20 resultados para Emerson, Ralph Waldo

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) provides researchers with the ability to record genetic polymorphism across thousands of loci for nonmodel organisms, potentially revolutionizing the field of molecular ecology. However, as with other genotyping methods, RADseq is prone to a number of sources of error that may have consequential effects for population genetic inferences, and these have received only limited attention in terms of the estimation and reporting of genotyping error rates. Here we use individual sample replicates, under the expectation of identical genotypes, to quantify genotyping error in the absence of a reference genome. We then use sample replicates to (i) optimize de novo assembly parameters within the program Stacks, by minimizing error and maximizing the retrieval of informative loci; and (ii) quantify error rates for loci, alleles and single-nucleotide polymorphisms. As an empirical example, we use a double-digest RAD data set of a nonmodel plant species, Berberis alpina, collected from high-altitude mountains in Mexico.


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Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) provides researchers with the ability to record genetic polymorphism across thousands of loci for nonmodel organisms, potentially revolutionizing the field of molecular ecology. However, as with other genotyping methods, RADseq is prone to a number of sources of error that may have consequential effects for population genetic inferences, and these have received only limited attention in terms of the estimation and reporting of genotyping error rates. Here we use individual sample replicates, under the expectation of identical genotypes, to quantify genotyping error in the absence of a reference genome. We then use sample replicates to (i) optimize de novo assembly parameters within the program Stacks, by minimizing error and maximizing the retrieval of informative loci; and (ii) quantify error rates for loci, alleles and single-nucleotide polymorphisms. As an empirical example, we use a double-digest RAD data set of a nonmodel plant species, Berberis alpina, collected from high-altitude mountains in Mexico.


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Gene duplication leads to paralogy, which complicates the de novo assembly of genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) data. The issue of paralogous genes is exacerbated in plants, because they are particularly prone to gene duplication events. Paralogs are normally filtered from GBS data before undertaking population genomics or phylogenetic analyses. However, gene duplication plays an important role in the functional diversification of genes and it can also lead to the formation of postzygotic barriers. Using populations and closely related species of a tropical mountain shrub, we examine 1) the genomic differentiation produced by putative orthologs, and 2) the distribution of recent gene duplication among lineages and geography. We find high differentiation among populations from isolated mountain peaks and species-level differentiation within what is morphologically described as a single species. The inferred distribution of paralogs among populations is congruent with taxonomy and shows that GBS could be used to examine recent gene duplication as a source of genomic differentiation of nonmodel species.


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The position of a gene in the genome may have important consequences for its function. Therefore, when a new duplicate gene arises, its location may be critical in determining its fate. Our recent work in humans, mouse, and Drosophila provided a test by studying the patterns of duplication in sex chromosome evolution. We revealed a bias in the generation and recruitment of new gene copies involving the X chromosome that has been shaped largely by selection for male germline functions. The gene movement patterns we observed reflect an ongoing process as some of the new genes are very young while others were present before the divergence of humans and mouse. This suggests a continuing redistribution of male-related genes to achieve a more efficient allocation of male functions. This notion should be further tested in organisms employing other sex determination systems or in organisms differing in germline sex chromosome inactivation. It is likely that the selective forces that were detected in these studies are also acting on other types of duplicate genes. As a result, future work elucidating sex chromosome differentiation by other mutational mechanisms will shed light on this important process.


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Enterococci are reportedly the third most common group of endocarditis-causing pathogens but data on enterococcal infective endocarditis (IE) are limited. The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics and prognostic factors of enterococcal IE within the International Collaboration on Endocarditis. In this multicentre, prospective observational cohort study of 4974 adults with definite IE recorded from June 2000 to September 2006, 500 patients had enterococcal IE. Their characteristics were described and compared with those of oral and group D streptococcal IE. Prognostic factors for enterococcal IE were analysed using multivariable Cox regression models. The patients' mean age was 65 years and 361/500 were male. Twenty-three per cent (117/500) of cases were healthcare related. Enterococcal IE were more frequent than oral and group D streptococcal IE in North America. The 1-year mortality rate was 28.9% (144/500). E. faecalis accounted for 90% (453/500) of enterococcal IE. Resistance to vancomycin was observed in 12 strains, eight of which were observed in North America, where they accounted for 10% (8/79) of enterococcal strains, and was more frequent in E. faecium than in E. faecalis (3/16 vs. 7/364 , p 0.01). Variables significantly associated with 1-year mortality were heart failure (HR 2.4, 95% CI 1.7--3.5, p <0.0001), stroke (HR 1.9, 95% CI 1.3--2.8, p 0.001) and age (HR 1.02 per 1-year increment, 95% CI 1.01--1.04, p 0.002). Surgery was not associated with better outcome. Enterococci are an important cause of IE, with a high mortality rate. Healthcare association and vancomycin resistance are common in particular in North America.


