, the possibility of contributing to the establishment of an autonomous science that deals with mental suffering is problematic today. The many nosographic, diagnostic, psychopharmacological reductionisms at work as well as the competing epistemologies and the dogmatisms of psychotherapeutic models draw a challenging landscape for those following the path of a specifically human psychiatry articulated to natural sciences. This is the challenge of clinical anthropology which is presented in two parts. In the first part, after examining several dead ends which threaten contemporary psychiatry and pointing out the origins of the clinical anthropology project, the authors present its two foundational approaches. Each approach driven by a spirit of interdisciplinarity : Jacques Schotte's anthropopsychiatry and the semiotic anthropology as formulated by Jean Lassègue, Victor Rosenthal and Yves-Marie Visetti. A second part will describe the integrative potential of such a paradigm, based on these two joint approaches.
NLRC5, a member of the NOD-like receptor (NLR) protein family, has recently been characterized as the master transcriptional regulator of MHCI molecules in lymphocytes, in which it is highly expressed. However, its role in activated dendritic cells (DCs), which are instrumental to initiate T cell responses, remained elusive. We show in this study that, following stimulation of DCs with inflammatory stimuli, not only did NLRC5 level increase, but also its importance in directing MHCI transcription. Despite markedly reduced mRNA and intracellular H2-K levels, we unexpectedly observed nearly normal H2-K surface display in Nlrc5(-/-) DCs. Importantly, this discrepancy between a strong intracellular and a mild surface defect in H2-K levels was observed also in DCs with H2-K transcription defects independent of Nlrc5. Hence, alongside with demonstrating the importance of NLRC5 in MHCI transcription in activated DCs, we uncover a general mechanism counteracting low MHCI surface expression. In agreement with the decreased amount of neosynthesized MHCI, Nlrc5(-/-) DCs exhibited a defective capacity to display endogenous Ags. However, neither T cell priming by endogenous Ags nor cross-priming ability was substantially affected in activated Nlrc5(-/-) DCs. Altogether, these data show that Nlrc5 deficiency, despite significantly affecting MHCI transcription and Ag display, is not sufficient to hinder T cell activation, underlining the robustness of the T cell priming process by activated DCs.