234 resultados para Exercise therapy -- Management
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is the most frequent chronic complication of deep vein thrombosis with an estimated prevalence of 30-50%. PTS is a significant cause of disability, especially when complicated by venous ulcers. Therefore, it has important socio-economic consequences for both the patient and the health care system. Aim of this review is to resume state of the art literature on the management of PTS.
Optimum management of non-acquired neuromuscular disorders requires a multidisciplinary approach in order to prevent secondary complications related to the progression of the disease and to maintain the patient's independency in daily activities. For treatments, the physiotherapists and occupational therapists must have precise and measurable goals to quantify muscle strength and functions in conjunction with a specialist in neurorehabilitation. Examples of simple motor scores or scales are given in order to transmit precise information to the GP and the multidisciplinary team, and type of orthosis and physiotherapy programmes are given as pieces of advice to assume the follow-up of patients.
BACKGROUND: Chronic pain is frequent in persons living with spinal cord injury (SCI). Conventionally, the pain is treated pharmacologically, yet long-term pain medication is often refractory and associated with side effects. Non-pharmacological interventions are frequently advocated, although the benefit and harm profiles of these treatments are not well established, in part because of methodological weaknesses of available studies. OBJECTIVES: To critically appraise and synthesise available research evidence on the effects of non-pharmacological interventions for the treatment of chronic neuropathic and nociceptive pain in people living with SCI. SEARCH METHODS: The search was run on the 1st March 2011. We searched the Cochrane Injuries Group's Specialised Register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE (OvidSP), Embase (OvidSP), PsycINFO (OvidSP), four other databases and clinical trials registers. In addition, we manually searched the proceedings of three major scientific conferences on SCI. We updated this search in November 2014 but these results have not yet been incorporated. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials of any intervention not involving intake of medication or other active substances to treat chronic pain in people with SCI. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors independently extracted data and assessed risk of bias in the included studies. The primary outcome was any measure of pain intensity or pain relief. Secondary outcomes included adverse events, anxiety, depression and quality of life. When possible, meta-analyses were performed to calculate standardised mean differences for each type of intervention. MAIN RESULTS: We identified 16 trials involving a total of 616 participants. Eight different types of interventions were studied. Eight trials investigated the effects of electrical brain stimulation (transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES); five trials) or repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS; three trials). Interventions in the remaining studies included exercise programmes (three trials); acupuncture (two trials); self-hypnosis (one trial); transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) (one trial); and a cognitive behavioural programme (one trial). None of the included trials were considered to have low overall risk of bias. Twelve studies had high overall risk of bias, and in four studies risk of bias was unclear. The overall quality of the included studies was weak. Their validity was impaired by methodological weaknesses such as inappropriate choice of control groups. An additional search in November 2014 identified more recent studies that will be included in an update of this review.For tDCS the pooled mean difference between intervention and control groups in pain scores on an 11-point visual analogue scale (VAS) (0-10) was a reduction of -1.90 units (95% confidence interval (CI) -3.48 to -0.33; P value 0.02) in the short term and of -1.87 (95% CI -3.30 to -0.45; P value 0.01) in the mid term. Exercise programmes led to mean reductions in chronic shoulder pain of -1.9 score points for the Short Form (SF)-36 item for pain experience (95% CI -3.4 to -0.4; P value 0.01) and -2.8 pain VAS units (95% CI -3.77 to -1.83; P value < 0.00001); this represented the largest observed treatment effects in the included studies. Trials using rTMS, CES, acupuncture, self-hypnosis, TENS or a cognitive behavioural programme provided no evidence that these interventions reduce chronic pain. Ten trials examined study endpoints other than pain, including anxiety, depression and quality of life, but available data were too scarce for firm conclusions to be drawn. In four trials no side effects were reported with study interventions. Five trials reported transient mild side effects. Overall, a paucity of evidence was found on any serious or long-lasting side effects of the interventions. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Evidence is insufficient to suggest that non-pharmacological treatments are effective in reducing chronic pain in people living with SCI. The benefits and harms of commonly used non-pharmacological pain treatments should be investigated in randomised controlled trials with adequate sample size and study methodology.
