19 resultados para Energy systems analysis
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Les plantes sont essentielles pour les sociétés humaines. Notre alimentation quotidienne, les matériaux de constructions et les sources énergétiques dérivent de la biomasse végétale. En revanche, la compréhension des multiples aspects développementaux des plantes est encore peu exploitée et représente un sujet de recherche majeur pour la science. L'émergence des technologies à haut débit pour le séquençage de génome à grande échelle ou l'imagerie de haute résolution permet à présent de produire des quantités énormes d'information. L'analyse informatique est une façon d'intégrer ces données et de réduire la complexité apparente vers une échelle d'abstraction appropriée, dont la finalité est de fournir des perspectives de recherches ciblées. Ceci représente la raison première de cette thèse. En d'autres termes, nous appliquons des méthodes descriptives et prédictives combinées à des simulations numériques afin d'apporter des solutions originales à des problèmes relatifs à la morphogénèse à l'échelle de la cellule et de l'organe. Nous nous sommes fixés parmi les objectifs principaux de cette thèse d'élucider de quelle manière l'interaction croisée des phytohormones auxine et brassinosteroïdes (BRs) détermine la croissance de la cellule dans la racine du méristème apical d'Arabidopsis thaliana, l'organisme modèle de référence pour les études moléculaires en plantes. Pour reconstruire le réseau de signalement cellulaire, nous avons extrait de la littérature les informations pertinentes concernant les relations entre les protéines impliquées dans la transduction des signaux hormonaux. Le réseau a ensuite été modélisé en utilisant un formalisme logique et qualitatif pour pallier l'absence de données quantitatives. Tout d'abord, Les résultats ont permis de confirmer que l'auxine et les BRs agissent en synergie pour contrôler la croissance de la cellule, puis, d'expliquer des observations phénotypiques paradoxales et au final, de mettre à jour une interaction clef entre deux protéines dans la maintenance du méristème de la racine. Une étude ultérieure chez la plante modèle Brachypodium dystachion (Brachypo- dium) a révélé l'ajustement du réseau d'interaction croisée entre auxine et éthylène par rapport à Arabidopsis. Chez ce dernier, interférer avec la biosynthèse de l'auxine mène à la formation d'une racine courte. Néanmoins, nous avons isolé chez Brachypodium un mutant hypomorphique dans la biosynthèse de l'auxine qui affiche une racine plus longue. Nous avons alors conduit une analyse morphométrique qui a confirmé que des cellules plus anisotropique (plus fines et longues) sont à l'origine de ce phénotype racinaire. Des analyses plus approfondies ont démontré que la différence phénotypique entre Brachypodium et Arabidopsis s'explique par une inversion de la fonction régulatrice dans la relation entre le réseau de signalisation par l'éthylène et la biosynthèse de l'auxine. L'analyse morphométrique utilisée dans l'étude précédente exploite le pipeline de traitement d'image de notre méthode d'histologie quantitative. Pendant la croissance secondaire, la symétrie bilatérale de l'hypocotyle est remplacée par une symétrie radiale et une organisation concentrique des tissus constitutifs. Ces tissus sont initialement composés d'une douzaine de cellules mais peuvent aisément atteindre des dizaines de milliers dans les derniers stades du développement. Cette échelle dépasse largement le seuil d'investigation par les moyens dits 'traditionnels' comme l'imagerie directe de tissus en profondeur. L'étude de ce système pendant cette phase de développement ne peut se faire qu'en réalisant des coupes fines de l'organe, ce qui empêche une compréhension des phénomènes cellulaires dynamiques sous-jacents. Nous y avons remédié en proposant une stratégie originale nommée, histologie quantitative. De fait, nous avons extrait l'information contenue dans des images de très haute résolution de sections transverses d'hypocotyles en utilisant un pipeline d'analyse et de segmentation d'image à grande échelle. Nous l'avons ensuite combiné avec un algorithme de reconnaissance automatique des cellules. Cet outil nous a permis de réaliser une description quantitative de la progression de la croissance secondaire révélant des schémas développementales non-apparents avec une inspection visuelle classique. La formation de pôle de phloèmes en structure répétée et espacée entre eux d'une longueur constante illustre les bénéfices de notre approche. Par ailleurs, l'exploitation approfondie de ces résultats a montré un changement de croissance anisotropique des cellules du cambium et du phloème qui semble en phase avec l'expansion du xylème. Combinant des outils génétiques et de la modélisation biomécanique, nous avons démontré que seule la croissance plus rapide des tissus internes peut produire une réorientation de l'axe de croissance anisotropique des tissus