47 resultados para Corporations--Taxation
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Summary The field of public finance focuses on the spending and taxing activities of governments and their influence on the allocation of resources and distribution of income. This work covers in three parts different topics related to public finance which are currently widely discussed in media and politics. The first two parts deal with issues on social security, which is in general one of the biggest spending shares of governments. The third part looks at the main income source of governments by analyzing the perceived value of tax competition. Part one deals with the current problem of increased early retirement by focusing on Switzerland as a special case. Early retirement is predominantly considered to be the result of incentives set by social security and the tax system. But the Swiss example demonstrates that the incidence of early retirement has dramatically increased even in the absence of institutional changes. We argue that the wealth effect also plays an important role in the retirement decision for middle and high income earners. An actuarially fair, but mandatory funded system with a relatively high replacement rate may thus contribute to a low labor market participation rate of elderly workers. We provide evidence using a unique dataset on individual retirement decisions in Swiss pension funds, allowing us to perfectly control for pension scheme details. Our findings suggest that affordability is a key determinant in the retirement decisions. The higher the accumulated pension capital, the earlier men, and to a smaller extent women, tend to leave the workforce. The fact that early retirement has become much more prevalent in the last 15 years is a further indicator of the importance of a wealth effect, as the maturing of the Swiss mandatory funded pension system over that period has led to an increase in the effective replacement rates for middle and high income earners. Part two covers the theoretical side of social security. Theories analyzing optimal social security benefits provide important qualitative results, by mainly using one general type of an economy. Economies are however very diverse concerning numerous aspects, one of the most important being the wealth level. This can lead to significant quantitative benefit differences that imply differences in replacement rates and levels of labor supply. We focus on several aspects related to this fact. In a within cohort social security model, we introduce disability insurance with an imperfect screening mechanism. We then vary the wealth level of the model economy and analyze how the optimal social security benefit structure or equivalently, the optimal replacement rates, changes depending on the wealth level of the economy, and if the introduction of disability insurance into a social security system is preferable for all economies. Second, the screening mechanism of disability insurance and the threshold level at which people are defined as disabled can differ. For economies with different wealth levels, we determine for different thresholds the screening level that maximizes social welfare. Finally, part three turns to the income of governments, by adding an element to the controversy on tax competition versus tax harmonization.2 Inter-jurisdictional tax competition can generate at least two potential benefits or costs: On a public level, tax competition may result in a lower or higher efficiency in the production of public services. But there is also a more private benefit in the form of an option for individuals to move to a community with a lower tax rate in the future. To explore the value citizens attach to tax competition we analyze a unique popular vote for a complete tax harmonization between communities in the third largest Swiss canton, Vaud. Although a majority of voters would have seemingly benefited from replacing the current tax rate by a revenue-neutral average tax rate, the proposal was rejected by a large margin. Our estimates suggest that the estimated combined perceived benefit from tax competition is in the range of 10%.
The specificities of multinational corporations (MNCs) have to date not been a focus area of IS research. Extant literature mostly proposes IS configurations for specific types of MNCs, following a static and prescriptive approach. Our research seeks to explain the dynamics of global IS design. It suggests a new theoretical lens for studying global IS design by applying the structural adjustment paradigm from organizational change theories. Relying on archetype theory, we conduct a longitudinal case study to theorize the dynamics of IS adaptation. We find that global IS design emerges as an organizational adaptation process to balance interpretative schemes (i.e. the organization's values and beliefs) and structural arrangements (i.e. strategic, organizational, and IS configurations). The resulting insights can be used as a basis to further explore alternative global IS designs and movements between them.
This paper investigates the impacts of globalization processes on the Swiss business elite community during the 1980-2010 period. Switzerland has been characterized in the 20th century by its extraordinary stability and by the strong cohesion of its elite community. To study recent changes, we focus on Switzerland's 110 largest firms' by adopting a diachronic perspective based on three elite cohorts (1980, 2000, and 2010). An analysis of interlocking directorates allows us to describe the decline of the Swiss corporate network. The second analysis focuses on top managers' profiles in terms of education, nationality as well as participation in national community networks that used to reinforce the cultural cohesion of the Swiss elite community, especially the militia army. Our results highlight a slow but profound transformation of top management profiles, characterized by a decline of traditional national elements of legitimacy and the emergence of new "global" elements. The diachronic and combined analysis brings into light the strong cultural changes experienced by the national business elite community.
