23 resultados para Counseling in secondary education.

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Summary Secondary lymphoid organs are sites of antigen presentation, clonal expansion of B and lymphocytes, and affinity maturation of B lymphocytes. In the intestine, these immune functions occur mainly in Peyer's patches (PP). PP develop through the interplay of two main cell types, haematopoietic cells and meserichyrnal cells. One particular haematopoietic cell type was identified as the inductive cell type in the formation of both PP and lymph nodes and was therefore designated as lymphoid tissue inducer cell. For a successful PP organogenesis, the crucial molecular components involved in the crosstalk of inducer cells and their mesenchymal target cells are adhesion molecules, lymphotoxin (LT) family members, and cytokines. In particular, the interleukin 7 receptor (IL-7R) expressed on inducer cells is absolutely required. To investigate the contribution of the ligand for the IL-7R. the cytokine IL-7, in the process of PP formation, we analyzed double transgenic (TG) mice. These mice resulted from an interbreeding of an IL-7TG mouse strain where the transgene is under the control of the MHC class II promoter with a second transgenic mouse strain, which overexpresses a transactivator for MHC class II genes. Double TG offsprings revealed higher levels of IL-7 mRNA occuring earlier in embryogenesis. Consequently, double TG mice showed a striking phenotype with a 3- to 5-fold increase in PP numbers compared to single IL-7TG or control littermates. Analysis of embryonic double TG intestines demonstrated that the process of PP development was already elevated during development as early as the embryonic day 16.5. Importantly, inducer cells were significantly increased in numbers in these embryonic intestines. Furthermore, the expression of LT? mRNA, which at this early time point is exclusively expressed by inducer cells, was also increased in double TG animals. These data clearly indicate a direct influence of IL-7 on the expansion of lymphoid tissue inducer cells and on the availability of LT? leading to a higher frequency of developing PP in fetal life. Interestingly, in addition to an enhanced frequency of PP development, in double TG mice, three additional phenotypic differences were observed. i) Lymphocyte infiltration in various non-lymphoid organs, such as stomach, salivary gland, and liver. Subsequent analysis demonstrated that B lymphocytes were predominant within these tertiary lymphoid structures. ii) Ectopic lymph node-like structures containing both B and T lymphocytes were found near the inguinal lymph node. iii) Double TG mice had a severe bone resorption syndrome most likely as a consequence of the pro-osteoclastic effect of IL-7. Taken together, these results show that IL-7 plays a key role in the homeostasis of inducer cells, in the generation of PP in the gut, in the formation of ectopic lymphoid tissue, and in bone resorption. Résumé Les organes lymphoïdes secondaires sont les lieux de présentation des antigènes aux lymphocytes, permettant l'expansion des lymphocytes B et T et la maturation d'affinité des lymphocytes B. Dans l'intestin, ces fonctions immunitaires se déroulent dans les plaques de Peyer (PP). Ces plaques se développent grâce à l'interaction des cellules hématopoïétiques avec des cellules mésenchymales. Un type particulier de cellules hématopoïétiques a été identifié comme cellule inductrice dans la formation des PP et des ganglions lymphatiques et de ce fait a été désigné cellule inductrice des tissus lymphoïdes. Durant l'organogénèse des PP, les composants moléculaires cruciaux impliqués dans l'interaction des cellules inductrices et des cellules mésenchymales sont les molécules d'adhésion, les membres de la famille des lymphotoxines (LT) et les cytokines. En particulier, le récepteur de l'interleukine 7 (IL-7R) exprimé par les cellules inductrices est absolument nécessaire. Pour étudier le rôle du ligand de l'IL-7R, l'interleukine IL-7, dans la formation des PP, nous avons croisé une lignée de souris transgénique (TG) surexprimant IL-7 sous contrôle du promoteur MHC class Il avec une lignée de souris transgénique surexprimant un transactivateur des genes MHC class II. Les souris doubles TG présentent une concentration élevée d'ARNm de l'IL-7 durant l'embryogénèse, ce qui résulte en une augmentation du nombre de PP de 3 à 5 fois en comparaison aux souris ayant seul le transgène IL-7 et aux souris contrôles. L'analyse des intestins des souris doubles TG démontre que le processus de développement des PP était élevé dès le jour 16.5 du développement embryonnaire. L'augmentation du nombre des cellules inductrices dans ces intestins embryonnaires est signilicative. De plus l'expression de l'ARNm LT?, qui à ce stade précoce est exclusivement exprimé dans les cellules inductrices, est également augmenté dans les doubles TG. Ces résultats indiquent clairement une influence directe d'IL-7 sur l'expansion des cellules inductrices des tissues lymphoïdes et sur la synthèse de LT? induisant une augmentation des PP se développant durant la vie foetale. En plus du développement accru des PP dans les souris doubles TG, trois différences phénotypiques ont été observées. i) L'infiltration lymphocytaire dans différents organes non-lymphoïdes, comme l'estomac, les glandes salivaires et le foie. Des analyses complémentaires ont demontré que les lymphocytes B étaient prédominants dans ces structures lymphoïdes tertiaires. ii) Des structures de ganglions lymphatiques ectopiques contenant des lymphocytes B et T ont été trouvées près des ganglions lymphatiques inguinaux. iii) Les souris doubles TG présentent un syndrome de résorption osseuse sévère probablement dû à l'effet pro-osteoclaste d'IL-7. Globalement, ces résultats montrent que IL-7 joue un rôle clé dans l'homéostasie des cellules inductrices dans la génèse de PP de l'intestin, dans la formation des tissus lymphoïdes ectopiques et dans la résorption osseuse.