périphériques. Cette prédiction a été confirmée par le calcul du ratio des taux de croissance du xylème et du phloème au cours de développement secondaire ; des ratios élevés sont effectivement observés et concomitant à l'établissement progressif et tangentiel du cambium. Ces résultats suggèrent un mécanisme d'auto-organisation établi par un gradient de division méristématique qui génèrent une distribution de contraintes mécaniques. Ceci réoriente la croissance anisotropique des tissus périphériques pour supporter la croissance secondaire. - Plants are essential for human society, because our daily food, construction materials and sustainable energy are derived from plant biomass. Yet, despite this importance, the multiple developmental aspects of plants are still poorly understood and represent a major challenge for science. With the emergence of high throughput devices for genome sequencing and high-resolution imaging, data has never been so easy to collect, generating huge amounts of information. Computational analysis is one way to integrate those data and to decrease the apparent complexity towards an appropriate scale of abstraction with the aim to eventually provide new answers and direct further research perspectives. This is the motivation behind this thesis work, i.e. the application of descriptive and predictive analytics combined with computational modeling to answer problems that revolve around morphogenesis at the subcellular and organ scale. One of the goals of this thesis is to elucidate how the auxin-brassinosteroid phytohormone interaction determines the cell growth in the root apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis), the plant model of reference for molecular studies. The pertinent information about signaling protein relationships was obtained through the literature to reconstruct the entire hormonal crosstalk. Due to a lack of quantitative information, we employed a qualitative modeling formalism. This work permitted to confirm the synergistic effect of the hormonal crosstalk on cell elongation, to explain some of our paradoxical mutant phenotypes and to predict a novel interaction between the BREVIS RADIX (BRX) protein and the transcription factor MONOPTEROS (MP),which turned out to be critical for the maintenance of the root meristem. On the same subcellular scale, another study in the monocot model Brachypodium dystachion (Brachypodium) revealed an alternative wiring of auxin-ethylene crosstalk as compared to Arabidopsis. In the latter, increasing interference with auxin biosynthesis results in progressively shorter roots. By contrast, a hypomorphic Brachypodium mutant isolated in this study in an enzyme of the auxin biosynthesis pathway displayed a dramatically longer seminal root. Our morphometric analysis confirmed that more anisotropic cells (thinner and longer) are principally responsible for the mutant root phenotype. Further characterization pointed towards an inverted regulatory logic in the relation between ethylene signaling and auxin biosynthesis in Brachypodium as compared to Arabidopsis, which explains the phenotypic discrepancy. Finally, the morphometric analysis of hypocotyl secondary growth that we applied in this study was performed with the image-processing pipeline of our quantitative histology method. During its secondary growth, the hypocotyl reorganizes its primary bilateral symmetry to a radial symmetry of highly specialized tissues comprising several thousand cells, starting with a few dozens. However, such a scale only permits observations in thin cross-sections, severely hampering a comprehensive analysis of the morphodynamics involved. Our quantitative histology strategy overcomes this limitation. We acquired hypocotyl cross-sections from tiled high-resolution images and extracted their information content using custom high-throughput image processing and segmentation. Coupled with an automated cell type recognition algorithm, it allows precise quantitative characterization of vascular development and reveals developmental patterns that were not evident from visual inspection, for example the steady interspace distance of the phloem poles. Further analyses indicated a change in growth anisotropy of cambial and phloem cells, which appeared in phase with the expansion of xylem. Combining genetic tools and computational modeling, we showed that the reorientation of growth anisotropy axis of peripheral tissue layers only occurs when the growth rate of central tissue is higher than the peripheral one. This was confirmed by the calculation of the ratio of the growth rate xylem to phloem throughout secondary growth. High ratios are indeed observed and concomitant with the homogenization of cambium anisotropy. These results suggest a self-organization mechanism, promoted by a gradient of division in the cambium that generates a pattern of mechanical constraints. This, in turn, reorients the growth anisotropy of peripheral tissues to sustain the secondary growth.
