38 resultados para FOCI

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Aberrant crypt foci (ACF) are putative preneoplastic lesions that might represent the earliest morphological lesion visible in colonic carcinogenesis. However, findings concerning the growth and morphological features of these lesions in human studies suggest that ACF are highly heterogeneous in nature. In this study, we evaluated the morphological features of a large number of ACF in colon mucosa of 26 patients with colorectal carcinoma (CRC), four patients with adenoma as well as seven patients with nonneoplastic colonic diseases. By dissecting microscope, 508 ACF were identified, and of these, 378 were sampled for histological examination. The median ACF density (number of ACF/cm2) was significantly higher in the left colon than in the right colon (0.047 v 0.014 ACF/cm2). Unexpectedly, in our series, the overall ACF density was higher in the nonneoplastic colonic diseases than in CRC (0.13 v 0.032 ACF/cm2, P=.0087), cases of nonneoplastic diseases, however, being limited to 7 patients. ACF were significantly larger in colons with CRC or adenoma than in colons with nonneoplastic disease (P < .03). On histological examination, we observed 133 ACF with normal epithelium, 189 ACF with hyperplasia, 27 ACF with atypical hyperplasia, and 29 ACF with dysplasia. We noted a progressive increase of median ACF size from normal mucosa to hyperplasia, atypical hyperplasia, and dysplasia. Dysplastic ACF were more frequently observed in patients with CRC or adenoma and showed predominantly elongated crypt orifices (P < .0001). We conclude that ACF are histologically heterogeneous, encompass a spectrum of lesions of which only a subset are associated with dysplasia and then represent an early step in colorectal carcinogenesis. ACF with dysplasia are characterized by larger size, elongated crypt orifices, and an association with CRC.


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Acute and chronic respiratory failure is one of the major and potentially life-threatening features in individuals with myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1). Despite several clinical demonstrations showing respiratory problems in DM1 patients, the mechanisms are still not completely understood. This study was designed to investigate whether the DMSXL transgenic mouse model for DM1 exhibits respiratory disorders and, if so, to identify the pathological changes underlying these respiratory problems. Using pressure plethysmography, we assessed the breathing function in control mice and DMSXL mice generated after large expansions of the CTG repeat in successive generations of DM1 transgenic mice. Statistical analysis of breathing function measurements revealed a significant decrease in the most relevant respiratory parameters in DMSXL mice, indicating impaired respiratory function. Histological and morphometric analysis showed pathological changes in diaphragmatic muscle of DMSXL mice, characterized by an increase in the percentage of type I muscle fibers, the presence of central nuclei, partial denervation of end-plates (EPs) and a significant reduction in their size, shape complexity and density of acetylcholine receptors, all of which reflect a possible breakdown in communication between the diaphragmatic muscles fibers and the nerve terminals. Diaphragm muscle abnormalities were accompanied by an accumulation of mutant DMPK RNA foci in muscle fiber nuclei. Moreover, in DMSXL mice, the unmyelinated phrenic afferents are significantly lower. Also in these mice, significant neuronopathy was not detected in either cervical phrenic motor neurons or brainstem respiratory neurons. Because EPs are involved in the transmission of action potentials and the unmyelinated phrenic afferents exert a modulating influence on the respiratory drive, the pathological alterations affecting these structures might underlie the respiratory impairment detected in DMSXL mice. Understanding mechanisms of respiratory deficiency should guide pharmaceutical and clinical research towards better therapy for the respiratory deficits associated with DM1.


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Human MRE11 is a key enzyme in DNA double-strand break repair and genome stability. Human MRE11 bears a glycine-arginine-rich (GAR) motif that is conserved among multicellular eukaryotic species. We investigated how this motif influences MRE11 function. Human MRE11 alone or a complex of MRE11, RAD50, and NBS1 (MRN) was methylated in insect cells, suggesting that this modification is conserved during evolution. We demonstrate that PRMT1 interacts with MRE11 but not with the MRN complex, suggesting that MRE11 arginine methylation occurs prior to the binding of NBS1 and RAD50. Moreover, the first six methylated arginines are essential for the regulation of MRE11 DNA binding and nuclease activity. The inhibition of arginine methylation leads to a reduction in MRE11 and RAD51 focus formation on a unique double-strand break in vivo. Furthermore, the MRE11-methylated GAR domain is sufficient for its targeting to DNA damage foci and colocalization with gamma-H2AX. These studies highlight an important role for the GAR domain in regulating MRE11 function at the biochemical and cellular levels during DNA double-strand break repair.