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Teaching and research are organised differently between subject domains: attempts to construct typologies of higher education institutions, however, often do not include quantitative indicators concerning subject mix which would allow systematic comparisons of large numbers of higher education institutions among different countries, as the availability of data for such indicators is limited. In this paper, we present an exploratory approach for the construction of such indicators. The database constructed in the AQUAMETH project, which includes also data disaggregated at the disciplinary level, is explored with the aim of understanding patterns of subject mix. For six European countries, an exploratory and descriptive analysis of staff composition divided in four large domains (medical sciences, engineering and technology, natural sciences and social sciences and humanities) is performed, which leads to a classification distinguishing between specialist and generalist institutions. Among the latter, a further distinction is made based on the presence or absence of a medical department. Preliminary exploration of this classification and its comparison with other indicators show the influence of long term dynamics on the subject mix of individual higher education institutions, but also underline disciplinary differences, for example regarding student to staff ratios, as well as national patterns, for example regarding the number of PhD degrees per 100 undergraduate students. Despite its many limitations, this exploratory approach allows defining a classification of higher education institutions that accounts for a large share of differences between the analysed higher education institutions.


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BACKGROUND: Poor medication adherence is a frequent cause of treatment failure but is difficult to diagnose. In this study we have evaluated the impact of measuring adherence to cinacalcet-HCl and phosphate binders in dialysis patients with uncontrolled secondary hyperparathyroidism. METHODS: 7 chronic dialysis patients with iPTH-levels >= 300 pg/ml despite treatment with >= 60 mg cinacalcet-HCl were included. Medication adherence was measured using the "Medication Events Monitoring System" during 3 months, followed by another 3-month period without monitoring. The adherence results were monthly discussed with the patients, as well as strategies to improve them. RESULTS: During monitoring, the percentage of prescribed doses taken was higher for cinacalcet-HCl (87.4%) and sevelamer (86.3%) than for calcium acetate (76.1%), as was the taking adherence (81.9% vs. 57.3% vs. 49.1%) but not the percentage of drug holidays (12.3% vs. 4.5% vs. 3.6%). Mean PO4 levels (from 2.24 +/- 0.6 mmol/l to 1.73 +/- 0.41 mmol/l; p = 0.14) and Ca++ x PO4 product (4.73 +/- 1.43 to 3.41 +/- 1.04 mmol2/l2; p = 0.12) improved and iPTH-level improved significantly from 916 +/- 618 pg/ml to 442 +/- 326 pg/ml (p = 0.04), without any change in medication. However, as drug monitoring was interrupted, all laboratory parameters worsened again. CONCLUSIONS: Assessment of drug adherence helped to document episodes of non-compliance and helped to avoid seemingly necessary dose increases.


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Reproductive isolation between lineages is expected to accumulate with divergence time, but the time taken to speciate may strongly vary between different groups of organisms. In anuran amphibians, laboratory crosses can still produce viable hybrid offspring >20 My after separation, but the speed of speciation in closely related anuran lineages under natural conditions is poorly studied. Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup) offer an excellent system to address this question, comprising several lineages that arose at different times and form secondary contact zones. Using mitochondrial and nuclear markers, we previously demonstrated that in Sicily, B. siculus and B. balearicus developed advanced reproductive isolation after Plio-Pleistocene divergence (2.6 My, 3.3-1.9), with limited historic mtDNA introgression, scarce nuclear admixture, but low, if any, current gene flow. Here, we study genetic interactions between younger lineages of early Pleistocene divergence (1.9 My, 2.5-1.3) in northeastern Italy (B. balearicus, B. viridis). We find significantly more, asymmetric nuclear and wider, differential mtDNA introgression. The population structure seems to be molded by geographic distance and barriers (rivers), much more than by intrinsic genomic incompatibilities. These differences of hybridization between zones may be partly explained by differences in the duration of previous isolation. Scattered research on other anurans suggests that wide hybrid zones with strong introgression may develop when secondary contacts occur <2 My after divergence, whereas narrower zones with restricted gene flow form when divergence exceeds 3 My. Our study strengthens support for this rule of thumb by comparing lineages with different divergence times within the same radiation.