Based on the partial efficacy of the HIV/AIDS Thai trial (RV144) with a canarypox vector prime and protein boost, attenuated poxvirus recombinants expressing HIV-1 antigens are increasingly sought as vaccine candidates against HIV/AIDS. Here we describe using systems analysis the biological and immunological characteristics of the attenuated vaccinia virus Ankara strain expressing the HIV-1 antigens Env/Gag-Pol-Nef of HIV-1 of clade C (referred as MVA-C). MVA-C infection of human monocyte derived dendritic cells (moDCs) induced the expression of HIV-1 antigens at high levels from 2 to 8 hpi and triggered moDCs maturation as revealed by enhanced expression of HLA-DR, CD86, CD40, HLA-A2, and CD80 molecules. Infection ex vivo of purified mDC and pDC with MVA-C induced the expression of immunoregulatory pathways associated with antiviral responses, antigen presentation, T cell and B cell responses. Similarly, human whole blood or primary macrophages infected with MVA-C express high levels of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines involved with T cell activation. The vector MVA-C has the ability to cross-present antigens to HIV-specific CD8 T cells in vitro and to increase CD8 T cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. The immunogenic profiling in mice after DNA-C prime/MVA-C boost combination revealed activation of HIV-1-specific CD4 and CD8 T cell memory responses that are polyfunctional and with effector memory phenotype. Env-specific IgG binding antibodies were also produced in animals receiving DNA-C prime/MVA-C boost. Our systems analysis of profiling immune response to MVA-C infection highlights the potential benefit of MVA-C as vaccine candidate against HIV/AIDS for clade C, the prevalent subtype virus in the most affected areas of the world.
Recognition by the T-cell receptor (TCR) of immunogenic peptides presented by class I major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs) is the determining event in the specific cellular immune response against virus-infected cells or tumor cells. It is of great interest, therefore, to elucidate the molecular principles upon which the selectivity of a TCR is based. These principles can in turn be used to design therapeutic approaches, such as peptide-based immunotherapies of cancer. In this study, free energy simulation methods are used to analyze the binding free energy difference of a particular TCR (A6) for a wild-type peptide (Tax) and a mutant peptide (Tax P6A), both presented in HLA A2. The computed free energy difference is 2.9 kcal/mol, in good agreement with the experimental value. This makes possible the use of the simulation results for obtaining an understanding of the origin of the free energy difference which was not available from the experimental results. A free energy component analysis makes possible the decomposition of the free energy difference between the binding of the wild-type and mutant peptide into its components. Of particular interest is the fact that better solvation of the mutant peptide when bound to the MHC molecule is an important contribution to the greater affinity of the TCR for the latter. The results make possible identification of the residues of the TCR which are important for the selectivity. This provides an understanding of the molecular principles that govern the recognition. The possibility of using free energy simulations in designing peptide derivatives for cancer immunotherapy is briefly discussed.
La gestion des risques est souvent appréhendée par l'utilisation de méthodes linéaires mettant l'accent sur des raisonnements de positionnement et de type causal : à tel événement correspond tel risque et telle conséquence. Une prise en compte des interrelations entre risques est souvent occultée et les risques sont rarement analysés dans leurs dynamiques et composantes non linéaires. Ce travail présente ce que les méthodes systémiques et notamment l'étude des systèmes complexes sont susceptibles d'apporter en matière de compréhension, de management et d'anticipation et de gestion des risques d'entreprise, tant sur le plan conceptuel que de matière appliquée. En partant des définitions relatives aux notions de systèmes et de risques dans différents domaines, ainsi que des méthodes qui sont utilisées pour maîtriser les risques, ce travail confronte cet ensemble à ce qu'apportent les approches d'analyse systémique et de modélisation des systèmes complexes. En mettant en évidence les effets parfois réducteurs des méthodes de prise en compte des risques en entreprise ainsi que les limitations des univers de risques dues, notamment, à des définitions mal adaptées, ce travail propose également, pour la Direction d'entreprise, une palette des outils et approches différentes, qui tiennent mieux compte de la complexité, pour gérer les risques, pour aligner stratégie et management des risques, ainsi que des méthodes d'analyse du niveau de maturité de l'entreprise en matière de gestion des risques. - Risk management is often assessed through linear methods which stress positioning and causal logical frameworks: to such events correspond such consequences and such risks accordingly. Consideration of the interrelationships between risks is often overlooked and risks are rarely analyzed in their dynamic and nonlinear components. This work shows what systemic methods, including the study of complex systems, are likely to bring to knowledge, management, anticipation of business risks, both on the conceptual and the practical sides. Based on the definitions of systems and risks in various areas, as well as methods used to manage risk, this work confronts these concepts with approaches of complex systems analysis and modeling. This work highlights the reducing effects of some business risk analysis methods as well as limitations of risk universes caused in particular by unsuitable definitions. As a result this work also provides chief officers with a range of different tools and approaches which allows them a better understanding of complexity and as such a gain in efficiency in their risk management practices. It results in a better fit between strategy and risk management. Ultimately the firm gains in its maturity of risk management.