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Mammalian sex chromosomes have undergone profound changes since evolving from ancestral autosomes. By examining retroposed genes in the human and mouse genomes, we demonstrate that, during evolution, the mammalian X chromosome has generated and recruited a disproportionately high number of functional retroposed genes, whereas the autosomes experienced lower gene turnover. Most autosomal copies originating from X-linked genes exhibited testis-biased expression. Such export is incompatible with mutational bias and is likely driven by natural selection to attain male germline function. However, the excess recruitment is consistent with a combination of both natural selection and mutational bias.


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[Table des matières] 1. Zusammenfassung. 2. Introduction et contexte de l'étude. 3. Méthode. 4. Besoins des personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida, amis et partenaires. 5. Etudes donnant des indications sur certaines catégories de besoins des personnes séropositives. 5.1.Programme national VIH/sida de 1999 à 2003. 5. 2. Test de dépistage du VIH. 5.3. Prophylaxie post exposition VIH (PEP). 5.4. La sexualité des personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida. 5.5. Discriminations institutionnelles à l'encontre des personnes vivant avec le VIH en Suisse. 5.6. Evaluation de la stratégie de prévention du sida en Suisse sur mandat de l'Office fédéral de la santé publique : sixième rapport de synthèse. 5.7. Activité de prévention du sida des médecins de premier recours, le counselling pré-test. 5.8. Comparaison 1989/1997 : est-ce que l'amélioration du traitement médical se répercute aussi sur la perception des patients de leur maladie ? 5.9. Histoires individuelles avec le VIH, bien-être psychophysique, coping, charge psychosociale. 5.10. Etude médico-ethnologique sur la prise en charge et les choix thérapeutiques. 5.11. Qualité des soins d'un service ambulatoire spécialisé dans le suivi des patients infectés par le VIH, le point de vue des patients. 5.12. Prévention de la transmission du VIH dans les prisons suisses : analyse secondaire sur la base de la littérature disponible. 5. 13. Recommandations. 5.14. Formation VIH/sida 1989-1999. 5.15. Etude sur les nouveaux traitements du VIH/sida dans la perspective des patients. 5.16. Projet SESAM. 5.17. Etude : Evaluation du site HivNet. 5.18. Etudes relatives à la paupérisation des personnes vivant avec le VIH. 5.19. Travail, revenu et pauvreté chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida de la "Swiss Cohort Study". 5.20. Séropositivité, sida et les assurances sociales. 5.21. Politiques et pratqieus cantonales en matière de prévention VIH/sida et d'éducation sexuelle à l'école. 5.22. Données épidémiologiques sur le VIH/sida issues du système de surveillance. 5.23. Données descriptives issues de la Swiss HIV Cohort Study. 6. Tableau récapitulatif : conclusions et recommandations.


