91 resultados para EORTC-QLQ-C30

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the smallest changes in health-related quality of life (HRQOL) scores in the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer quality of life questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) and the EORTC Brain Cancer Module (QLQ-BN20), which could be considered as clinically meaningful in brain cancer patients. Methods: World Health Organization (WHO) performance status (PS) and the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) were used as clinical anchors to determine minimal clinically important differences (MCID) in HRQOL change scores (range 0 - 100) in the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BN20. Anchor-based MCID estimates less than 0.2SD (small effect) were not recommended for interpretation. Other selected distribution-based methods were also used for comparison purposes. Results: Based on WHO PS, our findings support the following whole number estimates of the MCID for improvement and deterioration respectively: physical functioning (6, 9), role functioning (14, 12), cognitive functioning (8, 8), global health status (7, 4*), fatigue (12, 9) and motor dysfunction (4*, 5). Anchoring with MMSE, cognitive functioning MCID estimates for improvement and deterioration were (11, 2*) and those for communication deficit were (9, 7). The estimates with asterisks were less that the set 0.2 SD threshold and are therefore not recommended for interpretation. Our MCID estimates therefore range from 5-14. Conclusion: These estimates can help clinicians to evaluate changes in HRQOL over time and, in conjunction with other measures of efficacy, help to assess the value of a health care intervention or to compare treatments. Furthermore, the estimates can be useful in determining sample sizes in the design of future clinical trials.


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BACKGROUND: We aimed to determine the smallest changes in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) scores in the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire core 30 and the Brain Cancer Module (QLQ-BN20), which could be considered as clinically meaningful in brain cancer patients. Materials and methods: World Health Organisation performance status (PS) and mini-mental state examination (MMSE) were used as clinical anchors appropriate to related subscales to determine the minimal clinically important differences (MCIDs) in HRQoL change scores (range 0-100) in the QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BN20. A threshold of 0.2 standard deviation (SD) (small effect) was used to exclude anchor-based MCID estimates considered too small to inform interpretation. RESULTS: Based on PS, our findings support the following integer estimates of the MCID for improvement and deterioration, respectively: physical (6, 9), role (14, 12), and cognitive functioning (8, 8); global health status (7, 4*), fatigue (12, 9), and motor dysfunction (4*, 5). Anchoring with MMSE, cognitive functioning MCID estimates for improvement and deterioration were (11, 2*) and for communication deficit were (9, 7). Estimates with asterisks were <0.2 SD and were excluded from our MCID range of 5-14. CONCLUSION: These estimates can help clinicians evaluate changes in HRQoL over time, assess the value of a health care intervention and can be useful in determining sample sizes in designing future clinical trials.


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Aims: The psychometric properties of the EORTC QLQ-BN20, a brain cancer-specific HRQOL questionnaire, have been previously determined in an English-speaking sample of patients. This study examined the validity and reliability of the questionnaire in a multi-national, multi-lingual study. Methods: QLQ-BN20 data were selected from two completed phase III EORTC/NCIC clinical trials in brain cancer (N=891), including 12 languages. Experimental treatments were surgery followed by radiotherapy (RT) and adjuvant PCV chemotherapy or surgery followed by concomitant RT plus temozolomide (TMZ) chemotherapy and adjuvant TMZ chemotherapy. Standard treatment consisted of surgery and postoperative RT alone. The psychometrics of the QLQ-BN20 were examined by means of multi-trait scaling analyses, reliability estimation, known groups validity testing, and responsiveness analysis. Results: All QLQ-BN20 items correlated more strongly with their own scale (r>0.70) than with other QLQ-BN20 scales. Internal consistency reliability coefficients were high (all alpha0.70). Known-groups comparisons yielded positive results, with the QLQ-BN20 distinguishing between patients with differing levels of performance status and mental functioning. Responsiveness of the questionnaire to changes over time was acceptable. Conclusion: The QLQ-BN20 demonstrates adequate psychometric properties and can be recommended for use in conjunction with the QLQ-C30 in assessing the HRQOL of brain cancer patients in international studies.