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Genes integrated near the telomeres of budding yeast have a variegated pattern of gene repression that is mediated by the silent information regulatory proteins Sir2p, Sir3p, and Sir4p. Immunolocalization and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) reveal 6-10 perinuclear foci in which silencing proteins and subtelomeric sequences colocalize, suggesting that these are sites of Sir-mediated repression. Telomeres lacking subtelomeric repeat elements and the silent mating locus, HML, also localize to the periphery of the nucleus. Conditions that disrupt telomere proximal repression disrupt the focal staining pattern of Sir proteins, but not necessarily the localization of telomeric DNA. To monitor the telomere-associated pools of heterochromatin-binding proteins (Sir and Rap1 proteins) during mitotic cell division, we have performed immunofluorescence and telomeric FISH on populations of yeast cells synchronously traversing the cell cycle. We observe a partial release of Rap1p from telomeres in late G2/M, although telomeres appear to stay clustered during G2-phase and throughout mitosis. A partial release of Sir3p and Sir4p during mitosis also occurs. This is not observed upon HU arrest, although other types of DNA damage cause a dramatic relocalization of Sir and Rap1 proteins. The observed cell cycle dynamics were confirmed by direct epifluorescence of a GFP-Rap1p fusion. Using live GFP fluorescence we show that the diffuse mitotic distribution of GFP-Rap1p is restored to the interphase pattern of foci in early G1-phase.


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Undifferentiated sarcoma of the liver is a rare primary tumor of childhood: only about 150 cases have been reported in the literature. CASE-REPORT: A 10 year-old girl was admitted because of diarrhea and weight loss. Sonography, then CT-scan and MRI showed a large tumor of the liver. COMMENTS: In the differential diagnosis of primary liver tumors in children, one should think about undifferentiated sarcoma of the liver, especially if imaging shows haemorrhagic foci and if sonography and CT/MRI display a discordant appearance. Survival has improved in the last decade due to agressive surgery and intensive chemotherapy.


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Cells defective in any of the RAD51 paralogs (RAD51B, RAD51C, RAD51D, XRCC2, and XRCC3) are sensitive to DNA cross-linking agents and to ionizing radiation. Because the paralogs are required for the assembly of DNA damage-induced RAD51 foci, and mutant cell lines are defective in homologous recombination and show genomic instability, their defect is thought to be caused by an inability to promote efficient recombinational repair. Here, we show that the five paralogs exist in two distinct complexes in human cells: one contains RAD51B, RAD51C, RAD51D, and XRCC2 (defined as BCDX2), whereas the other consists of RAD51C with XRCC3. Both protein complexes have been purified to homogeneity and their biochemical properties investigated. BCDX2 binds single-stranded DNA and single-stranded gaps in duplex DNA, in accord with the proposal that the paralogs play an early (pre-RAD51) role in recombinational repair. Moreover, BCDX2 complex binds specifically to nicks in duplex DNA. We suggest that the extreme sensitivity of paralog-defective cell lines to cross-linking agents is owing to defects in the processing of incised cross links and the consequential failure to initiate recombinational repair at these sites.


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Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) invade the tumor stroma in many cancers, yet their role is incompletely understood. To visualize and better understand these critical cells in tumor progression, we screened a portfolio of rationally selected, injectable agents to image endogenous TAMs ubiquitously in three different cancer models (colon carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, and soft tissue sarcoma). AMTA680, a functionally derivatized magneto-fluorescent nanoparticle, labeled a subset of myeloid cells with an "M2" macrophage phenotype, whereas other neighboring cells, including tumor cells and a variety of other leukocytes, remained unlabeled. We further show that AMTA680-labeled endogenous TAMs are not altered and can be tracked noninvasively at different resolutions and using various imaging modalities, e.g., fluorescence molecular tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and multiphoton and confocal intravital microscopy. Quantitative assessment of TAM distribution and activity in vivo identified that these cells cluster in delimited foci within tumors, show relatively low motility, and extend cytoplasmic protrusions for prolonged physical interactions with neighboring tumor cells. Noninvasive imaging can also be used to monitor TAM-depleting regimen quantitatively. Thus, AMTA680 or related cell-targeting agents represent appropriate injectable vehicles for in vivo analysis of the tumor microenvironment.


