8 resultados para Genealogy--Yemen
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Switzerland appears to be a privileged place to investigate the urban political ecology of tap water because of the specificities of its political culture and organization and the relative abundance of drinking water in the country. In this paper, we refer to a Foucauldian theorization of power that is increasingly employed in the social sciences, including in human geography and political ecology. We also implement a Foucauldian methodology. In particular, we propose an archaeo-genealogical analysis of discourse to apprehend the links between urban water and the forms of governmentality in Switzerland between 1850 and 1950. Results show that two forms of governmentality, namely biopower and neoliberal governmentality, were present in the water sector in the selected period. Nonetheless, they deviate from the models proposed by Foucault, as their periodization and the classification of the technologies of power related to them prove to be much more blurred than Foucault's work, mainly based on France, might have suggested.
La thèse de l'A. est que le protestantisme ne pourra parvenir à une authentique élucidation de son rapport critique avec la modernité, et donc aussi à une gestion théologique convaincante du thème hautement controversé de la postmodernité, qu'à la condition de procéder avec patience et rigueur à la reconstruction de sa propre généalogie. En effet, seule une approche de type généalogique paraît à même de penser critiquement la relation du protestantisme avec les conditions de son émergence. Par émergence, l'A. entend les points de vue synchronique et diachronique
Järvholm and Co-workers (2009) proposed a conceptual model for research on working life. Models are powerful communication and decision tools. This model is strongly unidirectional and does not cover the mentioned interactions in the arguments.With help of a genealogy of work and of health it is shown that work and health are interactive and have to be analysed on the background of society.Key words: research model, work, health, occupational health, society, interaction, discussion paperRemodellierung der von Järvholm et al. (2009) vorgeschlagenen Forschungsperspektiven in Arbeit und GesundheitJärvholm und Kollegen stellten 2009 ein konzeptionelles Modell für die Forschung im Bereich Arbeit und Gesundheit vor. Modelle stellen kraftvolle Kommunikations- und Entscheidungsinstrumente dar. Die Einflussfaktoren im Modell verlaufen jedoch nur in einer Richtung und bilden die interaktiven Argumente im Text nicht ab. Mit Hilfe einer Genealogie der Begriffe Arbeit und Gesundheit wird aufgezeigt, dass Arbeit und Gesundheit sich gegenseitig beeinflussen und nur vor dem Hintergrund der jeweiligen gesellschaftlichen Kontextfaktoren zu analysieren sind.Introduction : After an interesting introduction about the objectives of research on working life, Järvholm and Co-workers (2009) manage to define a conceptual model for working life research out of a small survey of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) definitions. The strong point of their model is the entity 'working life' including personal development, as well as career paths and aging. Yet, the model Järvholm et al. (2009) propose is strangely unidirectional; the arrows point from the population to working life, from there to health and to disease, as well as to productivity and economic resources. The diagram only shows one feed-back loop: between economic resources and health. We all know that having a chronic disease condition influences work and working capacity. Economic resources have a strong influence on work, too. Having personal economic resources will influence the kind of work someone accepts and facilitate access to continuous professional education. A third observation is that society is not present in the model, although this is less the case in the arguments. In fact, there is an incomprehensible gap between the arguments brought forth by Järvholm and co-workers and their reductionist model.Switzerland has a very low coverage of occupational health specialists. Switzerland is a long way from fulfilling the WHO's recommendations on workers' access to OSH services as described in its Global plan of action. The Institute for Work and Health (IST) in Lausanne is the only organisation which covers the major domains of OSH research that are occupational medicine, occupational hygiene, ergonomic and psychosocial research. As the country's sole occupational health institution we are forced to reflect the objectives of working life research so as not to waste the scare resources available.I will set out below a much shortened genealogy of work and of health, with the aim of extending Järvholm et al's (2009) analyses on the perspectives of working life research in two directions. Firstly towards the interactive nature of work and health and the integration of society, and secondly towards the question of what working life means or where working life could be situated.Work, as we know it today - paid work regulated by a contract as the basis for sustaining life and as a base for social rights - was born in modern era. Therefore I will start my genealogy in the pre-modern era, focus on the important changes that occurred during industrial revolution and the modern era and end in 2010 taking into account the enormous transformations of the past 20-30 years. I will put aside some 810 years of advances in science and technology that have expanded the world's limits and human understanding, and restrict my genealogy to work and to health/body implicating also the societal realm. [Author]
