248 resultados para Educational relations socially shared
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Rapport de synthèse : Cette recherche s'intéresse (1) au port et à l'utilisation d'armes chez les adolescents ainsi que (2) aux rôles des facteurs environnementaux et individuels dans la violence juvénile. Les données étaient tirés de SMASH 2002 (Swiss multicenter adolescent survey on health 2002), étude dans laquelle un échantillon représentatif de 7548 étudiants et apprentis âgés entre 16 et 20 ans vivant en Suisse ont été interrogés Dans une première étude, les adolescents ayant porté une arme (couteau, masse, coup de poing américain, pistolet/autre arme à feu, spray) durant l'année précédant l'enquête étaient comparés avec ceux n'ayant pas porté d'arme. Ensuite, dans le sous-échantillon de porteurs d'armes, ceux ayant uniquement porté l'arme étaient comparés avec ceux ayant utilisé une arme dans une bagarre. Des facteurs individuels, familiaux, scolaires et sociaux ont été étudiés à l'aide d'analyses bivariées et multivariées. 13.7% des jeunes vivant en Suisse ont porté une arme dans l'année précédant l'enquête. 6.2% des filles porteuses d'armes et 19.9% des garçons porteurs d'armes ont fait usage de l'arme dans une bagarre. Chez les garçons et chez les filles, les porteurs d'armes étaient plus souvent délinquants et victimes de violence physique. Les garçons porteurs d'armes étaient plus souvent des apprentis, à la recherche de sensations fortes, porteurs de tatouages, avaient une mauvaise relation avec leurs parents, étaient dans des bagarres sous l'influence de substances, et avaient des relations sexuelles à risque. En comparaison avec les porteuses d'armes, les filles utilisatrices d'armes étaient plus souvent fumeuses quotidiennes. Les garçons ayant utilisé leur arme étaient plus souvent nés à l'étranger, vivaient dans un milieu urbain, étaient des apprentis, avaient un mauvais contexte scolaire, avaient des relations sexuelles à risque et étaient impliqués dans des bagarres sous l'influence de substances. Nos résultats montrent que porter une arme est un comportement relativement fréquent chez les adolescents vivant en Suisse et qu'une proportion non négligeable de ces porteurs d'armes ont utilisé l'arme dans une bagarre. De ce fait, une discussion sur le port d'arme devrait être incluse dans l'entretien clinique ainsi que dans les programmes de prévention visant les adolescents. Dans une deuxième étude, la violence juvénile était définie comme présente si l'adolescent avait commis au moins un des quatre délits suivants durant l'année précédant l'enquête: attaquer un adulte, arracher ou voler quelque chose, porter une arme ou utiliser une arme dans une bagarre. Des niveaux écologiques étaient testés et résultaient en un modèle à trois niveaux pour les garçons (niveau individuel, niveau classe et niveau école) et, à cause d'une faible prévalence de la violence chez les filles, en un modèle à un niveau (individuel) pour les filles. Des variables dépendantes étaient attribuées à chaque niveau, en se basant sur la littérature. Le modèle multiniveaux des garçons montrait que le niveau école (10%) et le niveau classe (24%) comptaient pour plus d'un tiers de la variance inter-individuelle dans le comportement violent. Les facteurs associés à ce comportement chez les filles étaient être victime de violence physique et la recherche de sensations fortes. Pour les garçons, les facteurs explicatifs de la violence étaient pratiquer des relations sexuelles à risque, être à la recherche de sensations fortes, être victime de violence physique, avoir une mauvaise relation avec les parents, être déprimé et vivre dans une famille monoparentale au niveau individuel, la violence et les actes antisociaux au niveau de la classe et être apprenti au niveau de l'école. Des interventions au niveau de la classe ainsi qu'un règlement explicit en ce qui concerne la violence et d'autres comportements à risque dans des écoles devraient être prioritaires pour la prévention de la violence chez les adolescents. En outre, la prévention devrait tenir compte des différences entre les sexes.
