53 resultados para Defensive Driving Courses.
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Any primary care doctor should be able to decide on the fitness to drive of a given patient. The issue of an older driver, patients addicted to alcohol or drugs, under current psychotropic drug treatment, or diabetic, is discussed in the light of legal provisions and current recommendations. This article also discusses aspects associated with neurological, cardiac and orthopedic issues.
Primary sensory cortex discriminates incoming sensory information and generates multiple processing streams toward other cortical areas. However, the underlying cellular mechanisms remain unknown. Here, by making whole-cell recordings in primary somatosensory barrel cortex (S1) of behaving mice, we show that S1 neurons projecting to primary motor cortex (M1) and those projecting to secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) have distinct intrinsic membrane properties and exhibit markedly different membrane potential dynamics during behavior. Passive tactile stimulation evoked faster and larger postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) in M1-projecting neurons, rapidly driving phasic action potential firing, well-suited for stimulus detection. Repetitive active touch evoked strongly depressing PSPs and only transient firing in M1-projecting neurons. In contrast, PSP summation allowed S2-projecting neurons to robustly signal sensory information accumulated during repetitive touch, useful for encoding object features. Thus, target-specific transformation of sensory-evoked synaptic potentials by S1 projection neurons generates functionally distinct output signals for sensorimotor coordination and sensory perception.
L'auteur fait une synthèse des contributions, actuelles ou passées, décrivant la tendance chez un individu à exacerber ses sensations (hyperesthésie), agréables ou douloureuses, y compris les éprouvés émotionnels. Il met l'accent sur l'effet antagoniste ou inhibiteur que les sensations peuvent avoir les unes sur les autres. Puisque l'angoisse implique, elle aussi, une dimension sensorielle, il insiste sur le but paradoxal d'apaisement et donc défensif qui peut motiver la recherche de sensations, en se référant à la notion de « procédé autocalmant » développée par l'école psychosomatique de Paris.¦Ce travail se divise en deux parties consacrées respectivement à l'enfant et à l'adulte, elles-mêmes déclinées sur deux versants, l'un « normal » et l'autre pathologique. Il y est question :¦- des comportements de l'enfant susceptibles d'être produits pour les sensations apaisantes qu'ils procurent : succion, ingestion d'aliments, balancement, masturbation, etc.¦- des auto-agressions dans certains troubles du développement de l'enfant et de l'adolescent¦- de l'hypersensibilité ou émotivité dans les typologies du tempérament ou du caractère proposées dans l'histoire; de la passion également, envisagée comme un embrasement lui aussi potentiellement défensif¦- de deux parmi les troubles de l'adulte qui ont le plus été décrits en termes d'hyperesthésie, à savoir l'hystérie et la manie.¦Il s'agit d'un travail théorique, qui intègre des aspects historiques, et qui peut servir de base à des explorations cliniques ou des recherches plus spécifiques.¦The author presents a summary of past and recent publications describing the disposition in the individual to exacerbate sensations (hyperesthesia), whether pleasurable or painful, including emotional experiences. He emphasizes the possible opposing or inhibiting action these sensations can have between them.¦As anxiety also implies a sensory dimension, the author underlines the paradoxically alleviating, and hence defensive purpose driving the pursuit of sensations, by reference to the notion of self-soothing procedures (procédés auto-calmants), conceptualized by the Paris Psychosomatic School.¦This work is divided into two parts focusing on childhood and adulthood respectively, each in its turn concentrating on both the « normal » and pathological aspects. Topics covered include:¦- behaviours that children may engage in for the soothing effects they produce ; sucking, consumption of food, rocking, masturbation, etc.¦- self-harm in some cases of developmental disorders in children and adolescents¦- hypersensibility and emotivity as described in historical temperament and character types ; passion, also regarded as another defensive excitement.¦- two of the most commonly described disorders of hyperesthesia in adults, namely hysteria and mania.¦This thesis constitutes a research of a theoretical nature. It integrates historical aspects, which can be used as a basis for clinical exploration or further more specific research.