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Background/Purpose: Gouty arthritis (GA) is a chronic inflammatory disease. Targeting the inflammatory pathway through IL-1_ inhibition with canakinumab (CAN) may provide significant long-term benefits. CAN safety versus triamcinolone acetonide (TA) over initial 24 weeks (blinded study) for patients (pts) with history of frequent attacks (_3 in year before baseline) was reported earlier from core (_-RELIEVED [_-REL] and _-REL-II) and first extension (E1) studies1. Herein we present full 18-month long-term CAN safety data, including open-label second extension (E2) studies. Methods: GA pts completing _-REL E1 and _-REL-II E1 studies1 were enrolled in these 1-year, open-label, E2 studies. All pts entering E2, whether randomized to CAN or TA, received CAN 150 mg sc on demand upon new attack. Data are presented only for pts randomized to CAN, and are reported cumulatively, i.e. including corresponding data from previously reported core and E1 studies. Long-term safety outcomes and safety upon re-treatment are presented as incidence rate per 100 patient-years (pyr) of study participation for AEs and SAEs. Deaths are reported for all pts (randomized to CAN or TA). Selected predefined notable laboratory abnormalities are shown (neutrophils, platelets, liver and renal function tests). Long-term attack rate per year is also provided. Results: In total, 69/115 (60%) and 72/112 (64.3%) of the pts randomized to CAN in the two core studies entered the two E2 studies, of which 68 and 64 pts, respectively completed the E2 studies. The 2 study populations had differing baseline comorbidity and geographic origin. Lab data (not time adjusted) for neutropenia appears worse after retreatment in _-REL E2, and deterioration of creatinine clearance appears worse after retreatment (Table 1). The time-adjusted incidence rates for AEs were 302.4/100 pyr and 360/100 pyr, and for SAEs were 27.9/100 pyr and 13.9/100 pyr in _-REL E2 and _-REL-II E2 respectively (Table 1). The time-adjusted incidence rates of any AEs, infection AEs, any SAEs, and selected SAEs before and after re-treatment are presented in Table 1. Incidence rates for AEs and SAEs declined after re-treatment, with the exception of SAEs in _-REL-II E2, which increased from 2.9/100 pyr to 10.9/100 pyr (no infection SAEs after retreatment in _-REL-II E2, and other SAEs fit no special pattern). In the total safety population (N_454, core and all extensions), there were 4 deaths, 2 in the core studies previously reported1 and 2 during the _-REL E2 study (one patient in the CAN group died from pneumonia; one patient in the TA group who never received CAN died of pneumococcal sepsis). None of the deaths was suspected by investigators to be study drug related. The mean rates of new attacks per year on CAN were 1.21 and 1.18 in _-REL E2 and in _-REL-II E2. Conclusion: The clinical safety profile of CAN upon re-treatment was maintained long-term with no new infection concerns


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence, predictors, and clinical significance of electrographic seizures (ESz) and other continuous electroencephalographic monitoring findings in critically ill patients with central nervous system infections. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING: Eighteen-bed neurocritical care unit. PATIENTS: We identified 42 consecutive patients with primary central nervous system infection (viral, 27 patients [64%]; bacterial, 8 patients [18%]; and fungal or parasitic, 7 patients [17%]) who underwent continuous electroencephalographic monitoring between January 1, 1996, and February 28, 2007. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Presence of ESz or periodic epileptiform discharges (PEDs). RESULTS: Electrographic seizures were recorded in 14 patients (33%), and PEDs were recorded in 17 patients (40%). Twenty patients (48%) had either PEDs or ESz. Of the 14 patients with ESz, only 5 (36%) had a clinical correlate. Periodic epileptiform discharges (odds ratio=13.4; P=.001) and viral cause (odds ratio=13.0; P=.02) were independently associated with ESz. Both ESz (odds ratio=5.9; P=.02) and PEDs (odds ratio=6.1; P=.01) were independently associated with poor outcome at discharge (severe disability, vegetative state, or death). CONCLUSIONS: In patients with central nervous system infections undergoing continuous electroencephalographic monitoring, ESz and/or PEDs were frequent, occurring in 48% of our cohort. More than half of the ESz had no clinical correlate. Both ESz and PEDs were independently associated with poor outcome. Additional studies are needed to determine whether prevention or treatment of these electrographic findings improves outcome.


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[Table des matières] 1. Introduction. 2. Méthode. 3. Contexte juridique dans une perspective fédérale. 4. Présentation de deux exemples de collaboration à l'étranger. 5. Présentation des exemples. 6. Synthèse des modèles d'interventions. 7. Réponses aux questions d'évaluation. 8. Conclusions et recommandations. 9. Annexes.