39 resultados para Current-potential
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Biological materials are increasingly used in abdominal surgery for ventral, pelvic and perineal reconstructions, especially in contaminated fields. Future applications are multi-fold and include prevention and one-step closure of infected areas. This includes prevention of abdominal, parastomal and pelvic hernia, but could also include prevention of separation of multiple anastomoses, suture- or staple-lines. Further indications could be a containment of infected and/or inflammatory areas and protection of vital implants such as vascular grafts. Reinforcement patches of high-risk anastomoses or unresectable perforation sites are possibilities at least. Current applications are based mostly on case series and better data is urgently needed. Clinical benefits need to be assessed in prospective studies to provide reliable proof of efficacy with a sufficient follow-up. Only superior results compared with standard treatment will justify the higher costs of these materials. To date, the use of biological materials is not standard and applications should be limited to case-by-case decision.
Increasingly the development of novel therapeutic strategies is taking into consideration the contribution of the intestinal microbiota to health and disease. Dysbiosis of the microbial communities colonizing the human intestinal tract has been described for a variety of chronic diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, obesity and asthma. In particular, reduction of several so-called probiotic species including Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria that are generally considered to be beneficial, as well as an outgrowth of potentially pathogenic bacteria is often reported. Thus a tempting therapeutic approach is to shape the constituents of the microbiota in an attempt to restore the microbial balance towards the growth of 'health-promoting' bacterial species. A twist to this scenario is the recent discovery that the respiratory tract also harbors a microbiota under steady-state conditions. Investigators have shown that the microbial composition of the airway flora is different between healthy lungs and those with chronic lung diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as well as cystic fibrosis. This is an emerging field, and thus far there is very limited data showing a direct contribution of the airway microbiota to the onset and progression of disease. However, should future studies provide such evidence, the airway microbiota might soon join the intestinal microbiota as a target for therapeutic intervention. In this review, we highlight the major advances that have been made describing the microbiota in chronic lung disease and discuss current and future approaches concerning manipulation of the microbiota for the treatment and prevention of disease.
Purpose: The aim of this educational poster is to introduce the technical principles of cerebral perfusion CT and to provide examples of its clinical applications and potential limitations in the everyday emergency practice. Methods and materials: Cerebral perfusion CT is a well established investigatory tool for many vascular and parenchymal brain dysfunctions. CT perfusion maps allow a semiquantitative assessment of cerebral perfusion. Results: Currently, cerebral perfusion CT has a pivotal role in differentiating reversible from irreversible ischemic parenchymal insult besides its integral role in grading vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Furthermore, cerebral perfusion CT can be coupled to acetazolamide administration in order to assess the cerebrovascular reserve capacity before performing extra-/intra-cranial bypass surgery in patients with cerebral vascular insufficiency. Cerebral perfusion CT can also identify diffuse abnormalities of cerebral perfusion in children with traumatic brain injury showing a low initial GCS in order to predict the final outcome regarding the late occurrence of irreversible parenchymal damage. Cerebral Perfusion CT is also able to detect focal parenchymal perfusion abnormalities in acute epileptic seizures. Conclusion: Cerebral perfusion CT can be integrated in the management of many vascular, traumatic and functional disorders of the brain.
Introduction: Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common inherited cause of intellectual disability. With no curative treatment available, current therapeutic approaches are aimed at symptom management. FXS is caused by silencing the FMR1 gene, which encodes FMRP; as loss of FMRP leads to the development of symptoms associated with FXS. Areas covered: In this evaluation, the authors examine the role of the metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) in the pathophysiology of FXS, and its suitability as a target for rescuing the disease state. Furthermore, the authors review the evidence from preclinical studies of pharmacological interventions targeting mGluR5 in FXS. Lastly, the authors assess the findings from clinical studies in FXS, in particular the use of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community Edition (ABC-C) and the recently developed ABC-C for FXS scale, as clinical endpoints to assess disease modification in this patient population. Expert opinion: There is cautious optimism for the successful treatment of the core behavioral and cognitive symptoms of FXS based on preclinical data in animal models and early studies in humans. However, the association between mGluR5-heightened responsiveness and the clinical phenotype in humans remains to be demonstrated. Many questions regarding the optimal treatment and outcome measures of FXS remain unanswered.
