7 resultados para Flora

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Continental-scale assessments of 21st century global impacts of climate change on biodiversity have forecasted range contractions for many species. These coarse resolution studies are, however, of limited relevance for projecting risks to biodiversity in mountain systems, where pronounced microclimatic variation could allow species to persist locally, and are ill-suited for assessment of species-specific threat in particular regions. Here, we assess the impacts of climate change on 2632 plant species across all major European mountain ranges, using high-resolution (ca. 100 m) species samples and data expressing four future climate scenarios. Projected habitat loss is greater for species distributed at higher elevations; depending on the climate scenario, we find 36-55% of alpine species, 31-51% of subalpine species and 19-46% of montane species lose more than 80% of their suitable habitat by 2070-2100. While our high-resolution analyses consistently indicate marked levels of threat to cold-adapted mountain florae across Europe, they also reveal unequal distribution of this threat across the various mountain ranges. Impacts on florae from regions projected to undergo increased warming accompanied by decreased precipitation, such as the Pyrenees and the Eastern Austrian Alps, will likely be greater than on florae in regions where the increase in temperature is less pronounced and rainfall increases concomitantly, such as in the Norwegian Scandes and the Scottish Highlands. This suggests that change in precipitation, not only warming, plays an important role in determining the potential impacts of climate change on vegetation.


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A newly opened excavation in the Cassina beds of the Lower Meride Limestone (Monte San Giorgio UNESCO WHL, Canton Ticino, Southern Alps) has yielded a small collection of Ladinian plant fossils, together with vertebrate (mostly fish) and invertebrate remains The flora contains at least five species, conifer remains assignable to the genera Elatocladus, Voltzia and Pelourdea are the most common elements A new species, Elatocladus cassinae n Sp, is formally, described Co-occurring with the conifers arc seed ferns (Ptilozamites) and a few putative cycadalean remains (Taemopteris) Among the identified genera, only Volizia has previously been reported from Monte San Giorgio The fossils presented in this paper indicate that a diversified flora thrived in the region during the Ladman Floral composition and preservation patterns are suggestive of a taphonomically-biased record and a relatively far-away source area


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Toll-like receptor ( TLR) s ignals are key to maintaining hostmicrobial i nteractions. T he T oll-interacting-protein (Tollip) is a ubiquitously-expressed inhibitor of inflammasome a nd TLR signaling. W e hypothesized that T ollip might control g ut homeostasis. G enetic ablation of T ollip d id not lead to spontaneous colitis b ut h ad d ramatic c onsequences on t he intestinal expression of the α-defensin cryptidin 4 and the C-type lectin R EGIIIβ. These c hanges were associated with intestinal dysbiosis a nd e nhanced colonization b y segmented filamentous bacteria - a k ey p ro-inflammatory component of the microbiota. Tollip deficiency increased susceptibility to dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis and aggravated chronic Th17-driven colitis in IL-10-/- mice. Flora d epletion w ith a ntibiotics in T ollip-/- mice w as not sufficient to restore DSS colitis susceptibility and deletion of Tollip in n on-hematopoietic c ells using bone-marrow chimeras w as sufficient to increase s usceptibility t o DSS colitis. After D SS administration, we o bserved several e pithelial defects i n Tollip-/- mice including early tight junctions disruption, increased epithelial apoptosis, and increased intestinal permeability. Overall, our data show that T ollip significantly impacts intestinal h omeostasis by controlling b acterial ecology and intestinal r esponse to chemical and immunological stresses.


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In the gastro-intestinal tract,Peyers patches have been describedas a major inductive site for mucosalsecretory IgA (SIgA) responses directedagainst pathogens. The classicalview is that SIgAserves as the firstline of defense against microorganismsby agglutining potential invadersand faciliting their clearance byperistaltic and mucociliary movements,a mechanism called immuneexclusion. Our laboratory has shownthat SIgA is not only able to be"retrotransported" into Peyers patchesvia the associated M cells, but also todeliver sizeable cargos in the form ofSIgA-based immune complexes, resultingin the onset of non-inflammatorytype of responses. Such a novelfunction raises the question of thepossible role of mucosal SIgA in theinterplay with commensal bacteriaand the contribution of the antibody inbacterial homeostasis. To address thisquestion, Lactobacillus rhamnosus(LPR) was administered into a mouseligated loop comprising a Peyerspatch, in association or not with SIgA.The fate of fluorescently labelled bacteriawas followed by laser scanningconfocal microscopy at different incubationtimes. After 2 hours of incubationin the loop, LPR bacteria arefound more abundantly in thesubepithelial dome (SED) regionwhen they are coated with SIgA thanLPR administered alone despite theyare absent from neighboring villi.Herein, it is shown that this mechanismof entry involves M cells inPeyers pathes. After their sampling byM cells, bacteria are engulfed by thedendritic cells of the subjacent SEDregion. Interestingly, LPR bacteriaare found coated by the endogenousnatural SIgA present in mice intestinalsecretions, confirming the requirementof SIgA for this type of entry.The subsequent effect on the maturationof dendritic cells after interactionwith LPR was investigated in vitroin presence or not of SIgA by measuringthe expression of CD40, CD80and CD86 surface markers with flowcytometry analyses. Results show thatDCs respond in the same way in presenceof SIgA than with LPR bacteriaalone, indicating that SIgA does notmodulate the interaction betweenDCs and bacteria in this context. Thiswork gives new evidences about theinvolvement of SIgA in the mechanismby which the intestinal immunesystem permanently checks the contentof the intestine.


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1. This account presents information on all aspects of the biology of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Common ragweed) that are relevant to understanding its ecology. The main topics are presented within the standard framework of the Biological Flora of the British Isles: distribution, habitat, communities, responses to biotic factors, responses to environment, structure and physiology, phenology, floral and seed characters, herbivores and disease, history, and conservation, impacts and management. 2. Ambrosia artemisiifolia is a monoecious, wind-pollinated, annual herb native to North America whose height varies from 10 cm to 2.5 m according to environmental conditions. It has erect, branched stems and pinnately lobed leaves. Spike-like racemes of male capitula composed of staminate (male) florets terminate the stems, while cyme-like clusters of pistillate (female) florets are arranged in groups the axils of main and lateral stem leaves. 3. Seeds require prolonged chilling to break dormancy. Following seedling emergence in spring, the rate of vegetative growth depends on temperature, but development occurs over a wide thermal range. In temperate European climates, male and female flowers are produced from summer to early autumn (July to October). 4. Ambrosia artemisiifolia is sensitive to freezing. Late spring frosts kill seedlings and the first autumn frosts terminate the growing season. It has a preference for dry soils of intermediate to rich nutrient level. 5. Ambrosia artemisiifolia was introduced into Europe with seed imports from North America in the 19th century. Since World War II, it has become widespread in temperate regions of Europe and is now abundant in open, disturbed habitats as a ruderal and agricultural weed. 6. Recently, the N. American ragweed leaf beetle (Ophraella communa) has been detected in southern Switzerland and northern Italy. This species appears to have the capacity to substantially reduce growth and seed production of A. artemisiifolia. 7. In heavily infested regions of Europe, A. artemisiifolia causes substantial crop-yield losses and its copious, highly allergenic pollen creates considerable public health problems. There is consensus among models that climate change will allow its northward and up-hill spread in Europe.