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This is one of the few studies that have explored the value of baseline symptoms and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in predicting survival in brain cancer patients. Baseline HRQOL scores (from the EORTC QLQ-C30 and the Brain Cancer Module (BN 20)) were examined in 490 newly diagnosed glioblastoma cancer patients for the relationship with overall survival by using Cox proportional hazards regression models. Refined techniques as the bootstrap re-sampling procedure and the computation of C-indexes and R(2)-coefficients were used to try and validate the model. Classical analysis controlled for major clinical prognostic factors selected cognitive functioning (P=0.0001), global health status (P=0.0055) and social functioning (P<0.0001) as statistically significant prognostic factors of survival. However, several issues question the validity of these findings. C-indexes and R(2)-coefficients, which are measures of the predictive ability of the models, did not exhibit major improvements when adding selected or all HRQOL scores to clinical factors. While classical techniques lead to positive results, more refined analyses suggest that baseline HRQOL scores add relatively little to clinical factors to predict survival. These results may have implications for future use of HRQOL as a prognostic factor in cancer patients.


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Introduction: We previously reported the results of a phase II study for patients with newly diagnosed primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL) treated with autologous peripheral blood stem-cell transplantation (aPBSCT) and responseadapted whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT). The purpose of this report is to update the initial results and provide long-term data regarding overall survival, prognostic factors, and the risk of treatment-related neurotoxicity.Methods: A long-term follow-up was conducted on surviving primary central nervous system lymphoma patients having been treated according to the ,,OSHO-53 study", which was initiated by the Ostdeutsche Studiengruppe Hamatologie-Onkologie. Between August 1999 and October 2004 twentythree patients with an average age of 55 and median Karnofsky performance score of 70% were enrolled and received high-dose mthotrexate (HD-MTX) on days 1 and 10. In case of at least a partial remission (PR), high-dose busulfan/ thiotepa (HD-BuTT) followed by aPBSCT was performed. Patients without response to induction or without complete remission (CR) after HD-BuTT received WBRT. All patients (n=8), who are alive in 2011, were contacted and Mini Mental State examination (MMSE) and the EORTC QLQ-C30 were performed.Results: Eight patients are still alive with a median follow-up of 116,9 months (79 - 141, range). One of them suffered from a late relapse eight and a half years after initial diagnosis of PCNSL, another one suffers from a gall bladder carcinoma. Both patients are alive, the one with the relapse of PCNSL has finished rescue therapy and is further observed, the one with gall baldder carcinoma is still under therapy. MMSE and QlQ-C30 showed impressive results in the patients, who were not irradiated. Only one of the irradiated patients is still alive with a clear neurologic deficit but acceptable quality of life.Conclusions: Long-term follow-up of our patients, who were included in the OSHO-53 study show an overall survival of 30 percent. If WBRT can be avoided no long-term neurotoxicity has been observed and the patients benefit from excellent Quality of Life. Induction chemotherapy with two cycles of HD-MTX should be intensified to improve the unsatisfactory OAS of 30 percent.


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PURPOSE: This study aims to describe emotional distress and quality of life (QoL) of patients at different phases of their lung cancer and the association with their family physician (FP) involvement. METHODS: A prospective study on patients with lung cancer was conducted in three regions of Quebec, Canada. Patients completed, at baseline, several validated questionnaires regarding their psychosocial characteristics and their perceived level of FP involvement. Emotional distress [profile of mood states (POMS)] and QoL [European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30)] were reassessed every 3-6 months, whether patients had metastasis or not, up to 18 months. Results were regrouped according to cancer phase. Mixed models with repeated measurements were performed to identify variation in distress and QoL. RESULTS: In this cohort of 395 patients, distress was low at diagnosis (0.79 ± 0.7 on a 0-4 scale), raising to 1.36 ± 0.8 at the advance phase (p < 0.0001). Patient's global QoL scores significantly decreased from the diagnosis to the advance phase (from 66 to 45 on a 0-100 scale; p < 0.0001). At all phases of cancer, FP involvement was significantly associated with patients' distress (p = 0.0004) and their global perception of QoL (p = 0.0080). These associations remained statistically significant even after controlling for age, gender, and presence of metastases. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides new knowledge on patients' emotional distress and QoL with cancer evolution and, particularly, their association with FP involvement. Other studies should be conducted to further explore FP role in cancer supportive care.


