30 resultados para Dentin collagen
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
This study investigates in vitro growth of human urinary tract smooth muscle cells under static conditions and mechanical stimulation. The cells were cultured on collagen type I- and laminin-coated silicon membranes. Using a Flexcell device for mechanical stimulation, a cyclic strain of 0-20% was applied in a strain-stress-time model (stretch, 104 min relaxation, 15 s), imitating physiological bladder filling and voiding. Cell proliferation and alpha-actin, calponin, and caldesmon phenotype marker expression were analyzed. Nonstretched cells showed significant better growth on laminin during the first 8 days, thereafter becoming comparable to cells grown on collagen type I. Cyclic strain significantly reduced cell growth on both surfaces; however, better growth was observed on laminin. Neither the type of surface nor mechanical stimulation influenced the expression pattern of phenotype markers; alpha-actin was predominantly expressed. Coating with the extracellular matrix protein laminin improved in vitro growth of human urinary tract smooth muscle cells.
OBJECTIVES: Tissue engineering methods can be applied to regenerate diseased, or congenitally missing, urinary tract tissues. Urinary tract tissue cell cultures must be established in vitro and adequate matrices, acting as cell carriers, must be developed. Although degradable and nondegradable polymer matrices offer adequate mechanical stability, they are not optimal for cell adherence and growth. To overcome this problem, extracellular matrix proteins, permitting cell adhesion and regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation, can be adsorbed to the surface-modified polymer. METHODS: In this study, nondegradable polymer films, poly(ethylene terephthalate), were used as an experimental model. Films were modified by graft polymerization of acrylic acid to subsequently allow collagen type I and III immobilization. The following adhesion, proliferation of human urothelial cells, and induction of their stratification were analyzed. RESULTS: Collagen adsorption on 0.2 microg/cm2 poly(acrylic acid)-grafted polymer films rendered the matrix apt for human urothelial cell adhesion and proliferation. Furthermore, stratification of urothelial cells was demonstrated on these surface-modified matrices. CONCLUSIONS: These results have shown that surface-modified polymer matrices can be used to act as cell carriers for cultured human urothelial cells. Such a cell-matrix construct could be applied in reparative surgery of the urinary tract.
Collagen is highly conserved across species and has been used extensively for tissue regeneration; however, its mechanical properties are limited. A recent advance using plastic compression of collagen gels to achieve much higher concentrations significantly increases its mechanical properties at the neo-tissue level. This controlled, cell-independent process allows the engineering of biomimetic scaffolds. We have evaluated plastic compressed collagen scaffolds seeded with human bladder smooth muscle cells inside and urothelial cells on the gel surface for potential urological applications. Bladder smooth muscle and urothelial cells were visualized using scanning electron microscopy, conventional histology and immunohistochemistry; cell viability and proliferation were also quantified for 14 days in vitro. Both cell types tested proliferated on the construct surface, forming dense cell layers after 2 weeks. However, smooth muscle cells seeded within the construct, assessed with the Alamar blue assay, showed lower proliferation. Cellular distribution within the construct was also evaluated, using confocal microscopy. After 14 days of in vitro culture, 30% of the smooth muscle cells were found on the construct surface compared to 0% at day 1. Our results provide some evidence that cell-seeded plastic compressed collagen has significant potential for bladder tissue regeneration, as these materials allow efficient cell seeding inside the construct as well as cell proliferation.
Background: Study in vivo characteristics of a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) implant compared to the standard cylindrical collagen implant for deep sclerectomy (DS). Design: Six-month comparative study. Samples: Twenty eyes of ten rabbits. Methods: Eyes were randomized to have DS with PMMA implant in one eye and collagen implant in the opposite eye. The growth of the new subconjunctival drainage vessels was assessed by combined fluorescein and indocyanin green anterior segment angiography; intrascleral and subconjunctival blebs were imaged by ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM). At six months, outflow facility (C) was measured by anterior chamber perfusion and portions of one side of the DS were compared to portions on the 180° opposite side and native sclera on histology. Results: The mean IOP preoperatively and at one, four, twelve, and twenty-four weeks was comparable in both groups (P > 0.1). UBM showed a statistically insignificant quicker regression of the subconjunctival bleb as well as a durable intrascleral lake in the PMMA group (P > 0.05). New drainage vessels were initially observed one month after surgery; they were more numerous in the PMMA group on angiographic and histological findings at 6 months (P < 0.05). The mean C increased significantly after surgery compared to preoperative values (P < 0.05) and no difference was observed between the implants (0.24 ± 0.06 µl/min/mmHg [PMMA] and 0.23 ± 0.07 µl/min/mmHg [collagen implant]) (P = 0.39). Conclusions: Deep sclerectomy performed with PMMA or collagen implants showed similar IOP lowering effects, outflow facility increase, and degree of inflammatory reaction.