The aim of the present article was to present a specific activity approach called the 'life course of a practice' that could be used for the analysis of the long-term dynamic of learning within diverse social practices. The cases of unethical actions (doping) within a population of high-level athletes were examined, considering they could be fruitful exam- 10 ples for this type of analysis. After describing the theoretical construct 'life course of a practice', the places of these unethical actions in the sporting life courses and elements that characterize their emergence in the long-term dynamics are described. Last, targeted prevention measures of unethical actions over a lifetime are presented.
BACKGROUND: : Most of the existing research relating to the life courses of people with psychiatric symptoms focuses on the occurrence and the impact of non-normative events on the onsets of crises; it usually disregards the more regular dimensions of life, such as work, family and intimate partnerships that may be related to the timing and seriousness of psychiatric problems. An additional reason for empirically addressing life trajectories of individuals with psychiatric problems relates to recent changes of family and occupational trajectories in relation to societal trends such as individualization and pluralization of life courses.¦AIM: : This paper explores the life trajectories of 86 individuals under clinical supervision and proposes a typology of their occupational, co-residence and intimacy trajectories. The results are discussed in light of the life-course paradigm.¦METHOD: : A multidimensional optimal matching analysis was performed on a sample of 86 individuals under clinical supervision to create a typology of trajectories. The influence of these trajectories on psychiatric disorders, evaluated using a SCL-90-R questionnaire, was then assessed using linear regression modelling.¦RESULTS: : The typologies of trajectories showed that the patients developed a diversity of life trajectories. Individuals who have developed a standard life course with few institutionalization periods reported more symptoms and distress than individuals with an institutionalized life trajectory.¦CONCLUSION: : The results of this study stress that psychiatric patients are social actors who are influenced by society at large and its ongoing process of change. Therefore, it is essential to take into account the diversity of occupational and family trajectories when dealing with individuals in therapeutic settings.
BACKGROUND: One course of antenatal corticosteroids reduces the risk of respiratory distress syndrome and neonatal death. Weekly doses given to women who remain undelivered after a single course may have benefits (less respiratory morbidity) or cause harm (reduced growth in utero). We aimed to find out whether multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids would reduce neonatal morbidity and mortality without adversely affecting fetal growth. METHODS: 1858 women at 25-32 weeks' gestation who remained undelivered 14-21 days after an initial course of antenatal corticosteroids and continued to be at high risk of preterm birth were randomly assigned to multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids (n=937) or placebo (n=921), every 14 days until week 33 or delivery, whichever came first. The primary outcome was a composite of perinatal or neonatal mortality, severe respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular haemorrhage (grade III or IV), periventricular leucomalacia, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, or necrotising enterocolitis. Analysis was by intention to treat. All patients and caregivers were unaware of the treatment given. This trial is registered as number ISRCTN2654148. FINDINGS: Infants exposed to multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids had similar morbidity and mortality to those exposed to placebo (150 [12.9%] vs 143 [12.5%]). Those receiving multiple doses of corticosteroids also weighed less at birth than those exposed to placebo (2216 g vs 2330 g, p=0.0026), were shorter (44.5 cm vs 45.4 cm, p<0.001), and had a smaller head circumference (31.1 cm vs 31.7 cm, p<0.001). INTERPRETATION: Multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids, every 14 days, do not improve preterm-birth outcomes, and are associated with a decreased weight, length, and head circumference at birth. Therefore, this treatment schedule is not recommended. FUNDING: Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Primary care physicians have to assess visual functions essential for driving when determining medical fitness to drive. However, it can be difficult to apply the legal requirements that are described in annex 1 of the ordinance regulating the admission to road traffic of 1976 (OAC) due to lack of unambiguousness. This article discusses those visual functions that have to be assessed namely visual acuity, the visual field and the detection of diplopia and it presents the appropriate methods for the primary care setting. Another objective is to discuss the relevance of road safety requirements on vision and to present the new Swiss requirements proposed for the future in comparison to some international recommendations.