Business ethicists often assume that unethical behavior arises when individuals deviate from the norms and responsibilities that are institutionalized to frame economic activities. People's greed motivates them to violate the rules of the game. In Kohlberg's terms, it is assumed that such actors make decisions in a preconventional way and act opportunistically. In this article, we propose an alternative interpretation of deviant behavior, arguing that such behavior does not result from a lack of conventional moral guidance but rather from the fact that characteristics attributed to preconventional morality by Kohlberg - the purely incentive and punishment driven opportunistic morality - have become the conventionalized morality. The prevailing norms that economic actors have internalized as their yardstick are those of the preconventional Homo economicus. Not the deviation from, but the compliance with the rules of the game explains many forms of harmful and illegal decisions made in corporations.
Considérations méthodologiques Nous avons limité aux précisions indispensables à la compréhension de notre propos les considérations sur la gigantomachie en général. Nous renvoyons aux études signalées plus haut (supra, p. 7, n. 2), principalement pour ce qui concerne les géants avant leur transformation en anguipèdes à partir de l'époque hellénistique. Notre recherche de parallèles reposera sur quelques oeuvres d'art encore existantes : les sculptures décorant les plus importantes d'entre elles feront dès lors figure d'archétype, même si, bien sûr, rien ne permet d'exclure qu'il en ait existé de plus significatives. Parmi les nombreux monuments aujourd'hui disparus, respectivement parmi ceux qui seraient encore à découvrir, il s'en trouvait sans doute qui auraient été susceptibles de servir de modèle pour les sculptures ornant le fanum de Lousonna, duquel bien peu de restes nous sont parvenus. A l'exception de quelques renvois ponctuels, notre démarche s'est appuyée exclusivement sur du matériel et des informations déjà publiés. Pour la reconstitution des bas-reliefs de Lousonna, nous nous sommes inspiré généralement de sculptures hellénistiques et romaines dont l'ornementation présentait des similitudes avec les fragments à notre disposition ; la plupart des parallèles sont mentionnés dans le Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae. L'examen des volumes du Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani et de quelques autres recueils nous a permis de faire des propositions pour les cas restés en suspens. A une exception près, l'échantillonnage aéré formé à partir d'ensembles sculptés qui devaient avoir les mêmes caractéristiques que le matériel que nous tenterons d'identifier : ils comportaient des monstres anguipèdes avec les jambes se terminant par la tête du serpent, remontant au plus tard à la fin de la période romaine et produits dans un atelier gréco-romain. Afin de recréer avec le plus de vraisemblance possible l'environnement du fanum de Lousonna, nous avons recherché des édifices de caractéristiques semblables dans les catalogues de temples gallo-romains dressés par P. D. HORNE et A. C. KING (1980), respectivement I. FAUDUET et P. ARCELIN (1993). Tant l'absence presque complète de restes architecturaux susceptibles d'être rapportés à l'édifice religieux que la nature somme toute modeste du vicus lémanique nous ont fait opter pour une variante minimaliste, se limitant finalement à la structure supportant la gigantomachie devant un temple sans aucune décoration. Pour tenter de préciser les modalités de la transmission du thème des géants, nous envisagerons trois cheminements possibles : la tradition orale, la transmission littéraire et, enfin, la représentation iconographique, qu'il s'agisse de monuments, d'objets mobiliers ou même des quelques rares illustrations de textes antiques. Sauf indication contraire, les textes anciens sont cités dans les traductions des Belles-Lettres, des Sources chrétiennes