Collagen nerve guides are used clinically for peripheral nerve defects, but their use is generally limited to lesions up to 3 cm. In this study we combined collagen conduits with cells as an alternative strategy to support nerve regeneration over longer gaps. In vitro cell adherence to collagen conduits (NeuraGen(®) nerve guides) was assessed by scanning electron microscopy. For in vivo experiments, conduits were seeded with either Schwann cells (SC), SC-like differentiated bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (dMSC), SC-like differentiated adipose-derived stem cells (dASC) or left empty (control group), conduits were used to bridge a 1cm gap in the rat sciatic nerve and after 2-weeks immunohistochemical analysis was performed to assess axonal regeneration and SC infiltration. The regenerative cells showed good adherence to the collagen walls. Primary SC showed significant improvement in distal stump sprouting. No significant differences in proximal regeneration distances were noticed among experimental groups. dMSC and dASC-loaded conduits showed a diffuse sprouting pattern, while SC-loaded showed an enhanced cone pattern and a typical sprouting along the conduits walls, suggesting an increased affinity for the collagen type I fibrillar structure. NeuraGen(®) guides showed high affinity of regenerative cells and could be used as efficient vehicle for cell delivery. However, surface modifications (e.g. with extracellular matrix molecule peptides) of NeuraGen(®) guides could be used in future tissue-engineering applications to better exploit the cell potential.
Endoscopic subureteral collagen injection has become an accepted means for the treatment of vesicoureteral reflux in children. The aim of this study was to evaluate the histological behavior of glutaraldehyde cross-linked bovine collagen implants. The specimens were harvested from 29 patients who underwent reimplant surgery 2 to 30 months (mean 9.5) after unsuccessful subureteral injection therapy. In addition to routine hematoxylin and eosin staining, a new staining method (solophenyl red 3BL) able to demonstrate selectively neoformation of types I and III human collagen, was applied. Invasion of host fibroblasts into the bovine implant and the formation of endogenous types I and III collagen were demonstrated in all 29 cases. Adverse histological reactions were rare and, if present, they were predominantly of an inflammatory nature.
Purpose: To evaluate whether the correlation between in vitro bond strength data and estimated clinical retention rates of cervical restorations after two years depends on pooled data obtained from multicenter studies or single-test data. Materials and Methods: Pooled mean data for six dentin adhesive systems (Adper Prompt L-Pop, Clearfil SE, OptiBond FL, Prime & Bond NT, Single Bond, and Scotchbond Multipurpose) and four laboratory methods (macroshear, microshear, macrotensile and microtensile bond strength test) (Scherrer et al, 2010) were correlated to estimated pooled two-year retention rates of Class V restorations using the same adhesive systems. For bond strength data from a single test institute, the literature search in SCOPUS revealed one study that tested all six adhesive systems (microtensile) and two that tested five of the six systems (microtensile, macroshear). The correlation was determined with a database designed to perform a meta-analysis on the clinical performance of cervical restorations (Heintze et al, 2010). The clinical data were pooled and adjusted in a linear mixed model, taking the study effect, dentin preparation, type of isolation and bevelling of enamel into account. A regression analysis was carried out to evaluate the correlation between clinical and laboratory findings. Results: The results of the regression analysis for the pooled data revealed that only the macrotensile (adjusted R2 = 0.86) and microtensile tests (adjusted R2 = 0.64), but not the shear and the microshear tests, correlated well with the clinical findings. As regards the data from a single-test institute, the correlation was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Macrotensile and microtensile bond strength tests showed an adequate correlation with the retention rate of cervical restorations after two years. Bond strength tests should be carried out by different operators and/or research institutes to determine the reliability and technique sensitivity of the material under investigation.