To achieve the goal of sustained donor-specifi c transplantation (Tx) tolerance, research efforts are now focusing on therapies based on specifi c cell subsets with regulatory properties. We and others have previously highlighted the therapeutic potential of naturally occurring CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (nTreg) in promoting long-term graft acceptance. Using more stringent experimental Tx models, we were however confronted to limitations. Indeed, while the transfer of antigenspecifi c nTreg promoted long-term MHC-mismatched skin allograft acceptance in lymphopenic mice in the absence of any immunosuppressive drug, allograft survival was only slightly prolonged when nTreg were transferred alone into non-lymphopenic mice. This suggested that in more stringent conditions, adjuvant therapies may be needed to effectively control alloreactive T cells (Teff). Whether and how the expansion of the Treg pool could be best combined with current immunosuppressive regimens in clinical settings remains to be defi ned. In this study, we have used in vitro assays and an in vivo skin Tx model to investigate the effects of various immunosuppressive drugs on the survival, proliferation and effector function of Teff and nTreg in response to alloantigens. Teff proliferation was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by rapamycin and cyclosporine A, while anti-CD154 mAb only marginally affected Teff survival, proliferation and effector fucntion in vitro. Rapamycin promoted apoptosis of Teff as compared to nTreg that were more resistant in the presence of IL-2. In vivo, the transfer and/or expansion of Treg could be advantageously combined with rapamycin and anti-CD154 mAb treatment to signifi cantly prolong MHC-mismatched skin allografts survival in non-lymphopenic recipients. Taken together our data indicate that immunosuppressive drugs differentially target T-cell subsets and that some regimens could promote Treg expansion while controlling the Teff pool in response to alloantigens.
Peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) is a rare, heterogeneous type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) that, in general, is associated with a poor clinical outcome. Therefore, a current major challenge is the discovery of new prognostic tools for this disease. In the present study, a cohort of 122 patients with PTCL was collected from a multicentric T-cell lymphoma consortium (TENOMIC). We analyzed the expression of 80 small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) using high-throughput quantitative PCR. We demonstrate that snoRNA expression analysis may be useful in both the diagnosis of some subtypes of PTCL and the prognostication of both PTCL-not otherwise specified (PTCL-NOS; n = 26) and angio-immunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL; n = 46) patients treated with chemotherapy. Like miRNAs, snoRNAs are globally down-regulated in tumor cells compared with their normal counterparts. In the present study, the snoRNA signature was robust enough to differentiate anaplastic large cell lymphoma (n = 32) from other PTCLs. For PTCL-NOS and AITL, we obtained 2 distinct prognostic signatures with a reduced set of 3 genes. Of particular interest was the prognostic value of HBII-239 snoRNA, which was significantly over-expressed in cases of AITL and PTCL-NOS that had favorable outcomes. Our results suggest that snoRNA expression profiles may have a diagnostic and prognostic significance for PTCL, offering new tools for patient care and follow-up.