The aim of this study is to describe a newly implemented haemovigilance system in a general university hospital. We present a series of short cases, highlighting particular aspects of the reports, and an overview of all reported incidents between 1999 and 2001. Incidents related to transfusion of blood products were reported by the clinicians using a standard preformatted form, giving a synopsis of the incident. After analysis, we distinguished, on the one hand, transfusion reactions, that are transfusions which engendered signs or symptoms, and, on the other hand, the incidents where management errors and/or dysfunctions took place. Over 3 years, 233 incidents were reported, corresponding to 4.2 events for 1000 blood products delivered. Of the 233, 198 (85%) were acute transfusion reactions and 35 (15%) were management errors and/or dysfunctions. Platelet units gave rise to statistically (P < 0.001) more transfusion reactions (10.7 per thousand ) than red blood cells (3.5 per thousand ) and fresh frozen plasma (0.8 per thousand ), particularly febrile nonhaemolytic transfusion reactions and allergic reactions. A detailed analysis of some of the transfusion incident reports revealed complex deviations and/or failures of the procedures in place in the hospital, allowing the implementation of corrective and preventive measures. Thus, the haemovigilance system in place in the 'Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, CHUV' appears to constitute an excellent instrument for monitoring the security of blood transfusion.
The project "Quantification and qualification of ambulatory health care", financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation and covering the Cantons of Vaud and Fribourg, has two main goals: --a structural study of the elements of the ambulatory care sector. This is done through inventories of the professions concerned (physicians, public health nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, medical laboratories), allowing to better characterize the "offer". This inventory work includes the collect and analysis of existing statistical data as well as surveys, by questionnaires sent (from September 1980) to the different professions and by interviews. --a functional study, inspired from the US National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey and from similar studies elsewhere, in order to investigate the modes of practice of various providers, with particular regard to interprofessional collaboration (through studying referrals from the ones to the others). The first months of the project have been used for a methodological research in this regard, centered on the use of systems analysis, and for the elaboration of adequate instruments.
La présente recherche traite des défis posés à l'action publique territoriale par la transition énergétique, transition désormais érigée au rang de priorité par les autorités françaises et suisses, comme plus globalement européennes. Elle prend pour cela appui sur une analyse des démarches de planification énergétique territoriale menées entre 2007 et 2014 sur le territoire franco-valdo-genevois (agglomération du « Grand-Genève »). Considérées comme des laboratoires d'expérimentation de la territorialisation des politiques énergétiques, ces démarches sont ici examinées selon une perspective institutionnaliste et pragmatiste visant à mettre lumière les éléments qui interviennent dans la délimitation du champ des possibles en matière d'action publique énergétique et territoriale. Ce positionnement découle des évolutions observées sur le territoire franco-valdo-genevois durant la période d'étude (chapitre 1). Il découle plus précisément du constat de récurrence de certains points de blocage rencontrés aussi bien dans les démarches de planification énergétique elles-mêmes que dans les travaux méthodologiques qui ont pu être réalisés parallèlement à ces démarches, dans le but d'en affiner les outils techniques et organisationnels de mise en oeuvre. Ainsi, le point de départ de la présente recherche est le constat selon lequel on peine tout autant à construire des solutions énergétiques appropriables et réalisables par les acteurs des territoires concernés qu'à reconfigurer les outils de production de ces solutions. De ce constat découle l'intérêt porté aux cadres institutionnels qui régissent ces planifications énergétiques territoriales. Définis comme l'ensemble des repères - formels et informels - qui rendent possibles en même temps qu'ils contraignent les interactions territorialisées entre les acteurs, ces cadres institutionnels sont placés au coeur de la grille de (re)lecture