Purpose: Crosslinking of corneal collagen with riboflavin and ultraviolet-A irradiation (CXL) induces crosslinks within and between collagen fibers. CXL increases corneal biomechanical and biochemical stability and is currently used clinically to treat keratectasia. CXL also significantly reduces the stromal swelling capacity. We investigated whether a modified CXL treatment protocol would be beneficial in early Fuchs' dystrophy with various degrees of corneal edema and diurnal variations in visual acuity. Methods: CXL was performed as published previously with the following modification: in cases where the stroma was thicker than 450 µm after abrasion and 30 minutes of instillation of isoosmolar riboflavin solution, glycerol 70% solution was applied every 5 seconds for two minutes, and central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured using ultrasound pachymetry. Glycerol 70% solution was administered repeatedly until the target corneal thickness of 370-430 µm was reached. During irradiation, CCT was monitored by ultrasound pachymetry every five minutes and glycerol 70% solution was applied, if necessary. Results: Three eyes in two patients were treated using the modified CXL protocol. Representative case: a 50-year-old woman with Fuchs' dystrophy and a history of 3 years of diurnal visual fluctuations was referred to us in March 2008. Preoperative best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) was 20/50. We performed modified CXL in the left eye. At one month after CXL, Scheimpflug analysis of CCT showed a reduction of more than 100 µm, and the Corneal Thickness Spatial Profile (CTSP) and Percentage of Increase in Thickness (PIT) showed a regularization of the "flattening" typical for Fuchs' dystrophy. Accordingly, diurnal analysis of corneal thickness showed a distinct postoperative reduction in CCT at all time points measured. At one month after CXL, the patient reported a reduction of diurnal visual fluctuations and we measured an increase in BSCVA to 20/32. The patient showed stable topographical and visual acuity at the three months follow-up. Conclusions: We saw a distinct reduction in CCT, an improvement of the corneal thickness spatial profile (CTSP) and an increase in BSCVA at one month after treatment, which remained stable at the three months follow-up. Patients with early Fuchs' dystrophy and disturbing diurnal visual fluctuations represent a novel application for CXL. Although CXL may not prevent the outcome of the dystrophy, it may increase the patients' visual comfort until keratoplasty becomes necessary.
Between June 1988 and September 1994, 100 girls and 32 boys 2 months to 15.5 years old (average 4.9 years) with 204 refluxing ureteral units were treated by endoscopic subureteral collagen injection. The collagen injected was of bovine origin and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde (Zyplast*). Followup ranged from 3 to 75 months (mean 33). Reflux was absent in 62.7% of cases 3 months after 1 endoscopic subureteral injection. Improvement to reflux grades I and II, generally not requiring further treatment, occurred in a further 15.2% of cases. A total of 66 ureters was injected twice. The overall cure rate after 1 or 2 injections was 79.4% 3 months after injection. There was no correlation between the risk of recurrent reflux and initial degree of reflux. Late recurrence of reflux following a reflux-free period occurred in 11.3% of the 204 units during the observation period, which varied from 3 months to 6 1/4 years. Reflux was absent after 1 or 2 injections, including late recurrence, in 70.6% of cases and in an additional 13.2% recurrent reflux was grade I or II, not necessitating any further treatment. Considering these results, subureteral collagen injection remains an adequate method of treatment for vesicoureteral reflux in children.
