30 resultados para EQUILATERAL-TRIANGLE
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Le jeu trilogique de Lausanne permet d'étudier le développement de la communication familiale dès la naissance et de créer des ponts entre l'approche systémique de la famille et la recherche développementale. Cet article décrit comment se construit la communication familiale avant le langage verbal, soulignant l'importance de l'intersubjectivité, de l'alliance coparentale et de la compétence du nourrisson à interagir à trois dès le début. Il en esquisse les implications cliniques.
In this paper, we study the average crossing number of equilateral random walks and polygons. We show that the mean average crossing number ACN of all equilateral random walks of length n is of the form . A similar result holds for equilateral random polygons. These results are confirmed by our numerical studies. Furthermore, our numerical studies indicate that when random polygons of length n are divided into individual knot types, the for each knot type can be described by a function of the form where a, b and c are constants depending on and n0 is the minimal number of segments required to form . The profiles diverge from each other, with more complex knots showing higher than less complex knots. Moreover, the profiles intersect with the ACN profile of all closed walks. These points of intersection define the equilibrium length of , i.e., the chain length at which a statistical ensemble of configurations with given knot type -upon cutting, equilibration and reclosure to a new knot type -does not show a tendency to increase or decrease . This concept of equilibrium length seems to be universal, and applies also to other length-dependent observables for random knots, such as the mean radius of gyration Rg.
In this paper, we study the average inter-crossing number between two random walks and two random polygons in the three-dimensional space. The random walks and polygons in this paper are the so-called equilateral random walks and polygons in which each segment of the walk or polygon is of unit length. We show that the mean average inter-crossing number ICN between two equilateral random walks of the same length n is approximately linear in terms of n and we were able to determine the prefactor of the linear term, which is a = (3 In 2)/(8) approximate to 0.2599. In the case of two random polygons of length n, the mean average inter-crossing number ICN is also linear, but the prefactor of the linear term is different from that of the random walks. These approximations apply when the starting points of the random walks and polygons are of a distance p apart and p is small compared to n. We propose a fitting model that would capture the theoretical asymptotic behaviour of the mean average ICN for large values of p. Our simulation result shows that the model in fact works very well for the entire range of p. We also study the mean ICN between two equilateral random walks and polygons of different lengths. An interesting result is that even if one random walk (polygon) has a fixed length, the mean average ICN between the two random walks (polygons) would still approach infinity if the length of the other random walk (polygon) approached infinity. The data provided by our simulations match our theoretical predictions very well.
L'étude de la communication à trois entre le bébé, le père et la mère au travers du jeu du trilogue lausannois montre que la communication intersubjective dans la famille suit la même trajectoire développementale que la communication intersubjective à deux entre le bébé et sa mère ou son père : d'une forme primaire ou directe, elle évolue vers une forme secondaire ou référentielle, pour intégrer ensuite des formes symbolique et morale et enfin narrative.
Préface de Daniel N. Stern - Préface d'Édith Goldbeter Merinfeld - Introduction à la deuxième édition - Comment aborder la famille - Le modèle familial de Lausanne: présentation générale - Typologie des alliances - Les fondements structuraux des alliances familiales - Les fondements dynamiques des alliances familiales - La petite enfance du processus triangulaire - Alliance de travail et interventions d'encadrement - Consultations avec des thérapeutes et des familles - Du développement du nourrisson à la dynamique - Le triangle primaire - Annexe A : Résultats du LTP - Annexe B : Consigne du jeu trilogique de Lausanne
L'usage de faux documents d'identité: situations récurrentes, profil des auteurs et jugements pénaux
Cette étude vise à mesurer les caractéristiques, l'étendue et l'évolution des cas d'usage de faux documents d'identité traités par la police et le système de justice pénale suisse, ainsi qu'à proposer des mesures de prévention spécifiques pour ce délit. La partie empirique repose sur l'analyse de 445 affaires traitées par la police de deux cantons suisses entre 2005 et 2011, ainsi que sur l'analyse de 172 décisions judiciaires concernant ces affaires. L'analyse des dossiers de police est conduite à travers de la grille de lecture du triangle du crime. Cette grille de lecture proposée par l'approche situationnelle en criminologie permet d'établir les profils des auteurs, des faux documents, des situations dans lesquelles ces derniers ont été utilisés, et des gardiens concernés par la fraude documentaire. La période étudiée permet aussi d'évaluer l'influence de l'entrée de la Suisse dans l'espace Schengen sur l'évolution de ce type de délit. De plus, la combinaison de données policières et judiciaires pour un même groupe d'individus permet également d'observer le processus pénal dès la découverte de l'infraction jusqu'à la décision judiciaire, tout en portant une attention spéciale aux taux de condamnations et aux peines imposées. Finalement, ces analyses permettent de proposer des mesures concrètes de prévention situationnelle de la délinquance qui pourraient être mises en place par la police et par certaines institutions privées concernées par la fraude documentaire.