This article examines the extent and limits of non-state forms of authority in international relations. It analyses how the information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure for the tradability of services in a global knowledge-based economy relies on informal regulatory practices for adjustment of ICT-related skills. Companies and associations provide training and certification programmes as part of a growing market for educational services setting their own standards. The existing literature on non-conventional forms of authority in the global political economy has emphasised that the consent of actors subject to informal rules and explicit or implicit state recognition remains crucial for the effectiveness of those new forms of power. However, analyses based on a limited sample of actors tend toward a narrow understanding of the issues and fail to fully explore the differentiated space in which non-state authority is emerging. This paper examines the form of authority underpinning the global knowledge-based economy within the broader perspective of the issues likely to be standardised by technical ICT specification, the wide range of actors involved, and the highly differentiated space where standards become authoritative. The empirical findings highlight the role of different private actors in establishing international educational norms in this field. They also pinpoint the limits of profit-oriented standard-settings, notably with regard to generic norms.
Physicians-pharmacists quality circles (PPQCs) were introduced in 1997-98 by visionary healthcare practitioners of the French-speaking part of Switzerland with the aim to improve the quality of drug prescription. Indeed the challenge is to manage the 7917 brand names of the Swiss drug market (2010), including 19793 different dosages, galenic formulations and packaging. The impact of these PPQCs on the containment of drug costs and on drug prescribing profiles has been demonstrated and has led to their spread throughout Switzerland. PPQCs provide clear educational benefits and have thus been accredited by various continuous education bodies. In this article, participating physicians and pharmacists share their vision and illustrate how they work and influence the safety and efficiency of drug prescription, a routine process complex enough to warrant sharing of its burden in a constructive interdisciplinary collaboration.
This article reviews research on policy attitudes and ideological values from the perspective of social representations theory. In the first part of the paper, key features of lay political thinking are presented, its pragmatic imperative, its focus on communication and the social functions of shared knowledge. Objectification transforms abstract and group-neutral ideological values into concrete and socially useful knowledge, in particular stereotypes of value-conforming and value-violating groups. Such shared understandings of intergroup relations provide citizens with common reference knowledge which provides the cognitive and cultural basis of policy attitudes. Social representations theory further suggests that lay knowledge reflects the social context in which it has been elaborated (anchoring), an aspect which allows conceptualising aggregate-level differences in policy attitudes. In the second part of the paper, a model of lay conceptions of social order is outlined which organises four shared conceptions of social order, along with the stereotype-based thinking associated with each conception: Moral order, Free Market, Social diversity and Structural inequality. We conclude by arguing that policy attitudes are symbolic devices expressed to justify or to challenge existing social arrangements.
Shared decision-making approach to uncertain clinical situations such as cancer screening seems more appropriate than ever. Shared decision making can be defined as an interactive process where physician and patient share all the stages of the decision making process. For patients who wish to be implicated in the management of their health conditions, physicians might express difficulty to do so. Use of patient decision aids appears to improve such process of shared decision making. L'incertitude quant à l'efficacité de certains dépistages de cancers et du traitement en cas de test positif rend l'application du partage de la décision particulièrement appropriée. Le concept du partage de la décision peut être défini comme un processus interactif où le médecin et le patient partagent les étapes du processus de décision. Face aux patients qui désirent être impliqués dans les décisions concernant leur santé, les médecins peinent parfois à le faire. Or, l'utilisation d'outils d'aide à la décision est un moyen efficace de favoriser ce partage de l'information et, si souhaité par le patient, de la décision.
In Switzerland there is a strong movement at a national policy level towards strengthening patient rights and patient involvement in health care decisions. Yet, there is no national programme promoting shared decision making. First decision support tools (prenatal diagnosis and screening) for the counselling process have been developed and implemented. Although Swiss doctors acknowledge that shared decision making is important, hierarchical structures and asymmetric physician-patient relationships are still prevailing. The last years have seen some promising activities regarding the training of medical students and the development of patient support programmes. Swiss direct democracy and the habit of consensual decision making and citizen involvement in general may provide a fertile ground for SDM development in the primary care setting.