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Résumé Objectif : Décrire l'alexithymie chez des patientsnouvellement diagnostiqués de cancer.Méthode : Les données sociodémographiques, médicales etpsychométriques (HADS, SCL-90, EORTC-QLQ-C30 etTAS-20) ont été enregistrées chez des patients récemment(< 4 mois) pris en charge pour un cancer.Résultats : Chez 70% des 419 patients inclus dans l'étude, unscore qualifiant pour un diagnostic d'alexithymie (TAS > 56)a été observé avec une corrélation négative avec les symptômespsychiatriques, qui par ailleurs ne dépassaient pas lesseuils d'anxiété et de dépression mesurés avec le HADS,et une corrélation positive avec la qualité de vie.Conclusion : La haute prévalence de l'alexithymie, considéréecomme une protection, questionne la nécessité et letype d'éventuelles interventions psycho-oncologiques.Pour citer cette revue : Psycho-Oncol. 5 (2011).


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BACKGROUND: This study assessed whether breast cancer (BC) patients express similar levels of needs for equivalent severity of symptoms, functioning difficulties, or degrees of satisfaction with care aspects. BC patients who did (or not) report needs in spite of similar difficulties were identified among their sociodemographic or clinical characteristics. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three hundred and eighty-four (73% response rate) BC patients recruited in ambulatory or surgery hospital services completed the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life questionnaire (EORTC QLQ)-C30 quality of life [health-related quality of life (HRQOL)], the EORTC IN-PATSAT32 (in-patient) or OUT-PATSAT35 (out-patient) satisfaction with care, and the supportive care needs survey short form 34-item (SCNS-SF34) measures. RESULTS: HRQOL or satisfaction with care scale scores explained 41%, 45%, 40% and 22% of variance in, respectively, psychological, physical/daily living needs, information/health system, and care/support needs (P < 0.001). BC patients' education level, having children, hospital service attendance, and anxiety/depression levels significantly predicted differences in psychological needs relative to corresponding difficulties (adjusted R(2) = 0.11). Medical history and anxiety/depression levels significantly predicted differences in information/health system needs relative to degrees of satisfaction with doctors, nurses, or radiotherapy technicians and general satisfaction (adjusted R(2) = 0.12). Unmet needs were most prevalent in the psychological domains across hospital services. CONCLUSIONS: Assessment of needs, HRQOL, and satisfaction with care highlights the subgroups of BC patients requiring better supportive care targeting.


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Background We previously reported the results of a phase II study for patients with newly diagnosed primary central nervous system lymphoma treated with autologous peripheral blood stem-cell transplantation (aPBSCT) and response-adapted whole-brain radiotherapy (WBRT). Now, we update the initial results. Patients and methods From 1999 to 2004, 23 patients received high-dose methotrexate. In case of at least partial remission, high-dose busulfan/thiotepa (HD-BuTT) followed by aPBSCT was carried out. Patients refractory to induction or without complete remission after HD-BuTT received WBRT. Eight patients still alive in 2011 were contacted and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer quality-of-life questionnaire (QLQ)-C30 were carried out. Results Of eight patients still alive, median follow-up is 116.9 months. Only one of nine irradiated patients is still alive with a severe neurologic deficit. In seven of eight patients treated with HD-BuTT, health condition and quality of life are excellent. MMSE and QLQ-C30 showed remarkably good results in patients who did not receive WBRT. All of them have a Karnofsky score of 90%-100%. Conclusions Follow-up shows an overall survival of 35%. In six of seven patients where WBRT could be avoided, no long-term neurotoxicity has been observed and all patients have an excellent quality of life.