ou de la Loeb Classical Library dont la liste figure à la page 161. La version française des textes dont aucune traduction n'était disponible est généralement due à François Mottas (traduction F.M.). Nous ne reportons les dates de naissance des auteurs ou des artistes mentionnés que lorsqu'elles sont utiles à la compréhension de notre exposé. En plus du rôle qu'ont pu jouer les oeuvres d'art disparues au cours des deux derniers millénaires, divers facteurs ont dû assurer la constitution et la mise au point d'un imaginaire de plus en plus élaboré des gigantomachies. La mémoire a certes sa part dans l'inspiration des artistes qui réalisèrent les sculptures de la cité lémanique; mais si un mythe ou le récit d'un événement peuvent s'être transmis de bouche à oreille au cours des siècles, certaines ressemblances dans l'attitude des personnages sont trop frappantes, même en tenant compte de ces gestes qu'il n'existe qu'une seule façon de représenter: il n'est dès lors pas possible d'imaginer que la transmission des détails des scènes se serait pratiquée uniquement par voie orale. Si le voyage touristique; tel que nous l'entendons de nos jours, n'a pas existé, les personnes susceptibles d'avoir ramené des informations de leurs déplacements à travers l'Empire sont plus nombreuses qu'on ne le croirait au premier abord. Fonctionnaires allant prendre leur charge ou en mission dans une contrée voisine; soldats, parmi lesquels des mercenaires gaulois; pèlerins ayant visité de grands sanctuaires, comme celui d'Esculape à Pergame, emplacement de la gigantomachie la plus impressionnante, ou d'autres lieux de culte; jeunes fortunés ayant étudié à Athènes; commerçants accompagnés par des muletiers ou des portefaix acheminant leurs marchandises; membres de corporations ou artisans exerçant des métiers itinérants; esclaves, dont l'exportation devait représenter une source de revenus intéressante pour les commerçants romains; en dernier lieu, sans parler des artistes eux-mêmes, ces arpenteurs-géomètres chargés de toutes sortes de relevés qui accompagnaient les empereurs lors de leurs déplacements (infra, p. 36). Il faudra cependant rester prudent quant à l'affirmation d'une connaissance visuelle directe que les sculpteurs de Lousonna auraient eue des réalisations antiques avec lesquelles nous mettrons la gigantomachie en parallèle. Même si elle n'a toujours pas pu être prouvée, la circulation de cahiers de modèles semble bel et bien assurée: dans un atelier, les maîtres ont forcément passé leurs croquis à leurs successeurs et ceci s'est peut-être répété pour plusieurs générations d'artisans. Sans parler des monnaies, d'autres moyens de transmission peuvent encore être mentionnés : éventuelles éditions illustrées de textes antiques, motifs gravés sur des gemmes ou représentés sur des récipients décorés... Une observation s'impose ici : la plupart des monuments que nous utiliserons pour notre reconstitution existaient encore lors de l'érection de notre gigantomachie. Une fois les bas-reliefs de Lousonna reconstitués, restait donc à combler l'absence de toute étude sur la survie de la gigantomachie à travers les âges et à préciser l'emploi qui en serait fait à la Renaissance. Divers recueils d'ouvrages consacrés à la mythologie et remontant à cette période nous ont permis de décrire les modalités de la reprise du récit de la guerre des géants; en l'absence de toute synthèse sur ceux-ci dans la peinture de la Renaissance, c'est en partant de l'examen des nombreux travaux consacrés au Palazzo del Te à Mantoue que nous avons pu établir un lien entre les représentations de géants peintes durant la première moitié du 16ème siècle, au cours duquel la gigantomachie était redevenue un sujet d'actualité. Le monument de la bourgade lémanique comporte encore neuf personnages et constitue, avec celui d'Yzeures-sur-Creuse, l'exemplaire le plus complet découvert dans la partie occidentale de l'Empire romain : il méritait bien d'être à l'origine d'une telle démarche.