Systemic autoinflammatory diseases are caused by abnormal activation of the cells that mediate innate immunity. In the past two decades, single-gene defects in different pathways, driving clinically distinct autoinflammatory syndromes, have been identified. Studies of these aberrant pathways have substantially advanced understanding of the cellular mechanisms that contribute to mounting effective and balanced innate immune responses. For example, mutations affecting the function of cytosolic immune sensors known as inflammasomes and the IL-1 signalling pathway can trigger excessive inflammation. A surge in discovery of new genes associated with autoinflammation has pointed to other mechanisms of disease linking innate immune responses to a number of basic cellular pathways, such as maintenance of protein homeostasis (proteostasis), protein misfolding and clearance, endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial stress, metabolic stress, autophagy and abnormalities in differentiation and development of myeloid cells. Although the spectrum of autoinflammatory diseases has been steadily expanding, a substantial number of patients remain undiagnosed. Next-generation sequencing technologies will be instrumental in finding disease-causing mutations in as yet uncharacterized diseases. As more patients are reported to have clinical features of autoinflammation and immunodeficiency or autoimmunity, the complex interactions between the innate and adaptive immune systems are unveiled.
Objectives: Our aim was to study the brain regions involved in a divided attention tracking task related to driving in occasional cannabis smokers. In addition we assessed the relationship between THC levels in whole blood and changes in brain activity, behavioural and psychomotor performances. Methods: Twenty-one smokers participated to two independent cross-over fMRI experiments before and after smoking cannabis and a placebo. The paradigm was based on a visuo-motor tracking task, alternating active tracking blocks with passive tracking viewing and rest condition. Half of the active tracking conditions included randomly presented traffic lights as distractors. Blood samples were taken at regular intervals to determine the time-profiles of the major cannabinoids. Their levels during the fMRI experiments were interpolated from concentrations measured by GCMS/ MS just before and after brain imaging. Results: Behavioural data, such as the discard between target and cursor, the time of correct tracking and the reaction time during traffic lights appearance showed a statistical significant impairment of subject s skills due to THC intoxication. Highest THC blood concentrations were measured soon after smoking and ranged between 28.8 and 167.9 ng/ml. These concentrations reached values of a few ng/ml during the fMRI. fMRI results pointed out that under the effect of THC, high order visual areas (V3d) and Intraparietal sulcus (IPS) showed an higher activation compared to the control condition. The opposite comparison showed a decrease of activation during the THC condition in the anterior cingulate gyrus and orbitofrontal areas. In these locations, the BOLD showed a negative correlation with the THC level. Conclusion: Acute cannabis smoking significantly impairs performances and brain activity during active tracking tasks, partly reorganizing the recruitment of brain areas of the attention network. Neural activity in the anterior cingulate might be responsible of the changes in the cognitive controls required in our divided attention task.
The hypocretins (Hcrts), also called orexins, are two neuropeptides secreted by a few thousand neurons restricted to the lateral hypothalamus. The Hcrt peptides bind to two receptors located in nuclei associated with diverse cognitive and physiological functions. Experimental evidence has demonstrated that the physiological roles of hypocretins extend far beyond its initial role in food consumption and has emerged as a key system in the fields of sleep disorders and drug addiction. Here, we discuss recent evidence demonstrating a key role of hypocretin in the motivation for reward seeking in general, and drug taking in particular, and we delineate a physiological framework for this peptidergic system in orchestrating the appropriate levels of alertness required for the elaboration and the execution of goal-oriented behaviors. We propose a general role for hypocretins in mediating arousal, especially when an organism must respond to unexpected stressors and environmental challenges, which serve to shape survival behaviors. We also discuss the limit of the current experimental paradigms to address the question of how a system normally involved in the regulation of vigilance states and hyperarousal may promote a pathological state that elicits compulsive craving and relapse to drug seeking.
Cannabis use has increased considerably during the last 15 years. One of the major problems dealing with cannabis use is driving under the influence of drugs. With the exception of ethyl alcohol, the majority of the epidemiological studies have shown that cannabis is the most frequently detected substance in people suspected of driving under the influence of drugs. Experimental studies are therefore needed to assess cannabis effects on driving capability. Many studies indicate that cannabis impairs psychomotor performance. This impairment becomes obvious when high doses of cannabis are taken, when ethyl alcohol or other drugs are simultaneously ingested, or when sustained attention is needed. Moreover, cannabis effects are qualitatively different from those observed after ethyl alcohol consumption. In forensic practice, cannabis impairment of driving performance must be related to cannabinoids blood concentrations. To facilitate the interpretation of cannabinoids blood levels, several models were set up recently. These models must be further improved in order to fit in with all circumstances of cannabis use.