239 resultados para Evidence-based practise
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Evidence-based (EBP) aims for a new distribution of power centered on scientific evidence rather than clinical expertise. The present article describes the operational process of EBP by describing the implementation stages of this type of practise. This stage presentation is essential given that there are many conceptions end models of EBP and that some nurses have a limited knowledge of its rules ans implications. Given that number and formulation of the stages varies by author, the process presented here attempts to integrate the different stages reviewed.
Le support nutritionnel en soins intensifs est désormais basé sur des études de niveau A et B. La participation du SMIA au «Nutrition Day 2008» avait mis en évidence des déviations par rapport aux recommandations. Cette étude a pour objectif de réaliser une analyse approfondie sur un mois. Méthodes: Analyse des patients sortis ayant séjourné plus de 3 jours en mars 2008 dans un service de 32 lits bénéficiant d'une diététicienne à 60% et du Protocole NUTSIA depuis 2006. Extraction de la database: variables démographiques, nutrition risk score (NRS), jours de démarrage et voie de nutrition, bilan calorique cumulé. Résultats: 69 patients âgés de 60 ± 17 ans ont séjourné 9 ± 10 jours. Le NRS est réalisé tardivement dans 29% des cas. A 48h, le support nutritionnel est défini chez 67% des patients avec 43% de nutrition artificielle, une prédominance de NE (73%) sur PN (27%). Seuls 3 patients ont un bilan cumulé < -10000 kcal. La couverture des séjours par la diététicienne est de 50%. Conclusion: Comparé à l'EBM, les pratiques nutritionnelles sont globalement satisfaisantes, mais l'évaluation systématique est insuffisante. L'introduction de la NE est tardive et sa progression trop lente comparé au protocole. Les remèdes proposés sont une administration de NE par défaut, une augmentation de la présence de la diététicienne et son «empowerment» sur la prescription.
To assess the preferred methods to quit smoking among current smokers. Cross-sectional, population-based study conducted in Lausanne between 2003 and 2006 including 988 current smokers. Preference was assessed by questionnaire. Evidence-based (EB) methods were nicotine replacement, bupropion, physician or group consultations; non-EB-based methods were acupuncture, hypnosis and autogenic training. EB methods were frequently (physician consultation: 48%, 95% confidence interval (45-51); nicotine replacement therapy: 35% (32-38)) or rarely (bupropion and group consultations: 13% (11-15)) preferred by the participants. Non-EB methods were preferred by a third (acupuncture: 33% (30-36)), a quarter (hypnosis: 26% (23-29)) or a seventh (autogenic training: 13% (11-15)) of responders. On multivariate analysis, women preferred both EB and non-EB methods more frequently than men (odds ratio and 95% confidence interval: 1.46 (1.10-1.93) and 2.26 (1.72-2.96) for any EB and non-EB method, respectively). Preference for non-EB methods was higher among highly educated participants, while no such relationship was found for EB methods. Many smokers are unaware of the full variety of methods to quit smoking. Better information regarding these methods is necessary.
Background: Respiratory care is universally recognised as useful, but its indications and practice vary markedly. In order to improve appropriateness of respiratory care in our hospital, we developed evidence-based local guidelines in a collaborative effort involving physiotherapists, physicians, and health services researchers. Methods: Recommendations were developed using the standardised RAND appropriateness method. A literature search was performed for the period between 1995 and 2008 based on terms associated with guidelines and with respiratory care. Publications were assessed according to the Oxford classification of quality of evidence. A working group prepared proposals for recommendations which were then independently rated by a multidisciplinary expert panel. All recommendations were then discussed in common and indications for procedures were rated confidentially a second time by the experts. Each indication for respiratory care was classified as appropriate, uncertain, or inappropriate, based on the panel median rating and the degree of intra-panel agreement. Results: Recommendations were formulated for the following procedures: non-invasive ventilation, continuous positive airway pressure, intermittent positive pressure breathing, intrapulmonary percussive ventilation, mechanical insufflation-exsufflation, incentive spirometry, positive expiratory pressure, nasotracheal suctioning, noninstrumental airway clearance techniques. Each recommendation referred to a particular medical condition, and was assigned to a hierarchical category based on the quality of evidence from literature supporting the recommendation and on the consensus of experts. Conclusion: Despite a marked heterogeneity of scientific evidence, the method used allowed us to develop commonly agreed local guidelines for respiratory care. In addition, this work fostered a closer relationship between physiotherapists and physicians in our institution.
A group of European experts was commissioned to establish guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) from evidence published up until March 2014, regarding pain, movement disorders, stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, consciousness disorders, tinnitus, depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, craving/addiction, and conversion. Despite unavoidable inhomogeneities, there is a sufficient body of evidence to accept with level A (definite efficacy) the analgesic effect of high-frequency (HF) rTMS of the primary motor cortex (M1) contralateral to the pain and the antidepressant effect of HF-rTMS of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). A Level B recommendation (probable efficacy) is proposed for the antidepressant effect of low-frequency (LF) rTMS of the right DLPFC, HF-rTMS of the left DLPFC for the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and LF-rTMS of contralesional M1 in chronic motor stroke. The effects of rTMS in a number of indications reach level C (possible efficacy), including LF-rTMS of the left temporoparietal cortex in tinnitus and auditory hallucinations. It remains to determine how to optimize rTMS protocols and techniques to give them relevance in routine clinical practice. In addition, professionals carrying out rTMS protocols should undergo rigorous training to ensure the quality of the technical realization, guarantee the proper care of patients, and maximize the chances of success. Under these conditions, the therapeutic use of rTMS should be able to develop in the coming years.
L'adolescence est une période de grands changements et de ce fait potentiellement de grande vulnérabilité. Ainsi, les bouleversements physiques et psychiques induits par les processus pubertaires sont un terrain propice à l'émergence d'un trouble des conduites alimentaires (TCA). La thérapie familiale selon Maudsley, ou family based treatment (FBT), a émergé en parallèle aux avancées neurobiologiques, qui confirment une origine multifactorielle des troubles du comportement alimentaire. Cette thérapie replace les parents au centre de la prise en charge des adolescents souffrant d'un TCA avec comme grand atout, une approche basée sur l'évidence scientifique. Adolescence is a time of great change and therefore, potentially of great vulnerability. Thus, physical and psychological changes induced by pubertal processes are fertile ground for the emergence of an eating disorder (ED). Family therapy according to Maudsley or "family based treatment" (FBT) has emerged in parallel with neurobiological advances confirming a multifactorial origin of eating disorders. This therapy places parents at the centre of care for adolescents with EDs. Its great asset is the evidence-based approach underpinning the therapy.
Aims and objectives This study aimed to determine the discriminant validity and the test-retest reliability of a questionnaire testing the impact of evidence-based medicine (EBM) training on doctors' knowledge and skills. Methods Questionnaires were sent electronically to all doctors working as residents and chief residents in two French speaking hospital networks in Switzerland. Participants completed the questionnaire twice, within a 4-week interval. The discriminant validity was examined in comparing doctors' performance according to their reported EBM previous training. Proportion of agreement between both sessions of the questionnaire, Cohen's kappa and 'uniform kappa' determined its test-retest reliability. Results The participation rate was 9.8%/7.1% to first/second session. Performance increased according to the level of doctors' previous training in EBM. The observed proportion of agreement between both sessions was over 70% for 14/19 questions, and the 'uniform kappa' was superior to 0.60 for 15/19 questions. Conclusion The discriminant validity and test-retest reliability of the questionnaire were satisfying. The low participation rate did not prevent the study from achieving its aims.