des expériences de planification énergétique territoriale établie au chapitre 2 de la thèse. En référence aux concepts institutionnalistes et pragmatistes sur lesquels elle prend appui, cette grille conduit à appréhender ces expériences comme autant d'enquêtes contribuant, à travers le travail de mobilisation et construction de représentations territoriales auquel elles donnent lieu, à l'équipement sociocognitif d'un champ d'intervention territorial spécifique. Partant de l'hypothèse selon laquelle les potentialités comme les limites associées à l'équipement sociocognitif de ce champ orientent les possibilités d'action collective, la réflexion consiste en une application de cette grille à une trentaine d'expériences de planification énergétique territoriale. Cette application s'effectue en deux temps, correspondant à deux niveaux de lecture de ces démarches. Le premier porte sur les dispositifs organisationnels et les modalités d'interactions entre les cultures d'action qu'elles réunissent (chapitre 3). Le second se concentre davantage sur les supports cognitifs (représentations territoriales) autour desquels se structurent ces interactions (chapitre 4). Présentés dans le dernier chapitre de la thèse (chapitre 5), les enseignements tirés de ce travail de réexamen des démarches franco-valdo-genevoises de planification énergétique territoriale sont de deux ordres. Ils portent d'abord sur les caractéristiques des cadres institutionnels existants, la manière dont ils orientent ces démarches et délimitent les évolutions possibles dans les modes d'action collective et plus particulièrement d'action publique qui y sont associés. Mais ils portent aussi sur les potentiels de changement associés à ces démarches, et sur les pistes envisageables pour mieux valoriser es potentiels, dont l'activation passe par des évolutions profondes des systèmes institutionnels en place. -- In France as in Switzerland, local authorities stand out as leading players of energy transition, a transition that requires an important renewal of public intervention instruments. It is the stakes and the conditions of such a renewal that the present work aims to examine, based on the experiments of territorial energy planning led on the franco-valdo-genevan cross-border territory. Conceived as initiatives of relocation of the energy supply system, these energy planning initiatives are examined through an institutionalist and pragmatic « reading template ». This « reading template » consists of seeing these energy planning initiatives as pragmatist inquiries aiming, through a collective work of cognitive equipment of the territorial franco-valdo-genevan field of intervention, at the reconstruction of the means of coordination between people about their material, organizational and political territory. It opens towards a double reading of the energy planning initiatives. The first one concentrates on the organizational dimension of these inquiries - i.e. on the cultures of action which they gather and the modalities of interaction between them - whereas the second focuses on the cognitive substance which represents the medium of the interactions. This double reading provides insights at various levels. The first one concerns the (cognitive) territorial field of intervention that these energy-planning experiments contribute to draw. A field which, although better and better characterized in its technical dimensions, remains at the same time limited and " deformed " so that it values more the fossil energy systems, from which we want to release ourselves, than the renewable ones, which we would like to replace them with. The second level of teaching concerns the processes of production of territorial knowledge (PPTK) which presides over the demarcation and « equipment » of the territorial field of intervention. Examined through the institutional norms and the culture of action at stake in them, this PPTK turns out to create a sociocognitive "cross-border" area, the kind of area that could shelter the desired reconfigurations...on the condition that they are beforehand correctly "equipped", in cognitive and also in organizational terms. The determining factor for the quality of this equipment is concentrated in the third category of teaching. Starting with the opportunities created by these energy planning experiments concerning the renewal of public intervention instruments, these elements also allow us to take a new look at the urban area project under construction in this cross-border territory, a project th t shows itself closely linked to the energy experiments through a common challenge of territorialisation.
