204 resultados para Erythrocyte Perfused Rat Kidney
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Aldosterone and corticosterone bind to mineralocorticoid (MR) and glucocorticoid receptors (GR), which, upon ligand binding, are thought to translocate to the cell nucleus to act as transcription factors. Mineralocorticoid selectivity is achieved by the 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2) that inactivates 11β-hydroxy glucocorticoids. High expression levels of 11β-HSD2 characterize the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN), which comprises the segment-specific cells of late distal convoluted tubule (DCT2), connecting tubule (CNT), and collecting duct (CD). We used MR- and GR-specific antibodies to study localization and regulation of MR and GR in kidneys of rats with altered plasma aldosterone and corticosterone levels. In control rats, MR and GR were found in cell nuclei of thick ascending limb (TAL), DCT, CNT, CD cells, and intercalated cells (IC). GR was also abundant in cell nuclei and the subapical compartment of proximal tubule (PT) cells. Dietary NaCl loading, which lowers plasma aldosterone, caused a selective removal of GR from cell nuclei of 11β-HSD2-positive ASDN. The nuclear localization of MR was unaffected. Adrenalectomy (ADX) resulted in removal of MR and GR from the cell nuclei of all epithelial cells. Aldosterone replacement rapidly relocated the receptors in the cell nuclei. In ASDN cells, low-dose corticosterone replacement caused nuclear localization of MR, but not of GR. The GR was redistributed to the nucleus only in PT, TAL, early DCT, and IC that express no or very little 11β-HSD2. In ASDN cells, nuclear GR localization was only achieved when corticosterone was replaced at high doses. Thus ligand-induced nuclear translocation of MR and GR are part of MR and GR regulation in the kidney and show remarkable segment- and cell type-specific characteristics. Differential regulation of MR and GR may alter the level of heterodimerization of the receptors and hence may contribute to the complexity of corticosteroid effects on ASDN function.
Trois agents chélateurs (l?acide diéthylène triamine penta-acétique, DTPA; l?acide méso-2,3- dimercaptosucchique, DMSA; l?acide 2,3-dimercapto- 1 -propanesulfonique, DMPS) ont été comparés quant à leur efficacité à mobiliser du cadmium (Cd) accumulé dans le tissu rénal. Des reins prélevés chez des rats exposés durant 3 j au Cd (acétate de Cd , 0.75 mg/kg.j, i.p) ont été isolés et perfusés in vitro, à l?aide d?un système de reperfusion utilisant une solution de Krebs-Henseleit, pH 7.4, contenant 8 acides aminés et 6% d?albumine. Les concentrations de Cd dans le perfusat et l?urine ont été mesurées par spectrométrie d?absorption atomique. Six périodes de clearance, après une période d?équilibration de 20 min, ont ?été obtenues. Le DMSA et le DMPS ont mobilisé le Cd à partir du tissu rénal, comme l?ont montré les augmentations dose-dépendantes des concentrations de Cd dans l?urine et le perfusat. L?accumulation de Cd était nettement plus élevée dans le perfusat que dans l?urine, indiquant que l?effet des chélateurs se marquait surtout au niveau tubulaire basolatéral. Le DTPA n?induisait qu?une faible mobilisation de Cd dans l?urine et le perfusat, et son efficacité était clairement inférieure à celle des autres chélateurs. Comme prévu, la quantité de Cd présente dans le tissu rénal après perfùsion par le DMSA ou le DMPS diminuait en fonction de l?efficacité des chélateurs, jusqu?à des valeurs inférieures de 46% au taux rénal de Cd avant perfusion. Le DMPS apparaissait induire une excretion urinaire de Cd plus importante que celle induite par le DMSA, une caractéristique qui pourrait être liée à une sécrétion tubulaire du chélateur, qui a été décrite antérieurement. Un intervalle de temps prolongé (1 -2 semaines) entre le moment de l?administration du Cd et la perfusion du rein avec le DMPS induisait une augmentation de l?excrétion urinaire de Cd. Tous les chélateurs se sont montrés néphrotoxiques à concentrations élevées.
Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are testosterone derivatives used either clinically, in elite sports, or for body shaping with the goal to increase muscle size and strength. Clinically developed compounds and nonclinically tested designer steroids often marketed as food supplements are widely used. Despite the considerable evidence for various adverse effects of AAS use, the underlying molecular mechanisms are insufficiently understood. Here, we investigated whether some AAS, as a result of a lack of target selectivity, might inhibit 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (11β-HSD2)-dependent inactivation of glucocorticoids. Using recombinant human 11β-HSD2, we observed inhibitory effects for several AAS. Whereas oxymetholone, oxymesterone, danazol, and testosterone showed medium inhibitory potential, fluoxymesterone was a potent inhibitor of human 11β-HSD2 (half-maximal inhibitory concentration [IC(50)] of 60-100nM in cell lysates; IC(50) of 160nM in intact SW-620, and 530nM in MCF-7 cells). Measurements with rat kidney microsomes and lysates of cells expressing recombinant mouse 11β-HSD2 revealed much weaker inhibition by the AAS tested, indicating that the adverse effects of AAS-dependent 11β-HSD2 inhibition cannot be investigated in rats and mice. Furthermore, we provide evidence that fluoxymesterone is metabolized to 11-oxofluoxymesterone by human 11β-HSD2. Structural modeling revealed similar binding modes for fluoxymesterone and cortisol, supporting a competitive mode of inhibition of 11β-HSD2-dependent cortisol oxidation by this AAS. No direct modulation of mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) function was observed. Thus, 11β-HSD2 inhibition by fluoxymesterone may cause cortisol-induced MR activation, thereby leading to electrolyte disturbances and contributing to the development of hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
The metalloprotease meprin has been implicated in tissue remodelling due to its capability to degrade extracellular matrix components. Here, we investigated the susceptibility of tenascin-C to cleavage by meprin beta and the functional properties of its proteolytic fragments. A set of monoclonal antibodies against chicken and human tenascin-C allowed the mapping of proteolytic fragments generated by meprin beta. In chicken tenascin-C, meprin beta processed all three major splicing variants by removal of 10 kDa N-terminal and 38 kDa C-terminal peptides, leaving a large central part of subunits intact. IN similar cleavage pattern was found for large human tenascin-C variant where two N-terminal peptides (10 or 15 kDa) and two C-terminal fragments (40 and 55 kDa) were removed from the intact subunit. N-terminal sequencing revealed the exact amino acid positions of cleavage sites. In both chicken and human tenascin-C N-terminal cleavages occurred just before and/or after the heptad repeats involved in subunit oligomerization. In the human protein, an additional cleavage site was identified in the alternative fibronectin type III repeat D. Whereas all these sites are known to be attacked by several other proteases, a unique cleavage by meprin beta was located to the 7th constant fibronectin type III repeat in both chicken and human tenascin-C, thereby removing the C-terminal domain involved in its anti-adhesive activity. In cell adhesion assays meprin beta-digested human tenascin-C was not able to interfere with fibronectin-mediated cell spreading, confirming cleavage in the anti-adhesive domain. Whereas the expression of meprin beta and tenascin-C does not overlap in normal colon tissue, inflamed lesions of the mucosa from patients with Crohn's disease exhibited many meprin beta-positive leukocytes in regions where tenascin-C was strongly induced. Our data indicate that, at least under pathological conditions, meprin beta might attack specific functional sites in tenascin-C that are important for its oligomerization and anti-adhesive activity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Elevated serum phosphorus, calcium, and fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) levels are associated with cardiovascular disease in chronic renal disease. This study evaluated the effects of sucroferric oxyhydroxide (PA21), a new iron-based phosphate binder, versus lanthanum carbonate (La) and sevelamer carbonate (Se), on serum FGF23, phosphorus, calcium, and intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) concentrations, and the development of vascular calcification in adenine-induced chronic renal failure (CRF) rats. After induction of CRF, renal function was significantly impaired in all groups: uremic rats developed severe hyperphosphatemia, and serum iPTH increased significantly. All uremic rats (except controls) then received phosphate binders for 4 weeks. Hyperphosphatemia and increased serum iPTH were controlled to a similar extent in all phosphate binder-treatment groups. Only sucroferric oxyhydroxide was associated with significantly decreased FGF23. Vascular calcifications of the thoracic aorta were decreased by all three phosphate binders. Calcifications were better prevented at the superior part of the thoracic and abdominal aorta in the PA21 treated rats. In adenine-induced CRF rats, sucroferric oxyhydroxide was as effective as La and Se in controlling hyperphosphatemia, secondary hyperparathyroidism, and vascular calcifications. The role of FGF23 in calcification remains to be confirmed.