Le tabagisme est responsable de plus de 5 million de décès par an à travers le monde. En Suisse (2010), la prévalence de fumeurs chez les 14-19 ans était de 22% et la prévalence d'ex-fumeurs de 3%, taux qui reste relativement stable au fil des dernières années. La plupart des jeunes fumeurs désirant arrêter de fumer rencontrent des difficultés pour y parvenir. Les revues empiriques ont conclu que les programmes ayant pour but l'arrêt du tabagisme chez les jeunes ont une efficacité limitée. Afin de fournir une base solide de connaissances pour les programmes d'interventions contre le tabagisme, les déterminants de l'auto-cessation ont besoin d'être compris. Nous avons systématiquement recherché dans PUBMED et EMBASE des études longitudinales, basées sur la population, portant sur les déterminants de l'auto-cessation chez des adolescents et des jeunes adultes fumeurs. Nous avons passé en revue 4'502 titres et 871 abstracts, tous examinés indépendamment par deux et trois examinateurs, respectivement. Les critères d'inclusion étant : articles publiés entre janvier 1984 et août 2010, concernant les jeunes entre 10 et 29 ans et avoir une définition de cessation de fumer d'au moins 6 mois. Neuf articles ont été retenus pour une analyse détaillée. Les données suivantes ont été extraites de chaque article : le lieu de l'étude, la période étudiée, la durée du suivi, le nombre de collecte de données, la taille de l'échantillon, l'âge ou l'année scolaire des participants, le nombre de participants qui arrêtent de fumer, le status tabagique lors de la première collecte, la définition de cessation, les co-variantes et la méthode analytique. Le nombre d'études qui montrent une association significativement significative entre un déterminant et l'arrêt du tabagisme a été tabulé à partir de toutes les études qui ont évalués ce déterminant. Trois des neufs articles retenus ont défini l'arrêt du tabagisme comme une abstinence de plus de 6 mois et les six autres comme 12 mois d'abstinence. Malgré l'hétérogénéité des méthodes utilisées, cinq facteurs principaux ressortent comme prédicteur de l'arrêt du tabagisme : 1) ne pas avoir d'amis qui fument, 2) ne pas avoir l'intention de continuer de fumer dans le futur, 3) résister à la pression sociale, 4) être âgé de plus de 18 ans lors de la première cigarette, et 5) avoir un avis négatif au sujet du tabagisme. D'autres facteurs sont significatifs mais ne sont évalués que dans peu d'articles. La littérature au sujet des prédicteurs de cessation chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes est peu développée. Cependant, nous remarquons que les facteurs que nous avons mis en évidence ne dépendent pas que de l'individu, mais aussi de l'environnement. La prévention du tabagisme peut se centrer sur les bienfaits de l'arrêt (p.ex., par rapport à l'asthme ou les performances sportives) et ainsi motiver les jeunes gens à songer d'arrêter de fumer. Une taxation plus lourde sur le prix des cigarettes peut être envisagée afin de retarder l'âge de la première cigarette. Les publicités anti-tabagiques (non sponsorisées par les entreprises de tabac) peuvent influencer la perception des jeunes par rapport au tabagisme, renforçant ou créant une attitude anti-tabagique. Les prochaines campagnes anti- tabac devraient donc tenir compte de ces différents aspects.
Introduction In my thesis I argue that economic policy is all about economics and politics. Consequently, analysing and understanding economic policy ideally has at least two parts. The economics part, which is centered around the expected impact of a specific policy on the real economy both in terms of efficiency and equity. The insights of this part point into which direction the fine-tuning of economic policies should go. However, fine-tuning of economic policies will be most likely subject to political constraints. That is why, in the politics part, a much better understanding can be gained by taking into account how the incentives of politicians and special interest groups as well as the role played by different institutional features affect the formation of economic policies. The first part and chapter of my thesis concentrates on the efficiency-related impact of economic policies: how does corporate income taxation in general, and corporate income tax progressivity in specific, affect the creation of new firms? Reduced progressivity and flat-rate taxes are in vogue. By 2009, 22 countries are operating flat-rate income tax systems, as do 7 US states and 14 Swiss cantons (for corporate income only). Tax reform proposals in the spirit of the "flat tax" model typically aim to reduce three parameters: the average tax burden, the progressivity of the tax schedule, and the complexity of the tax code. In joint work, Marius Brülhart and I explore the implications of changes in these three parameters on entrepreneurial activity, measured by counts of firm births in a panel of Swiss municipalities. Our results show that lower average tax rates and reduced complexity of the tax code promote firm births. Controlling for these effects, reduced progressivity inhibits firm births. Our reading of these results is that tax progressivity has an insurance effect that facilitates entrepreneurial risk taking. The positive effects of lower tax levels and reduced complexity are estimated to be significantly stronger than the negative effect of reduced progressivity. To the extent that firm births reflect desirable entrepreneurial dynamism, it is not the flattening of tax schedules that is key to successful tax reforms, but the lowering of average tax burdens and the simplification of tax codes. Flatness per se is of secondary importance and even appears to be detrimental to firm births. The second part of my thesis, which corresponds to the second and third chapter, concentrates on how economic policies are formed. By the nature of the analysis, these two chapters draw on a broader literature than the first chapter. Both economists and political scientists have done extensive