SUMMARY Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are non-voltage gated sodium channels. They are activated by rapid extracellular acidification and generate an inactivating inward current. Four ASIC genes have been cloned: ASIC1, 2, 3 and 4, with variants a and b for ASIC1and AS1C2. ASICs are expressed in neurons of the central (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). In the CNS, ASICs have a role in learning, memory, as well as in neuronal death in ischemia. In the PNS, ASICs are involved in the perception of acid-induced pain, as well as in mechanoperception. In one part of my thesis project, we addressed the question of the mechanism of regulation of ASIC1 a by the serine protease trypsin at the molecular level. Trypsin modifies the function of ASIC1 a but not of ASIC1b. In order to identify the channel region responsible for this effect, we created chimeras between ASIC1 a and 1b. Subsequently, to identify the exact trypsin target(s), we mutated predicted trypsin sites in the region identified by the chimera. In the second part of a project, we investigated the role of ASICs at the cellular level, in neuronal signaling. Using the whole-cell patch clamp in hippocampal neuronal culture, we studied the potential involvement of ASICs in action potential (AP) generation. In the first part of the thesis work, we showed that trypsin modifies ASIC1a function: it shifts the pH activation and the steady-state inactivation curve towards more acidic values and accelerates the time course of the channel recovery from inactivation. We also showed that trypsin cleaves ASIC1a and that the functional effect and a channel cleavage correlate. In the inactivated state, channels cannot be modified by trypsin. Cleavage occurs in a channel region that is also important for inactivation of all ASICs; a part of this region is critical for the inhibition of ASIC1 a by the spider toxin Psalmotoxin1. In the second part of the thesis work, we showed that ASIC activity can modulate AP generation. ASIC activity by itself can induce trains of APs. In situations in which this activity by itself is not sufficient to induce APs, it can contribute to AP generation. During high neuronal activity, ASIC activity can block already existing trains of APs. In conclusion, depending on the activity of neuron in a particular moment, ASICs can differently modulate AP generation; they can induce, facilitate or inhibit APs. We also showed that trypsin changes the capability of ASICs to modulate AP generation by shifting the pH dependence to more acidic values, which adapts channel gating to pH conditions which may occur in pathological conditions such as ischemia. Our finding that trypsin modifies ASIC1 a function identifies a novel pharmacological tool, and proposes a mechanism of ASIC1a regulation that may have a physiological importance. The identification of the exact site of trypsin action gives insight to the molecular mechanisms of ASIC regulation. This work proposes a role in modulation of AP generation for ASICs in the CNS. RESUME Les canaux ASIC sont les canaux ioniques activés par l'acidification rapide extracellulaire. Activés, ils génèrent un courant entrant qui inactive en présence de stimulus acide. Quatre gènes ASIC ont été clonés, ASIC1, 2, 3 et 4, avec les variants a et b pour ASIC1 et 2. Les ASICs sont exprimés dans les neurones du système nerveux central (SNC) et périphérique (SNP). Dans le SNC, les ASIC ont un rôle dans le mémoire, apprentissage et la mort neuronale dans t'ischémie. Dans le SNP, ils ont un rôle dans la perception de la douleur et méchanosensation. Dans une partie de mon projet de thèse, nous avons étudié les mécanismes de la régulation d'ASIC1a par la sérine-protéase trypsine au niveau moléculaire. La trypsine modifie la fonction d'ASIC1a et pas ASIC1b. Nous avons créé les chimères entre ASIC1 a et 1 b, afin d'identifier la région du canal responsable pour l'effet. Pour identifier le(s) site(s) exactes de l'action de la trypsine, nous avons muté les sites potentiels de la trypsine dans la région identifiée par les chimères. Dans la deuxième partie du projet, nous avons étudié le rôle des ASICs au niveau cellulaire. En utilisant la technique du patch clamp dans les cultures des neurones de l'hippocampe, nous avons étudié l'implication des ASICs dans la génération des