The neural mechanisms determining the timing of even simple actions, such as when to walk or rest, are largely mysterious. One intriguing, but untested, hypothesis posits a role for ongoing activity fluctuations in neurons of central action selection circuits that drive animal behavior from moment to moment. To examine how fluctuating activity can contribute to action timing, we paired high-resolution measurements of freely walking Drosophila melanogaster with data-driven neural network modeling and dynamical systems analysis. We generated fluctuation-driven network models whose outputs-locomotor bouts-matched those measured from sensory-deprived Drosophila. From these models, we identified those that could also reproduce a second, unrelated dataset: the complex time-course of odor-evoked walking for genetically diverse Drosophila strains. Dynamical models that best reproduced both Drosophila basal and odor-evoked locomotor patterns exhibited specific characteristics. First, ongoing fluctuations were required. In a stochastic resonance-like manner, these fluctuations allowed neural activity to escape stable equilibria and to exceed a threshold for locomotion. Second, odor-induced shifts of equilibria in these models caused a depression in locomotor frequency following olfactory stimulation. Our models predict that activity fluctuations in action selection circuits cause behavioral output to more closely match sensory drive and may therefore enhance navigation in complex sensory environments. Together these data reveal how simple neural dynamics, when coupled with activity fluctuations, can give rise to complex patterns of animal behavior.
NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">A version of cascaded systems analysis was developed specifically with the aim of studying quantum noise propagation in x-ray detectors. Signal and quantum noise propagation was then modelled in four types of x-ray detectors used for digital mammography: four flat panel systems, one computed radiography and one slot-scan silicon wafer based photon counting device. As required inputs to the model, the two dimensional (2D) modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectra (NPS) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) were measured for six mammography systems that utilized these different detectors. A new method to reconstruct anisotropic 2D presampling MTF matrices from 1D radial MTFs measured along different angular directions across the detector is described; an image of a sharp, circular disc was used for this purpose. The effective pixel fill factor for the FP systems was determined from the axial 1D presampling MTFs measured with a square sharp edge along the two orthogonal directions of the pixel lattice. Expectation MTFs were then calculated by averaging the radial MTFs over all possible phases and the 2D EMTF formed with the same reconstruction technique used for the 2D presampling MTF. The quantum NPS was then established by noise decomposition from homogenous images acquired as a function of detector air kerma. This was further decomposed into the correlated and uncorrelated quantum components by fitting the radially averaged quantum NPS with the radially averaged EMTF(2). This whole procedure allowed a detailed analysis of the influence of aliasing, signal and noise decorrelation, x-ray capture efficiency and global secondary gain on NPS and detector DQE. The influence of noise statistics, pixel fill factor and additional electronic and fixed pattern noises on the DQE was also studied. The 2D cascaded model and decompositions performed on the acquired images also enlightened the observed quantum NPS and DQE anisotropy.
1 6 STRUCTURE OF THIS THESIS -Chapter I presents the motivations of this dissertation by illustrating two gaps in the current body of knowledge that are worth filling, describes the research problem addressed by this thesis and presents the research methodology used to achieve this goal. -Chapter 2 shows a review of the existing literature showing that environment analysis is a vital strategic task, that it shall be supported by adapted information systems, and that there is thus a need for developing a conceptual model of the environment that provides a reference framework for better integrating the various existing methods and a more formal definition of the various aspect to support the development of suitable tools. -Chapter 3 proposes a conceptual model that specifies the various enviromnental aspects that are relevant for strategic decision making, how they relate to each other, and ,defines them in a more formal way that is more suited for information systems development. -Chapter 4 is dedicated to the evaluation of the proposed model on the basis of its application to a concrete environment to evaluate its suitability to describe the current conditions and potential evolution of a real environment and get an idea of its usefulness. -Chapter 5 goes a step further by assembling a toolbox describing a set of methods that can be used to analyze the various environmental aspects put forward by the model and by providing more detailed specifications for a number of them to show how our model can be used to facilitate their implementation as software tools. -Chapter 6 describes a prototype of a strategic decision support tool that allow the analysis of some of the aspects of the environment that are not well supported by existing tools and namely to analyze the relationship between multiple actors and issues. The usefulness of this prototype is evaluated on the basis of its application to a concrete environment. -Chapter 7 finally concludes this thesis by making a summary of its various contributions and by proposing further interesting research directions.