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Recirculating virgin CD4+ T cells spend their life migrating between the T zones of secondary lymphoid tissues where they screen the surface of interdigitating dendritic cells. T-cell priming starts when processed peptides or superantigen associated with class II MHC molecules are recognised. Those primed T cells that remain within the lymphoid tissue move to the outer T zone, where they interact with B cells that have taken up and processed antigen. Cognate interaction between these cells initiates immunoglobulin (Ig) class switch-recombination and proliferation of both B and T cells; much of this growth occurs outside the T zones B cells migrate to follicles, where they form germinal centres, and to extrafollicular sites of B-cell growth, where they differentiate into mainly short-lived plasma cells. T cells do not move to the extrafollicular foci, but to the follicles; there they proliferate and are subsequently involved in the selection of B cells that have mutated their Ig variable-region genes. During primary antibody responses T-cell proliferation in follicles produces many times the peak number of T cells found in that site: a substantial proportion of the CD4+ memory T-cell pool may originate from growth in follicles.


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An increase of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and a decrease of tissue-type PA (tPA) have been associated with the transition from normal to adenomatous colorectal mucosa. Serial sections from 25 adenomas were used to identify PA-related caseinolytic activities by in situ zymography, blocking selectively uPA or tPA. The distribution of uPA, tPA, and type 1 PA inhibitor mRNAs was investigated by nonradioactive in situ hybridization, and the receptor for uPA was detected by immunostaining. Low- and high-grade epithelial cell dysplasia was mapped histologically. Results show that 23 of 25 adenomas expressed uPA-related lytic activity located predominantly in the periphery whereas tPA-related activity was mainly in central areas of adenomas. In 15 of 25 adenomas, uPA mRNA was expressed in stromal cells clustered in foci that coincided with areas of uPA lytic activity. The probability of finding uPA mRNA-reactive cells was significantly higher in areas with high-grade epithelial dysplasia. uPA receptor was mainly stromal and expressed at the periphery. Type 1 PA inhibitor mRNA cellular expression was diffuse in the stroma, in endothelial cells, and in a subpopulation of alpha-smooth muscle cell actin-reactive cells. These results show that a stromal up-regulation of the uPA/plasmin system is associated with foci of severe dysplasia in a subset of colorectal adenomas.


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Expression of two important glucose transporter proteins, GLUT 2 (which is the typical glucose transporter in hepatocytes of adult liver) and the erythroid/brain type glucose transporter GLUT 1 (representing the typical glucose transporter in fetal liver parenchyma), was studied immunocytochemically during hepatocarcinogenesis in rats at different time points between 7 and 65 wk after cessation of 7-wk administration of 12 mg/kg of body weight of N-nitrosomorpholine p.o. (stop model). Foci of altered hepatocytes excessively storing glycogen (GSF) and mixed cell foci (MCF) composed of both glycogenotic and glycogen-poor cells were present at all time points studied. Seven wk after withdrawal of the carcinogen, GSF were the predominant type of focus of altered hepatocytes. Morphometrical evaluation of the focal lesions revealed that the number and volume fraction of GSF increased steadily until Wk 65. MCF were rare at 7 wk, increased slightly in number and size until Wk 37, but showed a pronounced elevation in their number and volume fraction from Wk 37 to Wk 65. In both GSF and MCF, GLUT 2 was generally decreased or partially absent at all time points. Consequently, foci of decreased GLUT 2 expression showed a steady increase in number and volume fraction from Wk 7 to Wk 65. GLUT 1 was lacking in GSF but occurred in some MCF from Wk 50 onward. The liver type glucose transporter GLUT 2 was decreased in all adenomas and hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC). In three of seven adenomas and 10 of 12 carcinomas, expression of GLUT 1 was increased compared with normal liver parenchyma. In two cases of adenoid HCC, cells of ductular formations coexpressed GLUT 2 and GLUT 1. In contrast, normal bile ducts, bile duct proliferations, and cystic cholangiomas expressed only GLUT 1. Seven of 12 HCC contained many microvessels intensely stained for GLUT 1, a phenomenon never observed in normal liver. Whenever adenoid tumor formations occurred, GLUT 1-positive microvessels were located in the immediate vicinity of these formations. Only in one HCC were such microvessels found in the absence of adenoid formations. Our studies indicate that a reduction of GLUT 2 expression occurs already in early preneoplastic hepatic foci and is maintained throughout hepatocarcinogenesis, including benign and malignant neoplasms. Reexpression of GLUT 1, however, appears in a few MCF and in the majority of adenomas and carcinomas.