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs) are infrequent malignancies which manifest in both functional (hormone-secreting) and more commonly non-functional (non-secreting) forms. The oral multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor everolimus are approved as targeted therapies for patients with well-differentiated, non-resectable disease and evidence of disease progression. The recent approval of sunitinib for the management of advanced pNET is based on a continuous daily dosing (CDD) schedule that differs from the intermittent 4weeks on/2weeks off (4/2) schedule approved for sunitinib in advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and imatinib-resistant gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). Therefore, although clinicians may be familiar with therapy management approaches for sunitinib in advanced RCC and GIST, there is less available experience for the management of patients with a CDD schedule. Here, we discuss the similarities and differences in the treatment of pNET with sunitinib compared with advanced RCC and GIST. In particular, we focus on the occurrence and management of sunitinib-related toxicity in patients with pNET by drawing on experience in these other malignancies. We aim to provide a relevant and useful guide for clinicians treating patients with pNET covering the management of events such as fatigue, mucositis, hand-foot syndrome, and hypertension.
We reviewed the literature to clarify the effects of exercise in preventing and treating nonspecific low back pain. We evaluated several characteristics of exercise programs including specificity, individual tailoring, supervision, motivation enhancement, volume, and intensity. The results show that exercise is effective in the primary and secondary prevention of low back pain. When used for curative treatment, exercise diminishes disability and pain severity while improving fitness and occupational status in patients who have subacute, recurrent, or chronic low back pain. Patients with acute low back pain are usually advised to continue their everyday activities to the greatest extent possible rather than to start an exercise program. Supervision is crucial to the efficacy of exercise programs. Whether general or specific exercises are preferable is unclear, and neither is there clear evidence that one-on-one sessions are superior to group sessions. Further studies are needed to determine which patient subsets respond to specific characteristics of exercise programs and which exercise volumes and intensities are optimal.
Mirror therapy, which provides the visual illusion of a functional paretic limb by using the mirror reflection of the non-paretic arm, is used in the rehabilitation of hemiparesis after stroke in adults. We tested the effectiveness and feasibility of mirror therapy in children with hemiplegia by performing a pilot crossover study in ten participants (aged 6-14 y; five males, five females; Manual Ability Classification System levels: one at level I, two at level II, four at level III, three at level IV) randomly assigned to 15 minutes of daily bimanual training with and without a mirror for 3 weeks. Assessments of maximal grasp and pinch strengths, and upper limb function measured by the Shriner's Hospital Upper Extremity Evaluation were performed at weeks 0 (baseline), 3, 6 (intervention), and 9 (wash-out). Testing of grasp strength behind the mirror improved performance by 15% (p=0.004). Training with the mirror significantly improved grasp strength (with mirror +20.4%, p=0.033; without +5.9%, p>0.1) and upper limb dynamic position (with mirror +4.6%, p=0.044; without +1.2%, p>0.1), while training without a mirror significantly improved pinch strength (with mirror +6.9%, p>0.1; without +21.9%, p=0.026). This preliminary study demonstrates the feasibility of mirror therapy in children with hemiplegia and that it may improve strength and dynamic function of the paretic arm.