Momentary configurations of long polymers at thermal equilibrium usually deviate from spherical symmetry and can be better described, on average, by a prolate ellipsoid. The asphericity and nature of asphericity (or prolateness) that describe these momentary ellipsoidal shapes of a polymer are determined by specific expressions involving the three principal moments of inertia calculated for configurations of the polymer. Earlier theoretical studies and numerical simulations have established that as the length of the polymer increases, the average shape for the statistical ensemble of random configurations asymptotically approaches a characteristic universal shape that depends on the solvent quality. It has been established, however, that these universal shapes differ for linear, circular, and branched chains. We investigate here the effect of knotting on the shape of cyclic polymers modeled as random isosegmental polygons. We observe that random polygons forming different knot types reach asymptotic shapes that are distinct from the ensemble average shape. For the same chain length, more complex knots are, on average, more spherical than less complex knots.
Les tableaux et les icônes de la Nativité nous offrent le portrait parfait de la famille nucléaire: la mère, le père, l'enfant. À ce triangle sacré, qui oserait ajouter une ribambelle de petits frères et soeurs? Pourtant les Évangiles, lorsqu'ils parlent de la famille de Jésus, citent une liste d'au moins six enfants. De cette famille nombreuse, Jésus fut peut-être l'aîné. Mais qui sont ces frères et soeurs de l'ombre? Enquête sur un dossier caché.
Using numerical simulations we investigate shapes of random equilateral open and closed chains, one of the simplest models of freely fluctuating polymers in a solution. We are interested in the 3D density distribution of the modeled polymers where the polymers have been aligned with respect to their three principal axes of inertia. This type of approach was pioneered by Theodorou and Suter in 1985. While individual configurations of the modeled polymers are almost always nonsymmetric, the approach of Theodorou and Suter results in cumulative shapes that are highly symmetric. By taking advantage of asymmetries within the individual configurations, we modify the procedure of aligning independent configurations in a way that shows their asymmetry. This approach reveals, for example, that the 3D density distribution for linear polymers has a bean shape predicted theoretically by Kuhn. The symmetry-breaking approach reveals complementary information to the traditional, symmetrical, 3D density distributions originally introduced by Theodorou and Suter.
Exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the main causative factor for skin cancer. UV exposure depends on environmental and individual factors, but individual exposure data remain scarce. While ground UV irradiance is monitored via different techniques, it is difficult to translate such observations into human UV exposure or dose because of confounding factors. A multi-disciplinary collaboration developed a model predicting the dose and distribution of UV exposure on the basis of ground irradiation and morphological data. Standard 3D computer graphics techniques were adapted to develop a simulation tool that estimates solar exposure of a virtual manikin depicted as a triangle mesh surface. The amount of solar energy received by various body locations is computed for direct, diffuse and reflected radiation separately. Dosimetric measurements obtained in field conditions were used to assess the model performance. The model predicted exposure to solar UV adequately with a symmetric mean absolute percentage error of 13% and half of the predictions within 17% range of the measurements. Using this tool, solar UV exposure patterns were investigated with respect to the relative contribution of the direct, diffuse and reflected radiation. Exposure doses for various body parts and exposure scenarios of a standing individual were assessed using erythemally-weighted UV ground irradiance data measured in 2009 at Payerne, Switzerland as input. For most anatomical sites, mean daily doses were high (typically 6.2-14.6 Standard Erythemal Dose, SED) and exceeded recommended exposure values. Direct exposure was important during specific periods (e. g. midday during summer), but contributed moderately to the annual dose, ranging from 15 to 24% for vertical and horizontal body parts, respectively. Diffuse irradiation explained about 80% of the cumulative annual exposure dose.