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily that can be activated by various xenobiotics and natural fatty acids. These transcription factors primarily regulate genes involved in lipid metabolism and also play a role in adipocyte differentiation. We present the expression patterns of the PPAR subtypes in the adult rat, determined by in situ hybridization using specific probes for PPAR-alpha, -beta and -gamma, and by immunohistochemistry using a polyclonal antibody that recognizes the three rat PPAR subtypes. In numerous cell types from either ectodermal, mesodermal, or endodermal origin, PPARs are coexpressed, with relative levels varying between them from one cell type to the other. PPAR-alpha is highly expressed in hepatocytes, cardiomyocytes, enterocytes, and the proximal tubule cells of kidney. PPAR-beta is expressed ubiquitously and often at higher levels than PPAR-alpha and -gamma. PPAR-gamma is expressed predominantly in adipose tissue and the immune system. Our results suggest new potential directions to investigate the functions of the different PPAR subtypes.
Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (GCDH, EC deficiency, known as glutaric acidemia type I, is one of the more common organic acidurias. To investigate the role of this pathway in different organs we studied the tissue-specific expression pattern of rat Gcdh. The open reading frame cDNA of the rat Gcdh gene was cloned from rat brain mRNA by RT-PCR, allowing the synthesis of digoxigenin-labeled in situ hybridization (ISH) riboprobes. Gcdh mRNA expression was analyzed by ISH on cryosections of adult rat brain, kidney, liver, spleen and heart muscle, as well as on E15 and E18 rat embryos. Gcdh was found expressed in the whole rat brain, almost exclusively in neurons. Gcdh was absent from astrocytes but expressed in rare oligodendrocytes. Strong Gcdh expression was found in liver and spleen, where expression appears predominant to lymphatic nodules. In kidney, the highest Gcdh expression is found in the juxtamedullar cortex (but not in glomerula), and at lower levels in medulla. Heart muscle was negative. During embryonic development, Gcdh was found well expressed in liver, intestinal mucosa and skin, as well as at lower levels in CNS. Further studies are ongoing to provide evidence on the presence of the entire pathway in CNS in order to understand the mechanisms leading to neurotoxicity in glutaric aciduria. The high expression of Gcdh in kidney may explain why certain patients with residual enzyme activity are low excretors at the urine metabolite level.
We describe an angiotensin (Ang) II-containing innervation of the kidney. Cryosections of rat, pig and human kidneys were investigated for the presence of Ang II-containing nerve fibers using a mouse monoclonal antibody against Ang II (4B3). Co-staining was performed with antibodies against synaptophysin, tyrosine 3-hydroxylase, and dopamine beta-hydroxylase to detect catecholaminergic efferent fibers and against calcitonin gene-related peptide to detect sensory fibers. Tagged secondary antibodies and confocal light or laser scanning microscopy were used for immunofluorescence detection. Ang II-containing nerve fibers were densely present in the renal pelvis, the subepithelial layer of the urothelium, the arterial nervous plexus, and the peritubular interstitium of the cortex and outer medulla. They were infrequent in central veins and the renal capsule and absent within glomeruli and the renal papilla. Ang II-positive fibers represented phenotypic subgroups of catecholaminergic postganglionic or sensory fibers with different morphology and intrarenal distribution compared to their Ang II-negative counterparts. The Ang II-positive postganglionic fibers were thicker, produced typically fusiform varicosities and preferentially innervated the outer medulla and periglomerular arterioles. Ang II-negative sensory fibers were highly varicose, prevailing in the pelvis and scarce in the renal periphery compared to the rarely varicose Ang II-positive fibers. Neurons within renal microganglia displayed angiotensinergic, cate-cholaminergic, or combined phenotypes. Our results suggest that autonomic fibers may be an independent source of intrarenal Ang II acting as a neuropeptide co-transmitter or neuromodulator. The angiotensinergic renal innervation may play a distinct role in the neuronal control of renal sodium reabsorption, vasomotion and renin secretion.