research on how economic policies are formed. Thereby, researchers in both disciplines have recognised the importance of special interest groups trying to influence policy-making through various channels. In general, economists base their analysis on a formal and microeconomically founded approach, while abstracting from institutional details. In contrast, political scientists' frameworks are generally richer in terms of institutional features but lack the theoretical rigour of economists' approaches. I start from the economist's point of view. However, I try to borrow as much as possible from the findings of political science to gain a better understanding of how economic policies are formed in reality. In the second chapter, I take a theoretical approach and focus on the institutional policy framework to explore how interactions between different political institutions affect the outcome of trade policy in presence of special interest groups' lobbying. Standard political economy theory treats the government as a single institutional actor which sets tariffs by trading off social welfare against contributions from special interest groups seeking industry-specific protection from imports. However, these models lack important (institutional) features of reality. That is why, in my model, I split up the government into a legislative and executive branch which can both be lobbied by special interest groups. Furthermore, the legislative has the option to delegate its trade policy authority to the executive. I allow the executive to compensate the legislative in exchange for delegation. Despite ample anecdotal evidence, bargaining over delegation of trade policy authority has not yet been formally modelled in the literature. I show that delegation has an impact on policy formation in that it leads to lower equilibrium tariffs compared to a standard model without delegation. I also show that delegation will only take place if the lobby is not strong enough to prevent it. Furthermore, the option to delegate increases the bargaining power of the legislative at the expense of the lobbies. Therefore, the findings of this model can shed a light on why the U.S. Congress often practices delegation to the executive. In the final chapter of my thesis, my coauthor, Antonio Fidalgo, and I take a narrower approach and focus on the individual politician level of policy-making to explore how connections to private firms and networks within parliament affect individual politicians' decision-making. Theories in the spirit of the model of the second chapter show how campaign contributions from lobbies to politicians can influence economic policies. There exists an abundant empirical literature that analyses ties between firms and politicians based on campaign contributions. However, the evidence on the impact of campaign contributions is mixed, at best. In our paper, we analyse an alternative channel of influence in the shape of personal connections between politicians and firms through board membership. We identify a direct effect of board membership on individual politicians' voting behaviour and an indirect leverage effect when politicians with board connections influence non-connected peers. We assess the importance of these two effects using a vote in the Swiss parliament on a government bailout of the national airline, Swissair, in 2001, which serves as a natural experiment. We find that both the direct effect of connections to firms and the indirect leverage effect had a strong and positive impact on the probability that a politician supported the government bailout.
Despite the long tradition for asking about the negative social and health consequences of alcohol consumption in surveys, little is known about the dimensionality of these consequences. Analysing cross-sectional and longitudinal data from the Nordic Taxation Study collected for Sweden, Finland, and Denmark in two waves in 2003 and 2004 by means of an explorative principal component analysis for categorical data (CATPCA), it is tested whether consequences have a single underlying dimension across cultures. It further tests the reliability, replicability, concurrent and predictive validity of the consequence scales. A one-dimensional solution was commonly preferable. Whereas the two-dimensional solution was unable to distinguish clearly between different concepts of consequences, the one-dimensional solution resulted in interpretable, generally very stable scales within countries across different samples and time.
The history of tax havens during the decades before World War II is still little known. To date, the studies that have focused on the 1920s and 1930s have presented either a very general perspective on the development of tax havens or a narrow national point of view. Based on unpublished historical archives of five countries (Switzerland, Great Britain, Belgium, France, Germany), this paper offers therefore a new comparative appraisal of international tax competition during this period in order to answer the following question: What was the specificity of the Swiss case - already considered a quintessential tax haven at the time - in comparison to other banking centres? The findings of this research study are twofold. First, the 1920s and 1930s appear as something of a golden age of opportunity for avoiding taxation through the relocation of assets. Most of the financial centres granted consistent tax benefits for imported capital, while the limited degree of international cooperation and the usual guarantee of banking secrecy in European countries prevented the taxation of exported assets. Second, within this general environment, the fiscal strategies of a tax haven like Switzerland differed from those of a great financial power like Great Britain. Whereas the Swiss administration readily placed itself at the service of the banking community, British policy was more balanced between the contradictory interests of the Board of Inland Revenue, the Treasury, and the English business circles.