potentiels d'action (PA). Nous avons montré que la trypsine agit sur le canal ASIC1a ; elle décale l'activation et « steady-state » inactivation vers les valeurs plus acides, et elle raccourcit le temps du « recovery » du canal. La trypsine coupe ASIC1a sur le résidu K145 et l'effet fonctionnel et la coupure corrèlent. Nous avons identifié la région du canal responsable pour l'inactivation de tous les ASICs ; une partie de cette région est responsable pour ['inhibition d'ASIC1 a par la Psalmotoxinel . Nous avons montré que les ASICs peuvent moduler la génération des PAs. L'activité des ASICs peut induire les trains des PAs. Quand l'activité des ASICs n'est pas suffisante pour induire le PA, elle peut contribuer à sa génération. Pendant l'activité neuronale forte, l'activité des ASICs peut bloquer les trains des PAs qui existent déjà. En conclusion, dépendant de l'activité neuronale, les ASICs peuvent moduler la génération des PAs différemment ; ils peuvent induire, faciliter ou inhiber les PAs. La trypsine change la capacité des ASICs de moduler les PAs. Après l'action de la trypsine, les ASICs peuvent moduler la génération des PAs dans les conditions légèrement acides, suivies par les fluctuations du pH acide, qui peuvent exister dans l'ischémie. Le fait que la trypsine agit sur ASIC1a définit l'outil pharmacologique et propose le mécanisme de la régulation d'ASICI a qui pourrait avoir l'importance physiologique. L'identification du site de l'action de la trypsine éclaircit les mécanismes moléculaires de la régulation des ASICs. Cette étude propose un rôle des ASICs dans la modulation de la génération des PAs. Résumé pour le public large Les neurones sont les cellules de système nerveux dont la fonction est la signalisation. Comme toutes les autres cellules, les neurones ont une membrane qui sépare l'intérieur du milieu extérieur. Cette membrane est imperméable pour des particules chargées (ions). Dans cette membrane existent les protéines spécifiques, « canaux », qui permettent le transport des ions d'un côté de la membrane à l'autre, comme réponse aux stimuli différents. Ce transport des ions à travers la membrane génère un courant, qu'on peut mesurer. Ce courant est la base de la communication entre les neurones, ou, ce qu'on appelle la signalisation neuronale. Quand ce courant est suffisamment grand, il permet la génération du potentiel d'action, qui est le message principal de communication neuronale. Les canaux ASIC (acid-sensing ion channel), que nous étudions dans le laboratoire, sont activés par les acides. Les acides sont relâchés dans beaucoup de situations dans le système nerveux. Les ASIC ont été découverts récemment (en 1996), et nous ne connaissons pas encore très bien toutes les fonctions de ces canaux. Nous savons qu'ils ont un rôle dans le mémoire, apprentissage, la sensation de la douleur et l'infarctus cérébral. Dans la première partie de ce projet de thèse, nous avons voulu mieux comprendre comment fonctionnent ces canaux. Pour faire ça, nous avons étudié la régulation des ASICs par une protéine, trypsine, qui coupe le canal ASIC. Nous avons étudié ou exactement la trypsine coupe le canal et quels effets ça produit sur la fonction du canal. Dans la deuxième partie du projet de thèse, nous avons voulu mieux connaître comment le canal fonctionne au niveau de la cellule, comment il interagit avec les autres canaux et si il a un rôle dans la génération des potentiels d'action. Nous avons pu montrer que la trypsine change la fonction du canal, ce qui lui permet de fonctionner différemment. Nous avons aussi déterminé ou exactement ta trypsine coupe le canal. Au niveau de la cellule, nous avons montré que les ASIC peuvent moduler la génération des potentiels d'action, étant, dépendant de l'activité du neurone, soit activateurs, soit inhibiteurs. La trypsine est une molécule qui peut être libérée dans le système nerveux pendant certaines conditions, comme l'infarctus cérébral. A cause de ça, les connaissances que la trypsine agit sur le anal ASIC pourraient être important physiologiquement. La connaissance de l'endroit exacte ou la trypsine coupe le canal nous aide à mieux comprendre la relation structure-fonction du canal. La modulation de la génération des potentiels d'actions par les ASIC indique que ces canaux peuvent avoir un rôle important dans la signalisation neuronale.
