2 resultados para Dioses -- TFC
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
PURPOSE: To determine the value of applying finger trap distraction during direct MR arthrography of the wrist to assess intrinsic ligament and triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty consecutive patients were prospectively investigated by three-compartment wrist MR arthrography. Imaging was performed with 3-T scanners using a three-dimensional isotropic (0.4 mm) T1-weighted gradient-recalled echo sequence, with and without finger trap distraction (4 kg). In a blind and independent fashion, two musculoskeletal radiologists measured the width of the scapholunate (SL), lunotriquetral (LT) and ulna-TFC (UTFC) joint spaces. They evaluated the amount of contrast medium within these spaces using a four-point scale, and assessed SL, LT and TFCC tears, as well as the disruption of Gilula's carpal arcs. RESULTS: With finger trap distraction, both readers found a significant increase in width of the SL space (mean Δ = +0.1mm, p ≤ 0.040), and noticed more contrast medium therein (p ≤ 0.035). In contrast, the differences in width of the LT (mean Δ = +0.1 mm, p ≥ 0.057) and UTFC (mean Δ = 0mm, p ≥ 0.728) spaces, as well as the amount of contrast material within these spaces were not statistically significant (p = 0.607 and ≥ 0.157, respectively). Both readers detected more SL (Δ = +1, p = 0.157) and LT (Δ = +2, p = 0.223) tears, although statistical significance was not reached, and Gilula's carpal arcs were more frequently disrupted during finger trap distraction (Δ = +5, p = 0.025). CONCLUSION: The application of finger trap distraction during direct wrist MR arthrography may enhance both detection and characterisation of SL and LT ligament tears by widening the SL space and increasing the amount of contrast within the SL and LT joint spaces.
Objectifs: Déterminer l'impact de la traction axiale en arthro-IRM du poignet sur la largeur des espaces interosseux et la caractérisation des lésions ligamentairesintrinsèques du carpe. Matériels et méthodes: Etude prospective incluant 34 patients entre septembre et décembre 2010. Arthro-IRM du poignet réalisées sur une machine 3-Tesla et incluant des séquencescoronales isotropiques haute résolution en pondération T1-VIBE avec suppression de graisse, sans et avec traction axiale (4kg). Lecture consensuelle par 2radiologues avec mesure des espaces scapho-lunaire, luno-triquétral et ulna-TFC, sans et avec traction. Evaluation semi-quantitative des déchiruresligamentaires: 0=absente, 1=partielle, 2=transfixiante avec moignon, 3=transfixiante sans moignon. Résultats: Augmentation significative, en traction axiale, des espaces interosseux scapho-lunaire (Delta=0.21mm, p=0.0016) et luno-triquétral (Delta=0.17mm, p=0.0002)ainsi que de l'espace ulna-TFC (Delta=0.17, p=0.0071). Meilleure caractérisation des lésions dans 5 cas, avec une amélioration significative pour la portioncentrale du ligament scapho-lunaire (p=0.0313). Conclusion: L'arthro-IRM du poignet à 3-Tesla en traction axiale augmente significativement la largeur des espaces scapho -lunaire, luno-triquétral et ulna-TFC et améliore lacaractérisation des lésions de la portion centrale du ligament scapho-lunaire.