OBJECTIVE: A multidimensional lifestyle intervention performed in 652 preschoolers (72% of migrant, 38% of low educational level (EL) parents) reduced body fat, but not BMI and improved fitness. The objective of this study is to examine whether the intervention was equally effective in children of migrant and/or low EL parents.¦METHODS: Cluster-randomized controlled single blinded trial, conducted in 2008/09 in 40 randomly selected preschools in Switzerland. The culturally tailored intervention consisted of a physical activity program and lessons on nutrition, media use and sleep. Primary outcomes included BMI and aerobic fitness. Secondary outcomes included %body fat, waist circumference and motor agility.¦RESULTS: Children of migrant parents benefitted similarly from the intervention compared to their counterparts (p for interaction≥ 0.09). However, children of low EL parents benefitted less, although these differences did not reach statistical significance (p for interaction≥ 0.06). Average intervention effect sizes for BMI were -0.10, -0.05, -0.11 and 0.04 kg/m(2) and for aerobic fitness were 0.55, 0.20, 0.37 and -0.05 stages for children of non-migrant, migrant, middle/high EL and low EL parents, respectively.¦CONCLUSIONS: This intervention was similarly effective among preschoolers of migrant parents compared to their counterparts, while children of low EL parents benefitted less.
OBJECTIVE: This study examined the respective roles of personal and environmental factors in youth violence in a nationally representative sample of 7548 postmandatory school students and apprentices ages 16-20 years in Switzerland. METHODS: Youth violence was defined as having committed at least one of the following in the previous 12 months: attacking an adult, snatching something, carrying a weapon, or using a weapon in a fight. Different ecological levels were tested, resulting in a three-level model only in males (individual, classroom, and school) as the low prevalence of female violence did not allow for a multilevel analysis. Dependent variables were attributed to each level. For males, the classroom level (10%) and the school level (24%) accounted for more than one third in interindividual variance. RESULTS: Factors associated with violence perpetration in females were being a victim of physical violence and sensation seeking at the individual level. In males, practicing unsafe sex, sensation seeking, being a victim of physical violence, having a poor relationship with parents, being depressed, and living in a single-parent household at the individual level; violence and antisocial acts at the classroom level; and being in a vocational school at the school level showed a correlation with violence perpetration. CONCLUSION: Interventions at the classroom level as well as an explicit school policy on violence and other risk behaviors should be considered a priority when dealing with the problem of youth violence. Furthermore, prevention should take into account gender differences.
The capacity to interact socially and share information underlies the success of many animal species, humans included. Researchers of many fields have emphasized the evo¬lutionary significance of how patterns of connections between individuals, or the social networks, and learning abilities affect the information obtained by animal societies. To date, studies have focused on the dynamics either of social networks, or of the spread of information. The present work aims to study them together. We make use of mathematical and computational models to study the dynamics of networks, where social learning and information sharing affect the structure of the population the individuals belong to. The number and strength of the relationships between individuals, in turn, impact the accessibility and the diffusion of the shared information. Moreover, we inves¬tigate how different strategies in the evaluation and choice of interacting partners impact the processes of knowledge acquisition and social structure rearrangement. First, we look at how different evaluations of social interactions affect the availability of the information and the network topology. We compare a first case, where individuals evaluate social exchanges by the amount of information that can be shared by the partner, with a second case, where they evaluate interactions by considering their partners' social status. We show that, even if both strategies take into account the knowledge endowments of the partners, they have very different effects on the system. In particular, we find that the first case generally enables individuals to accumulate higher amounts of information, thanks to the more efficient patterns of social connections they are able to build. Then, we study the effects that homophily, or the tendency to interact with similar partners, has on knowledge accumulation and social structure. We compare the case where individuals who know the same information are more likely to learn socially from each other, to the opposite case, where individuals who know different information are instead more likely to learn socially from each other. We find that it is not trivial to claim which strategy is better than the other. Depending on the possibility of forgetting information, the way new social partners can be chosen, and the population size, we delineate the conditions for which each strategy allows accumulating more information, or in a faster way For these conditions, we