BACKGROUND: Anti-CD154 (MR1) monoclonal antibody (mAb) and rapamycin (RAPA) treatment both improve survival of rat-to-mouse islet xenograft. The present study investigated the effect of combined RAPA/MR1 treatment on rat-to-mouse islet xenograft survival and analyzed the role of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T regulatory cells (Treg) in the induction and maintenance of the ensuing tolerance. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: C57BL/6 mice were treated with MR1/RAPA and received additional monoclonal anti-IL2 mAb or anti CD25 mAb either early (0-28 d) or late (100-128 d) post-transplantation. Treg were characterised in the blood, spleen, draining lymph nodes and within the graft of tolerant and rejecting mice by flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry. Fourteen days of RAPA/MR1 combination therapy allowed indefinite islet graft survival in >80% of the mice. Additional administration of anti-IL-2 mAb or depleting anti-CD25 mAb at the time of transplantation resulted in rejection (100% and 89% respectively), whereas administration at 100 days post transplantation lead to lower rejection rates (25% and 40% respectively). Tolerant mice showed an increase of Treg within the graft and in draining lymph nodes early post transplantation, whereas 100 days post transplantation no significant increase of Treg was observed. Rejecting mice showed a transient increase of Treg in the xenograft and secondary lymphoid organs, which disappeared within 7 days after rejection. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCES: These results suggest a critical role for Treg in the induction phase of tolerance early after islet xenotransplantation. These encouraging data support the need of developing further Treg therapy for overcoming the species barrier in xenotransplantation.
AIM: The antihypertensive effect of renal denervation in hypertensive patients is partially explained by increased tubular natriuresis. To study the possible contribution of the kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) to this natriuretic effect in rats, we measured kallikrein activity (KA) and bradykinin concentrations (BK) in plasma and tissues. METHODS: To measure KA, we adapted and validated an enzymatic assay that cleaves para-nitroaniline (pNA) from the tripeptide H-D-Pro-Phe-Arg-pNA. The coefficients of variation (CV) within- and between-assays were less than 8% for plasma and tissue KA (plasma n=6 and 13; tissue n=4). Linear results for serially diluted samples confirmed the assay specificity. Tissue BK determinations were based on an established assay for plasma BK: tissue was homogenized and kinins extracted in ethanol, and BK was isolated by high-performance (HPLC) liquid chromatography and quantitated by radioimmunassay. Within- and between-assay CV for plasma BK were 18% (n=8 and n=35, respectively) and for BK in various tissues less than 16% (n=5-8). RESULTS: In male Wistar rats (n=3), plasma BK was 8.2±6.6 fmol/mL (mean±SD), and tissue BK (fmol/g) in 14 tested organs varied between brain (14±3) and submaxillary gland (521±315). Six days after left-sided unilateral renal denervation, left renal tissue BK (89±9) was not different from right renal BK (75±23). Similarly, KA was comparable in the two kidneys (left 18.0±1.5, right 15.8±1.4μkat/g). CONCLUSION: Any possible effect of unilateral renal denervation on the kidney's KKS would have to be bilateral.
The expression patterns of the three different peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) isotypes have been determined during rat embryonic development by in situ hybridization. The expression of PPARalpha starts late in development, with increasing levels in organs such as liver, kidney, intestine, and pancreas, in which it will also be present later in adulthood to regulate its specific target genes. PPARalpha is also transiently expressed in the embryonic epidermis and central nervous system. PPARgamma presents a very restricted pattern of expression, being strongly expressed in brown adipose tissue, in which differentiation it has been shown to participate. Like PPARalpha, it is also expressed transiently in the central nervous system. Interestingly, PPARalpha, -beta and -gamma are coexpressed at high levels in brown adipose tissue. Finally, the high and ubiquitous expression of PPARbeta suggests some fundamental role(s) that this receptor might play throughout development.