Background: HSTL is a rare entity characterized by an infiltration of bone marrow, spleen and liver tissues by neoplastic gammadelta (gd) -more rarely alphabeta (ab)- T cells. Its pathogenesis is poorly understood. Our purpose was to identify the molecular signature of HSTL and explore molecular pathways implicated in its pathogenesis.Methods: Gene expression profiling and array CGH analysis of 10 HSTL samples (7gd, 3ab), 1 HSTL cell line (DERL2), 2 normal gd samples together with 16 peripheral T-cell lymphoma not otherwise specified (PTCL,NOS) and 7 nasal NK/T cell lymphomas were performed.Results: By unsupervised analysis, ab and gdHSTL clustered together remarkably separated from other lymphoma entities. Compared to PTCL, NOS, HSTL overexpresed genes encoding NK-associated molecules, oncogenes (VAV3) and the Sphingosine-1-phosphatase receptor 5 involved in cell trafficking. Compared to normal gd cells, HSTL overexpressed genes encoding NK-cell and multi drug resistance-associated molecules, transcription factors (RHOB), oncogenes (MAFB, FOS, JUN, VAV3) and the tyrosine kinase SYK whereas genes encoding cytotoxic molecules and the tumor suppressor gene AIM1 were among the most downregulated. By immunohistochemistry, SYK was demonstrated on HSTL cells with expression of its phosphorylated form in DERL2 cells by Western blot. Functional studies using a SYK inhibitor revealed a dose dependent increase of apoptotic DERL2 cells suggesting that SYK could be a candidate target for pharmacologic inhibition. Downexpression of AIM1 was validated by qRT-PCR. Methylation analysis of DERL2 genomic DNA treated by bisulfite demonstrated highly methylated CpG islands of AIM1. Genomic profiles confirmed recurrent isochromosome 7q (n=6/9) without alterations at 9q22 and 6q21 containing SYK and AIM1 genes, respectively.Conclusion: The current study identifies a distinct molecular signature for HSTL and highlights oncogenic pathways which offer rationale for exploring new therapeutic options such as SYK inhibitors. It supports the view of gd and ab HSTL as a single entity.
The literature shows that obesity is a public health problem concerning especially the general paediatrician. While prevention has probably more chances of success than treatment, drugs or, in case of failure, the surgical approach are reserved for extreme cases. In the domain of infectiology the different laboratory tests allow only partially to diagnose severe infections. But in the context of a potential influenza pandemic rapid virologic tests become more and more important. They allow a more precise diagnosis and a reduction of hospitalisations and of antibiotic prescriptions. A review of the north American experience with the pneumococal vaccine shows that the heptavalent vaccine will change our approach in infants with fever in whom we suspect a severe infection.
BACKGROUND: Potential drug-drug interactions (PDDIs) might expand with new combination antiretroviral therapies (ART) and polypharmacy related to increasing age and comorbidities. We investigated the prevalence of comedications and PDDIs within a large HIV cohort, and their effect on ART efficacy and tolerability. METHODS: All medications were prospectively recorded in 1,497 ART-treated patients and screened for PDDIs using a customized version of the Liverpool drug interactions database. RESULTS: Overall, 68% (1,013/1,497) of patients had a comedication and 40% (599/1,497) had > or = 1 PDDI. Among patients with comedication, 2% (21/1,013) had red-flag interactions (contraindicated) and 59% (597/1,013) had orange-flag interactions (potential dose adjustment and/or close monitoring required). The latter involved mainly central nervous system drugs (49%), cardiovascular drugs (34%) and methadone (19%). In the multivariate analysis, factors associated with having a comedication were advanced age, female gender, obesity and HCV infection. Independent risk factors for PDDIs were regimens combining protease inhibitors and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (odds ratio [OR] 3.06, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.44-6.48), > or = 2 comedications (OR 1.89, 95% CI 1.32-2.70), current illicit drug use (OR 2.00, 95% CI 1.29-3.10) and patients with HCV infection (OR 1.74, 95% CI 1.19-2.56). Viral response was similar in patients with and without PDDIs (84.5% versus 86.4%; P=0.386). During follow-up, ART was modified in 134 patients with comedication regardless of the presence of PDDIs (P=0.524). CONCLUSIONS: PDDIs increase with complex ART and comorbidities. No adverse effect was noted on ART efficacy or tolerability; however, most PDDIs affected comedication but were manageable through dose adjustment or monitoring.
BACKGROUND: Healthcare professionals regularly read the summary of product characteristics (SmPC) as one of the various sources of information on the risks of drug use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy. The aim of this article is to present an overview of the teratogenic potential of various antiepileptic drugs and to compare these data with the information provided by the SmPCs. METHODS: A literature search on the teratogenic risks of 19 antiepileptic agents was conducted and the results were compared with the information on the use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy provided by the SmPCs of 38 commercial products available in Switzerland and Germany. RESULTS: The teratogenic risk is discussed in all available SmPCs. Quantification of the risk for birth defects and the numbers of documented pregnancies are mostly missing. Reproductive safety information in SmPCs showed poor concordance with risk levels reported in the literature. Recommendations concerning the need to monitor plasma levels and possibly perform dose adjustments during pregnancy to prevent treatment failure were missing in five Swiss and two German SmPCs. DISCUSSION: The information regarding use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy provided by the SmPCs is heterogeneous and poorly reflects the current state of knowledge. Regular updates of SmPCs are warranted in order for these documents to be of reliable use for health care professionals.