Afin de saisir la portée du débat nord-américain sur les communautarismes pour l'éthique théologique chrétienne actuelle, il paraît nécessaire de faire le point sur la différence entre le communautarisme des traditions intellectuelles, morales et spirituelles partagées, ou communautarisme éthico-religieux et éthico-politique, et le communautarisme politique. Le second, pour autant qu'il postule l'existence de communautés séparées au sein du politique, en est selon nous réduit à échouer comme modèle politique, aussi bien en ce qui concerne la démocratie à l'intérieur des États-nations (il est impossible de circonscrire des communautés distinctes stables en leur sein) qu'en ce qui touche les relations entre États-nations (qui ne constituent pas des communautés). D. Mûller prête ici attention à la valeur herméneutique constructive des traditions intellectuelles, morales et ou spirituelles, et plaide pour la fécondité partielle d'une telle approche lorsqu'il est question de construire une éthique théologique à visée vraiment universelle.
Background: The aim of this study was to describe an unexpected phenotype in a family with Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) due to a retinal pigment epithelium-specific protein 65 kDa (RPE65) homozygous mutation. History and Signs: We analyzed a family from Yemen in which 3 individuals were affected with LCA. Linkage analysis using markers flanking the known LCA genes was done, followed by direct sequencing of RPE65. Therapy and Outcome: Severe visual impairment and night blindness were observed during infancy. We observed photophobia only in the 8-year-old patient. The youngest affected had bilateral hyperopia of + 3.50 and visual acuity of 1/60. The oldest two had visual acuity limited to hand movements in the right eye (OD) and counting fingers in the left eye (OS) for the oldest and of 5/60 OD, 6/60 OS for the other. They showed disc pallor, attenuated vessels, white flecks in the retina mid-periphery and bull's eye maculopathy. ERGs of the oldest child were completely unresponsive. Genomic sequencing identified a novel homozygous missense mutation, IVS2-3C > G, in the second RPE65 intron. Conclusions: We identified a novel LCA-related homozygous RPE65 mutation associated with a severe clinical presentation including an early and severe cone dysfunction. This is in contrast with the presentation associated with other RPE65 mutations predominantly causing rod-cone dystrophy with residual visual function.
Purpose: To report the clinical and genetic study of a family with Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA). Methods: We studied a consanguineous family from Yemen in which three individuals were affected with LCA. Genomic DNA was prepared from venous leukocytes. Linkage analysis of all family members using polymorphic markers flanking the known LCA genes was performed, followed by direct sequencing of all the exons and intron-exon junctions of the RPE65 gene. Results: The three affected were 5, 8 and 12 years old. Severe visual impairment and night blindness were noticed during infancy. Nystagmus was not a feature. Photophobia was only observed in the 8-year-old patient. The 5-year old youngest affected had a bilateral hyperopia of +3.50 and a visual acuity of 1/60. The oldest two had mild myopia and visual acuity limited to hand movements RE and counting fingers LE for the oldest and of 5/60 OD, 6/60 OS for the other. On fundus examination, they harbored common clinical features such as disc pallor, attenuated vessels, white flecks in the retina mid-periphery and bull's eye maculopathy. Electroretinograms of the oldest child were completely extinguished while residual scotopic responses with abolished photopic and flicker responses were observed in the two youngest. Sequencing identified a novel missense mutation, IVS2-3C>G, in the second RPE65 intron. The mutation was not detected in 80 ethnically matched normal individuals. Conclusion: We have identified a novel LCA-related homozygous RPE65 mutation associated with a severe clinical presentation including an early and severe cone dysfunction. This is in contrast with the presentation associated with other RPE65 mutations predominantly causing a rod-cone dystrophy with residual cone function. The identified mutation potentially affects splicing of the third exon and could result in a loss of function. Definite functional consequences of this change still need to be characterized.