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Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a natural and widespread genotoxin. Given its potentially deleterious effects, it is of interest to establish the identities of the cell types containing this aldehyde. We used in situ chemical trapping with 2-thiobarbituric acid and mass spectrometry with a deuterated standard to characterize MDA pools in the vegetative phase in Arabidopsis thaliana. In leaves, MDA occurred predominantly in the intracellular compartment of mesophyll cells and was enriched in chloroplasts where it was derived primarily from triunsaturated fatty acids (TFAs). High levels of MDA (most of which was unbound) were found within dividing cells in the root tip cell proliferation zone. The bulk of this MDA did not originate from TFAs. We confirmed the localization of MDA in transversal root sections. In addition to MDA in proliferating cells near the root tip we found evidence for the presence of MDA in pericyle cells. Remodeling of non-TFA-derived MDA pools occurred when seedlings were infected with the fungus Botrytis cinerea. Treatment of uninfected seedlings with mediators of plant stress responses (jasmonic acid or salicylic acid) increased seedling MDA levels over 20-fold. In summary, major pools of MDA are associated with cell division foci containing stem cells. The aldehyde is pathogen-inducible in these regions and its levels are increased by cellular mediators that impact defense and growth.


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PURPOSE: To study phenotype-genotype correlation in patients who have retinoma, which is a benign tumor resembling the post irradiation regression pattern of retinoblastoma (RB). METHODS: We selected patients who had retinoma and positive family history for RB and patients who had retinoma in one eye and either retinoma or RB in the other eye. The study included 22 patients with available DNA: 18 from 11 families and four sporadic cases. DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes. The RB1 gene was screened by DHPLC and direct sequencing of the promoter and all the exons. RESULTS: We identified 17 occurrences of 11 distinct germline mutations in two sporadic and in 15 familial cases (nine families). The 11 identified mutations were located in exons 1, 10,11,13,14, and 19 to 23. Four of the identified mutations were not previously reported, including g.64407delT, g.153236A>T, g.156743delTCTG, and g.162078delA. Eight out the 11 mutations were truncating and three were nontruncating (missense). There was no correlation between the type of mutation and the number of tumor foci per eye (RB or retinomas). Highly heterogeneous intrafamilial expressivity was observed. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this study is the largest series of mutations of consecutive retinoma patients. The present data suggest that the type of inherited mutations underlying retinoma is undistinguishable from RB related ones, i.e., largely dominated by truncating mutants. This finding is in contrast with the RB1 genotypic spectrum of mutations associated with low-penetrance RB, i.e., nontruncating mutants. The molecular mechanism underlying low-penetrance and attenuated expressivity (retinomas) appeared to be distinct.


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Objective: To discuss the convenience of laser surgery as optimal treatment for melanoma of the oral mucosa.Patients and methods: A retrospective evaluation of four patients with primary oral melanomas treated at a single Cancer Institution in Mexico City.Results: Two patients were treated with resection of the melanoma with CO2 laser together with extraction of the involved dental organs and curettage of the alveolar walls. These two cases had melanoma in situ with multiple isolated foci. The third patient had a lesion with vertical growth, who was submitted to partial maxillectomy along with selective dissection of bilateral neck levels I-V with a negative report and the fourth patient had a history of oral nodular melanoma and presented with lymph node metastasis. According to follow-up status, there was no distant metastasis in any of the patients reported here.Conclusion: In our experience, conservative management with CO2 laser is adequate for melanomas of the oral mucosa with extraction of the dental organs and curettage of the alveoli to achieve complete surgical resection microscopically without sacrifice of the quality of life. Management of the neck is controversial. We recommend selective therapeutic resection of the neck only if it is found to be clinically positive. Elective dissection has not shown to have an impact in overall survival.


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Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma (KHE) and tufted angioma (TA) are rare tumors mainly occurring in early childhood. Our recent results showed that ectopic overexpression of human Prox1 gene, a lymphatic endothelial nuclear transcription factor, promoted an aggressive behavior in 2 murine models of KHE. This dramatic Prox1-induced phenotype prompted us to investigate immunohistochemical staining pattern of Prox1, podoplanin (D2-40), LYVE-1, and Prox1/CD34 as well as double immunofluorescent staining pattern of LYVE-1/CD31 in KHE and TA, compared with other pediatric vascular tumors. For this purpose, we examined 75 vascular lesions: KHE (n=18), TA (n=13), infantile hemangioma (n=13), pyogenic granuloma (n=18), and granulation tissue (n=13). Overall, KHE and TA shared an identical endothelial immunophenotype: the neoplastic spindle cells were Prox1, podoplanin, LYVE-1, CD31, and CD34, whereas endothelial cells within glomeruloid foci were Prox1, podoplanin, LYVE-1, CD31, and CD34. The lesional cells of all infantile hemangiomas and pyogenic granulomas were negative for Prox1 in the presence of positive internal control. These findings provide immunophenotypic evidence to support a preexisting notion that KHE and TA are closely related, if not identical. Overall, our results show, for the first time, that Prox1 is an immunohistochemical biomarker helpful in confirming the diagnosis of KHE/TA and in distinguishing it from infantile hemangioma and pyogenic granuloma.