BACKGROUND: Diplopia related to neurosurgical procedures is often consecutive to oculomotor nerve lesions. We hereby report an oculomotor dysfunction secondary to an orbital roof effraction and its treatment. HISTORY AND SIGNS: Following surgery for a left anterior communicating artery aneurysm, a 45-year-old woman reported vertical diplopia associated with a left orbital hematoma. The diagnosis of third cranial nerve palsy was excluded by orbital imaging which revealed an orbital roof defect with incarceration of the levator palpebrae and superior rectus. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: As neurosurgeons advised against muscle adhesiolysis, diplopia was corrected by a two-step procedure on the oculomotor muscles. We first corrected horizontal and torsional deviations by operating on the healthy eye, before correcting the vertical deviation on the fellow eye. This two-step extraocular muscle surgery allowed restoration of binocular single vision in a useful field of gaze. CONCLUSIONS: Diplopia can occur as a rare orbital complication during neurosurgical procedures. Surgery of extraocular muscles can provide good functional results
OBJECTIVE: To assess the cost-utility of an exercise programme vs usual care after functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation in patients with chronic low back pain. DESIGN: Cost-utility analysis alongside a randomized controlled trial. SUBJECTS/PATIENTS: A total of 105 patients with chronic low back pain. METHODS: Chronic low back pain patients completing a 3-week functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation were randomized to either a 3-month exercise programme (n = 56) or usual care (n = 49). The exercise programme consisted of 24 training sessions during 12 weeks. At the end of functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation and at 1-year follow-up quality of life was measured with the SF-36 questionnaire, converted into utilities and transformed into quality--adjusted life years. Direct and indirect monthly costs were measured using cost diaries. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was calculated as the incremental cost of the exercise programme divided by the difference in quality-adjusted life years between both groups. RESULTS: Quality of life improved significantly at 1-year follow-up in both groups. Similarly, both groups significantly reduced total monthly costs over time. No significant difference was observed between groups. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was 79,270 euros. CONCLUSION: Adding an exercise programme after functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation compared with usual care does not offer significant long-term benefits in quality of life and direct and indirect costs.
Mortality of patients with COPD participating in chronic disease management programmes: a happy end?
BACKGROUND: Concerns about increased mortality could question the role of COPD chronic disease management (CDM) programmes. We aimed at extending a recent Cochrane review to assess the effects of CDM on mortality in patients with COPD. METHODS: Mortality data were available for 25 out of 29 trials identified in a COPD integrated care systematic review. Meta-analysis using random-effects models was performed, followed by subgroup analyses according to study length (3-12 months vs >12 months), main intervention component (exercise, self-management, structured follow-up) and use of an action plan. RESULTS: The meta-analysis showed no impact of CDM on mortality (pooled OR: 1.00, 95% CI 0.79 to 1.28). CONCLUSIONS: These results do not suggest that CDM programmes expose patients with COPD to excessive mortality risk.
STUDY DESIGN:: Retrospective database- query to identify all anterior spinal approaches. OBJECTIVES:: To assess all patients with pharyngo-cutaneous fistulas after anterior cervical spine surgery. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA:: Patients treated in University of Heidelberg Spine Medical Center, Spinal Cord Injury Unit and Department of Otolaryngology (Germany), between 2005 and 2011 with the diagnosis of pharyngo-cutaneous fistulas. METHODS:: We conducted a retrospective study on 5 patients between 2005 and 2011 with PCF after ACSS, their therapy management and outcome according to radiologic data and patient charts. RESULTS:: Upon presentation 4 patients were paraplegic. 2 had PCF arising from one piriform sinus, two patients from the posterior pharyngeal wall and piriform sinus combined and one patient only from the posterior pharyngeal wall. 2 had previous unsuccessful surgical repair elsewhere and 1 had prior radiation therapy. In 3 patients speech and swallowing could be completely restored, 2 patients died. Both were paraplegic. The patients needed an average of 2-3 procedures for complete functional recovery consisting of primary closure with various vascularised regional flaps and refining laser procedures supplemented with negative pressure wound therapy where needed. CONCLUSION:: Based on our experience we are able to provide a treatment algorithm that indicates that chronic as opposed to acute fistulas require a primary surgical closure combined with a vascularised flap that should be accompanied by the immediate application of a negative pressure wound therapy. We also conclude that particularly in paraplegic patients suffering this complication the risk for a fatal outcome is substantial.
The academic activities led by the Unit of Community Pharmacy can be classified as translational. Our group is interested in person-centered pharmaceutical services aimed at a more responsible use of drugs (effectiveness, safety, efficiency) in collaboration with physicians and other health care professionals in a primary care setting. The following domains of education and research are high priorities for our group: medication therapy management, medication adherence, integrated care, individualization of therapies, care management for the elderly and e-health.