We examined the sequence variation of mitochondrial DNA control region and cytochrome b gene of the house mouse (Mus musculus sensu lato) drawn from ca. 200 localities, with 286 new samples drawn primarily from previously unsampled portions of their Eurasian distribution and with the objective of further clarifying evolutionary episodes of this species before and after the onset of human-mediated long-distance dispersals. Phylogenetic analysis of the expanded data detected five equally distinct clades, with geographic ranges of northern Eurasia (musculus, MUS), India and Southeast Asia (castaneus, CAS), Nepal (unspecified, NEP), western Europe (domesticus, DOM) and Yemen (gentilulus). Our results confirm previous suggestions of Southwestern Asia as the likely place of origin of M. musculus and the region of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northern India, specifically as the ancestral homeland of CAS. The divergence of the subspecies lineages and of internal sublineage differentiation within CAS were estimated to be 0.37-0.47 and 0.14-0.23 million years ago (mya), respectively, assuming a split of M. musculus and Mus spretus at 1.7 mya. Of the four CAS sublineages detected, only one extends to eastern parts of India, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Philippines, South China, Northeast China, Primorye, Sakhalin and Japan, implying a dramatic range expansion of CAS out of its homeland during an evolutionary short time, perhaps associated with the spread of agricultural practices. Multiple and non-coincident eastward dispersal events of MUS sublineages to distant geographic areas, such as northern China, Russia and Korea, are inferred, with the possibility of several different routes.
Cette thèse appréhende les rapports au politique des artistes visuels yéménites dans un contexte de domination, recouvrant trois États (les deux républiques qui précédent l'unification du Yémen et la république actuelle créée en 1990, jusqu'en 2015). En étudiant la domination en acte à travers une démarche ethnographique, ce travail interroge les conditions de production et d'action des artistes en soutien ou en contestation au régime, comme au cours du moment révolutionnaire de 2011. On observe ainsi le processus de politisation des mondes de l'art au Yémen contemporain, processus compris en tant qu'acquisition d'une signification politique par la pratique artistique et par les réseaux de relations entretenus par les artistes visuels. Ces requalifications de leur travail ou de leurs actions se font dans un contexte traversé par des luttes concurrentielles pour la répartition du pouvoir, aussi bien internes et propres à leurs mondes d'activité, qu'externes et en relation à l'espace politique institutionnel. La politisation des mondes de l'art apparaît dès lors moins comme un instrument d'accès à cet espace qu'une voie pour accéder à plus de visibilité, à la reconnaissance, et à un meilleur positionnement dans les rapports agonistiques qui configurent ces mondes. -- This thesis focuses on the study of Yemeni visual artists' relation to politics in a context of domination, covering three States (the two republics that precede Yemen's unification and the current republic established in 1990, until 2015). Studying domination in action througli an ethnographic approach, this work questions artists' conditions of production and of action in support to or in contestation of the regime- as in the case of the revolutionary period of 2011. It observes the politicization of art worlds in contemporary Yemen, a process understood as the acquisition of a political significance as observed in the artistic practice and in the dynamic networks that artists maintain. The requalification and reclassification of their work and their actions that results from the politicization of art worlds, takes place in a context of competitive struggles over distribution and access to sites of power. Such conflict over power occurs within their own worlds of activity as well as outside them and in relation to the domain of institutional politics. This thesis contends that the politicization of art worlds is more of a means to access visibility and recognition than a resource to participate in the political field. Through the politicization of art, artists are able to better position themselves within the agonistic relations that exist within art worlds.