Metabolite profiling is critical in many aspects of the life sciences, particularly natural product research. Obtaining precise information on the chemical composition of complex natural extracts (metabolomes) that are primarily obtained from plants or microorganisms is a challenging task that requires sophisticated, advanced analytical methods. In this respect, significant advances in hyphenated chromatographic techniques (LC-MS, GC-MS and LC-NMR in particular), as well as data mining and processing methods, have occurred over the last decade. Together, these tools, in combination with bioassay profiling methods, serve an important role in metabolomics for the purposes of both peak annotation and dereplication in natural product research. In this review, a survey of the techniques that are used for generic and comprehensive profiling of secondary metabolites in natural extracts is provided. The various approaches (chromatographic methods: LC-MS, GC-MS, and LC-NMR and direct spectroscopic methods: NMR and DIMS) are discussed with respect to their resolution and sensitivity for extract profiling. In addition the structural information that can be generated through these techniques or in combination, is compared in relation to the identification of metabolites in complex mixtures. Analytical strategies with applications to natural extracts and novel methods that have strong potential, regardless of how often they are used, are discussed with respect to their potential applications and future trends.
We provide here a detailed protocol for studying the changes in electrical surface potential of leaves. This method has been developed over the years by plant physiologists and is currently used in different variants in many laboratories. The protocol records surface potential changes to measure long-distance electrical signals induced by diverse stimuli such as leaf wounding or current injection. This technique can be used to determine signaling speeds, to measure the connectivity between different plant organs and-by exploiting mutant plants-to identify transporters and ion channels involved in electrical signaling. The approach can be combined with the analysis of mRNA expression and of metabolite concentrations to correlate electrical signaling to specific physiological events. We describe how to use this protocol on Arabidopsis, looking at the effects of leaf wounding; however, it is broadly applicable to other plants and can be used to study other aspects of plant physiology. After wound infliction, surface potential recording takes ∼20 min per plant.
BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is increasingly used in daily clinical practice. However, little is known about its clinical utility such as image quality, safety and impact on patient management. In addition, there is limited information about the potential of CMR to acquire prognostic information. METHODS: The European Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Registry (EuroCMR Registry) will consist of two parts: 1) Multicenter registry with consecutive enrolment of patients scanned in all participating European CMR centres using web based online case record forms. 2) Prospective clinical follow up of patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) every 12 months after enrolment to assess prognostic data. CONCLUSION: The EuroCMR Registry offers an opportunity to provide information about the clinical utility of routine CMR in a large number of cases and a diverse population. Furthermore it has the potential to gather information about the prognostic value of CMR in specific patient populations.
An enormous burst of interest in the public health burden from chronic disease in Africa has emerged as a consequence of efforts to estimate global population health. Detailed estimates are now published for Africa as a whole and each country on the continent. These data have formed the basis for warnings about sharp increases in cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the coming decades. In this essay we briefly examine the trajectory of social development on the continent and its consequences for the epidemiology of CVD and potential control strategies. Since full vital registration has only been implemented in segments of South Africa and the island nations of Seychelles and Mauritius - formally part of WHO-AFRO - mortality data are extremely limited. Numerous sample surveys have been conducted but they often lack standardization or objective measures of health status. Trend data are even less informative. However, using the best quality data available, age-standardized trends in CVD are downward, and in the case of stroke, sharply so. While acknowledging that the extremely limited available data cannot be used as the basis for inference to the continent, we raise the concern that general estimates based on imputation to fill in the missing mortality tables may be even more misleading. No immediate remedies to this problem can be identified, however bilateral collaborative efforts to strength local educational institutions and governmental agencies rank as the highest priority for near term development.