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BACKGROUND: Despite advances in treatment, survival of patients with GBM over 60 years is still often less than 1 year. In the perspective of a short expected survival, the quality of the remaining life and the effects of therapy on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) should be given special emphasis when recommending treatment for the individual patients. Several studies have focused on survival of the elderly, but few data are available on HRQoL for different treatments. In a randomized trial, we compared survival and HRQoL for 3 treatment options, 6 weeks of RT, vs hypofractionated RT, or chemotherapy with TMZ. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Newly diagnosed GBM patients, age ≥60 years with PS 0-2, were randomized to either standard RT (60 Gy in 2-Gy fractions over 6 weeks), hypofractionated RT (34 Gy in 3.4-Gy fractions over 2 weeks), or 6 cycles of chemotherapy with TMZ (200 mg/m2 day 1-5 every 28 days). QoL was determined by the EORTC QLQ 30 questionnaire and the Brain Cancer Module at inclusion, before start of therapy, at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after start of treatment. Patients were followed until death. The primary study endpoint was overall survival (OS) and secondary objectives were HRQoL, neurologic symptom control, and safety. RESULTS: A total of 342 patients were included and 292 patients were randomized between the 3 treatment options and 50 patients between hypofractionated RT and TMZ. Median age was 70 years (range 60-92) with 58% being male. Performance status was 0-1 for 75% of patients and 73% had undergone surgical resection. CONCLUSION: The results from the HRQoL analysis of this trial will be presented together with survival data at the upcoming EANO meeting.


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We compared the health-related quality-of-life of patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma aged over 65 years or transplant-ineligible in the pivotal, phase III FIRST trial. Patients received: i) continuous lenalidomide and low-dose dexamethasone until disease progression; ii) fixed cycles of lenalidomide and low-dose dexamethasone for 18 months; or iii) fixed cycles of melphalan, prednisone, thalidomide for 18 months. Data were collected using the validated questionnaires (QLQ-MY20, QLQ-C30, and EQ-5D). The analysis focused on the EQ-5D utility value and six domains pre-selected for their perceived clinical relevance. Lenalidomide and low-dose dexamethasone, and melphalan, prednisone, thalidomide improved patients' health-related quality-of-life from baseline over the duration of the study across all pre-selected domains of the QLQ-C30 and EQ-5D. In the QLQ-MY20, lenalidomide and low-dose dexamethasone demonstrated a significantly greater reduction in the Disease Symptoms domain compared with melphalan, prednisone, thalidomide at Month 3, and significantly lower scores for QLQ-MY20 Side Effects of Treatment at all post-baseline assessments except Month 18. Linear mixed-model repeated-measures analyses confirmed the results observed in the cross-sectional analysis. Continuous lenalidomide and low-dose dexamethasone delays disease progression versus melphalan, prednisone, thalidomide and has been associated with a clinically meaningful improvement in health-related quality-of-life. These results further establish continuous lenalidomide and low-dose dexamethasone as a new standard of care for initial therapy of myeloma by demonstrating superior health-related quality-of-life during treatment, compared with melphalan, prednisone, thalidomide.


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INTRODUCTION: EORTC trial 22991 was designed to evaluate the addition of concomitant and adjuvant short-term hormonal treatments to curative radiotherapy in terms of disease-free survival for patients with intermediate risk localized prostate cancer. In order to assess the compliance to the 3D conformal radiotherapy protocol guidelines, all participating centres were requested to participate in a dummy run procedure. An individual case review was performed for the largest recruiting centres as well. MATERIALS AND METHODS: CT-data of an eligible prostate cancer patient were sent to 30 centres including a description of the clinical case. The investigator was requested to delineate the volumes of interest and to perform treatment planning according to the protocol. Thereafter, the investigators of the 12 most actively recruiting centres were requested to provide data on five randomly selected patients for an individual case review. RESULTS: Volume delineation varied significantly between investigators. Dose constraints for organs at risk (rectum, bladder, hips) were difficult to meet. In the individual case review, no major protocol deviations were observed, but a number of dose reporting problems were documented for centres using IMRT. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, results of this quality assurance program were satisfactory. The efficacy of the combination of a dummy run procedure with an individual case review is confirmed in this study, as none of the evaluated patient files harboured a major protocol deviation. Quality assurance remains a very important tool in radiotherapy to increase the reliability of the trial results. Special attention should be given when designing quality assurance programs for more complex irradiation techniques.