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Hyperammonemic disorders in pediatric patients lead to poorly understood irreversible effects on the developing brain that may be life-threatening. We showed previously that some of these NH4+-induced irreversible effects might be due to impairment of axonal growth that can be protected under ammonium exposure by creatine co-treatment. The aim of the present work was thus to analyse how the genes of arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT), allowing creatine synthesis, as well as of the creatine transporter SLC6A8, allowing creatine uptake into cells, are regulated in rat brain cells under NH4+ exposure. Reaggregated brain cell three-dimensional cultures exposed to NH4Cl were used as an experimental model of hyperammonemia in the developing central nervous system (CNS). We show here that NH4+ exposure differentially alters AGAT, GAMT and SLC6A8 regulation, in terms of both gene expression and protein activity, in a cell type-specific manner. In particular, we demonstrate that NH4+ exposure decreases both creatine and its synthesis intermediate, guanidinoacetate, in brain cells, probably through the inhibition of AGAT enzymatic activity. Our work also suggests that oligodendrocytes are major actors in the brain in terms of creatine synthesis, trafficking and uptake, which might be affected by hyperammonemia. Finally, we show that NH4+ exposure induces SLC6A8 in astrocytes. This suggests that hyperammonemia increases blood-brain barrier permeability for creatine. This is normally limited due to the absence of SLC6A8 from the astrocyte feet lining microcapillary endothelial cells, and thus creatine supplementation may protect the developing CNS of hyperammonemic patients.


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Interleukin-7 (IL-7) is known since many years as stromal-cell derived cytokine that plays a key role for the adaptive immune system. It promotes lymphocyte development in the bone marrow and thymus as well as naive and memory T cell homeostasis in the periphery. More recently, IL-7 reporter mice and other approaches have led to the further characterization of the various stromal cell sources of IL-7 in secondary lymphoid organs (SLO) and other tissues. We will review these advances along with a discussion of the regulation of IL-7 and its receptor, and compare the biological effects IL-7 has on adaptive as well as innate immune cells in SLO. Finally, we will review the role of IL-7 in development of SLO and tertiary lymphoid tissues that frequently are associated with sites of chronic inflammation.


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Fibroblast-like cells of secondary lymphoid organs (SLO) are important for tissue architecture. In addition, they regulate lymphocyte compartmentalization through the secretion of chemokines, and participate in the orchestration of appropriate cell-cell interactions required for adaptive immunity. Here, we provide data demonstrating the functional importance of SLO fibroblasts during Notch-mediated lineage specification and immune response. Genetic ablation of the Notch ligand Delta-like (DL)1 identified splenic fibroblasts rather than hematopoietic or endothelial cells as niche cells, allowing Notch 2-driven differentiation of marginal zone B cells and of Esam(+) dendritic cells. Moreover, conditional inactivation of DL4 in lymph node fibroblasts resulted in impaired follicular helper T cell differentiation and, consequently, in reduced numbers of germinal center B cells and absence of high-affinity antibodies. Our data demonstrate previously unknown roles for DL ligand-expressing fibroblasts in SLO niches as drivers of multiple Notch-mediated immune differentiation processes.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In a mixed-ploidy population, strong frequency-dependent mating will lead to the elimination of the less common cytotype, unless prezygotic barriers enhance assortative mating. However, such barriers favouring cytotype coexistence have only rarely been explored. Here, an assessment is made of the mechanisms involved in formation of mixed-ploidy populations and coexistence of diploid plants and their closely related allotetraploid derivates from the Centaurea stoebe complex (Asteraceae). METHODS: An investigation was made of microspatial and microhabitat distribution, life-history and fitness traits, flowering phenology, genetic relatedness of cytotypes and intercytotype gene flow (cpDNA and microsatellites) in six mixed-ploidy populations in Central Europe. KEY RESULTS: Diploids and tetraploids were genetically differentiated, thus corroborating the secondary origin of contact zones. The cytotypes were spatially segregated at all sites studied, with tetraploids colonizing preferentially drier and open microhabitats created by human-induced disturbances. Conversely, they were rare in more natural microsites and microsites with denser vegetation despite their superior persistence ability (polycarpic life cycle). The seed set of tetraploid plants was strongly influenced by their frequency in mixed-ploidy populations. Triploid hybrids originated from bidirectional hybridizations were extremely rare and almost completely sterile, indicating a strong postzygotic barrier between cytotypes. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that tetraploids are later immigrants into already established diploid populations and that anthropogenic activities creating open niches favouring propagule introductions were the major factor shaping the non-random distribution and habitat segregation of cytotypes at fine spatial scale. Establishment and spread of tetraploids was further facilitated by their superior persistence through the perennial life cycle. The results highlight the importance of non-adaptive spatio-temporal processes in explaining microhabitat and microspatial segregation of cytotypes.