Il s'agit de comparer in vivo la sécurité et l'efficacité d'un implant en polyméthylméthacrylate (PMMA) avec un implant standard en collagène dans la sclérectomie profonde (SP) sur une durée de six mois. La population étudiée comprend vingt lapins, chaque lapin étant randomisé pour une SP avec implant en PMMA dans un oeil et implant de collagène dans l'autre oeil. Plusieurs éléments ont été pris en compte dans la comparaison : - la mesure de la pression intraoculaire - l'évolution de l'espace de drainage intrascléral et de la bulle de filtration sous-conjonctivale, suivie par ultrasonographic biomicroscopique (UBM) - la croissance de nouveaux vaisseaux de drainage sous-conjonctivaux, croissance quantifiée par angiographie du segment antérieur à la fluorescéine combinée au vert d'indocyanine - la facilité à l'écoulement de l'humeur aqueuse (C), mesurée à six mois par cannulation-perfusion de la chambre antérieur - la sclère au site de SP, histologiquement comparée à la sclère native opposée à 180°, également à six mois La pression intraoculaire moyenne préopératoire à une, quatre, douze et 24 semaines postopératoires est comparable dans les deux groupes (P>0.1). L'UBM montre une régression légèrement plus rapide (statistiquement non significative) de la bulle de filtration sous-conjonctivale et la persistance d'un espace de drainage intrascléral dans le groupe PMMA (P>0.05). De nouveaux vaisseaux de drainage sont observés à un mois de la chirurgie ; à six mois, ces vaisseaux sont plus nombreux dans le groupe PMMA, tant sur l'analyse angiographique que sur l'analyse histologique (P>0.05). La facilité moyenne à l'écoulement de l'humeur aqueuse est significativement plus élevées à six mois dans les deux groupes par rapport aux valeurs préopératoires (P>0.05), sans qu'il n'y ait de différence entre les deux implants (0.24 ± 0.06 μΙ/min/mmHg [PMMA] et 0.23 ± 0.07 μΙ/min/mmHg [implant en collagène]) (Ρ = 0.39). Cette étude a pu démontrer que la sclérectomie profonde avec implant en collagène ou en PMMA donne des résultats similaires en terme de diminution de l'IOP et d'augmentation de la facilité à l'écoulement de l'humeur aqueuse, sans différence sur le plan des réactions inflammatoires post-intervention.
AIM: To prospectively study the intraocular pressure (IOP) lowering effect and safety of the new method of very deep sclerectomy with collagen implant (VDSCI) compared with standard deep sclerectomy with collagen implant (DSCI). METHODS: The trial involved 50 eyes of 48 patients with medically uncontrolled primary and secondary open-angle glaucoma, randomized to undergo either VDSCI procedure (25 eyes) or DSCI procedure (25 eyes). Follow-up examinations were performed before surgery and after surgery at day 1, at week 1, at months 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months. Ultrasound biomicroscopy was performed at 3 and 12 months. RESULTS: Mean follow-up period was 18.6+/-5.9 (VDSCI) and 18.9+/-3.6 (DSCI) months (P=NS). Mean preoperative IOP was 22.4+/-7.4 mm Hg for VDSCI and 20.4+/-4.4 mm Hg for DSCI eyes (P=NS). Mean postoperative IOP was 3.9+/-2.3 (VDSCI) and 6.3+/-4.3 (DSCI) (P<0.05) at day 1, and 12.2+/-3.9 (VDSCI) and 13.3+/-3.4 (DSCI) (P=NS) at month 24. At the last visit, the complete success rate (defined as an IOP of < or =18 mm Hg and a percentage drop of at least 20%, achieved without medication) was 57% in VDSCI and 62% in DSCI eyes (P=NS) ultrasound biomicroscopy at 12 months showed a mean volume of the subconjunctival filtering bleb of 3.9+/-4.2 mm3 (VDSCI) and 6.8+/-7.5 mm3 (DSCI) (P=0.426) and 5.2+/-3.6 mm3 (VDSCI) and 5.4+/-2.9 mm3 (DSCI) (P=0.902) for the intrascleral space. CONCLUSIONS: Very deep sclerectomy seems to provide stable and good control of IOP at 2 years of follow-up with few postoperative complications similar to standard deep sclerectomy with the collagen implant.
Scaffold materials should favor cell attachment and proliferation, and provide designable 3D structures with appropriate mechanical strength. Collagen matrices have proven to be beneficial scaffolds for tissue regeneration. However, apart from small intestinal submucosa, they offer a limited mechanical strength even if crosslinking can enhance their mechanical properties. A more cell-friendly way to increase material strength is to combine synthetic polymer meshes with plastic compressed collagen gels. This work describes the potential of plastic compressed collagen-poly(lactic acid-co-ɛ-caprolactone) (PLAC) hybrids as scaffolds for bladder tissue regeneration. Human bladder smooth muscle and urothelial cells were cultured on and inside collagen-PLAC hybrids in vitro. Scaffolds were analyzed by electron microscopy, histology, immunohistochemistry, and AlamarBlue assay. Both cell types proliferated in and on the hybrid, forming dense cell layers on top after two weeks. Furthermore, hybrids were implanted subcutaneously in the backs of nude mice. Host cell infiltration, scaffold degradation, and the presence of the seeded bladder cells were analyzed. Hybrids showed a lower inflammatory reaction in vivo than PLAC meshes alone, and first signs of polymer degradation were visible at six months. Collagen-PLAC hybrids have potential for bladder tissue regeneration, as they show efficient cell seeding, proliferation, and good mechanical properties.