also discuss the topological characteristics of the resulting social structure, relating them to the information dynamics outcome. In conclusion, this work paves the road for modeling the joint dynamics of the spread of information among individuals and their social interactions. It also provides a formal framework to study jointly the effects of different strategies in the choice of partners on social structure, and how they favor the accumulation of knowledge in the population. - La capacité d'interagir socialement et de partager des informations est à la base de la réussite de nombreuses espèces animales, y compris les humains. Les chercheurs de nombreux domaines ont souligné l'importance évolutive de la façon dont les modes de connexions entre individus, ou réseaux sociaux et les capacités d'apprentissage affectent les informations obtenues par les sociétés animales. À ce jour, les études se sont concentrées sur la dynamique soit des réseaux sociaux, soit de la diffusion de l'information. Le présent travail a pour but de les étudier ensemble. Nous utilisons des modèles mathématiques et informatiques pour étudier la dynamique des réseaux, où l'apprentissage social et le partage d'information affectent la structure de la population à laquelle les individus appartiennent. Le nombre et la solidité des relations entre les individus ont à leurs tours un impact sur l'accessibilité et la diffusion de l'informa¬tion partagée. Par ailleurs, nous étudions comment les différentes stratégies d'évaluation et de choix des partenaires d'interaction ont une incidence sur les processus d'acquisition des connaissances ainsi que le réarrangement de la structure sociale. Tout d'abord, nous examinons comment des évaluations différentes des interactions sociales influent sur la disponibilité de l'information ainsi que sur la topologie du réseau. Nous comparons un premier cas, où les individus évaluent les échanges sociaux par la quantité d'information qui peut être partagée par le partenaire, avec un second cas, où ils évaluent les interactions en tenant compte du statut social de leurs partenaires. Nous montrons que, même si les deux stratégies prennent en compte le montant de connaissances des partenaires, elles ont des effets très différents sur le système. En particulier, nous constatons que le premier cas permet généralement aux individus d'accumuler de plus grandes quantités d'information, grâce à des modèles de connexions sociales plus efficaces qu'ils sont capables de construire. Ensuite, nous étudions les effets que l'homophilie, ou la tendance à interagir avec des partenaires similaires, a sur l'accumulation des connaissances et la structure sociale. Nous comparons le cas où des personnes qui connaissent les mêmes informations sont plus sus¬ceptibles d'apprendre socialement l'une de l'autre, au cas où les individus qui connaissent des informations différentes sont au contraire plus susceptibles d'apprendre socialement l'un de l'autre. Nous constatons qu'il n'est pas trivial de déterminer quelle stratégie est meilleure que l'autre. En fonction de la possibilité d'oublier l'information, la façon dont les nouveaux partenaires sociaux peuvent être choisis, et la taille de la population, nous déterminons les conditions pour lesquelles chaque stratégie permet d'accumuler plus d'in¬formations, ou d'une manière plus rapide. Pour ces conditions, nous discutons également les caractéristiques topologiques de la structure sociale qui en résulte, les reliant au résultat de la dynamique de l'information. En conclusion, ce travail ouvre la route pour la modélisation de la dynamique conjointe de la diffusion de l'information entre les individus et leurs interactions sociales. Il fournit également un cadre formel pour étudier conjointement les effets de différentes stratégies de choix des partenaires sur la structure sociale et comment elles favorisent l'accumulation de connaissances dans la population.
OBJECTIVE: This pilot experimental study tested the feasibility and intended effect of an educational intervention for parents to help them assist their adolescent child with chronic illness (CI) in becoming autonomous. METHODS: A two-phase pre-post pilot intervention study targeting parents of adolescents with CI was conducted. Parents were allocated to group 1 and 2 and received the four-module intervention consecutively. Intended effect was measured through online questionnaires for parents and adolescents before, at 2 months after, and at 4-6 months after the intervention. Feasibility was assessed through an evaluation questionnaire for parents. RESULTS: The most useful considered modules concerned the future of the adolescent and parents and social life. The most valued aspect was to exchange with other parents going through similar problems and receiving a new outlook on their relationship with their child. For parents, improvement trends appeared for shared management, parent protection, and self-efficacy, and worsening trends appeared for coping skills, parental perception of child vulnerability, and parental stress. For adolescents, improvement trends appeared for self-efficacy and parental bonding and worsening trends appeared for shared management and coping skills. CONCLUSION: Parents could benefit from peer-to-peer support and education as they support the needed autonomy development of their child. Future studies should test an online platform for parents to find peer support at all times and places.