Different outcomes of the effect of catechin-caffeine mixtures and caffeine-only supplementation on energy expenditure and fat oxidation have been reported in short-term studies. Therefore, a meta-analysis was conducted to elucidate whether catechin-caffeine mixtures and caffeine-only supplementation indeed increase thermogenesis and fat oxidation. First, English-language studies measuring daily energy expenditure and fat oxidation by means of respiration chambers after catechin-caffeine mixtures and caffeine-only supplementation were identified through PubMed. Six articles encompassing a total of 18 different conditions fitted the inclusion criteria. Second, results were aggregated using random/mixed-effects models and expressed in terms of the mean difference in 24 h energy expenditure and fat oxidation between the treatment and placebo conditions. Finally, the influence of moderators such as BMI and dosage on the results was examined as well. The catechin-caffeine mixtures and caffeine-only supplementation increased energy expenditure significantly over 24 h (428.0 kJ (4.7%); P < 0.001 and 429.1 kJ (4.8%); P < 0.001, respectively). However, 24 h fat oxidation was only increased by catechin-caffeine mixtures (12.2 g (16.0%); P < 0.02 and 9.5 g (12.4%); P = 0.11, respectively). A dose-response effect on 24 h energy expenditure and fat oxidation occurred with a mean increase of 0.53 kJ mg(-1) (P < 0.01) and 0.02 g mg(-1) (P < 0.05) for catechin-caffeine mixtures and 0.44 kJ mg(-1) (P < 0.001) and 0.01 g mg(-1) (P < 0.05) for caffeine-only. In conclusion, catechin-caffeine mixtures or a caffeine-only supplementation stimulates daily energy expenditure dose-dependently by 0.4-0.5 kJ mg(-1) administered. Compared with placebo, daily fat-oxidation was only significantly increased after catechin-caffeine mixtures ingestion.
The CbrA/B system in pseudomonads is involved in the utilization of carbon sources and carbon catabolite repression (CCR) through the activation of the small RNAs crcZ in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and crcZ and crcY in Pseudomonas putida. Interestingly, previous works reported that the CbrA/B system activity in P. aeruginosa PAO1 and P. putida KT2442 responded differently to the presence of different carbon sources, thus raising the question of the exact nature of the signal(s) detected by CbrA. Here, we demonstrated that the CbrA/B/CrcZ(Y) signal transduction pathway is similarly activated in the two Pseudomonas species. We show that the CbrA sensor kinase is fully interchangeable between the two species and, moreover, responds similarly to the presence of different carbon sources. In addition, a metabolomics analysis supported the hypothesis that CCR responds to the internal energy status of the cell, as the internal carbon/nitrogen ratio seems to determine CCR and non-CCR conditions. The strong difference found in the 2-oxoglutarate/glutamine ratio between CCR and non-CCR conditions points to the close relationship between carbon and nitrogen availability, or the relationship between the CbrA/B and NtrB/C systems, suggesting that both regulatory systems sense the same sort or interrelated signal.
Introduction: Growth is a central process in paediatrics. Weight and height evaluation are therefore routine exams for every child but in some situation, particularly inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a wider evaluation of nutritional status needs to be performed. Objectives: To assess the accuracy of bio-impedance analysis (BIA) compared to the gold standard dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) in estimating percentage body fat (fat mass; FM) and lean body mass (fat free mass; FFM) in children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). To compare FM and FFM levels between patients with IBD and healthy controls. Methods: Twenty-nine healthy controls (12 females; mean age: 12.7 ± 1.9 years) and 21 patients (11 females; 14.3 ± 1.3 years) were recruited from August 2011 to October 2012 at our institution. BIA was performed in all children and DEXA in patients only. Concordance between BIA and DEXA was assessed using Lin's concordance correlation and the Bland-Altman method. Between-group comparisons were made using analysis of variance adjusting for age. Results: BIA-derived FM% showed a good concordance with DEXA-derived values, while BIA-derived FFM% tended to be slightly higher than DEXA-derived values (table). No differences were found between patients and controls regarding body mass index (mean ± SD: 19.3 ± 3.3 vs. 20.1 ± 2.8 kg/m2, respectively; age-adjusted P = 0.08) and FM% (boys: 25.3 ± 10.2 vs. 22.6 ± 7.1%, for patients and controls, respectively; P = 0.20; girls: 28.2 ± 5.7 vs. 26.4 ± 7.7%; P = 0.91). Also, no differences were found regarding FFM% in boys (74.9 ± 10.2 vs. 77.4 ± 7.1%; P = 0.22) and girls (71.8 ± 5.6 vs. 73.5 ± 7.7%; P = 0.85). Conclusion: BIA adequately assesses body composition (FM%) in children with IBD and could advantageously replace DEXA, which is more expensive and less available. No differences in body composition were found between children with IBD and healthy controls.