AIM: The use of an animal model to study the aqueous dynamic and the histological findings after deep sclerectomy with (DSCI) and without collagen implant. METHODS: Deep sclerectomy was performed on rabbits' eyes. Eyes were randomly assigned to receive collagen implants. Measurements of intraocular pressure (IOP) and aqueous outflow facility using the constant pressure method through cannulation of the anterior chamber were performed. The system was filled with BSS and cationised ferritin. Histological assessment of the operative site was performed. Sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin and with Prussian blue. Aqueous drainage vessels were identified by the reaction between ferritin and Prussian blue. All eyes were coded so that the investigator was blind to the type of surgery until the evaluation was completed. RESULTS: A significant decrease in IOP (p<0.05) was observed during the first 6 weeks after DSCI (mean IOP was 13.07 (2.95) mm Hg preoperatively and 9.08 (2.25) mm Hg at 6 weeks); DS without collagen implant revealed a significant decrease in IOP at weeks 4 and 8 after surgery (mean IOP 12.57 (3.52) mm Hg preoperatively, 9.45 (3.38) mm Hg at 4 weeks, and 9.22 (3.39) mm Hg at 8 weeks). Outflow facility was significantly increased throughout the 9 months of follow up in both DSCI and DS groups (p<0.05). The preoperative outflow facility (OF) was 0.15 (0.02) micro l/min/mm Hg. At 9 months, OF was 0.52 (0.28) microl/min/mm Hg and 0.46 (0.07) micro l/min/mm Hg for DSCI and DS respectively. Light microscopy studies showed the appearance of new aqueous drainage vessels in the sclera adjacent to the dissection site in DSCI and DS and the apparition of spindle cells lining the collagen implant in DSCI after 2 months. CONCLUSION: A significant IOP decrease was observed during the first weeks after DSCI and DS. DS with or without collagen implant provided a significant increase in outflow facility throughout the 9 months of follow up. This might be partly explained by new drainage vessels in the sclera surrounding the operated site. Microscopic studies revealed the appearance of spindle cells lining the collagen implant in DSCI after 2 months.
OBJECTIVE: Mutations in the genes encoding the extracellular matrix protein collagen VI (ColVI) cause a spectrum of disorders with variable inheritance including Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy, Bethlem myopathy, and intermediate phenotypes. We extensively characterized, at the clinical, cellular, and molecular levels, 49 patients with onset in the first 2 years of life to investigate genotype-phenotype correlations. METHODS: Patients were classified into 3 groups: early-severe (18%), moderate-progressive (53%), and mild (29%). ColVI secretion was analyzed in patient-derived skin fibroblasts. Chain-specific transcript levels were quantified by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), and mutation identification was performed by sequencing of complementary DNA. RESULTS: ColVI secretion was altered in all fibroblast cultures studied. We identified 56 mutations, mostly novel and private. Dominant de novo mutations were detected in 61% of the cases. Importantly, mutations causing premature termination codons (PTCs) or in-frame insertions strikingly destabilized the corresponding transcripts. Homozygous PTC-causing mutations in the triple helix domains led to the most severe phenotypes (ambulation never achieved), whereas dominant de novo in-frame exon skipping and glycine missense mutations were identified in patients of the moderate-progressive group (loss of ambulation). INTERPRETATION: This work emphasizes that the diagnosis of early onset ColVI myopathies is arduous and time-consuming, and demonstrates that quantitative RT-PCR is a helpful tool for the identification of some mutation-bearing genes. Moreover, the clinical classification proposed allowed genotype-phenotype relationships to be explored, and may be useful in the design of future clinical trials.