Background: The State of Vaud has launched the first population-based, organized, colorectal cancer screening program in Switzerland for the population aged 50 to 69. Each primary care physician (PCP) has been invited to participate in an interactive session preparing them to enroll patients in the screening program. We aimed at testing the impact of an interactive seminar for PCPs on their intention to discuss the options of no screening, screening with the fecal-immunological test (FIT) and colonoscopy. We measured attitude, intentions and knowledge through questionnaires filled by PCPs before and after a 2.5 hour-long interactive seminar. The main outcome was the proportion of physicians foreseeing to offer coloscopy vs FIT on an equal basis. Physicians estimated the proportion of their patients prescribed a fecal occult blood test (FOBT) vs coloscopy over the months before the seminar and after the interactive seminar. We used a clinical vignette to test for knowledge about screening indications. The interactive seminar included powerpoint presentations with quizzes and clickers, an 8-minute video presenting a shared decision making (SDM) consultation around CRC screening and distribution of educational materials such as a SDM decision aid and background epidemiological information.
In many high income developed countries, obesity is inversely associated with educational level. In some countries, a widening gap of obesity between educational groups has been reported. The aim of this study was to assess trends in body mass index (BMI) and in prevalence of overweight and obesity and their association with educational level in the adult Swiss population. Four cross-sectional National health interview surveys conducted in 1992/93 (n = 14,521), 1997 (n = 12,474), 2002 (n = 18,908) and 2007 (n = 17,879) using representative samples of the Swiss population (age range 18-102 years). BMI was derived from self-reported data. Overweight was defined as BMI > or = 25 and <30 kg/m(2), and obesity as BMI > or = 30 kg/m(2). Mean (+/- standard deviation) BMI increased from 24.7 +/- 3.6 in 1992/3 to 25.4 +/- 3.6 kg/m2 in 2007 in men and 22.8 +/- 3.8 to 23.7 +/- 4.3 kg/m(2) in women. Between 1992/3 and 2007, the prevalence of overweight + obesity increased from 40.4% to 49.5% in men and from 22.3% to 31.3% in women, while the prevalence of obesity increased from 6.3% to 9.4% in men and from 4.9% to 8.5% in women. The rate of increase in the prevalence of obesity was greater between 1992/3 and 2002 (men: +0.26%/year; women: +0.31%/year) than between 2002 and 2007 (men: +0.10%/year; women: +0.10%/year). A sizable fraction (approximately 25%) of the increasing mean BMI was due to increasing age of the participants over time. The increase was larger in low than high education strata of the population. BMI was strongly associated with low educational level among women and this gradient remained fairly constant over time. A weaker similar gradient by educational level was apparent in men, but it tended to increase over time. In Switzerland, overweight and obesity increased between 1992 and 2007 and was associated with low education status in both men and women. A trend towards a stabilization of mean BMI levels was noted in most age categories since 2002. The increase in the prevalence of obesity was larger in low education strata of the population. These findings suggest that obesity preventive measures should be targeted according to educational level in Switzerland.
Gestures are the first forms of conventional communication that young children develop in order to intentionally convey a specific message. However, at first, infants rarely communicate successfully with their gestures, prompting caregivers to interpret them. Although the role of caregivers in early communication development has been examined, little is known about how caregivers attribute a specific communicative function to infants' gestures. In this study, we argue that caregivers rely on the knowledge about the referent that is shared with infants in order to interpret what communicative function infants wish to convey with their gestures. We videotaped interactions from six caregiver-infant dyads playing with toys when infants were 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 months old. We coded infants' gesture production and we determined whether caregivers interpreted those gestures as conveying a clear communicative function or not; we also coded whether infants used objects according to their conventions of use as a measure of shared knowledge about the referent. Results revealed an association between infants' increasing knowledge of object use and maternal interpretations of infants' gestures as conveying a clear communicative function. Our findings emphasize the importance of shared knowledge in shaping infants' emergent communicative skills.