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INTRODUCTION: The phase III EORTC 22033-26033/NCIC CE5 intergroup trial compares 50.4 Gy radiotherapy with up-front temozolomide in previously untreated low-grade glioma. We describe the digital EORTC individual case review (ICR) performed to evaluate protocol radiotherapy (RT) compliance. METHODS: Fifty-eight institutions were asked to submit 1-2 randomly selected cases. Digital ICR datasets were uploaded to the EORTC server and accessed by three central reviewers. Twenty-seven parameters were analysed including volume delineation, treatment planning, organ at risk (OAR) dosimetry and verification. Consensus reviews were collated and summary statistics calculated. RESULTS: Fifty-seven of seventy-two requested datasets from forty-eight institutions were technically usable. 31/57 received a major deviation for at least one section. Relocation accuracy was according to protocol in 45. Just over 30% had acceptable target volumes. OAR contours were missing in an average of 25% of cases. Up to one-third of those present were incorrectly drawn while dosimetry was largely protocol compliant. Beam energy was acceptable in 97% and 48 patients had per protocol beam arrangements. CONCLUSIONS: Digital RT plan submission and review within the EORTC 22033-26033 ICR provide a solid foundation for future quality assurance procedures. Strict evaluation resulted in overall grades of minor and major deviation for 37% and 32%, respectively.


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Head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) is the sixth leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. These tumors are commonly diagnosed at advanced stages and mortality rates remain high. Even cured patients suffer the consequences of aggressive treatment that includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. In the past, in clinical trials, HNSCC was considered as a single disease entity. Advances in molecular biology with the development of genomic and proteomic approaches have demonstrated distinct prognostic HNSCC patient subsets beyond those defined by traditional clinical-pathological factors such as tumor subsite and stage [Cho W (ed). An Omics Perspective on Cancer Research. New York/Berlin: Springer 2010]. Validation of these biomarkers in large prospective clinical trials is required before their clinical implementation. To promote this research, the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Head and Neck Cancer Program will develop the following strategies-(i) biobanking: prospective tissue collection from uniformly treated patients in the setting of clinical trials; (ii) a group of physicians, physician-scientists, and EORTC Headquarters staff devoted to patient-oriented head and neck cancer research; (iii) a collaboration between the basic scientists of the Translational Research Division interested in head and neck cancer research and the physicians of the Head and Neck Cancer Group; and (iv) funding through the EORTC Grant Program and the Network Core Institutions Consortium. In the present report, we summarize our strategic plans to promote head and neck cancer research within the EORTC framework.


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OBJECTIVE: Quality assurance (QA) in clinical trials is essential to ensure treatment is safely and effectively delivered. As QA requirements have increased in complexity in parallel with evolution of radiation therapy (RT) delivery, a need to facilitate digital data exchange emerged. Our objective is to present the platform developed for the integration and standardization of QART activities across all EORTC trials involving RT. METHODS: The following essential requirements were identified: secure and easy access without on-site software installation; integration within the existing EORTC clinical remote data capture system; and the ability to both customize the platform to specific studies and adapt to future needs. After retrospective testing within several clinical trials, the platform was introduced in phases to participating sites and QART study reviewers. RESULTS: The resulting QA platform, integrating RT analysis software installed at EORTC Headquarters, permits timely, secure, and fully digital central DICOM-RT based data review. Participating sites submit data through a standard secure upload webpage. Supplemental information is submitted in parallel through web-based forms. An internal quality check by the QART office verifies data consistency, formatting, and anonymization. QART reviewers have remote access through a terminal server. Reviewers evaluate submissions for protocol compliance through an online evaluation matrix. Comments are collected by the coordinating centre and institutions are informed of the results. CONCLUSIONS: This web-based central review platform facilitates rapid, extensive, and prospective QART review. This reduces the risk that trial outcomes are compromised through inadequate radiotherapy and facilitates correlation of results with clinical outcomes.